View Full Version : Talis Lifespan, Behavior, and Control Methods

Jul 31, 2012, 02:52 PM
I'm cross-posting this from another thread in case it gets deleted. Feel free to post in this thread if you feel you have anything else Talis-specific that will be of use to other users.

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Card Lifespan:
A card has a lifespan of ~2.85 seconds from the moment it leaves your hand, give or take 0.05s.

This duration is completely fixed, barring one exception: it does not count any time spent charging a Tech; if you are charging a Tech, card expiration is postponed indefinitely (read: until you let go of the Tech you are charging). The Tech casting animation is not counted in this postponement, nor is any other action (sheathing, running, jumping, etc.).

In an ideal scenario, you can get 5 JA Techs off of a card. That means casting off of a point-blank, you-just-threw-it, it's-right-in-front-of-you card, -and- nailing all of your Just Attacks without wasting time. Even if you cast off of that point-blank card, you've lost 0.35 seconds of your card's lifespan by throwing it (you can't start charging any earlier). As for how long your Tech's post-charge casting animation is? It's 0.55 seconds.

So! 0.35s + (4)0.55s = 2.55 seconds, read: barely enough time to start charging that fifth JA Tech from a point-blank card (0.30s, to be precise). In other words, you won't be able to get your fifth JA Tech out if you allow your card to fly 0.30s farther than minimum range. Taken further, you will also lose your 4th JA Tech if you waste >0.85s letting your card fly out to max range!

In layman's terms:
You can get 5 Techs off of a card if you cast when it's right in your face.
You can get 4 Techs off of a card you let fly out a medium-long distance.
You can get 3 Techs off of a card you let fly out to maximum Talis range.

You will find that these numbers align perfectly with the previous 2.85 seconds given for the card's total lifespan. Q.E.D.

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Card-Killing Methods:


The most common methods used to kill your card are: 1) Do nothing; 2) In TPS Mode, throw a card into the ground; 3) Throw a new card and cast from it immediately; 4) Switch to a secondary weapon.

The following is the amount of time between the release of Gifoie to the initiation of Resta's charging time^*:
Method 1 - 2.54s (has no effect on card lifespan)
Method 2 - 1.16s (JA possible 0.13s earlier)
Method 3 - 1.12s (JA possible 0.07s earlier)
Method 4 - 1.26s (>0.6s latency is included in this number)

^Margin of error is +/- 0.08s for each value.
*The start and end points were chosen for accuracy's sake; if I were to exclude the animations, every other method would be below one second.

Outside of doing nothing (Method 1), every method guarantees that the previous card is dead. As such, pick whichever of the last three methods you feel most comfortable with.

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-In TPS Mode, throwing a card vertically or diagonally into the air will increase Razonde's total Area of Effect.
-Cards pierce through enemies, making them more effective at PP Regeneration against enemies in a line.
-At range, Cards can be used to reach behind and kill Kartagots, Mikudas and other enemies even if you aren't behind them.
- ...
- ...

A special thanks to all of the users that motivated me to gather this data.
I hope you found this data to be of use. Take care.