View Full Version : Quick question about PSO on Gamecube

Aug 3, 2012, 05:05 AM
Hi, can you fit two characters on one memory card?

I keep getting something in my head thinking it was one character per memory card, or was that Dreamcast? lol

Just bought 2 Gamecubes for me and my girlfriend to play thats all, trying to prepare..

Aug 3, 2012, 08:16 AM
Dreamcast only allows 1 char per memory card.
Some memory cards act as several ones and allow more (nexus unit)

On gc there is no such thing, you can store up to 4 per memory card

Aug 3, 2012, 01:19 PM
Thanks alot :)

Was the old VMU's I was thinking of lol

Aug 11, 2012, 06:01 PM
On one memory card for PSO Episode 1&2 for GameCube, you can fit 4 characters. So if you have 2 memory cards, you can have a total of 8 characters on one gamecube at a time. :D

Aug 13, 2012, 08:51 AM
May be a good idea to get official Nintendo mem cards too. Lots of old GC players say your data is less likely to corrupt on an official card. To be quite honest though, I had my data corrupt on an official one too.

So basically ignore what I just said.


Oct 20, 2012, 12:03 AM
May be a good idea to get official Nintendo mem cards too. Lots of old GC players say your data is less likely to corrupt on an official card. To be quite honest though, I had my data corrupt on an official one too.

So basically ignore what I just said.


I had my data corrupt three or four times on "official" Nintendo memory cards. PSO+ fixed that. Haven't corrupted once since I started playing on it. Seems like they fixed whatever corruption issues existed.

Make sure you get PSO+ to ensure your data stays safe and offline access to Central Dome Fireswirl, Seat of the Heart, East Tower, and West Tower quests. The Control Tower quests are the only reason I got a Sealed J-Sword offline.

Oct 20, 2012, 12:08 AM
Yeah, PSO+ has a lot of great things that differentiate it from PSOnot+. Definitely get the + version. For one thing, some enemies are exclusive to being online or playing on the + version. Not easier to find in a mission, a la gi gue, but exclusive. They weren't in the standard game, but are on the disc, and are available in a specific quest. PSO+ comes with those quests on the disc, whereas PSOnot+ doesn't have that quest.

Also tails chao, the reason I got PSO to begin with, and set me on this downward spiral of RNG as bright colored lasers that I love very much.