View Full Version : Return of the Translation Thread...

Aug 3, 2012, 06:08 PM
So the other thread has a few problems due to the size of the first post...so I'm making this thread to split up the translations/timeline in different posts. Please don't post in this thread until I say, which will be after several posts which will take about 5 minutes due to the new post time limit thing.

Translations: Kion, Sayori of Kirei Cake, Wayu
Videos: RocSage, Vashyron, others

:-? = Untranslated Videos
:etongue: = Unedited Translations (not used yet as all translations are currently unedited)

Name Romanization Standardization
In Japanese there some rules to pronouncing words, but I'm not sure where they are followed or not:

A = the a in Bah Humbug
E = How we say A in Pay
I = How we say E in We
U = usually not spoken
O = How we say O in Crono

R = Can sometimes be L or R
Z = Can be J (they are very close in pronunciation)

But the game doesn't seem to follow all of this since Xeno is pronounce Zeno (as in Zen Bhuddism) rather than Xeno (as in Xenophobic)

Japanese: ゼノ
Transliterated: ZeNo
English: Zeno

Japanese: エコー
Transliterated: EKo-
English: Echo

Japanese: アフィン
Transliterated: AFiN
English: Affin

Japanese: マトイ
Transliterated: MaToI
English: Matoi

Japanese: シオン
Transliterated: ShiON
English: Shion

Japanese: ゲッテムハルト
Transliterated: GeTeMuHaRuTo
English: Gettemhalt

Japanese: メルフォンシーナ
Transliterated: MeRuFuONSi-Na
English: Melfonshina

Japanese: フーリエ
Transliterated: Fu-RiE
English: Furie

Japanese: アキ
Transliterated: AKi
English: Aki

Japanese: ライト
Transliterated: RaITo
English: Light

Japanese: ジグ
Transliterated: JiGu
English: Zig

Japanese: ロジオ
Transliterated: RoJiO
English: Rojio

Japanese: パティ
Transliterated: PaTi
English: Patty

Japanese: ティア
Transliterated: TiA
English: Tia

Japanese: マリア
Transliterated: MaRiA
English: Maria

Japanese: サラ
Transliterated: SaRa
English: Sarah

Japanese: フィリア
Transliterated: FuIRiA
English: Philia

Japanese: クロト
Transliterated: KuRoTo
English: Clot

Japanese: マールー
Transliterated: Ma-Ru-
English: Maloo

Japanese: オーザ
Transliterated: O-Za
English: Ohza

Japanese: ジャン
Transliterated: JyaN
English: Jyan

Japanese: レダ
Transliterated: ReDa
English: Ledda

Japanese: ブリギッタ
Transliterated: BuRiGiTa
English: Brigitta

Japanese: ヒルダ
Transliterated: HiRuDa
English: Hilda

Japanese: メリッタ
Transliterated: MeRiTa
English: Melitta

Japanese: リサ
Transliterated: RiSa
English: Lisa

Japanese: テオドール
Transliterated: TeODo-Ru
English: Theodore

Japanese: ウルク
Transliterated: URuKu
English: Ulk

Japanese: レギアス
Transliterated: ReGiASu
English: Regias

Japanese: クラリスクレイス
Transliterated: KuRaRiSuKuReISu

Japanese: カスラ
Transliterated: KaSuRa
English: Kasura

Japanese: リュカ
Transliterated: RYuKa
English: Ryuka

Japanese: ヒューイ
Transliterated: HYu-I
English: Hewey

Japanese: サトリ
Transliterated: SaToRi
English: Satori

Japanese: アンリ
Transliterated: ANRi
English: Anri

Japanese: ジョゼ
Transliterated: JyoZe
English: Josse

Japanese: ウッド
Transliterated: UDo
English: Udo

Japanese: ヘレナ
Transliterated: HeReNa
English: Helena

Japanese: ミリアム
Transliterated: MiRiAMu
English: Myriam

Japanese: コフィー
Transliterated: KoFuI-
English: Koffee

Japanese: フランカ
Transliterated: FuRaNKa
English: Franka

Japanese: ハンス
Transliterated: HaNSu
English: Hans

Japanese: ジラード
Transliterated: ZiRa-Do
English: Girard

Japanese: ジョーゼフ
Transliterated: ZYo-Zefu
English: Joseph

Japanese: エメライン
Transliterated: EMeRaIN
English: Emerain

Japanese: クレシダ
Transliterated: KuReSiDa
English: Creshida

Japanese: ローラ
Transliterated: RoRa
English: Lora

Japanese: ラヴェール
Transliterated: RaVe-Ru
English: Ravelle

Player Progression Timeline
AP 163 - Zig was born/manufactured.
AP 188 - A deciding battle occurred in a war
AP 228 - A great battle occurred

AP 238/2/20 (10:30) - You land on Naberius with Affin.
AP 238/2/20 (11:00) - Darkers Appear on Naberius and Corner you. You and Affin Charge straight ahead.
AP 238/2/20 (11:30) - Ch0: Xeno arrives on scene and saves you.
AP 238/2/20 (12:00) - Ch0: You face a Kartago on Naberius.
AP 238/2/20 (12:30) - Ch0: Returns to the Drop Ship.

AP 238/2/20 (14:00) - First encounter with Shion.

AP 238/?/?? - Xeno MB1 B-2 捜索中のゼノ
AP 238/2/22 - Xeno MB1 B-3
AP 238/2/21 - Ulc MB1 A-4
AP 238/2/21 - John MB1 C-4
AP 238/2/22 - Tia & Patty MB1 C-5 仲良し姉妹アークス
AP 238/?/?? - Leda MB1 D-5 スキルマジすげえって
AP 238/2/21 - Leda MB1 E-4

AP 238/2/27 (14:00) - Second encounter with Shion.

AP 238/2/20 (10:00) - Shion sends you back in time?
AP 238/2/20 (10:30) - You land on Naberius with Affin.
AP 238/2/20 (11:00) - Darkers Appear on Naberius and Corner you, while you hear a plea for help, but you defeat them.
AP 238/2/20 (11:30) - You and Affin follow the voice down the right path.
AP 238/2/20 (12:00) - Ch1: You find Matoi and return to the drop ship.
AP 238/2/20 (15:00) - Ch1: You arrive back on the ship and learn Matoi has Amnesia.

AP 238/2/28 (14:00) - Third encounter with Shion.

AP 238/3/3 - Xeno & Echo MB2 E-4 師匠に似ている
AP 238/2/24 - Ulc MB2 C-1
AP 238/2/21 - Tia & Patty MB2 B-1
AP 238/2/22 - Xeno & Echo MB2 B-3 おせっかいな先輩
AP 238/2/23 - Tia & Patty MB2 B-4 強化されたダーカー?
AP 238/2/28 - Xeno & Echo MB2 C-5 ゼノとエコー
AP 238/2/20 - Masked Figure MB2 A-5 不穏な人影

AP 238/2/20 (10:30) - You land on Naberius with Affin.
AP 238/2/20 (11:00) - Darkers Appear on Naberius and Corner you, while you hear voices, but you defeat them.
AP 238/2/20 (11:30) - You and Affin follow Mask down the left path.
AP 238/2/20 (12:00) - Ch1: You encounter Mask looking for someone, who tries to kill you, but you are defended by Grey and Shina.

AP 238/3/1 (14:00) - Fourth encounter with Shion.

AP 238/2/28 - Leda MB3 A-5
AP 238/2/28 - Zig MB3 B-5
AP 238/2/21 - Rodio (1) MB3 C-4
AP 238/2/22 - Rodio (2) MB3 C-4
AP 238/3/1 - Ulc MB3 C-5
AP 238/3/1 - Rodio MB3 D-3

AP 238/3/2 (9:00) - You land on Naberius and start making your way toward the tundra.
AP 238/3/2 (10:00) - You encounter Darkers searching for something, but avoid them to continue collecting data for Rojio.
AP 238/3/2 (10:30) - You arrive at the spot where Rojio wants you to collect data.
AP 238/3/2 (11:00) - You complete collecting all of Rojio's data.

AP 238/3/5 - Tia & Patty MB3 D-1 不思議でちいさな影の噂!
AP 238/2/28 - Affin MB3 E-1 凍土にたたずむ人影
AP 238/3/1 - John MB3 E-2 やる気を取り戻させたいが……
AP 238/?/?? - Affin MB3 F-1 アフィンが探すものは......

AP 238/?/?? - Maria MB3 A-2 龍族のしきたり
AP 238/3/1 - Tia & Patty MB3 B-1 栄光の創世器
AP 238/3/6 - Tia & Patty MB3 F-3 火山洞窟の龍族はすっごいよ!
AP 238/2/26 - Xeno MB3 E-6 本来はレンジャー
AP 238/2/28 - Kroto MB3 F-5 ダーカーは何を探す

AP 238/3/2 (9:00) - You land on Naberius and start making your way toward the tundra.
AP 238/3/2 (10:00) - You encounter Darkers searching for something and follow them.
AP 238/3/2 (10:30) - You run into Mask, but before he notices you you hide and observe what he is doing.
AP 238/3/2 (11:00) - You find what appears to be a strange ARKS Relic, are attacked by Mask, but Xeno arrives and blocks the attack.
AP 238/3/2 (11:30) - After you, Xeno, and Echo do battle with Mask and drive him off. You hear a weird sound that noone else hears. You then return to your ship, having collected the data Rojio wanted.

AP 238/3/3 (14:00) - Fifth encounter with Shion.

E-6 Rozio
E-5 Zig
D-4 pt1 Furie
D-4 存在の痕跡 Afin
D-4 pt2 Furie
C-3 Furie
Story mission
B-2 Ulc Scene
A-3 臆病者のジレンマ
A-1 仮面野郎は何処に居る
A-5 怯える理由
C-1 逢えたけどまだ遠い
B-6 Gettemuharuto, Shina, Xeno, & Echo Scene
E-1 犯人は誰だろうねえ
F-2 リリーパ族は何かを探す
Story Mission

Sixth encounter with Shion.

A-2 Zig Scene
A-4 Xeno Scene
A-6 Light Scene & Mission
A-6 真実の探求者
C-6 Aki Scene
Story Mission

D-6 気に入らなければ外敵
F-5 Rodio
D-4 Aki Scene
C-3 Ulc Scene
D-2 圧倒的な龍族.
E-1 Light Scene
Story Mission

Chronological Timeline
ずっと明日を待っていた - Long Awaited Tomorrow
不気味なナベリウス - Eerie Naberius
砂塵の奥 - In the Desert
龍の病 - Dragon's Disease

AP 238/2/20
11:00a - The Day I Was Waiting For
11:00b - Calls From the Past
11:00c - The Masked Figure
14:00a - Shion 1st Encounter
MB2 A-5 不穏な人影

AP 238/2/21
MB1 A-4 Ulc
MB1 C-4 John
MB1 E-4 Leda
MB2 B-1 Tia&Patty
MB3 C-4 (1) Rozio

AP 238/2/22
MB1 B-3 Zeno
MB1 C-5 仲良し姉妹アークス Tia&Patty
MB2 B-3 おせっかいな先輩 Zeno&Echo
MB3 C-4 (2) Rozio

AP 238/2/23
MB2 B-4 強化されたダーカー? Tia&Patty

AP 238/2/24
MB2 C-1 Ulc

AP 238/2/26
MB3 E-6 本来はレンジャー Zeno

AP 238/2/27
14:00a - Shion 2nd Encounter

AP 238/2/28
14:00b - Shion 3rd Encounter
MB2 C-5 ゼノとエコー Zeno&Echo
MB3 A-5 Leda
MB3 B-5 Jigu
MB3 E-1 凍土にたたずむ人影 Affin
MB3 F-5 ダーカーは何を探す Kroto

AP 238/3/1
14:00c - Shion 4th Encounter
MB3 C-5 Ulc
MB3 D-3 Rozio
MB3 E-2 やる気を取り戻させたいが…… John
MB3 B-1 栄光の創世器 Tia&Patty

AP 238/3/2
10:00c - Questionable Histories
10:00d - The Frozen Origin
MB4 E-5 Jigu

AP 238/3/3
MB2 E-4 師匠に似ている Zeno&Echo
14:00d - Shion 5th Encounter
MB4 B-6 Gettemuharuto, Shina, Xeno, & Echo
MB4 E-6 Rozio

AP 238/3/4
MB4 A-1 仮面野郎は何処に居る
MB4 D-4 (1) Furie

AP 238/3/5
MB3 D-1 不思議でちいさな影の噂! Tia&Patty

AP 238/3/6
MB3 F-3 火山洞窟の龍族はすっごいよ! Tia&Patty
MB4 D-4 (2) 存在の痕跡 Afin
MB4 D-4 (3) Furie

AP 238/3/7
MB4 B-2 Ulc

AP 238/3/8
MB4 C-3 Furie

AP 238/3/9
MB4 C-1 逢えたけどまだ遠い

AP 238/3/10
MB4 A-3 臆病者のジレンマ
MB4 A-5 怯える理由

AP 238/3/11
MB4 E-1 犯人は誰だろうねえ

AP 238/3/12
11:00d - Sands, Machines, and...
8:00e - The Tyrant in Dunes

AP 238/3/19
12:20e - Proud Scales of Amduscia
12:20f - The Scientist's State

Because we've only got a few videos left to add please if you find any of the following and can record them, please do, or tell me where you found them as some tablets are location specific.

008: いいアークス? 悪いアークス?
063: 人間よりも嫌いなもの
043: なるべく一人で動くように
036: 撒き餌か主食か
080: 目立ちたがり六芒均衡

Aug 3, 2012, 06:09 PM
Story Missions

Chapter 0: The Day I was Waiting For

Intro Translated by Sayori of Kirei Cake, but slightly altered to make more sense.
That is, an enormous fleet capable of freely traveling between planets
With its creation, it became possible to advance towards outer space, and a new history began.
And now, the range of our operations spans across many galaxies.
After discovering a destination, the unit formed within the Oracle for the purpose of discovering unknown planets...
... The "ARKS," descends onto the planet and proceeds to investigate.
The ARKS consist of three species that exist within the Oracle.
Humans that surpass the balance.
Newmans, proficient at utilizing photons.
And the CAST that have reinforced bodies.
With each of them supporting one another and cooperating together,
we make up "ARKS"
... Looks like we have arrived.
From here on, the planet we shall face is Naberius.
Civilization is non-existent and the primitive creatures on this planet are ferocious.
You absolutely must be prepared.
I wish you good luck.
These are the newly created ARKS.
From here on everybody, this is your first step into the vast universe.
Prepare yourself, and enter your personal data.
We welcome everyone.

Afin: My name is Afin, it's good to meet you partner.
Afin: What are you looking around for? I mean you, partner.
Afin: Even though we ended up grouped together by coincidence, let's get along.
Afin: I may sound a little too polite, but I'm being sincere

-"did you say something?"

Afin: Because of that 10 years ago, there are a lot less ARKS. Looks like they're desperately trying to get more recruits.
Afin: I don't really care, I have my own things I want to do.
Prikida: Transfer coordinates setting complete. ARKS please dispatch at once.
Afin: Okay, we're ready to go. Looks like an easy area for beginners like us. Let`s go.

- AP 238/2/20 10:30 -
~Goes down to forest~
Afin: Wow, which ever way you look, everything is green. Pretty exciting stuff.
Afin: Sorry, I shouldn't get too caught up.

Afin: Hey we`re still new to combat, would you like to hear basic operation functions?

~Monkey Encounter~
Afin: That the native species? He looks pretty energetic. Or wait, is he coming this way?
Afin: It doesn't matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like he wants to be friends. Partner, looks like we have to fight it.

Afin: Looks like we made it somehow. But still more of this is waiting for us in the next area.
Afin: It's not like I want to fight, but that's beside the point. We have our orders, so let`s keep moving.

~Beginning of Block 2~
- AP 238/2/20 11:00 -
Afin: Looks like we got past the first stage, starting to get used to this.
Afin: How about you? Are you getting used to it? Except you`re much better than me, so it`s wishful thinking for me to be concerned about you.
Afin: I became and ARKS to look for someone
Afin: That's why I really don't care about fighting, examining results, or anything
Afin: Say partner, why did you decide to enter ARKS?
Afin: What`s going on?
Brigitta: We have an emergency report to all ARKS members. On planet Naberius a code D has been put into effect. Photon particles have reached hazardous levels.
Brigitta: I repeat, on Naberious a code D is in effect.
Space corrosion has been observed.
Afin: Hey! Look at that!
Afin: This can't be happening, black creatures are just appearing out of nowhere.
Afin: And what are these ominous photons?
Brigitta: Darker appearance observed.
Acceptable levels have been breached.
A top priority order has been dispatched, all ARKS members are to dispense the darkers.
Afin: These are darkers? ARKS' enemy, the universe's enemy. They consume everything.
Afin: Why!? These things aren't supposed to be on Naberious.
Afin: Break through? How do you expect to break through this many darkers?
Afin: Shit, I know that's the only option. I guess we just have to do it.
Afin: If we're able to get in touch with another team we might have a chance.
Afin: Here goes nothing.
Afin: That went better than expected, if we've come this far, they probably wont chase us.
Afin: Damn, more appeared.
Afin: I guess we`ll just have to fight.

~Block 3~
- AP 238/2/20 11:30 -
Afin: Look over there, there's another ARKS member.
Afin: Hey! Are you okay, we've come-
Afin: You got to be kidding, he died so easily
Afin: Why are there this many!? What are they after?
Xeno: That was close. It's a good thing i left that slowpoke Echo behind.
Xeno: Hey are you guys okay?
Afin: A full fledged ARKS?
Afin: You came to rescue us? That's great, you got here just in time.
Xeno?: I guess, but I really didn't expect this many darkers.
Afin: You did come to help us right?
Xeno: I called for back up. The meeting point it ahead, so we'll have to keep moving.
Afin: Wait!? You want us to fight too?
Xeno: You're ARKS, that goes without saying. Your partner looks ready.
Afin: Okay, fine I get what you're saying, we don't have any other choice right?
Xeno: You a new recruit you're pretty calm, you definitely have some good prospects.
Xeno: But your face... I could swear I've seen it before.
Xeno: There will be time to think later. Let's go rookies, try to keep up.
Afin: Why did something like this have to happen to us?
Xeno: Don't be so pessimistic. I'll protect you guys.

