View Full Version : PSO2 NPC Mood status explaination?

Jul 31, 2012, 09:59 PM
By doing more quests with NPCs, I noticed the icons on the side of NPC avatar become red with smiling face. In addition, when I talk to those NPCs with smiling face icon, the conversation seems longer and their voices are cheerful, for example Echo's giggling voice. Has anyone posted a full explaination about the meaning of mood icons? I think there are some kind of bonus but I am not sure.

Thanks in advance

Jul 31, 2012, 10:02 PM
Well, for the Partner NPCs, you can kinda use it to gauge where you're at on your progress with S-ranking missions with them for the rewards they give. I haven't done enough testing with S-ranks VS client orders, but typically, the yellow smiling face appears at about 10 S-ranks, with the red smiling face appearing at about 30. I know it affects how they react and talk to you, but I don't know at this time if it has any other effect.

As for NPCs that strictly give client orders, some may unlock other client orders if their mood improves, but other than that, I can't say.

Jul 31, 2012, 10:20 PM
They give you gifts if you select the first option in the chat with them. The higher likeness they have with you the more gifts they'll give.

Jul 31, 2012, 10:51 PM
I initially thought that only characters you could get as partners could have their emo status increased but recently I got one to increaseso it is based on missions you do for them and missions you take them on.

The meter goes

Purpler < Blue < Green < Yellow Pink

The Daily quest givers are purple and likely have a different number of quests you need to complete to get them to increase.