-in Game text block-
Xeno?: Let's go

-Block 4-
- AP 238/2/20 12:00 -
Afin: Ah! There are this many here too! What are we going to do?
Xeno: God you're annoying, it's more interesting if the journey is full along the way. Get used to it.
Xeno: It should be about time, is she still late?
Xeno: Sorry rookie, I called for back up but she's still not here yet.
Echo: Hey Xeno, don't give the rookies the wrong impression of me.
Xeno: It's your fault for being late, but more importantly, what's your status?
Echo: Still no good, too many darkers are creating a disturbance to be able to transport you guys back
Xeno: So basically if we take care of these guy's we'll be able to head back
Echo: Should I head out too?
Xeno: No need, these rookies can hold their own. They may be even tougher than you.
Echo: Fine, do what ever.
Xeno: Okay, this is the last batch, let's beat these guys and finish this up.

(in game)
Afin: Amazing! That was a photon blast?
Xeno: Looks like more are coming, let's get rid of them.
Brigitta: Coordinates blocking obstruction has been cleared. Return teleporter restored. ARKS, return home.
*Quest Clear*

- AP 238/2/20 12:30 -
Black screen: Help....
Echo: Welcome home. Are you guys okay?
Xeno: Hey, I was with them. You think I'd make a blunder like that?
Echo: That's why I'm worried. I know he's pretty excessive, but it looks like you made it okay.
Xeno: hey...
Afin: Um, Xeno(senpai) whose this?
Afin: And um, to mention it, I don't think we know your name.
Echo: Xeno, you didn't even introduce yourself?
Xeno: Now that you mention it I completely forgot. Sorry, I thought you guys knew who I was.
Xeno: My name is Xeno, the annoying one here is Echo
Echo: Pleased to meet you and I'm not the annoying one.
Afin: My name is Afin, nice to meet you.
Afin: This is my partner.
Afin: We just became ARKS and don't know what's what yet.
Xeno: You don't need to think about that too much. That's for the higher ups, or look into it yourself.
Xeno: We're ARKS and those things you saw are our enemies, the Darkers. That's about all I can say.
Xeno: Rather than having it explained to you, it's better that you got to see it for yourself.
Echo: Hey Xeno, can't you put a little more thought into your explanation. These kids have been through a lot.
Xeno: That doesn't change the fact that we have to fight them.
Xeno: Rather knowing that sooner than later means you're prepared for this line of work.
Xeno: Why do you look so gloomy? You're alive and back home. Mission complete, good work.
Afin: But back there, another new ARKS died right in front of us...
Xeno: As part of ARKS we don't have time to mourn for everyone.
Xeno: Stand up and be proud, do it for those who fell in battle as well.
Afin: .... okay
Xeno: That's good Afin, if you have the will to acknowledge things, you can get by most of the time
Xeno: Don't forget that feeling of frustration and don't give up. As long as you don't give up, things will work out.
Echo: It may sound like he's saying something cool, but he's just trying to show off.
Xeno: Echo, don't blow my cover. It's fine if I repeat what our teacher told us.
Echo: I'd wish you'd stop going off on tangents. Do you ever think of how annoying it is for me to listen to you?
Xeno: Don't try to push your lateness on me.
Echo: Hey shut up, we're almost back to the ARKS ship.
Echo: And rookies, wipe those stupid smiles off your faces.

Xeno: Looks like we made it back okay. I guess I'll relax in the lobby for a while.
Echo: We have to report back first.
Xeno: I know that. God, you're so annoying.
Xeno: Okay rookies, looks like our protecting you ends here.
Xeno: Maybe we were fated to meet like this. If you need something, give us a call.
Echo: Do your best guys.

Afin: Man that guy was a force though. Or was the mission we were doing tough. I'm too tired to get my head straight.
Afin: This is a lobby prepared for ARKS members right?
Afin: There's shops and areas to rest so,
Afin: I'm going to walk around and cool off for a while.
Afin: Today was a lot to take in. My mind is all mixed up. See you later.

Chapter 1: Calls From the Past
- AP 238/2/20 10:00 -
*Black screen* : Destiny, changes.
- AP 238/2/20 10:30 -

Afin: Hey! Hey, partner! What are you spacing to?
Afin: This is an (終了) emergency mission, so I know how you feel.
Afin: 'relax' might not be the right term, but let's do our best partner.
Afin: We're still kind of new to this, so let's be sure we at least get the basics down.

Unknown voice: Help

Afin: Hey, partner wait! Don't leave me behind.

:: Planet Naberius Forest Area 1 ::

Afin: So that's a native primate. He looks pretty energetic.
Afin: Wait is it coming this way?
Afin: He doesn't look very friendly, I think we're going to have to fight it.

Afin: Looks like we made it.
Afin: But there's more waiting in the next area. Let's keep moving.

- AP 238/2/20 11:00 -
::Planet Naberius Forest Area 2::
Afin: Partner? Are you getting a transmission?
Afin: Wait, what?
Brigitta: An emergency communication to all ARKs members. A code D is in effect on planet Naberius. Photon contamination has reached dangerous levels.
Brigitta: I repeat on Planet Naberius a code D is in effect. Space corrosion have been observed.
Afin: Hey partner look.
Brigitta: DARKERs have been observed, acceptable levels have been breached.
Brigitta: A top priority order has been issued. All ARKs members are to dispatch with the DARKERs.
Afin: These are DARKERs? The enemy of the ARKs and the entire universe.
Afin: They consume everything.
Afin: Why!!?? How? These shouldn't be on Neberius.
*Greyed Screen*: Help!
Afin: Hey partner, where are you looking? We have to deal with these guys in front of us first.
Afin: If you're so interested we're going to have to deal with these guys before you can investigate.

- AP 238/2/20 11:30 -
Afin: Looks like we managed somehow. Hopefully more won't appear.
Afin: Say partner, you've been looking in that direction for a while. Is there something over there?
Afin: You heard someone calling for help?
Afin: You want to go check it out? I'll leave it up to you partner.

::Planet Naberius Forest Area 3B::
Quest Objective: Find the source of the call for help

::Planet Naberius Forest Area 4B::
- AP 238/2/20 12:00 -

Afin: Is she okay? Why would she be here?
Afin: She not ARKs, and it's not like we can leave her here.

Brigitta: To all ARKs members, we have DARKER levels have dropped.
Brigitta: Code D has been lifted. Emergency status has been removed.
Brigitta: All members please report current status.
Afin: That's a relief, it looks like we won't have to worry about more DARKERs.
Afin: I don't know what we should do with this girl, but i'm sure someone will know what to do.
Afin: We don't need to stick around too long. Let's head back.
::Planet Naberius FOrest Area 4B::
Afin: The girl has been teleported back first. Let's head back too.

- AP 238/2/20 15:00 -
Afin: Good work partner.
Afin: That girl was sent to the medical center. She should be fine.
Afin: But more than that, what's the result of our mission?
Afin: But I'm actually not too worried about the results.
Afin: Anyways, I'm going to wander around for a while. See you later.

Philia: Hello?
Philia: I'm Frea from the Medical Center.
Philia: The girl you brought back from Naberius just woke up.
Philia: Ummmm... anyways, could you come to the medical center?

::Medical Center::
Philia: Thanks for coming.
Philia: About that girl, she hasn't spoken...
Matoi: *Player's name*
Philia: Did you tell her your name?
Matoi: I heard it inside my head.
Matoi: My name is, Matoi.
Philia: It's not in the databse. Or at least not registered in the ARKs database.
Philia: Is she from some other planet? Her tissue make up looks like ARKs.
Philia: Matoi, where did you come from? Why were you on that planet?
Matoi: Um....... *player's name* .......
Philia: Are you scared? It's okay, you don't have to answer.
Philia: the way she's looking to you, she looks kind of taken.
Philia: Do you have any idea of where she came from?
Philia: If she's not an acquaintance, then there's no way of knowing.
Philia: But she can't be left alone.
Philia: You have ARKs missions to attend to and, she can't stay here all of the time.
Philia: Would you like me to take care of this girl?
Philia: If anything happens I'll contact you right away.
Matoi: Um, *players name*....
Matoi: I have a bad feeling, take care of yourself.


Chapter 1: The Masked Figure
Masked man: Where are you?

Title Screen

Brigitta: Permission to return has been granted. Arks please return.
Affin: Wait, over there? Who is that person?
AP 238/2/20 12:00
Affin: What is that person? I have a creepy feeling.
Affin: He's human right... but what is this...
Masked: You bastard
Affin: Hey partner, do you know this guy? ... I don't think that's the case.
Masked: I'll kill you.
Affin: Hey!! What did we do!!??
Grey guy: Hey, hey. I took a mission on a whim and it turned out to be interesting.
Grey guy: There are two delicous looking prey here.
Grey guy: Delicous. Who is this guy? Where is he from? Hurry up and look it up!
Cast: Um, Gelt Halt (sama) There is no information on record for that man.
Grey guy: What?
Grey guy: Damn, he got away. It was just getting fun too.
Affin: One weirdo to another, just what is going on!?
Grey guy: Hey, YOU.
Affin: uh, yes!!??
Grey: Just shut up and keep trembling where you are.
Grey: No, I mean you (points at character). That guy was after you just now. Who is he?

-Reply that you don't know-

Grey: You don't know? You'd better not be playing dumb.
Grey: From your face it looks like you really don't know.
Grey: You have a good aura about you, but you're still weak. Looks like it's a bit soon for me to have any fun with you.
Grey: it just suddenly got boring. We're going home Shina. Don't lag behind.
Shina: Yes, Gettmaruto(sama)
Shina: I'll be taking my leave now.
Affin: Man what happened just now? I feel really tired suddenly. Let's head back partner.

Chapter 2: Questionable Histories
AP 238/3/2 9:00

Rojio: Can you hear me. It's Rojio.
Rojio: Thanks for taking on this request.
Rojio: We're monitoring the data on this end, so please proceed further ahead.
Rojio: Once you pass through the forest, it leads to the tundra. It's actually a near impossible climate change. Be careful.

[Finish forest Block 1]
Rojio: That's the tundra. It's dangerous so be careful.

AP 238/3/2 10:00
Rojio: The data right now, darkers? It's written that they attack ARKS on site, but
Rojio: It looks like they were searching for something. But a behavior pattern like that hasn't been reported as of yet.
Rojio: Something seems off. I don't think I need to say this, but be careful.
Rojio: It's too dangerous to keep going that way.
Rojio: Let's focus on collecting data.


Rojio: It looks like that area is a good location for collecting data.
Rojio: The location is just a little further ahead, so please keep going.
Rojio: KING YETI!!??
Rojio: But we can't give up on the data.
Rojio: Please proceed.

AP 238/3/2 10:30
Rojio: looks like this is the location for collecting data.
Rojio: I'll provide the coordinates. Please collect the data at each location.

AP 238/3/2 11:00
Rojio: Can you hear me?
Rojio: looks like i managed to get the data I wanted.
Rojio: But the behavior of the darkers before is still unknown.
Rojio: I'd like to keep looking into it, but plowing ahead without any info is too dangerous.
Rojio: So let's say this is mission complete for the moment.
Rojio: The most important thing is that you came out unharmed.


Chapter 2: The Frozen Origin
AP 238/3/2 10:00
Rojio: The data right now.. darkers? It's written here that try attack arks on site.
Rojio: It looks like they were looking for something. But that behavior pattern hasn;t been reported at all.
Rojio: It seems off. Anyways I don't nee dto say this, but be careful.
Rojio: actually there was that rumor of darkers looking for something.
Rojio: Maybe that was it just now, but if that's the case I wonder what they were looking for.


AP 238/3/2 10:30
Rojio: Something happened? Your possition suddenly stopped.
Rojio: Sorry for interupting, but who was that person just now?
Rojio: Could that be the rumored suspicious person?
Rojio: hey, are you okay?
Rojio? A sound? No I have no readings on this end.

AP 238/3/2 11:00
Rojio: Something happen?
Rojio: Another weird noise? Again no reading on this end.
Rojio: Hey look at that.
Rojio: I wonder what this is. Looks man-made.
Rojio: An arks relic? that doesn't seem right either.
Rojio: From the parameters it looks like some kind of weapon, but even so the shape seems off. I wonder if it's broken.
Rojio: are you okay? That person again.
Mask: Let go of that.
Xeno: that was a close one.
Xeno: I caught of glisp of this guy and tagged along. Just who are you?
Echo: Is that person an arks?
Xeno: Looking up stuff like that is your role right?
Echo: Looking through the database right now. No results.
Echo: Nothing, what could this mean!?
Xeno: Hey you, what's your name and where are you from?
Xeno: You're going to ignore me? And that stupid mask, you really piss me off.
Mask: If you interfere I'll kill you.
Xeno: looks like your not going to back down. If that'e the case i'll have to beat the info out of you.

AP 238/3/2 11:30
Xeno: You're open!
Xeno: Damn, that chipped my blade.
Xeno: but it wasn't for nothing.
Mask: curse you.
Xeno: That guy was really strong. Are you okay?
Xeno: You did a pretty good job holding him off, off hand.
Xeno: So that thing he was after is that staff you're holding?
Xeno: A weird sound? I didn't hear anythign.
Echo: I didn't hear anything either.
Rojio: I have no audio data either.
Xeno: We can think back in the lobby. Let's head back. Rojio, you got what you wanted right.
Rojio: Yes, this should eb more than enough.
Rojio: But why do you know the details of this request?
Xeno: A good mentor always looks after their pupil.
Echo: You made me look it up.
Xeno: way to ruin my cool moment. Let's head back.


Chapter 3: Sands, Machines, and...
AP 238/3/12
Furie: Thanks for coming out.
Furie: This time i'll definitely thank those guys.
Furie: a bouquet? I don't have anything like that.
Furie: I'm not very smart. Even if i try to think it probably won't make any difference.
Furie: So I'm just going to plunge forward and see what happens.
Furie: I know it's not very cast-like but this is just how i am.
Furie: Okay, let's go. WHere should we start from?

AP 238/23/12
Furie: Oh wait, I forgot to file this mission.
Furie: Okay, write this... write that..
Furie: Sorry, what time is it now?
Furie: Right 11:00. Thanks.
Furie: Sorry to make you wait, let's get going.

Chapter 3 Sand, Machines, And....
AP 238/3/12 11:30
Furie: Something happen?
Furie: Could that be?
Furie: Looks like something was pulled here. And small footprints too. Could it be traces of those guys?
Furie: But it looks like they took off in a hurry. Wonder why.
Furie: I wonder if they took off. Will they come out?
Furie: I should get myself down. I decided not to give up.
Furie: Sorry, but can you stick around a little longer?

AP 238/3/12 12:00
Furie: Amazing, wreckage everywhere. I wonder who did this.
Furie: Hey look, there. Over there.
Furie: Excuse me. I wanted to thank you guys so i came-
Furie: Hey wait, please listen to what i have to say.
Furie: No good, looks like they ran down a small hole.
Furie: That little guy was shaking? Really?
Furie: He did look like he was scared of something.
Furie: I didn't mean to scare him... i wonder why. What should i do?
Furie: Sorry, I shouldn't be so down.
Furie: I sort of managed to do what I came here to do. Let's head back.
Furie: It's okay, I'm still not going to give up on this.

Chapter 3 End

Chapter 3: The Tyrant in Dunes
AP 238/3/12
Furie: Okay, let's try again.
Furie: We'll definitely say thank you this time.
Furie: A bouquet? I don;t have anything like that, just show them how i feel.
Furie: I'm not very smart. I don't think that thinking will help any.
Furie: Anyways, let's just try and see how it works out. We can always think later.
Furie: I know it's not very cast like, but this is how I am.
Fuire: Okay, let's go. Where should we start from today?

Furie: Oh wait, I forgot to file this mission.
Furie: Oh, uh... write this, write that.
Fure: Uh, what time is it again?

a) 11:00
b) 8:00

Furie: Right, 8:00. Okay data input complete.
Furie: Today we started off really early.
Furie: No one else is around yet. This early morning mission is a nice change of pace.

AP 238/3/12 9:00
Furie: Hey look over there.
Furie: Are the reminants of some kind of battle. It's in such bad shape that I can't look at it.
Furie: The idea that an Arks member could have doen this is pretty scary.
Furie: Oh, sorry, I was thinking about their safety.
Furie: On Lilipa, there are pretty much only battle drones and darkers.
Furie: So for them, everything here is an enemy.
Furie: And Arks maybe a treat too.
Furie: With us running around blowing things up it makes sense for them to run away.
Furie: Sorry to space off like that.
Furie: If we don't tell them that we're not enemies then there's no way communication can start.
Furie: Since we're able to meet, not interacting seems like a shame.

AP 238/3/12 10:00

Furie: I wonder what this sound is? The sound of weapons? Is there a battle somewhere?
Ghetmurt: Hey! I thought a metal body was supposed to be more rugged. This is boring. Try harder!
Furie: This is terrible.
Ghetmurt: What are you worms doing here. This is my playground. I'm about to turn it over.
Ghertmurt: Wait, not the female cast. I've seen you before haven't I?
Shina: You met before on Naberius.
Ghetmurt: Oh that's right. My memory is no good. I should at least remember the names of my prey.
Ghetmurt: The fact that you're here means that fucking masked guy is around too right?
Ghetmurt: Or did you come here to entertain me?
Ghetmurt: Get out of my way woman, I have no interest in you.
Furie: So the Arks causing so much trouble around here is you.
Ghetmurt: Trouble? This is what Arks do.
Ghetmurt: Going to different planets. Annihilating enemies. That's what we do right?
Furie: That's nto true, we also are supposed to take care of local populations.
Ghetmurt: That's part of what I'm implying idiot!
Ghetmurt: You think we can communicate with populations that have been infected by darkers?
Ghetmurt: You think so too right?

1)Nod your head
Ghetmurt: See you get what I'm saying right? You're just like me.
Furie: He's not like that. He sympathizes with others.
Ghetmurt: Ha!

2)Shake your head

Ghetmurt: Tch, a good little kid!
Ghetmurt: Well whatever, however it's hidden you can't hide your stench.

Ghetmurt: What's with this little bastard. he justs keeps staring.
Ghetmurt: It doesn't matter probably been infected by darkers and is coming after us.
Ghetmurt: So I'll just have to splatter his brains here and save Arks some trouble later.
Furie: Stop!
Ghetmurt: What?
Furie: Are you okay? Hurry up and run.
Ghetmurt: I really don;t have any words to descrive an idiot who jumps out to protect an
Furie: They're not enemies. They saved me before. That's why this time i wanted to..
Ghetmurt: Oh, so you're a pussy too?
Ghetmurt: You guys just really don't get it do you?
Ghetmurt: Even those little furballs are going to end up infected and coming after us.
Ghetmurt: That's why tearing them apart now is actually the nice way to settle.
Ghetmurt: Don't look at me like that you filthy cast.
Ghetmurt: This place just got old. Let's go Shina.
Shina: Yes. Then please excuse us.
Ghetmurt: Shina, hurry your ass up!
Furie: I'm okay. This isn't as bad as it looks.
Furie: I know that part of what he said is true,
Furie: If they get infected by darkers then we'll have to fight them.
Furie: I know that what I'm doing doesn't change that.
Furie: But even so I'd still like to believe in what I'm doing.
Furie: You're worried about me? Thanks, I'm okay.
Furie: You're still a little scared, but it's okay.
Furie: It may take a bit of time, but i'm not going to give up.


Chapter 4: Proud Scales of Amduscia

AP 238/3/19
Aki: Thanks for coming. We were waiting. I don't think i need to explain the objective.
Aki: No wait, you're the arks member i recognize. That question was unnecesary.
Aki: Let's get going. While we talk our quest isn't quietly waiting for us.
Light: Sorry for the lack of explanation.
Light: This is a normal dragon-type investigation, but
Light: Aki maybe thinking of something different. I hope it doesn't turn violent like before.
Light: If that happens then me may need to grab her and head back.
Light: So thanks for your help today.


AP 238/3/19 12:20
Aki: As expected dragon-types are really strong. And you're not bad either for dealing with them normally.
Aki: Lately though, they've been up in arms against arks. It wasn't think bad before.
Aki: Arks and dragons actually communicated somewhat.
Aki: We've already translated their language. So there should be people who can communicate.
Aki: There's a dragon over there.
Aki: When someone as skilled as you comes along, they'll come after you one after the other. Leave this to me.
Aki: hey dragon my name is AKi. If it's okay, would you like to talk?
Aki: He's responding to me as if he understands our language. So they've translated our words as well.
Aki: I guess that's commonly reffered to as being ignored. Kind of pisses me off.
Aki: I've started to want to communicate with these guys more.
Aki: Just you wait, I'll show you that I'm not the easiest person to be ignored.
Light: Sensei. Sensei! Oh shit, she ran off again.
Light: But the dragon just now didn't attack us. I wonder why.
Light: Putting on airs? Not sure i understand what you mean.
Light: Oh that's right, while we were talking she got further away. Let's hurry.

AP 238/3/19 12:40
Aki: The number of darkers seems exceptionally high. This is not a good trend.
Light: Sensei, the dragons can hold the darkers off on their own right?
Aki: Supposedly. That's why it was announced there is no need to support them.
AKi: I'd like to propose that that is not the best course of action.
Aki: Arks using photon based weapons are the only group that can completely destroy darkers.
Aki: Even though dragons are strong, using brute force is not enough. Darkers will keep coming.
Aki: That's part of what i think caused the sudden change in them. If we don't cooperate i can't investigate completely.
Aki: That's why i've been doing field work like this myself.

Ap 238/3/19 13:00
Aki: It's said that dragons poccess more knowledge than humans.
Aki: but looking at behavior like that, i can't imagine that it's true.

1) It looks like it's mad
Aki: You're right it does resemble rage. But what is it angry towards?
Aki: Is it angry? Or is it that it can only be angry?

2) Looks like it's going to cry

Aki: ...so it looks like it's crying, huh.
Aki: Poetic expression, but I don't dislike it.

Light: Nows the the time to be taliing. It's coming this way.

Ap 238/3/19 13:30
Bi・En: I was too late.
Aki: A voice in my head. You are you a dragon that can understand our words?
AKi: If you're going to be nice enough to make contact with us, will you hear ehat i have to say?
Bi・En: I refuse. Leave at once. I have nothing to say to you.
Aki: I'm sorry that we have to fight with your kind.
Aki: But i think you're more than intelegent enough to realize how odd this situation is.
Aki: You, a normal dragon won't attack us with out reason right?
Bi・En: Just playing with words. I have no intention of sticking around.
Aki: Wait...
Aki: I know, this is as far as we'll get for now. Let's head back.


Chapter 4: The Scientist's State
AP 238/3/19 12:00
Aki: Thanks for coming. I don't think I need to fill you in on the details.
Aki: Please forgive me. You're the arks i hired. I don't think I need to explain.
Aki: Let's go, while we're talking my intellectual quest won't stay quiet.
Light: Sorry for not providing a full explanation.
Light: This is a normal dragon-type investigation.
Light: But Aki is thinking of something else. I hope it doesn't turn violent like before.
Light: If that happens, let's grab her and get out of there.
Light: And thanks for coming today.
Aki: Can you please go ahead and destroy the darkers for us.
Aki: I've seen some data. But I'd like to try defeating them ourselves.
Aki: Details change during a battle, so I'll leave the details up to you.

AP 238/3/19 12:20

Aki: Defeating all of those darkers ate up a lot of time.
Aki: But for you to go through them with out much trouble is also comendable.
Aki: While we're taking a break might as well talk about the dragon clan. Lately they've been up in arms, but it wasn't like that before.
Aki: Arks and the dragon clan actually communicated. AKi: We've already translated their words. And there should be people who know how to speak the language.
Aki: Is that a dragon clan over there?
Aki: If you approach him, he may get the wrong idea and attack. Leave this to me.
Aki: Hey dragon, my name is Aki. If you have time can you listen to what i have to say?
Aki: What's this? It sounds like it's going directly into my head. Are these dragon clan words?
Light: Sensei, it's not the time to be thinking about that. It doesn't look like he wants to be friends at all.
Aki: Yeah I know, shut up.

AP 238/3/19 12:40
Aki: A dragon clan corpse? This doesn't fit the archetype at all.
Light: Discusting. Sensei, I'm surprised you can touch it. *pukes*
Aki: If you're my assistant then you should know i like studying living objects.
AKi: I have no interest in dead things. But this is just an empty object. I have no reason not to touch it.
Aki: okay, organs...
Light: *puke*, *puke*, *puke*.
Aki: Light shut up. Even if you're not interested at least try not to squirm.
Aki: I guess it's just as i expected.
Aki: Sorry I got lost in thought.
Aki: Looking into his organs it seems as if it was infected by darkers and acculumated inside his body.
Aki: Darkers if not destroyed by photon weaponsstill remain, that is to say, do you know this?
Aki: To put it simply if dirt is left over then a mountain will form. [English version: light gains make heavy purses]
Aki: Be it good luck or bad luck, looks like i got what I came here for. With this i can continue my research.
Aki: But fundamentally if i can't communicate with the dragon clan then this won't get resolved.

AP 238/3/19 13:00
Dragon: Loga! Please be calm. Why are you angry? Please respond loga.
Loga: *fire breath*
Dragon: Loga. Why?
Light: The dragon clan is fighting amoungst themselves?
Aki: That's not an impossibility, but listening towhat's going on, I doubt that's the case.
Aki: Okay then, Light: No way, you plan on getting involved?
Aki: You can't convince me to do otherwise. Hey dragon, he's been infected by darkers. There's no way he's in a normal state right now.
Dragon: Arks? I have no time to deal with you. Go away.
Light: Let's do as he says and just go home. This is too dangerous.
Aki: Shut up. Seriously just shut up.
Aki: So dragon, it's easy to say but what do you plan on doing about that in front of you?

//Note: poor translation for these two lines. hard to here what he says and pausing youtube video covers up the words. It's not important anyways so i figured screw it.
--Dragon: Unfortunate to kill own clan.
--Dragon: Kashina.

Aki: Kashina? That's the legendary hell dragon in dragon clan legend. So in order words you plan on killing it.
Dragon: Shrewd Arks, what are you thinking?
Aki: Leave it to us. I don't like letting things die.
Aki: Listen, if we attack that growth with photons all at once we may still be able to save it.
Aki: I don't know if it will work but we at least have to try.

AP 238/3/19 13:30
Loga: This.... is..
Dragon: Loga? You returned to normal.
Aki: It was a gamble but it turned out okay. Also it was lucky we caught it in the early stages.
Dragon: Shrewd arks. Just what did you do?
Aki: Simple, we just destroyed the darker formation with photons.
Aki: More than me, it was this guy that did most of the work.
Aki: He may have sustained some small wounds, but dragons heal fast. In time it should heal on its own.
Dragon: The power of arks?
Aki: It's still to early to be relieved. This is just the beginning.
Aki: More and more of you are going to become like this.
Dragon: What do you seak from us?
Aki: I want to communicate with you. That's what we both need right now.
Dragon: My name is ヒのエン.And I ask your name as well arks.
Aki: My name is AKi. This is my assistant Light. And this is [player].
Dragon: Arks, I apologize for being rude. And offer my thanks.
Dragon: The power that save Loga. I will not forget it.



Aug 3, 2012, 06:10 PM
Shion MB1 Start
- AP 238/2/20 14:00 -
Shion: I was waiting for you.
Shion: Or there could be a discrepancy in what i said, I made you wait.
Shion: My name is Shion.
Shion: I know that for you to trust me is going to take some time.
Shion: Even so, there is still something I'd like you to hear. After an unlimited amount of time of thought put into this matter.
Shion: I am a being who can only observe. I cannot interfere.
Shion: But if nothing happens then everything will go to waste.
Shion: That's why I have revealed myself. I have calculated this chance meeting and come here.
Shion: I've gathered all of these meetings in a form. I call it a matter board.
Shion: I am just a being who can not interfere. I cannot tell you what to do, but this matter board might help you with that.
Shion: I regretfully cannot poitn you where to guide, but this matter board may help guide you.
Shion: I gather that I haven't gotten your trust or confidence. That's the logical response.
Shion: But even so, I put my trust in you.
Shion: I will be your empty ally. I am everywhere and yet no where. I will listen to your questions.

Shion MB1 End
- AP 238/2/27 14:00 -
Shion: I have something I need to tell you. That is, there is a fluctuation.
Shion: Cause and effect are focusing towards one event. We may have a chance to act.
Shion: This maybe an event linked to fate.
Shion: That;s what we're been hoping and longing to happen.
Shion: I must apologize.
Shion: I've been vague in my explanations. There is something that you still do not understand.
Shion: I must adjust my way of thinking and tell you. This is a request from me to you.
Shion: I want you to goto planet Naberius.
Shion: Why I cannot tell you. That only your future can answer that.
Shion: I can only observe.

Shion MB2 Start
AP 238/2/28 (14:00)
Shion: I must express my gratitude to you.
Shion: Because of your chance meeting we've observed a beneficial change in the timeline.
Shion: More than the over all status, you seem more intent on listening to the reasons for the meeting.
Shion: But I must inform you there is no need for a complete explanation.
Shion: The only information i will divulge is that you have a chance to save many people.
Shion: Actually that is not actuate or complete. I myself do not fully know yet and am unable to give you a complete answer.
Shion: And I must apologize, I am not able to provide you enough information to earn your trust.
Shion: And for having to rely on you, I also apologize for that.
Shion: A new matter board has been formed. That means a new opening to more chance meetings has been created.
Shion: My regret still continues. I hope this board serves to remedy that.

Shion MB3 Start
AP 238/3/1 (14:00)
Shion: With everything, it is impossible to select all outcomes. What is necessary is a heart that understands what time ultimately decides.
Shion: Events are changing and shifting like the wings of a butterfly. At times these changes seem disadvantageous, but they are not without reason.
Shion: But I don't want you to lose your way. For that reason 'We' and 'I' are here. For that reason only, I am here.
Shion: A new matter board has been formed. Events are changing and while a long road awaits, everything is definitely getting closer.
Shion: Your actions will decide the future. That's the only thing I can say. I apologize for my indirect use of words.
Shion: The only thing that 'We' and 'I' can say is that what you've experienced, and what will come will become self evident.
Shion: That's why I hope the future that you seize is one of the best options.

Shion MB4 Start
AP 238/3/314:00
Shion: A new matter born has been formed. This shows that your actions are starting to come to fruit and favorable changes can be seen.
Shion: From me and us, we offer a thousand thanks.
Shion: Wh know that things simply don't go as planned. That's why we asked for your help.
Shion: You answered. Your will answered. ANd that is why I am greatful.
Shion: Because of your conscious decisions, the path taken is the best possible option. This is something only you could have accomplished.
Shion: The weapon you have in your hand, I have no knowledge of. I can not understand.
Shion: But i think someday you come come to understand yourself. This is something I know.
Shion: I have nothing more that I can say... please forgiv me.
Shion: And so having to depend on you time and time again, I must apologize.

Shion MB5 Start
AP 238/3/21 14:00

Shion: A new matter board has been born. This is a result from you taking the right path and reaching it.
Shion: (I'll) Watch you much more. After this, right after this, before this.
Shion: From you I cannot take my eyes off. Being well versed with facta, reach a solution; that is something only you can do.
Shion: This is what I and we had wished. This is mine and our responcibilty and must shoulder it.
Shion: But we could not do anything, only know. The path only because dispersed.
Shion: That is why I entrust you and only you.
Shion: At this point we have decided understanding the situation is not neccessary.
Shion: For this time, I only want you to trust me. Beyond that there is no meaning.


Matoi Scene 1
Matoi: Ummm, I uh
Matoi: Um, try your best...
Matoi: I mean thanks
Matoi: Thanks for saving me
Matoi: That's what I should be saying first

Matoi Scene 2
Matoi:Hey, uh are you okay?
Matoi: If I don't need to worry then sorry
Matoi: But you're always fighting so I get uneasy
Matoi: I can only wait here, so at least let me worry about you
Matoi: I heard it's good to have a lot of things you want to do
Matoi: But don't over do it.

Matoi Scene 3
Matoi: What's up?
Matoi: You want to know about me?
Matoi: Sorry I still can't remember.
Matoi: I remember most things like common sense and language,
Matoi: But when I try to remember about myself, my head feels foggy
Matoi: Sorry, the only thing i remembered was your name. Sorry for clinging and depending on you
Matoi: Thanks for letting me depend on you
Matoi: I'll try my best to remember. It may take some time, but some day eventually I'll remember.

Matoi Scene 4
Matoi: Hey, you came again. You look really worn out.
Matoi: The volcano cave on planet Amduskia? ... somehow just hearing the name feels really hot.
Matoi: Plus the climate on the ship is regulated, that must make the heat worse.
Matoi: If you're okay with it, then that's fine. Just don't overdo it.
Matoi: I'll be looking forward to the next time you come by.

Matoi Scene 5
Matoi:Welcome back
Matoi: I have a small favor to ask.
Matoi: If it's not too much of a bother I wanted to know about the planets.
Matoi: It's possible it may help me remember something.
Matoi: That new planet Lilipa..
Matoi: A planet covered with sand, I guess that's called a desert.
Matoi: It's just been found, so that means there's something to be discovered. I wonder if that's why everyone has been going there.
Matoi: Somehow that seems really fun.
Matoi: Thanks, I still haven't remembered anything, but I'm glad to hear from you.

Matoi Scene 6
Matoi: Hello I was waiting here, thinking that you might come by to talk again. I'm really happy that you came.
Matoi: I'm not very good at talking to other people. It's actually very scary.
Matoi: Fria said that I might have some trauma but I'm really not sure.
Matoi: But you, for some reason I can talk to you normally with no problems.
Matoi: That's why i guess it's okay. I don't have any memory but at least i have someone to talk to and feel at ease with.

Matoi Scene 7
Matoi: What am I doing? Observing. Not anyone person, just everyone.
Matoi: It's really interesting. There are tons of people here and no persons are exactly the same.
Matoi: I guess that's to be expected. But i wonder why....
Matoi: for some reason in my head, everyone seemed to have the same face.
Matoi: I .... can't remember. I don't think it does any good to get frustrated. I guess I'll relax.
Matoi: I'm still not very good at talking to people, but I like looking at their faces. It's a lot of fun.
Matoi: For some reason it happy me happy. Not sure why, but it just does.

Matoi Scene 8
Matoi: What am I like when I talk to other people?
Matoi: One seond, let me try.
Matoi: "um, yes"
Matoi: "understood"
Matoi: "is that so?"
Matoi: Just brief acknowledgements. I wonder if it's because I'm nervous.
Matoi: My tone is also too polite. Kind of odd.

Matoi Scene 9
Matoi: Oh, hi, ugh.
Matoi: Sorry, it's just.. my head hurts. I'm not trying too hard (to remember). I can't.
Matoi: Thanks for coming by, but I think if i rest I might get better.

Matoi Scene 10
Matoi: Sorry, I was preoccupied.
Matoi: Things that are normal to everyone are all very new to me.
Matoi: Things like the monitor in the lobby. It was like something inside the wall was moving.
Matoi: Losing my memory has been an inconvience, but for some reaosn I'm glad I get to re-experience new things.
Matoi: Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about trying to remember. I'm doing my best.
Matoi: I was just thinking that forgetting isn't always a bad thing.

Matoi Scene 11 (need video)
Aren't you kind of dusty?

You went to the Underground Passage?
That, where was it?

So Planet Lilippa's underground
had something like that.

Is it a newly discovered area? (not sure how to translate this part)
There's a lot of
unknown and new stuff, isn't there.

Un, that's good, it is good.
I see, it's like an adventure,
that seems nice.

When something happens again,
your stories, let me listen to them. I'll leave it to you.

Matoi Scene 12 (need video)
Welcome back,

Did you go to some new place?
Somehow, I have that feeling.

Planet Amduscia, the country of dragons...
Floating in the sky, that's amazing huh.
It sounds unbelievable from just listening to it.

About the sky, isn't the wind strong?
Won't you fall down?
Hey, are you okay?

If you get blown off by the wind it'll be really bad, you know?
It's not something to laugh at.

...but, up in the sky,
it must be an incredible sensation, huh.

...un. That's right.
Eventually, I want to go see.

Matoi Scene 13 (need video)
Welcome back,

Me? What have I been doing, huh?
Lots of stuff to be learned. Studying, I guess.

I, was placed on this ship but
know nothing about the ship, so
I want to understand my range of knowledge.

It's really big, this ship.
The lobby, it's just one of
various enterable sections.

I know there's a urban city district far away,
and am pretty sure there's agricultural & coastal districts as well.

I want to go, is what I thought but
with the division of labor and work
it's no good. It's too bad.

Well, everyone in ARKS
have strict appearances that
"WHAT IS THIS!", is how surprised I was.
^ (literally WTF IS THIS SHIT but...yeah xD)

I wonder if I can enter the agricultural work force...
How should I do it...

Ah...y, yeah, I know?
Firstly, I have to let
my body get some good rest, right.


Aug 3, 2012, 06:10 PM
Matter Board 1
MB1 A-4 Ulc Scene
AP 238/2/21
Ulc: Hey, that outfit, you're ARKS.
Ulc: Sorry, my name is Ulc
Ulc: I've always wanted to be an ARKS, so i just...
Ulc: But 'wanted' as in past tense. I didn't make it. They said I didn't have any tallent for controlling photons.
Ulc: ARKS has some severe parts, so there's not much I can do about that.
Ulc: But don't really be concerned with me.
Ulc: I'm more concerned with my friend.
Ulc: He's a coward and a weakling, but he suddenly started talking about becoming an ARKS.
Ulc: He went ahead and took the exam and since then it's been pretty hard.
Ulc: Can he get by on his own? And I don't see him very often. So I'm kind of concerned.

MB1 B-2 Xeno Scene - 捜索中のゼノ
Xeno: Hey looks like you're doing pretty well.
Xeno: It's good to be enthusiastic, but lately darkers have been appearing so don't let your guard down.
Xeno: But I don't think I need to be worried about you.
Xeno: Oh by the way, if you run into Echo, tell her I've been looking for her.
Xeno: That idiot just keeps running ahead.

MB1 B-3 Xeno Scene
AP 238/2/22
Xeno: Oh hey, coincidence meeting you here?
Xeno: Me? I'm just standing here spacing out. Echo slept in.
Xeno: I have no idea how long I've been standing here anymore. I've gotten tired of waiting.
Xeno: Hey are you doing clients orders?
Xeno: To put it simply client orders are things you do for indivuals.
Xeno: It's not like you're overloaded with missions, so it's good to take them. It's good expereince too
Xeno: Hey, Echo won't be here for long. So try to take an order from me.
Xeno: Let's see for a name, "Let's waste time on Naberius"
Xeno: Okay, that's seems appropriate. When you want to take the order talk to me one for time.

MB1 C-4 John Scene

John 238 AP/ 2/ 21:
Are you a new ARKS? So you must have experienced the darker appearance from the other day. I've been with ARKS for a long time, but I've never seen an appearance of that scale. Naberius is a planet of few resources and darkers aren't supposed to appear there. But from that time on darkers have been appearing regularly. I wonder what's going on. There was also a regrettable incident with a girl who fell down surrounded by darkers. There's always sacrifice, but I wonder what it will take to get over that incident.

MB1 C-5 Tia & Patty Scene - 仲良し姉妹アークス (Close ARKS sisters)
AP 238/2/22
Patty: Hey the ARKS over there.
Patty: Don't ignore us, yeah I mean you.
Patty: You look like a rookie, maybe I can give you some words of advice.
Tia: He looks a lot stronger than you
Patty: Strength is not important to an ARKS as much as knowledge and information is. You think so too right?
Patty: The thing that we ARKS have to look out for are darkers right?
Patty: They come after us, they infect the native creatures. They get out of control if left alone.
Patty: The creatures on Naberius are pretty weak, but on other planets-
Tia: Sorry about my annoying sister
Tia: She thinks she's helping with information but she's really just running her mouth
Tia: But the fact that darkers are dangerous is good to remember
Tia: Plus it looks like they've been appearing a lot lately
Tia: Okay patty, let's go
Patty: Tia wait I'm still talking
Tia: That's fine no one is listening to you anyways.

MB1 D-5 Leda Scene - スキルマジすげえって (Those skills are seriously amazing.)
Leda: Hey what a coincidence. Have you heard about skill.
Leda: You know with different classes there are a bucnch of skills.
Leda: Yeah in the lobby that thing you can make a request at.
Leda: I always thought it was weird why they do it that way. Basically it's limit practice.
Leda: Pretty much once you have enough experience you'll be able to use each skill anyways. So it actually makes sense.
Leda: You'd think why don't they let us use everything, because your body cant handle it.
Leda: Even though it's your own body, there's lots you don't know. Could be other hidden secrets.
Leda: Hidden powers and stuff, pretty interesting.

MB1 E-4 Leda Scene
AP 238/2/21
Hey listen up, I went to a mission on Neberius and uh, Oh that's right you were there too. It was crazy the amount of darkers. It's just that, in the darkers i thought i saw a person. Everyone who was with me doesn't believe this, but i really saw someone! Looked like a girl. Maybe it was just a dream, but tehre's no way i'd see it so clearly! She was definitely there! But there's no way i could have gotten her back..

Matter Board 2
MB2 A-5 不穏な人影
AP 238/2/20
Mask: Where is (s)he?

MB2 B-1 Tia & Patty Scene
AP 238/2/21
Patty: Oh you came! What information do you want to listen to?
Patty: It's fine, ask anything. Patty can definitely answer it.
Tia: Sorry it looks like my sister likes you.
Tia: I wonder if it's because you actually listened to her.
Tia: Don't worry I research all of the information so it's accurate, and we don't ask for any payment.
Tia: Patty's super energy, well it would be nice if she took it down a little.
Patty: What are you two secretly talking about, let me in too.
Tia: What are you talking about, why don't you just spill out more information.
Patty: Oh right, how about this, "Dangerous Arks"
Patty: we say arks, but it's not like all arks are devoted to justice and truth.
Patty: There are a couple of teams that just enjoy killing or dont really care about friend or foe.
Patty: Just thinking about it pisses me off.
Tia: aside from the exceptions that Patty just mentioned the vast majority of arks are upstandign members.
Tia: It's just that one section is expecially rotten.
Tia: More than being a good person having power is a trait that's sought after in this world. I guess it can't be helped.
Patty: Just watch out, if come in contact with those members it could turn out to be a problem.

MB2 B-3 おせっかいな先輩
AP 238/2/22
Xeno: Oh hey, what's up?
Xeno: Coincidence meeting you here. How are you doing?
Xeno: Meeting here in this forest could be a good chance. Come help us.
Echo: Xeno, we're mid-mission right now.
Xeno: Don't worry about the details.
Xeno: Besides we've pretty much finished up already right?
Echo: You're right, when did we....
Xeno: When you were running away from all of the native creatures.
Echo: I wasn't scared, anyways do what ever.
Xeno: then it's fine. Let's go.

MB2 B-4 強化されたダーカー?
AP 238/2/23
Patty: hey you. Did we see you before? Or not? Anyways it doesn't matter.
Patty: It looks like you want information. You want it right? That's fine just be honest.
Patty: The number one information industry in arks, Patty-n-Tia is us.
Tia: Don't pay attention to her. She just named it on the spot right now.
Tia: But we really do collect information like... the one about the weird dark on Naberius.
Patty: That's right! The rumored 'searching darker'. He's supposedly a lot more powerful than a normal darker.
Patty: something-team let their guard down and got done in by him. Not good right?
Tia: We heard about that and went looking. Call it good luck, or bad luck, but we weren't able to confirm it.
Tia: It is possible that darkers have other objectives besides just fighting arks members.
Patty: I know weird right! Anyways if you see it come tell us.

MB2 C-1 Ulc Scene
AP 238/2/24
Ulc: Oh hey, good timing. There's something i wanted to aks you. is it okay?
Ulc: What does controlling photons feel like?
Ulc: Kneeding dough? Holding back liquid? oh, uh...
Ulc: I mean i was thinking that if i could get the feeling of it, then maybe i'd be able to control them too.
Ulc: Not that's fine. I asked other people too and that just said 'somehow'.
Ulc: Maybe that not knowing that 'somehow' means i have no tallent.
Ulc: That sucks i mean really sucks.
Ulc: But i guess complaining doesn't help.
Ulc: I guess i'll just have to search for something else i can do.

MB2 C-5 ゼノとエコー (Xeno & Echo)
AP 238/2/28
Echo: THAT's WHY. How many times do i have to repeat myself? Not that way, this way. We've been around the same area twice now.
Xeno: Shut up, it doesn't really matter either way we're almost done.
Echo: You're always like that. It's a matter of efficiency.
Xeno: Okay, sorry my bad.
Xeno: But you were the one who was messed up what we were actually supposed to do this mission.
Echo: You're always the one that says, it doesn't matter, or try to act cool and then immediately go back on what you say; you suck.
Xeno: Hey don't get on my case, you looked like you were going to cry back there.
Echo: Don't talk about that. I did kind of screw up.
Xeno: Hey I wasn't trying to get on your case.
Xeno: We've been together since we were kids so you know that right.
Echo: I know, but I don't want to be a burden.
*Character walks in*
Xeno: uh.... you....
Echo: uh....
Xeno: So Echo, let's get back to the mission.
Echo: Yeah, that's right the mission, we should hurry up and get back to it.
Xeno: You're right but if somebody hadn't messed up we'd already be done.
Echo: Xeno.... ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸
xeno: Echo・・・(゚_゚i)

MB2 E-4 師匠に似ている
AP 238/3/3
Echo: You're quickly building up a reputation. The rookie that will listen to anything and help out.
Xeno: But looking at you run around helping people like that makes me remember my teahcer.
Xeno: He kept listenging to people's requesting going from there to here...
Echo: Oh it started, when Xeno starts talking about his teacher he won't stop.
Xeno: I'm not about to start monolouging here. Besides I'm not about to put them in the same group.
Xeno: but really the aura that you have really looks close to him as well.
Xeno: Just remember that our teacher spent all of his time and effort helping other people that he ended up poor himself. Just take care about that much.
Echo: Okay, Xeno let's keep going.
Xeno: Right, later.

Matter Board 3
MB3 A-2 龍族のしきたり
Maria: I don't think I've seen you before. Wait, we did meet that time before. Sorry, I'm not very good at memorizing faces.
Maria: My name is Maria. I'm one for the more senior Arks.
Maria: To highlight an area of concern, I'd like to talk about the dragon clan.
Maria: The dragon clan is somewhat extreme. That is to say they are a closed society. There's a large gap between friend and foe.
Maria: If they see an ally, they relax but if they see an enemy they don't give any mercy.
Maria: Arks are seen as enemies. You get attacked often right?
Maria: Before we we able to talk a little bit, but recently things have gotten brutal.
Maria: And if you strike down one, then you further get seen as an enemy. It's troublesome.
Maria: The dragon clan has their own culture and their own way of communicating. Unless we understand their perspective then i think communication will be difficult.
Maria: I think Sara [サラ(another character)?] should be moving soon.
Maria: Then i'll be off. I'll try to remember your face, but if i don't then please forgive me.

MB3 A-5 Leda Scene
AP 238/2/28
Leda: Hey listen up. I spent sometime thinking of a way to become stronger.
Leda: And I think the key to becominng stronger is definitely a strong weapon.
Leda: The higher ups all have their own exclusive weapons. We want some of that too.
Leda: That's why i went to the swordshithm but he said i have to pay upfront.
Leda: He said I need go have more passion or something.
Leda: Hey can you ask for me?
Leda: What we need are stronger weapons right? Then help me out.

MB3 B-1 栄光の創世器
AP 238/3/1
Patty: Patty from the Arks Number 1 information bureau. Todays we are also in business.
Tia: And who couldn't get their hands on any decent information?
Patty: I don't look back on the past.
Patty: But i did get friendly with an old man in the lobby area.
Patty: He made a lot of weapons in the past. Pretty amazing right?
Tia: That's probably the famous blacksmith Zigg.
Tia: You call yourself an information seller and you don't even know that?
Patty: Who freaking cares?
Tia: What ever.
Tia: 40 years ago he was a stern weapons maker, but recently he's let go of himself.
Tia: But it's said that the weapons he did make are supposedly the genesis.
Patty: Genesis? You mean like the firts swords he made or something?
Tia: Exactly. Disregarding any thought of making a profit, he made an overpowered prototype that one one could use. Tuning that design is what all our current weapons are based off of.
Patty: SO the old guy I ran into is that amazing of a person?
Tia: That's not who you ran into. You should listen to what other people say occasionally.
Patty: Who cares. Anyways, it was good to hear right?
Patty: If he's that amazing then maybe I should get him to make a weapon for me.
Tia: That's why I said he doesn't have the motivation anymore.

MB3 B-5 Zig Scene
AP 238/2/28
Zig: What's wrong with you. Did you come to laugh at me?
Zig: Laugh all you want. This swordsmith, 75 years old is all withered up.
Zig: I can't get passionate. What used to flow so naturally, recently I haven't had a creative spark.
Zig: The deciding battle 40 years ago made my heart quiver. The great battle 10 years ago did too. For some reason fighting brings the best out of me.
Zig: BUt after the war, things have calmed down. My passion has grown cold.
Zig: I still have the desire to craft weapons, but I don't want to make anything half-assed. This is my pride as a craftsman.
Zig: ... sorry to ramble on like that. It's easy to talk to you.
Zig: So to make something of my rambling, if you can find something to peak my interest, please bring it to me.
Zig: Yeah, something that will fill me with inspiration.

MB3 C-4 pt1 Rodio Scene
AP 238/2/21
Rojio: Are from Arks? Does that mean you'll accept my request?
Rojio: You will? Thank you very much. This helps a lot!
Rojio: As a student I've been studying the origins of the planets. BUt as for Naberius there's little information.
Rojio: It's the first planet that Arks go to, so I thought there'd be more information.
Rojio: Sorry. I got ahead of myself. My name is Rojio: My request is simple, a survey of Naberius' geological features. That's about it.
Rojio: I want to analyze it for myself. I don't know why it's kind of a feeling.
Rojio: Even if I ask other Arks, they all think that there's nothing more to be learned, and I don't get very nice replies.
Rojio: Sp thank you for helping me.
Rojio: It's fine when ever you have time.

MB3 C-4 pt2 Rodio Scene
AP 238/2/22
Rojio: Hello
Rojio: Thanks for acceping my request the other day.
Rojio: With your help I was able to get the data I was looking for... but-
Rojio: I'm not sure how to say this; the geographical features don't match up with each other. There are a few locations that are very odd.
Rojio: Sorry for my poor explanations. Anyways, this is the data I was looking for. I need to examine it further.

MB3 C-5 Ulc Scene
AP 238/3/1
Ulc: Hello. Looks like you've been doing well.
Ulc: Being in Arks is a dangerous profession, so i's easy to get injured.
Ulc: Being able to talk like this kind of a blessing when you think about it.
Ulc: For someone being protected, then it's not exactly my place to say so.
Ulc: Uh, buess I didn't need to say that.
Ulc: Arks do the fighting and us normal people do the mainenance. That's how the roles are devided.
Ulc: What should I do? Food stuff management? ... not really suited for that. Product development? Maybe not...
Ulc: Oh wait, maybe an Arks-assosiated office job would be good.
Ulc: Might be irresolute as I wont be able to fight as an Arks.
Ulc: But since I've always wanted to join, wanting to be involved in someway or another is only natural.

MB3 D-1 不思議でちいさな影の噂!
Patty: Hey, hey, hey. It's Patty-chan.
Tia: Hello. This is Tia.
Patty: Tia why the low tension? I'm really high strung.
Patty: And want to know why? It's because we found some great information!
Patty: Want to hear? Don't want to hear? It doesn't matter because I'm going to tell you anyways.
Tia: Not exactly an information "business". What ever.
Patty: The location is here, Lilipa. It doesn't matter where you look, it's all sand. But recently small shadows have been sighted.
Patty: While it might not seem like much, there are a bunch of sighting reports.
Patty: just when i was thinking there could be something else here, I got this information.
Patty: Um.. what was it..
Tia: That an arks that was about to die got rescued by the little shadows.
Tia: This Arks wants to thank them and is trying to find the little shadows.
Patty: It was a female cast. If you're interested you should talk to her directly.

MB3 D-3 Rodio Scene
AP 238/3/1
Rojio: You came at a good time. I was just thinking of contacting you.
Rojio: About the Naberius data, it looks like the back area data is also required.
Rojio: You already know the background information, thought you'd be the easiest to ask.
Rojio: I already have enough information for the forest. This time what I'd like to investigate is the Tundra.
Rojio: Regionally going right from a tropical forest right into tundra, something is off.
Rojio: It exists, so I have no choice but to acknowledge it. But somehow it feels off.
Rojio: There's no detailed data on the subject. It looks like records are being hidden.
Rojio: Got carried away, those aren't accusations a student should start throwing out.
Rojio: If I have an issue, the only option is to look into it first. If we look we may find something.
Rojio: It may be of trouble to you, but thanks for the help.

MB3 E-1 凍土にたたずむ人影
AP 238/2/28
Affin: Oh good timing. Hey partner listen to this!
Affin: Just a second ago, in the tundra I saw it.
Affin: Just what? A really eerie looking person. He looked like he was searching for something.
Affin: An Arks on a quest? That's definitely not the case.
Affin: I've never seen someone so creepy like that.
Affin: From afar I didn't get a good look, but he was all black.
Affin: Anyways, if you're headed down this way stay on your guard. I'm going to head back.

MB3 E-2 やる気を取り戻させたいが……
AP 238/3/1
John: Hey you. Have you seen a rare weapon in this area?
John: You haven't? The thing is my old friend is a swordsmith. Lately he's lost sight of himself.
John: Was thinking of asking him to make something for me. But unless he has a weapon in his hand can't get inspired.
John: That's why i was thinking of finding something to help him get inspired, but the search isn't going well.
John: It maybe that you don't need to show him a completed weapon, just something with potential.
John: if you find something that fits, then i think you should try showing it to him.
John: If you see a stern looking cast standing around not doing anything, then that's him.
John: Sorry for taking up your time. Wish us both luck.

MB3 E-6 本来はレンジャー
AP 238/2/26
Xeno: Hey, have you gotten used to fighting?
Xeno: What's your class? Oh that's right, you can pretty much manage anything.
Xeno: being able to change your photon manipulation specialization is pretty enviable.
Xeno: From your perspective, what do i look like?
Xeno: Do I look like a hunter? Because actually my photon specialization is mostly suited towards ranger.
Xeno: Right now I'm trying my best, but a class your not suited towards is hard.
Xeno: it would be nice to be someone like you.
Xeno: No point in dwelling on things i have no control over. I just have to do what I can.
Xeno: Go back to being a ranger? I've been thinking about that.
Xeno: But there's something i need to protect. And I think hunter does that best.
Xeno: Sorry it seems that when ever i talk to you i end up complaining about something.
Xeno: But what's this nastalgic feelign i get around you?

MB3 F-1 アフィンが探すものは......
Affin: Hey partner. This planet is really hot. Just walking around makes me tired.
Affin: The person i'm looking for hasn't turned up. That's to be expected.
Affin: Looking for someone on this undeveloped planet doesnt have a high probability of success in the first place.
Affin: But a while ago I saw a small little shadow.
Affin: For a person it's too small. I wonder what i was.
Affin: It's too hot, i cant think straight. Anyways I'm headed back.
Affin: Later partner, don't over exert yourself.

MB3 F-3 火山洞窟の龍族はすっごいよ!
AP 238/3/6
Patty: Hello
Patty: Information for when you're in a pinch. Want some fresh info?
Tia: He looks more annoyed by you than anything.
Patty: Good luck. There's no documented way of getting me to shut up.
Patty: Anyways, as far as information goes the place is right here, the third planet; 'Amu', 'Ammumu-'.
Tia: 'Amuduskia'.
Patty: That's right Amuduskia. The planet that got struck by a meteroirite and is now a weird shape.
Patty: As such the native creatures living here are really tough. You knwo what i mean, the dragons.
Patty: The dragons on Amuduskia are really intelegent and used to communicate with Arks before.
Patty: But recently violent dragons have been increasing. They'll attack Arks for no reaosn on sight.
Patty: It's kill or be killed.
Patty: But seriously when they attack you need to defent yourself.
Patty: That's right, if you're not around then there's no one to listen to my constant chatter.
Tia: Anyways, it's dangerous so be careful is all she's trying to say.
Tia: It's mostly Patty's meddling, but at least be on your guard.

MB3 F-5 ダーカーは何を探す
AP 238/2/28
Krot: Hey there. Are you on a quest, or come here on a mission?
Krot: I came here to eliminate darkers. But i've kind of gotten discouraged.
Krot: I ran into a some darkers, but rather than attack me, it looked like they were searching for something.
Krot: I defeated as amany as I could, but some still got away. They may still be searching in that area.
Krot: For darkers, it looked like they were being lead. Was really odd.
Krot: But I guess darkers being odd is nothign new.
Kort: Let's both take care. Later.


Matter Board 4

MB4 A-1 仮面野郎は何処に居る
AP 238/3/4

Ghetmurt: Oh it's just you. I have no business with you. Where's that masked bastard? Hurry up and bring him out.
Ghetmurt: But it's not like you know anything about him anyways.
Ghetmurt: Someone is bounded to you by fate and you have no idea who they are. Or what motivations they have. You don't think that's pathetic?
Shina: Are you hiding something? Meaningless silence will only end up destroying you.
Ghetmurt: Stop talking Shina. It's still too early for me to kill that guy.
Shina: But from the situation the other day, it's impossible to conclude they have no relationship. Any information should be extracted out of him.
Ghetmurt: Shina? Are you disobeying me?
Shina: No. Please forgive my impertinance.
Ghetmurt: Dance around as you like. Once you're ready I'll be coming for you.
Shina: Then please excuse us.

MB4 A-3 臆病者のジレンマ
AP 238/3/10
Furie: You came at a great time.
Furie: Would you mind helping me?
Furie: Over here those little guys are getting attacked by darkers.
Furie: I managed to defeat some of them, but there are too many.
Furie: Trying to communcate with them can't wait. First we need to garantee their safety.

MB4 A-5 怯える理由
Ap 238/3/10
Furrie: Oh hi.
Furrie: Sorry, but could you not make any loud noise?
Furrie: Look over there.
Furrie: It's rare to see them relaxed like that. Normally they have their guard up all of the time.
Furrie: That's a battle machine?
Furrie: Those guys are native creatures so there's no reason the machines should attack them. BUt something seems wrong.
Furrie: Watch out! RUN!
Furrie: Sorry, it seems like we've been seen by the enemy.
Furrie: I'll help you, so let's defeat them.

MB4 B-2 Ulc Scene
AP 238/3/7
Ulc: How it's doing? Doing well? I'm doing well the both of us I guess.
Ulc: It's said that having too much motivation can cause you to run around in circles, but i think it's better than none at all.
Ulc: it's just that my Arks friend has no motivation what so ever. It's pathetic just looking at him.
Ulc: If it were possible I'd like to swap places.
Ulc: So I have to stick with what I can do. And that is become an Arks back up office and support [him?].
Ulc: Before doing that I have to take the qualification exam. That in and of it's self is a challenge.
Ulc: I've decided to take it so all i can do is try my best. I want to show thatg working hard beats having ability.

MB4 B-6 Gettemuharuto, Shina, Xeno, & Echo Scene
AP 238/3/3
Zeno: What the fuck do you think you're doing?
Gettemart: Fine. Come on Zeno. If it's you then I think i can enjoy myself.
Echo: Zeno, calm down. MelfonShina, stop that violent person of yours as well.
Shina: I don't believe I know who you're referring to.

Zeno: Oh hey...
Gettemart: The mood has been ruined. You sure have bad timing.
Gettemart: That's fine, I have a chance when ever.
Gettemart: Later Zeno. Keep playing with those little toddlers of yours.
Shina: Then please excuse us.
Echo: Zeno..
Zeno: It's fine echo. Sorry to make you worry.
Zeno: And to you too. Sorry I let you see me like this.
Zeno: Just think of this as a side i don't like to show people. Do me a favor and let me spare you the details.
Zeno: I'm going to cool off. Later.
Echo: Zeno, wait.
Echo: Sorry, I'm going to chase after him.

MB4 C-1 逢えたけどまだ遠い
AP 238/3/9
Furrie: Over there. Look at that.
Furrie: You saw that right? There's no mistaking it this time.
Furrie: There are no errors in my memory or camera. It was really there.
Furrie: If you saw it too then it was really there.
Furrie: The little shadows. Or should I say little persons. That's what they really look like.
Furrie: I wasn't able to talk or say thank you, but I'll get there.
Furrie: For now just knowing they're really there is enough.
Furrie: After this is just patience and percerverance. And I am confident i have enough of both.
Furrie: Thanks for all of your help.

MB4 C-3 Furie Scene
AP 238/3/8
Furrie: Thanks for the help the other day.
Furrie: I'm completely healed up. I can go anywhere.
Furrie: I need to ask a favor of you.
Furrie: Can we go to the desert together?
Furrie: I dont have any confidence in what i saw. I want to go with someone.
Furrie: Please when ever you have time is okay.

MB4 D-4 pt1 Furie Scene
Furrie: Hello, you're Arks right?
Furrie: You're the one who accepted the request? Thank you very much.
Furrie: Do you have a second befroe I explain the details?
Furrie: On the seond planet Lilipa, have you seen any small shadows? Do you knwo where they are?
Furrie: I guess you haven't...
Furrie: Sorry for the weird question. Even when shadows are spotted no one is sure where they appear.
Furrie: Sorry, my name is Furrie. I'm also in Arks.
Furrie: Have you heard the stories about small shadows on Lilipa?
Furrie: Those little shadows actually saved my life. Do you believe me?
Furrie: I was injured and couldn't move. when I thought "this is the end" those shadows helped me.
Furrie: A lot happened but i managed to make it back. I didn't get a chance to thank who helped me.
Furrie: That's why i just have one request.
Furrie: Can you help me look for those little shadows in my place?
Furrie: I'd like to look too, but i can't with my injury.
Furrie: Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter. I will still pay.
Furrie: Was that a dream? Or did it happened? I want to confirm that much.
Furrie: When ever you have time, please.

MB4 D-4 pt2 存在の痕跡
AP 238/3/6
Affin: Small shadows? What's up? Looking for them?
Affin: I saw them over there a minute ago.
Affin: I've always been good at finding things for other people, but never for myself.


Affin: I guess they're not here any more.
Affin: But there....
Affin: What's that? A cloth?
Affin: It's not like the guard robots would have one. Maybe the shadow's?
Affin: At least it's proof that something is there.
Affin: To be honest there are still too many things we don't know about this planet.
Affin: Call it intuition or a prediction. But I think there's still more mysteries.
Affin: Well i guess we'll figure it out by investigating.
Affin: Alright, I'm going to finish my quest.
Affin: Help me out on my mission next time. Later.

MB4 D-4 pt3 Furie Scene
AP 238/3/6
Furrie: How did it go?
Furrie: Is this cloth something left behind by the shadows?
Furrie: I guess they really were there. It wasnt a dream.
Furrie: That's good to know, that there's someone I need to thank.
Furrie: Thanks.
Furrie: I need to hurry upp and heal so I can go thank them.
Furrie: If it's nto too much trouble, I'd like you to help me with that too.

MB4 E-1 犯人は誰だろうねえ
AP 238/3/11
Clot: Coming all the way out to this hot place, you're working hard.
Clot: But as you can see, there's nothing here. Or what was here is gone.
Clot: Looks like someone went crazy and destroyed everything.
Clot: Well I guess someone cleaning up early morning makes things easier for me.
Clot: If you come here early morning you might get caught up.
Clot: Just be careful. Later.

MB4 E-5 Zig Scene
AP 238/3/2
Zig:Oh it's you. Came here to show me something? Is it going to bring back my passion?
Zig: It's no good, my passion won't come back for a weapon... like....
Zig: What's this!!? The form has no purpose and yet it meshes together.
Zig: This form, how was it made? More importantly how did they train to make this?
Zeg: Hey, where did you find this?
Zig: In the ice? What do you. But this is... nows not the time for questions. Time to act.
Zig: Can you lend this to me? If it's me I maybe able to fix it.
Zig: Don't worry I wont charge you.
Zig: Actually it's the other way around. If you want I can make a weapon for you in exchange.
Zig: A broken weapon like this, that's this incredible. I must see what the completed weapon looks like.
Zig: The passion frozen in me has started burning once again!
Zig: Hahahaha! I'm looking forward to this.
Zig: What potential you really have i need to see.

MB4 E-6 Rodio Scene
AP 238/3/3
Rojio: Something is definitely off about this.
Rojio: Not the forest, the Tundra is off. This isn't natural.
Rojio: Such a strange area. How was it formed?
Rojio: Naberius might not be the normal safe planet we thought it was. Actually it could be much worse.
Rojio: I'm going to analyze the data. If I figure something out I'll contact you.

MB4 F-2 リリーパ族は何かを探す
Affin: Hey partner. How it going? Meeting here might be fate too.
Affin: It's like a maze. I've completely lost where I was heading.
Affin: One of those little shadows, was searching for something.
Affin: It was over there, but as soon as I looked at it, it ran away.
Affin: It's rude don't you think? Like I'm going to do anything.
Affin: But it looks like they know the entire area. I wonder if there are any markings (land marks)?
Affin: Well it's not like i can communicate. So I guess I'll just have to figure soemthing out.

Matter Board 5
MB5 A-2 Zig Scene
Ap 238/3/13

Zig: Oh you came at a good time.
Zig: About the weapon you handed me the other day, I looked into it. And it looks like that's only a fragment.
Zig: So more parts of that weapon should be around somewhere..... I'd say about.... 2 more.
Zig: Predicting the make of the weapon, I could make replacement parts, but it'd likely take the beauty out of that weapon.
Zig: So I have to ask you a favor; if you find the other two parts, can you bring them to me?
Zig: I'm counting on you!

MB5 A-4 Zeno Scene
AP 238/3/14

Zeno: Hey, what's up?
Zeno: I heard that you're being asked to do the impossible for old man Zig.
Zeno: That guy always becomes like this when he gets fired up. It's really a pain.
Zeno: So what did he ask you to do?
Zeno: So that thing that happened a while back. So that was a weapon?
Zeno: No i didn't know that, it was just a hunch.
Zeno: If you're looking for something like that, then it's not like you don't have any clues to go on. Should turn out okay.
Zeno: Think about it, the darkers were looking for it and so was that mask guy.
Zeno: So to say, the places where they're looking around should be close to where it is.
Zeno: So basically look for that masked-guy and darkers.
Zeno: I'll be looking too, so I'll contact you if i find anything. Later.

MB5 A-6 pt1 Light Scene
AP 238/3/8

Light: What should i do? What should I do?
Light: Hey you! That's right you there.
Light: That outfir; you're arks right. You're here for my request right?
Light: Sorry for the delay. My name is Light. I'm Dr. Aki's assistant.
Light: 'And where is Dr. Aki'?. That's what this is about.
Light: Aki has been obsessed with the dragon clan on Amaduskia.
Light: She has Arks certification and this time she ran there on here own.
Light: I'm really worried. If something should happen to her....
Light: So coming back to the subject of the order; can you go look for her?
Light: I've prepared you payment.... from the Doc's research fund....
Light: When ever you have time, but the sooner the better.

MB5 A-6 pt2 真実の探求者
AP 238/3/8

Aki: Who are you? If you're not part of the dragon clan, I have no interest in you.
AKi: What? Is my name Aki? Asking directly for information, you're pretty interesting.
Aki: As you stated, my name is Aki. But who are you? I have no recolection of you. And my recolection doesn't make mistakes.
Aki: Oh wait. I can tell with out you needing to explain. You must have come here on request from Light.
Aki: Other than looking for me, I can't imagine any other outcome from him.
Aki: Knowing him he probably worried and whined and said "if something should happen.."
Aki: Guess I don't have much choice. Since you found me, I'll stop here and head back for now.
Aki: Oh, and could you tell me your name?
Aki: Okay, I'll remember it.
Aki: You might be a lot more interesting than the dragon clan.
Aki: I was just talking to myself.
Aki: I'll see you around. Later.

MB5 C-3 Ulc Scene
Ulc: Sorry I'm feeling pretty down.
Ulc: Even working at an Arks related job it seems that ability is required.
Ulc: It seems that you can also get dispatched on emergency missions as kind of a reserve.
Ulc: That's why it's hard for people with out any kind of fighting ability.
Ulc: Right when things were looking up, to get turned down is really depressing.
Ulc: Wait, not yet.
Ulc: I haven't been regected yet.
Ulc: That's right it's still too early to give up.
Ulc: If I quit before I start, then nothing can ever happen.
Ulc: I have to keep trying. That's all I can do.

MB5 C-6 Aki Scene
Aki: Yaa <player>.

Aki: The past few days have been bothersome, huh.
Aki: Thanks to that, we can continue our research.
Aki: All that's left is confirming the data.

Aki: So, about the research,
(no freaking clue..."consultation in the fold"?) [ori itte soudan ga aru]

Aki: ...when it's convenient for you
Aki: I'd like to meet you in the Volcanic Caves.

Aki: I guess I don't need to say it to be understood?
Aki: If it's you you should understand.
Aki: So, I'll leave it to you.

MB5 D-2 圧倒的な龍族
Loga: ..................

MB5 D-4 Aki Scene
Aki: Hey, sorry to trouble you the other day.
Light: Really sensei, I wish you would stop running off of on your own.
Aki: Yeah, yeah, I know. You really need to shut up Light.
Aki: As you can see I have a nosy assistant. This time we'll take it easy.
Aki: So if possible i'm looking for someone to gather information in my place.
Aki: It seems like you fit the bill. What I'm asking is simple, clear, easy.
Aki: Please investigate the dragon clan in my place.
Aki: I say inestigate but I just want to examine their ecology.
Aki: if possible their interactions with darkers would be preferable.
Aki: So Light, beyond that I'm counting on you.
Light: Yes, sensei!
Light: Thanks for helping us. I've already prepared your payment.

MB5 D-6 気に入らなければ外敵
Melfonshina: Good afternoon, Master <Player>.
Melfonshina: If you are not in a hurry right now I recommend that you not take one step further.
Melfonshina: Now, just ahead there is a slightly dangerous situation.
Melfonshina: As you can see, right now Gettemhart-sama is taking everything he sees as an enemy.
Melfonshina: One could say he was 'feral'; there would be no difference.
Melfonshina: If you go you'll get involved. To me, there is no exception.
Melfonshina: If you think I'm being treated badly that is an outsider's perspective.
Melfonshina: ......For me, as long as we're together that's good enough for me.
Melfonshina: That wish is enough, I would not tolerate. Anything else, I will not tolerate.
Gettemhart: Ora, let's go Shina! Don't dillydally around!
Melfonshina: Our talk ends here, it seems.
Melfonshina: ......thus, <player>-sama. Please excuse me.

MB5 E-1 Light Scene
Light: Thanks for your help the other day.
Light: I also have a message from Sensei; "Thanks for gathering the data, sorry I couldn't say this in person".
Light: It would be nice if I could talk tp her. She's locked herself up in her study.
Light: So until I hear from her, I pretty much have nothing to do.
Light: That, and we may contact you again suddenly.
Light: I guess you caught her eye.
Light: Not sure if you'd call that luck. Anyways, let's try our best.

MB5 F-5 Rojio Scene
Rojio: <Player>-san. I have a report.
Rojio: The other day I did an investigation. It was about Naberius' geology, and after analyzing the data, I saw abnormalities.
Rojio: First, that planet's forest geography is its basis. The tundra terrain came later.
Rojio: However, the reason behind the formation of the tundra...... Normally, post-meteorite impact extreme weather tends to occur but ......I see no evidence of that.
Rojio: In addition, among the tundra there is data variation, and places where acquiring parameters didn't work.
Rojio: Almost, like jamming, as if it were......
Rojio: ......this is no longer a theory. That planet, something is wrong about it.
Rojio: Naberius......we heard it was an undeveloped, primitive planet. However, this......this data is......
Rojio: ......I am going to get permission to go directly to the surveyed area. I am aware of the dangers.
Rojio: However, the research results so far 地ならないあなただけには (not sure how to translate, need assistance) to tell you.
Rojio: The research has settled down so I showed my face in the lobby. Later, let's meet again.

Aug 3, 2012, 06:11 PM
Event Tablets 98/103 :-?
001: 仲良し姉妹アークス (Close ARKS sisters)
Patty: ちょいとそこ行くアークスさん!
Patty: ああっ! 無視しないで、そうアナタ!
Patty: ふふん、ルーキーさんみたいだし<br>センパイのあたしが、ちょいと<br>助言でもしてあげようか、ってね!
Tia: ……パティちゃんより<br>全然強そうに見えたけど。
Patty: うるっさい! アークスに必要なのは<br>実力じゃないの! 知識と情報なの!<br>ね、アナタもそう思うよね?
Patty: まず、あたしたちアークスが<br>気を付けなきゃいけないのは<br>ダーカーよね!
Patty: めっちゃこっち狙ってくるし<br>原生生物の凶暴性も上げてくるし<br>放っておいたらタイヘンよ!
Patty: ここナベリウスは原生生物が<br>あんまり強くないからまだいいけど<br>他の惑星に……
Tia: ……ごめんなさい。<br>さっきから、不出来な姉が<br>ぴーちくぱーちくうるさくて。
Tia: 伝聞情報を垂れ流すだけの<br>頭でっかちさんなので<br>放っておいてあげて。
Tia: あ……でも、ダーカーが危険<br>というのだけは、重要な事実かも……
Tia: 最近はここにも出てくるように<br>なったみたいだし、気を付けて。
Tia: さ、パティちゃん行くよ。<br>わたしたちはわたしたちで<br>情報収集しないと、なんだから。
Patty: あっ、ちょっとティア!<br>あたし、まだ話の途中なんだけど!
Tia: 大丈夫、安心して。<br>誰もパティちゃんの話<br>聞いてないから。

English :etongue:
AP 238/2/22
Patty: Hey the ARKS over there.
Patty: Don't ignore us, yeah I mean you.
Patty: You look like a rookie, maybe I can give you some words of advice.
Tia: He looks a lot stronger than you
Patty: Strength is not important to an ARKS as much as knowledge and information is. You think so too right?
Patty: The thing that we ARKS have to look out for are darkers right?
Patty: They come after us, they infect the native creatures. They get out of control if left alone.
Patty: The creatures on Naberius are pretty weak, but on other planets-
Tia: Sorry about my annoying sister
Tia: She thinks she's helping with information but she's really just running her mouth
Tia: But the fact that darkers are dangerous is good to remember
Tia: Plus it looks like they've been appearing a lot lately
Tia: Okay patty, let's go
Patty: Tia wait I'm still talking
Tia: That's fine no one is listening to you anyways.
002: 強化されたダーカー?
Patty: あら、アナタ!<br>この前会った? 会ってない?<br>まあ、どっちでもいいか!
Patty: 情報が欲しそうな顔をしてるわね?<br>してるでしょ? 欲しいでしょ?<br>うんうん、素直なのはいいことだよ!
Patty: アークスいちの情報屋さん!<br>チーム『パティエンティア』とは<br>あたしたちのこと!
Tia: あんまり気にしないで。<br>パティちゃんが勝手に<br>そう名乗っているだけだから。
Tia" ただ、情報を集めているのは本当。<br>そうね、例えば最近だと……<br>ナベリウスにいた変なダーカー、とか?
Patty: はいはいはーい!<br>あの噂になってる、もの探しダーカー!<br>普通のやつより、かなーり強いのかも!
Patty: なんとか、ってチームも<br>そいつらに油断しててやられたって!<br>危ないねー! おっかないねー!
Tia: 噂を聞いて、探しに行ったけど<br>生憎というか、幸いというか<br>私達は発見できずじまい。
Tia: 姿を見せることもまれみたいだし<br>もしかすると、アークスを倒す以外の<br>目的があるのかも。
Patty: 不気味っ、不敵っ!<br>一体何がしたいんだろ!<br>もし見かけたら、教えてねー!

English :etongue:
AP 238/2/23
Patty: hey you. Did we see you before? Or not? Anyways it doesn't matter.
Patty: It looks like you want information. You want it right? That's fine just be honest.
Patty: The number one information industry in arks, Patty-n-Tia is us.
Tia: Don't pay attention to her. She just named it on the spot right now.
Tia: But we really do collect information like... the one about the weird dark on Naberius.
Patty: That's right! The rumored 'searching darker'. He's supposedly a lot more powerful than a normal darker.
Patty: something-team let their guard down and got done in by him. Not good right?
Tia: We heard about that and went looking. Call it good luck, or bad luck, but we weren't able to confirm it.
Tia: It is possible that darkers have other objectives besides just fighting arks members.
Patty: I know weird right! Anyways if you see it come tell us.
003: 不穏な人影

English :etongue:
AP 238/2/20
Mask: Where is (s)he?
004: 栄光の創世器
Patty: はーい! アークスいちの情報屋!<br>パティちゃんですよー!<br>本日も絶賛営業中!
Tia: そのわりに、大した情報を<br>つかんでこれなかったのは誰?
Patty: 過去は振り返らない!
Patty: ああでもでも、休憩スペースで<br>のんびりしているおじいさんと<br>仲良くなったりしたんだよ!
Patty: 昔は武器とか作ってたんだってさ!<br>なんかすごいよねー! かっこいい!
Tia: ……それは多分<br>かの有名な刀匠ジグだね。
Tia: というかパティちゃん<br>情報屋名乗ってるくせに<br>なんで知らないの?
Patty: 興味ないから!
Tia: ……あっそ。
Tia: 刀匠ジグ。四十年ぐらい前から<br>武器制作ひとすじの頑固な堅物さん。<br>でも、最近はからっきし。
Tia: その手が作った武器はいずれ<br>『創世器』にも至るだろうと<br>言われていたのに、もったいない。
Patty: ……『創世器』って、なんだっけ?<br>最初に作ったソードとかだっけ?
Tia: そう。採算度外視のプロトタイプ。<br>桁違いの性能で扱いきれないからって<br>デチューンしたのが、今ある武器の元。
Patty: へー、そんなの作れちゃうんだ!<br>すごいおじいさんだったんだね<br>あのおじいさん!
Tia: いや、あの人は作ってないからね。<br>パティちゃんは少しぐらい<br>人の話を聞いてね……
Patty: 細かいことはいいの!<br>アナタも勉強になったよね?<br>でしょでしょ、そうでしょ!
Patty: そっかー、そんなすごい人なら<br>あたし用の武器とか作ってもらおうかな!
Tia: だから今はやる気がなくて……

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/1
Patty: Patty from the Arks Number 1 information bureau. Todays we are also in business.
Tia: And who couldn't get their hands on any decent information?
Patty: I don't look back on the past.
Patty: But i did get friendly with an old man in the lobby area.
Patty: He made a lot of weapons in the past. Pretty amazing right?
Tia: That's probably the famous blacksmith Zigg.
Tia: You call yourself an information seller and you don't even know that?
Patty: Who freaking cares?
Tia: What ever.
Tia: 40 years ago he was a stern weapons maker, but recently he's let go of himself.
Tia: But it's said that the weapons he did make are supposedly the genesis.
Patty: Genesis? You mean like the firts swords he made or something?
Tia: Exactly. Disregarding any thought of making a profit, he made an overpowered prototype that one one could use. Tuning that design is what all our current weapons are based off of.
Patty: SO the old guy I ran into is that amazing of a person?
Tia: That's not who you ran into. You should listen to what other people say occasionally.
Patty: Who cares. Anyways, it was good to hear right?
Patty: If he's that amazing then maybe I should get him to make a weapon for me.
Tia: That's why I said he doesn't have the motivation anymore.
005: やる気を取り戻させたいが……
John: ああ、そこの君。<br>このあたりで珍しい武器を<br>見たりはしなかったか?
John: そうか、見てないか……<br>いや、私の旧友が刀匠なんだが<br>少しばかり自分を見失っていてね。
John: ちょっと武器の制作を<br>お願いしようと思っていたのだが<br>手がつかないと自棄になってきかない。
John: 何か刺激になるような武器でも<br>見せてやれば……と思っていたのだが<br>目が肥えてて、それも上手くいかない。
John: いっそのこと、完全な武器でなくとも<br>可能性を感じる何かを見せるべき<br>なのかもしれないな……
John: もしも君が<br>そういう類のものを見つけ出したら<br>彼に見せてやって欲しい。
John: ロビー内でいかついキャストが<br>やる気なさげに佇んでいるはずだ。<br>すぐにわかるさ。
John: 時間を取らせた。<br>では、互いの健闘を祈る。

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/1
John: Hey you. Have you seen a rare weapon in this area?
John: You haven't? The thing is my old friend is a swordsmith. Lately he's lost sight of himself.
John: Was thinking of asking him to make something for me. But unless he has a weapon in his hand can't get inspired.
John: That's why i was thinking of finding something to help him get inspired, but the search isn't going well.
John: It maybe that you don't need to show him a completed weapon, just something with potential.
John: if you find something that fits, then i think you should try showing it to him.
John: If you see a stern looking cast standing around not doing anything, then that's him.
John: Sorry for taking up your time. Wish us both luck.
006: ダーカーは何を探す
Chroto: おや、こんにちは。<br>君は探索で来たのかな?<br>それとも任務かな?
Chroto: 私はダーカー殲滅のために<br>ここまで来たんだけどね。<br>なんだか、ちょっと拍子抜けさ。
Chroto: さっきダーカーに遭遇したんだけど<br>襲いかかってくる様子もなくて……<br>何か探してるみたいだった。
Chroto: とりあえず、倒せる分は倒したけど<br>逃しちゃったのもいるから<br>その辺でまだ何か探してるかもね。
Chroto: ダーカーにしては<br>すごい統率されている感じで<br>なんとも不気味だったなぁ。
Chroto: ま、あいつらが不気味なのは<br>今に始まったことでもないか。
Chroto: お互いに気を付けよう。<br>それじゃあね。

English :etongue:
AP 238/2/28
Krot: Hey there. Are you on a quest, or come here on a mission?
Krot: I came here to eliminate darkers. But i've kind of gotten discouraged.
Krot: I ran into a some darkers, but rather than attack me, it looked like they were searching for something.
Krot: I defeated as amany as I could, but some still got away. They may still be searching in that area.
Krot: For darkers, it looked like they were being lead. Was really odd.
Krot: But I guess darkers being odd is nothign new.
Kort: Let's both take care. Later.
007: 凍土にたたずむ人影
Affin: あ、ああっ! ちょうどいいところに!<br>相棒っ! おれの話を聞いてくれ!
Affin: はっ、はあっ……!<br>さっきさ、凍土の奥の方で<br>見たんだよ!
Affin: 何をって……<br>なんか、すっげー不気味な人影だよ!<br>何かを探してきょろきょろしてんの!
Affin: 探索中のアークスじゃないか、って?<br>いやいや、それはねーよ!
Affin: あんな不気味なやつ<br>見たことないし!
Affin: 遠くでよくは見えなかったけど<br>なんつーか、真っ黒い感じ<br>だったんだよ。
Affin: とにかく、この奥に行くんなら<br>お前も気を付けろよ!<br>んじゃ、おれは帰るから!

English :etongue:
AP 238/2/28
Affin: Oh good timing. Hey partner listen to this!
Affin: Just a second ago, in the tundra I saw it.
Affin: Just what? A really eerie looking person. He looked like he was searching for something.
Affin: An Arks on a quest? That's definitely not the case.
Affin: I've never seen someone so creepy like that.
Affin: From afar I didn't get a good look, but he was all black.
Affin: Anyways, if you're headed down this way stay on your guard. I'm going to head back.
008: いいアークス? 悪いアークス?
009: 仮面野郎は何処に居る
Gettemhalt: あァ? オマエか……<br>今オマエに用はねェんだよ。<br>あの仮面野郎は何処だ、アイツを出せ。
Gettemhalt: といっても、オマエは何も<br>知らないんだったっけなァ?
Gettemhalt: 因縁つけられた相手の事を知らねェ<br>因縁つけられる理由も知らねェとか<br>オモシロすぎんだろ、あァ?
MelfonShina: ……<%me>様<br>何か、隠していませんか?<br>無意味な黙秘は身を滅ぼしますよ。
Gettemhalt: やめろやめろ! 無駄だシーナ!<br>ソイツを喰うには、まだ早ェ!
MelfonShina: ……しかし、先日の状況を鑑みるに<br>とうてい無関係とは思えません。<br>尋問して吐かせたほうが……
Gettemhalt: んん? なんだシーナ?<br>テメェ、俺に逆らうのか?
MelfonShina: い、いえ!<br>…………申し訳ありません。<br>差し出がましい言葉でした。
Gettemhalt: オマエは好きなように踊っとけ。<br>美味しくなったら、食べてやるよ。
MelfonShina: ……それでは<br><%me>様。<br>失礼いたします。

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/4
Ghetmurt: Oh it's just you. I have no business with you. Where's that masked bastard? Hurry up and bring him out.
Ghetmurt: But it's not like you know anything about him anyways.
Ghetmurt: Someone is bounded to you by fate and you have no idea who they are. Or what motivations they have. You don't think that's pathetic?
Shina: Are you hiding something? Meaningless silence will only end up destroying you.
Ghetmurt: Stop talking Shina. It's still too early for me to kill that guy.
Shina: But from the situation the other day, it's impossible to conclude they have no relationship. Any information should be extracted out of him.
Ghetmurt: Shina? Are you disobeying me?
Shina: No. Please forgive my impertinance.
Ghetmurt: Dance around as you like. Once you're ready I'll be coming for you.
Shina: Then please excuse us.
010: 気に入らなければ外敵 :-?
MelfonShina: こんにちは<br><%me>様。
MelfonShina: もし今、お急ぎではないのでしたら<br>一旦歩みを止めることを推奨します。
MelfonShina: 今、この先に進むには<br>少々危険な状態ですので……
MelfonShina: ご覧の通り<br>今のゲッテムハルト様にとっては<br>目につくものすべてが敵です。
MelfonShina: 乱暴に言ってしまえば<br>見境がありません。
MelfonShina: 進めば巻き込まれてしまいます。<br>それは私とて、例外ではありません。
MelfonShina: 私に対する扱いがひどいというのは<br>他人に立った視点です。
MelfonShina: ……私は、ともにいられれば<br>それだけで十分なのです。
MelfonShina: それ以上望むことは、許されません。<br>何より私が、許しません。
Gettemhalt: おら、行くぞシーナ!<br>とろとろするんじゃねェ!
MelfonShina: 話はここまでのようですね。
MelfonShina: ……それでは<br><%me>様。<br>失礼します。

English :-? :etongue:
011: 不思議でちいさな影の噂!
Patty: はーいはいはい!<br>パティちゃんですよー!
Tia: こんにちは、ティアですよ。
Patty: ティアちゃんテンション低いなー!<br>あたしは高いよー! バリ高だよー!
Patty: なんてったって、すごーい情報<br>手に入れちゃったからねー!
Patty: 聞きたい? 聞きたくない?<br>えーい、どっちにしても教えちゃえ!
Tia: ぜんぜん情報屋じゃないね……<br>まあ、いいけど。
Patty: 場所はここ! 惑星リリーパの砂漠!<br>どっち見ても砂だらけのここで<br>最近、小さな影が目撃されてるの!
Patty: ただの見間違いかと思いきや<br>似たような報告がけっこー多くてね!
Patty: 何か居るんじゃないか、って思ってた<br>矢先にこんな報告があったのよ!
Patty: ……えっと、どんな報告だったっけ?
Tia: 砂漠で力尽きそうだったアークスが<br>小さな影によって救われた、って。
Tia: この救われたアークスが<br>お礼がしたいからって、小さな影を<br>探しているらしいわ。
Patty: 確かキャストのお姉さんだったよね!<br>興味があったら、直接話を<br>聞いてみるといいよ!

English :etongue:
A.P. 238/3/5
Patty: Hey, hey, hey. It's Patty-chan.
Tia: Hello. This is Tia.
Patty: Tia why the low tension? I'm really high strung.
Patty: And want to know why? It's because we found some great information!
Patty: Want to hear? Don't want to hear? It doesn't matter because I'm going to tell you anyways.
Tia: Not exactly an information "business". What ever.
Patty: The location is here, Lilipa. It doesn't matter where you look, it's all sand. But recently small shadows have been sighted.
Patty: While it might not seem like much, there are a bunch of sighting reports.
Patty: just when i was thinking there could be something else here, I got this information.
Patty: Um.. what was it..
Tia: That an arks that was about to die got rescued by the little shadows.
Tia: This Arks wants to thank them and is trying to find the little shadows.
Patty: It was a female cast. If you're interested you should talk to her directly.
012: 存在の痕跡 :-?
Affin: おっ、奇遇だな相棒。<br>こんなところで会うなんてよ。<br>何か探しものでもしてんのか?
Affin: あー、小さな影か。<br>なんだ相棒、あいつら探してるのか。
Affin: それならほら<br>さっきあの辺で見かけたぜ?
Affin: いやー、おれ、昔から<br>他人の探しものよく見つけるんだよ。<br>自分のは見つからないんだけどな。
Affin: ほら、このあたりだ。<br>……んー、流石にもういないか?
Affin: あれ、でもあそこ……
Affin: なんだそりゃ……布か?
Affin: 機甲種の持ち物なワケがないし<br>もしかして、あの小さな影のか?
Affin: うーん、ううん……<br>ま、そんなのでも一応、あいつらが<br>『いた』って証拠にはなるかもな。
Affin: 正直、この惑星はわからねーことが<br>多すぎて、判断が難しいけどな。
Affin: 直感というか、予感というか……<br>まだまだ何か秘密が<br>ありそうなんだよなー。
Affin: ま、調べてりゃわかるか。
Affin: んじゃ、おれはもうちょい<br>探索してくるぜ。
Affin: 相棒、今度はおれの任務にも<br>付き合ってくれよ。<br>んじゃな!

English :-? :etongue:
013: 犯人は誰だろうねえ :-?
Chroto: お、こんなあっつい所まで<br>わざわざごくろうさま。
Chroto: でもまあ、見ての通り<br>ここには何もないみたいだよ。<br>というか、何もなくなっちゃった。
Chroto: 誰かが暴れ回ったんだろうね。<br>跡形もなく破壊された機械とか<br>ひどいもんだよ、まったく。
Chroto: ま、律儀に朝早く暴れてくれてるのが<br>唯一の救いってところかな。
Chroto: ここに朝一で来たりしたら<br>どこかのだれかの大暴れに<br>巻き込まれちゃうかもよ?
Chroto: ま、お互いに気を付けようって話。<br>それじゃあね。

English :-? :etongue:
014: 逢えたけどまだ遠い
Furie: あっ!<br><%me>さん!<br>あそこ、あれ、見てください!
Furie: 見ました? 見えました、今の?<br>今度こそ、間違いないですよね!
Furie: 私のメモリーやカメラの故障じゃない<br>間違いなく、そこにいたんですよね!
Furie: よかった……<br><%me>さんも<br>見たのなら、間違いないです。
Furie: ちっちゃな影さん……ううん<br>小さな人……というのが<br>正しい見た目でしたね。
Furie: お話ししたり、お礼を言ったりは<br>できなかったけど……いいです。<br>じっくりやっていきますから。
Furie: 今はとりあえず、いるってことが<br>わかっただけで、十分です。
Furie: ここからは根気とやる気の勝負です!<br>大丈夫、私、その二つだけは<br>自信がありますからね!
Furie: <%me>さん<br>本当にいろいろと<br>ありがとうございました!

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/9
Furrie: Over there. Look at that.
Furrie: You saw that right? There's no mistaking it this time.
Furrie: There are no errors in my memory or camera. It was really there.
Furrie: If you saw it too then it was really there.
Furrie: The little shadows. Or should I say little persons. That's what they really look like.
Furrie: I wasn't able to talk or say thank you, but I'll get there.
Furrie: For now just knowing they're really there is enough.
Furrie: After this is just patience and percerverance. And I am confident i have enough of both.
Furrie: Thanks for all of your help.
015: 臆病者のジレンマ
Furie: あっ!<br><%me>さん<br>ちょうどいいところに!
Furie: すみません、手伝っていただけますか!
Furie: この先で、あの子たちが<br>ダーカーに襲われているんです!
Furie: ある程度は倒したんですが<br>数が多くて……!
Furie: 交流とかそういうのは後回しです!<br>まずは、ダーカーを倒して<br>安全を確保してあげないと!

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/10
Furie: You came at a great time.
Furie: Would you mind helping me?
Furie: Over here those little guys are getting attacked by darkers.
Furie: I managed to defeat some of them, but there are too many.
Furie: Trying to communcate with them can't wait. First we need to garantee their safety.
016: 怯える理由
Furie: ……あ。<br><%me>さん?
Furie: すみません、今はちょっと<br>大きな音を立てないでもらえますか?
Furie: ……ほら、あそこ見てください。
Furie: あんなくつろいでる姿は珍しいです。<br>いつもいつも、周囲を警戒して<br>ばっかりでしたから……
Furie: ん、あれは……機甲種……?
Furie: あの子たちはここの原生種だから<br>機甲種が襲う理由はないはずですが……<br>……なんだか、様子がヘンですね。
Furie: 危ない! 逃げて!
Furie: あ、あっ……すみません、つい……<br><%me>さん。<br>おかげで敵に気付かれちゃいました。
Furie: 私もせいいっぱい手伝いますから<br>頑張って倒しちゃいましょう。

English :etongue:
Ap 238/3/10
Furrie: Oh hi.
Furrie: Sorry, but could you not make any loud noise?
Furrie: Look over there.
Furrie: It's rare to see them relaxed like that. Normally they have their guard up all of the time.
Furrie: That's a battle machine?
Furrie: Those guys are native creatures so there's no reason the machines should attack them. BUt something seems wrong.
Furrie: Watch out! RUN!
Furrie: Sorry, it seems like we've been seen by the enemy.
Furrie: I'll help you, so let's defeat them.
017: 火山洞窟の龍族はすっごいよ!
Patty: はあい!<br><%me>!
Patty: 困った時の情報屋さんだよ!<br>新鮮でピチピチな情報はどうだい!
Tia: むしろパティちゃんの扱いに<br>困っている感じがするわ。
Patty: ふーんだ!<br>あたしを消す方法なんて<br>ドキュメントは存在しないからね!
Patty: そんなことより今回の情報は<br>今、話題のここ! 第三惑星!<br>なんだっけ、アム、アムム……
Tia: アムドゥスキア。
Patty: そうそれ、アムドゥスキア!<br>でっかい隕石が衝突して<br>とんでもない形になっちゃった惑星!
Patty: そんな過酷なトコだけあって<br>住んでる原生生物も屈強なのよ!<br>なんてったって、龍よ龍!
Patty: アムドゥスキア原生の龍族は<br>知能も高く、アークスとの交流も<br>わずかながら行われていたの。
Patty: でも最近は、凶暴な龍族が増えて<br>アークスを見かけると、外敵として<br>襲いかかってくる……
Patty: 降りかかる火の粉は払うのみ!<br>えやーっ、ってね!
Patty: ……いや、これはマジな話だよ?<br>やらなきゃやられるって場合には<br>やらないとダメだからね?
Patty: だ……だってほら、アナタがいないと<br>あたしの話、誰も聞いてくれないし!<br>うんうん! そうだ! そーだもん!
Tia: 要するに、危険がいっぱいだから<br>注意した方がいいよ、と<br>言いたいだけみたい。
Tia: パティちゃんのお節介かもしれないけど<br>留意はしておいてあげてね。

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/6
Patty: Hello
Patty: Information for when you're in a pinch. Want some fresh info?
Tia: He looks more annoyed by you than anything.
Patty: Good luck. There's no documented way of getting me to shut up.
Patty: Anyways, as far as information goes the place is right here, the third planet; 'Amu', 'Ammumu-'.
Tia: 'Amuduskia'.
Patty: That's right Amuduskia. The planet that got struck by a meteroirite and is now a weird shape.
Patty: As such the native creatures living here are really tough. You knwo what i mean, the dragons.
Patty: The dragons on Amuduskia are really intelegent and used to communicate with Arks before.
Patty: But recently violent dragons have been increasing. They'll attack Arks for no reaosn on sight.
Patty: It's kill or be killed.
Patty: But seriously when they attack you need to defent yourself.
Patty: That's right, if you're not around then there's no one to listen to my constant chatter.
Tia: Anyways, it's dangerous so be careful is all she's trying to say.
Tia: It's mostly Patty's meddling, but at least be on your guard.
018: 真実の探求者
Aki: ん? んん? なんだいキミは?<br>キミが龍族でないのなら<br>私はキミに用はないぞ。
Aki: なに? 私はアキか、だって?<br>いきなり自己同一性への問いかけとは<br>なかなかに面白い人だな、キミは。
Aki: ……お察しの通り、私はアキだ。<br>だがキミは誰だ? 私の記憶にはない。<br>そして私の記憶に間違いはないぞ。
Aki: ん、ああ、いや。<br>みなまで言わずとも理由はわかった。<br>ライト君からの依頼で来たのだな。
Aki: 私の捜索を目的として来るなんて<br>彼からの依頼以外では考えられない。
Aki: どうせ、私が戻ってこないと言って<br>ぴーぴーわめいていたのだろう?<br>万が一などありはしないというのに……
Aki: まあ、仕方がない。<br>こうしてキミに見つかったのだから<br>ここは素直に私が折れることにしよう。
Aki: ああ、すまない。<br>よければキミの名前<br>教えてくれるかな。
Aki: ……ふむ<br><%me>、か。
Aki: なるほど、キミは龍族よりも遙かに<br>興味深い存在かもしれないね。
Aki: いや、独り言だ。<br>忘れて構わない。
Aki: <%me>くん。<br>覚えておくよ、それじゃあね。

English :etongue:
AP 238/3/8

Aki: Who are you? If you're not part of the dragon clan, I have no interest in you.
AKi: What? Is my name Aki? Asking directly for information, you're pretty interesting.
Aki: As you stated, my name is Aki. But who are you? I have no recolection of you. And my recolection doesn't make mistakes.
Aki: Oh wait. I can tell with out you needing to explain. You must have come here on request from Light.
Aki: Other than looking for me, I can't imagine any other outcome from him.
Aki: Knowing him he probably worried and whined and said "if something should happen.."
Aki: Guess I don't have much choice. Since you found me, I'll stop here and head back for now.
Aki: Oh, and could you tell me your name?
Aki: Okay, I'll remember it.
Aki: You might be a lot more interesting than the dragon clan.
Aki: I was just talking to myself.
Aki: I'll see you around. Later.
019: 圧倒的な龍族 :-?

English :etongue:
020: おせっかいな先輩
Zeno: おっ?<br><%me>か?
Zeno: 奇遇だな、こんなとこで会うなんてよ。<br>元気にやってるか?
Zeno: こんな森んなかで偶然会ったのも<br>何かの縁ってやつだな。<br>よし、ちょっと手伝わせろ。
Echo: ちょ、ちょっとゼノ!<br>あたしたちも任務中なんだけど!
Zeno: 細かいことは気にするなって。
Zeno: それに、こっちの任務はこっちの任務で<br>あらかたケリはつけておいたはずだぜ?
Echo: え……?<br>……あ、あれ、本当だ。<br>いつのまに?
Zeno: お前が原生生物にびびって<br>逃げ回ってる間にだよ。
Echo: ……び、びびってなんかない!<br>まったくもう! 好きにしなよ!
Zeno: よしよし、許可も出た。<br>それじゃ行こうぜ<br><%me>!

English :etongue:
AP 238/2/22
Xeno: Oh hey, what's up?
Xeno: Coincidence meeting you here. How are you doing?
Xeno: Meeting here in this forest could be a good chance. Come help us.
Echo: Xeno, we're mid-mission right now.
Xeno: Don't worry about the details.
Xeno: Besides we've pretty much finished up already right?
Echo: You're right, when did we....
Xeno: When you were running away from all of the native creatures.
Echo: I wasn't scared, anyways do what ever.
Xeno: then it's fine. Let's go.
021: ゼノとエコー (Xeno & Echo)
AP 238/2/28
Echo: THAT's WHY. How many times do i have to repeat myself? Not that way, this way. We've been around the same area twice now.
Xeno: Shut up, it doesn't really matter either way we're almost done.
Echo: You're always like that. It's a matter of efficiency.
Xeno: Okay, sorry my bad.
Xeno: But you were the one who was messed up what we were actually supposed to do this mission.
Echo: You're always the one that says, it doesn't matter, or try to act cool and then immediately go back on what you say; you suck.
Xeno: Hey don't get on my case, you looked like you were going to cry back there.
Echo: Don't talk about that. I did kind of screw up.
Xeno: Hey I wasn't trying to get on your case.
Xeno: We've been together since we were kids so you know that right.
Echo: I know, but I don't want to be a burden.
*Character walks in*
Xeno: uh.... you....
Echo: uh....
Xeno: So Echo, let's get back to the mission.
Echo: Yeah, that's right the mission, we should hurry up and get back to it.
Xeno: You're right but if somebody hadn't messed up we'd already be done.
Echo: Xeno.... ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸
xeno: Echo・・・(゚_゚i)
022: 師匠に似ている
AP 238/3/3
Echo: You're quickly building up a reputation. The rookie that will listen to anything and help out.
Xeno: But looking at you run around helping people like that makes me remember my teahcer.
Xeno: He kept listenging to people's requesting going from there to here...
Echo: Oh it started, when Xeno starts talking about his teacher he won't stop.
Xeno: I'm not about to start monolouging here. Besides I'm not about to put them in the same group.
Xeno: but really the aura that you have really looks close to him as well.
Xeno: Just remember that our teacher spent all of his time and effort helping other people that he ended up poor himself. Just take care about that much.
Echo: Okay, Xeno let's keep going.
Xeno: Right, later.
023: 本来はレンジャー
AP 238/2/26
Xeno: Hey, have you gotten used to fighting?
Xeno: What's your class? Oh that's right, you can pretty much manage anything.
Xeno: being able to change your photon manipulation specialization is pretty enviable.
Xeno: From your perspective, what do i look like?
Xeno: Do I look like a hunter? Because actually my photon specialization is mostly suited towards ranger.
Xeno: Right now I'm trying my best, but a class your not suited towards is hard.
Xeno: it would be nice to be someone like you.
Xeno: No point in dwelling on things i have no control over. I just have to do what I can.
Xeno: Go back to being a ranger? I've been thinking about that.
Xeno: But there's something i need to protect. And I think hunter does that best.
Xeno: Sorry it seems that when ever i talk to you i end up complaining about something.
Xeno: But what's this nastalgic feelign i get around you?
024: 捜索中のゼノ
Xeno: Hey looks like you're doing pretty well.
Xeno: It's good to be enthusiastic, but lately darkers have been appearing so don't let your guard down.
Xeno: But I don't think I need to be worried about you.
Xeno: Oh by the way, if you run into Echo, tell her I've been looking for her.
Xeno: That idiot just keeps running ahead.
025: 仲間と共に歩んでけ (Go with team mates)
Xeno: Hey looks like you're doing pretty well.
Xeno: It's good to be enthusiastic, but lately darkers have been appearing so don't let your guard down.
Xeno: But I don't think I need to be worried about you.
Xeno: Oh by the way, if you run into Echo, tell her I've been looking for her.
Xeno: That idiot just keeps running ahead.
026: 見たことあるような……
Xeno: Hmmmmm...
Xeno: You're trying your best. That's a good fighting stance.
Xeno: But I'm not sure how to explain this foggy feeling I have about your fighting.
Xeno: I can't explain it very well. It's on the tip of my toung, but I can't seem to put words to it. I just can't remember
Xeno: No it has nothing to do with you, mostly my mind workign against itself.
Xeno: Sorry to leave you hanging. Anyways, don't worry I'll forget i even said this. I don't have the best memory.
027: おせっかいの理由
Echo: Hey.
Xeno: And I just thought i found Echo and then you show up too. What a coincidence.
Echo: I was the one who found you Xeno.
Xeno: Yeah, right what ever. So what are you up to?
Echo: I've been curious about it, but why are you so nice to (character)?
Xeno: Really? I just thought of myself as a mentor looking after a pupil.
Echo: But you're too nice. You don't think so?
Xeno: Mostly I'm that way because I was taught by our master that way.
Xeno: It's not a bad thing.
Echo: That's true but...
Xeno: Maybe my wording is bad, or Echo are you jelous?
Echo: Have you lost your mind?
Echo: Later. Xeno, let's go.
028: ようやくの平和
Xeno: Hey, things usre are peaceful.
Xeno: There are darkers, so that's not the case? Not exactly.
Xeno: 10 years ago things were really out of hand. Compared to that things are pretty calm.
Xeno: But i should stop myself here. Telling stories about the past is what old people do.
Xeno: Well what I want to say is think possitive.
Xeno: We've gotten more allies, gotten stronger. Even me. When the time comes we'll be able to protect everybody.
029: 腐れ縁は腐れ縁 :-?

030: アークスになった理由:-?
031: 暴走中のエコー

Echo: Oh hey, are you okay? You're not hurt?
Echo: Looks like you're fine, but don't over do it. Don't take a lesson out of Xeno's book.
Echo: That's how he is, but comparitively he's calmed down a little.
Echo: Xeno is looking for me? I kept running ahead on my own?
Echo: I wasn't just running ahead, it seemed like something was there.
Echo: It's not my fault, it's Xeno's for being a slow poke.
Echo: I'm going to head off. Later.
032: 実におっかなびっくり
Echo: Whose there!? Please don't scare me like that.
Echo: What am I doing? I'm on a quest.
Echo: By myself? That's up to me. Is it weird for me to be on my own?
Echo: Anyways I have to get back to Xen- I mean investigating.
033: いちばん怖いこと
Echo: Oh, hey. Today I'm not looking for Xeno. I just stepped out a litte on my own.
Echo: When you fight with darkers, are you affraid?
Echo: It frightens me, it's really scary.
Echo: But thinking that someone important from me could be taken away is even scarier.
Echo: It will be nice when we defeat all of the darkers and can live in peace.
Echo: I'm going to head back. Take care.
034: 不意の遭遇
Ghetmurt: Oh you? I have no business with you. It'd be to boring to just smash your face in now.
Ghetmurt: At least find somehole and stay out of my way for now, or i might change my mind.
Shina: I must apologize for the direct rudeness.
Shina: But today it looks like Ghetmurt is in a good mood. It's rare of him to let people off like this.
Shina: Excuse me.
035: 弱いヤツに価値はない
Ghetmurt: How your training going? Looks like it's going well. Hurry up and get strong.
Ghetmurt: There's no value in weaklings. No reason for living either. It's a discusting existance and that goes for those who protect weaklings as well.
Ghetmurt: Remember this well, when it comes down to it your strength is the only thing you can depend on.
Ghetmurt: Don't be playing like a little kid.
Ghetmurt: Let's go Shina.
Shina: Yes, Ghetmurt.
Shina: Then please excuse us.
036: 撒き餌か主食か
037: ダーカーは全て殺せ :-?
038: 甘々な戦い方 :-?

039: 憎しみの発露 :-?
040: 不幸にしてしまうから :-?
041: 無言の子 :-?
042: 任務中のアフィン :-?
043: なるべく一人で動くように
044: ダーカーってなんだろな :-?
045: アークスってなんだろな :-?
046: なんでも使えるのはなんで? :-?
047: ダーカーへの不満 :-?

048: アークスがいること (There are ARKS)
Oza: Oh hey, it looks like there are more ARKS coming to Naberius.
Oza: Before the darker appearance the other day it was a rare occurance to run into another ARKS.
Oza: With this many ARKS around it shows how dangerous things have become. the best option is to not have to come at all.
Oza: We'd loose our jobs, but peace would be nice.
049: ハンター至上主義 :-?
050: フォースなんて大嫌い :-?
051: ハンターにとって辛いこと :-?
052: バランスのいいパーティーとは :-?
053: アークスであること (We are ARKS)
Maloo: Hello
Maloo: It seems that a lot of ARKS are coming to Naberius
Maloo: I guess since the mass appearance the other day
Maloo: This is probably not a good sign. A lot of ARKS means that area is dangerous.
Maloo: I'm ARKS too but as much as possible it would be nice to not act as one.
Maloo: That's probably what you call peace.
Maloo: There's someone who said the same thing?
054: フォース至上主義 :-?
055: ハンターなんて嫌い :-?
056: フォースにとって辛いこと :-?
057: バランスの良いパーティー :-?
058: 狙撃手リサちゃん (Lisa the sniper)
Lisa: Whose there? Oh an ARKS member, don't surprise me like that.
Lisa: Lisa is a sniper. I hate it when people stand behind me, so be careful.
Lisa: Lisa still has a lot of things to shoot. See ya.
059: 銃はサイコーですねえ (Aren't guns the best?)
Lisa: Hi, I just finished a job and am in a good mood and felt like talking.
Lisa: But you have to admit that guns are really amazing.
Lisa: They're soft to the touch and enemies die surprisingly fast. It makes my heart race.
Lisa: It's like you're in control of everything. Just talking has gotten me wanting to shoot more.
Lisa: Okay, Lisa is off, see you later.
060: 人の手応えはどんなもの :-?
061: いっぱいいっぱい苦しめないと :-?
062: あなたも死にたがり? :-?
063: 人間よりも嫌いなもの
064: 調査中! (Under Investigation!)
Patty: That was dangerous. You make sure to get out of my way. Now if you'll excuse me, back to gathering information.
Tia: Sorry about my sister, we're kind of in a hurry.
Tia: Hey Patty, you're going the wrong way. It's in the complete opposite direction. Hey, listen to what I'm saying idiot!
065: 六芒均衡って知ってるかい? (Do you know of the hexagonal equilibrium?) :-?
066: 三英雄って知ってるかい? (Do you know about the three heroes?) :-?
067: ふしぎふかしぎフォトンのちから!:-?
068: クラスとフォトンの関係は? :-?
069: 情報収集まっさい中! :-?
070: ダーカーはほんとにやっばい! :-?
071: 噂話? 当たり前? (Gossip? Of course?) :-?
072: すっげえアークスじゃん? :-?
073: やっべえ人影じゃん? (Isn't that a pretty shady character?) :-?
074: スキルマジすげえって (Those skills are seriously amazing.) :-?
075: ダーカーは危険なんだよ (The Darker are dangerous, you know.) :-?
076: ダーカーが増えてきたねえ :-?
077: 凶暴化の原因は? :-?
078: あついところは苦手 :-?
079: さむいところは苦手 :-?
080: 目立ちたがり六芒均衡
081: あたしには関係ないけど :-?
082: いまいち興味がわかないね (Not really interested, huh.) :-?
083: 話すべきは今ではない :-?
084: アムドゥスキアの魅力 :-?
085: アークスとしての心得 (Knowledge as an ARKS) :-?
086: ダーカーには注意せよ (Watch out for the Darker) :-?
087: 勝手に懐古 :-?
088: 規格外の存在 :-?
089: なんとなくアークス (The ARKS, somehow) :-?
090: それしかなかったから :-?
091: 適性ってなんなんだろう :-?
092: 怒られちゃいました :-?
093: 戦っているふり :-?
094: 何かに引き寄せられている? :-?
095: よくわからない関係 :-?

096: 嘱望された未来 :-?
097: アフィンが探すものは……
Affin: Hey partner. This planet is really hot. Just walking around makes me tired.
Affin: The person i'm looking for hasn't turned up. That's to be expected.
Affin: Looking for someone on this undeveloped planet doesnt have a high probability of success in the first place.
Affin: But a while ago I saw a small little shadow.
Affin: For a person it's too small. I wonder what i was.
Affin: It's too hot, i cant think straight. Anyways I'm headed back.
Affin: Later partner, don't over exert yourself.
098: 龍族のしきたり
Maria: I don't think I've seen you before. Wait, we did meet that time before. Sorry, I'm not very good at memorizing faces.
Maria: My name is Maria. I'm one for the more senior Arks.
Maria: To highlight an area of concern, I'd like to talk about the dragon clan.
Maria: The dragon clan is somewhat extreme. That is to say they are a closed society. There's a large gap between friend and foe.
Maria: If they see an ally, they relax but if they see an enemy they don't give any mercy.
Maria: Arks are seen as enemies. You get attacked often right?
Maria: Before we we able to talk a little bit, but recently things have gotten brutal.
Maria: And if you strike down one, then you further get seen as an enemy. It's troublesome.
Maria: The dragon clan has their own culture and their own way of communicating. Unless we understand their perspective then i think communication will be difficult.
Maria: I think Sara [サラ(another character)?] should be moving soon.
Maria: Then i'll be off. I'll try to remember your face, but if i don't then please forgive me.
099: リリーパ族は何かを探す :-?
100: オレの名はヒューイ! (My name is Huey!) :-?
101: 六芒均衡って何するの? :-?
102: スタンボイス! :-?
103: すべては運命? :-?

Aug 3, 2012, 06:11 PM
New set of event tablets

I got an event tablet staring Clarita Claes.
Here are pictures of the event (also doubles as some nice shots of her fancy rod):
And here is the chat log:

Not sure if you already have this, but figured I'd share anyway.

Just got some more event with her:

The pictures are in the same order that i posted the first four scenes ( http://imgur.com/a/bRwCl)[/QUOTE]

11: Start of Matterboard 6, Shion scene.


12: Matterboard 6, C-2.



13: Chapter 5, Labyrinth beneath the sands.

[spoiler-box]238/3/24, 10:00.


238/3/24, 10:30.


Chapter title.


238/3/24, 11:00.


238/3/24, 11:30.


14: Matterboard 6, A-2.



15: Matterboard 6, C-5.



16: Matterboard 6, C-7.



17: Matterboard 6, B-6.

Matter Board 6: B-6 (www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yNI35HU6O8)

Event Area: 抑止力

Echo: Hey, have you seen Zeno? .. oh you haven't?
Echo: Looks like he left me behind.
Echo: This always happens on dangerous missions. He says it's too dangerous and never takes me with him.
Echo: He thinks he's being considerate, but it really pisses me off.
Echo: It could be because I'm not very helpful.
Echo: But if I'm not around then Zeno doesn't look after himself. And that;s a lot more dangerous.
Echo: Sorry for complaining. Anyways once Zeno gets back I'll have to yell at him.
Echo: I'm going to head back. Bye, bye.


Event Area: 坑道を探る、仮面の姿

Lisa: Hello. You're alive right? Indeed you are.
Lisa: But that's a lot more that can be said for the native creatures on different planets.
Lisa: Getting infected by darkers is the same as dying. Because they get killed by arks.
Lisa: Lisa doesn't bother talking with any of them, so Lisa doesn't know what they think.
Lisa: It's probably scary, maybe painful more than anything.
Lisa: That's why it doesn't matter to Lisa. Arks or otherwise Lisa might attack it.
Lisa: You know why. It's not specifically that something has been infected by darkers.
Lisa: It doesn't really matter to Lisa, as long as it's an enemy it's natural to shoot it to death.

Event Field: ???
(I forgot to get the title for this one ( ´Д`) , hopefully someone/I can find it again)
Event Field: ??? (www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQA__CRwoUk)

Matoi Conversation
(Sorry about the pause in this one, not sure what happened there)
(Also, sorry about skipping part of the beginning lines, there wasn't anything else written so I assumed that was the end of the spoken words, from what I could hear and from what Matoi has said before, it was probably "I was waiting for you" or the like)


Aug 3, 2012, 06:12 PM
For Expansion Reserved

Aug 3, 2012, 06:12 PM
Expansions Reserved For

Aug 3, 2012, 06:15 PM
Collected all current story videos
Collected all of Shion's current videos
Collected all of the Matter Board videos
At least 1 Matoi video is still need. Will get when I unlock Mines
063: 人間よりも嫌いなもの I know is in caves

No idea where any of these are...
008: いいアークス? 悪いアークス?
043: なるべく一人で動くように
036: 撒き餌か主食か
080: 目立ちたがり六芒均衡

Aug 3, 2012, 09:34 PM
*********---New Content---*********

Matoi Scenes
Matoi scene, I think this one happens after the 2nd part of Chapter 5, but I'm not completely sure.
Matoi: How are you.
Matoi: It loos like you're taking care of yourself.
Matoi: I just had this bad feeling and I wanted to meet you.
Philia: Matoi, you can't just run off on your own.
Matoi: .... sorry.
Matoi: See you next time.

Another Matoi scene, I think this happens after the 2nd part of Chapter 6, but again, I'm not sure.
Matoi: Doing okay?
Matoi: You are? Okay good.
Matoi: I don't know... sometimes I feel uneasy and my head starts hrting.
Matoi: Sorry, I'm okay. It doesn't hurt too much.
Matoi: But still you're okay.
Matoi: I keep thinking something bad is going to happen, but it doesn't.
Matoi: Sorry, I'll be sure to rest. I don't like making you worry.

Chapter 5 Labryth Beneath the sands
Affin: Hey partner, what are you doing in a place like this?
Affin: Looking for something? You shouldn't need to think twice to ask me.
Affin: I'm looking for someone. So I've gotten pretty good at it, even though i haven't found them...
Affin: Meeting here was definitely fate. So let me help you. Which what are you looking for btw?
Affin: A broken weapon? Can't you find those around. Is there something special about the one you're after?
Affin: I guess we'll figure that out when we find it. I guess it's just important to keep moving.
Affin: Okay let's go. Looks like there are a lot of "armored robots"(? [機甲種]) around here. So let's get this over with.
System: Affin joined the party.

Affin: Hey partner, what's that? A pattern? Or letters?
Affin: There seems to be some kind of logic to it.
Affin: That lilipuf just now. What he reading it? So we ask him-
Affin: Oh he's gone already! If Lilipufs can read this then maybe we can get them to translate it fo us.
Affin: BUt we still can't undertsand their language. What should we do?
Affin: Anyways, let's keep searching.

Affin: Hey isn't that a darker. Why is it in a place like this?
Affin: That darker lookers strange, almost like it's looking for something. I've never heard of them doing that.
Affin: In any case it's not like we can leae it alone.
Affin: Let's go partner, I'll show you how my skills have inproved since our debut mission.

Affin: We were able to repulse the darkers, but we still haven't found anything.
Affin: Those patterns we found, we still have no idea what those are either.
Affin: But it's no use thinking about that. Let's head back.
Affin: Gathering information will help us search.

Chapter 5 Part 2 The truth beneath the sand
Video Credit: Vash

AP 238/3/24 10:00

Affin: Hye partner, what are you doing here?
Affin: Looking for something? Then you should have asked me.
Affin: I'm looking for someone, so 'm good at looking for things. Even though I haven't found them yet...
Affin: Since we met up here, let me help you look. What are you searching for?
Affin: A broken weapon? Can't you find those lying around? Is there something special about it?
Affin: Well we can figure it out once we find it. When searching it's importnat not to think too much and just keep moving.
Affin: Okay, let's get going. There are a lot of guard robots, so lets make this quick.

AP 238/3/24 10:30
Affin: Hey what's that? A pattern? No words?
Affin: What is this? It looks like it does have some system to it.
Furrie: Is that you [player]? And uh, Affin was it?
Furrie: Some coincidence. Is there something I can help with?
Affin: You're uh, Furrie right?
Furrie: That's right, didn't think I'd run into you here.
Furrie: Are those hieroglyphs? It looks like the letters these guys write.
Furrie: Wait? Can you guys read these?
Furrie: "This way". I wonder if something's there.
Furrie: Wait, I'm coming so wait up.
Affin: Ah, she ran off.
Affin: So what should we do? Go ahead or try to sqeeze through there?
Affin: What are you crazy?
Furrie: Blasted it.
Affin: I can tell that by looking.
Affin: Why the hell did you do that?
Furrie: Becuase we couldn't get through.
Furrie: Now it's open, let's go.
Affin: She seems active. What do we do? I'll follow you partner.

Title screen

AP 238/3/24 11:00
Furrie: Okay, they say to go straight on from here.
Affin: Were you talking just now? I have no idea what they're trying to convey.
Furrie: Of course I don't understand all of it.
Furrie: But somehow I have an idea of what they're trying to tell me.
Furrie: Right now, just knowing "here" or "there" is enough.
Furrie: Let's get going. These guys get bored if they're not moving.

Furrie: They look happy. Over here must be what they wanted to show you.
Affin: What's happening?
Furrie: "Behind", "protect", "robot"? I see, so that's some kind of guardian robot.
Furrie: So if we don't press forward it probably won't attack us, but I guess we dont have a choice.
Furrie: [player] can handle it. And i can help when it comes to power.
Furrie: It'sgoing to get dangerous, so go hide somewhere. Don't come out until I say it's clear.
Furrie: Alright let's go.

AP 238/3/24 12:00
Furrie: Looks like we managed. Wait, where are the lillipuffs?
Affin: They're motioning over there, but it doesn't look like there's any way through.
Furrie: Then it looks like it's my turn!
Affin: Wait I didn't say anything? Why do you just run up and smash stuff?
Furrie: Because I promised myself to do my best.
Affin: That doesn't sound like a cast. Your best is definitely going in the wrong direction.
Affin: Ugh, I got sand in my mouth.
Furrie: That worked out better than expected. So what's here?
Affin: What's this? A weapon? This is what you were looking for?
Furrie: So this is what they wanted to show us? No show [player]?
Affin: But why did the lillipuffs know about this?
Furrie: "important", "thing" "left with". Sorry I can't understand more than that.
Affin: That's good enough, plus they did show us the way here.
Affin: Anywyas, we found what we were looking for.

Image Credit: Ezodagrom
238/3/24, 10:00.

238/3/24, 10:30.

Chapter title, The truth beneath the sand.

238/3/24, 11:00.

238/3/24, 11:30.

238/3/24, 12:00.

Matterboard 6 :-?
Matterboard 6 Mines side.
Image Credit: Ezodagrom

1: Start of Matterboard 6, Shion scene
Shion: A new matterboard has been formed. There are signs of events shifting towards balance. And yet other signs showing no difference.
Shion: If something is to be gained, something is lost in the process. That is natural.
Shion: But in this case, it is not an option. There are events that must take place.
Shion: That is what we and I are hoping for and what you must gain.
Shion: We and I believe that this is what you can become.
Shion: ... We and I must apologize that we cannot give you a full explanation.
Shion: I wish that things change as you so desire.
Shion: That is something that I not we wish for.

2: MB6, C-2:
Youtube Credit: RocSage

Mask: Where is it?

3: MB6, A-2: (missing trans)
Youtube Creidt: RocSage
AP 238/3/21
Zeno: Hey
Zeno: Where's Echo. How should I say this? We kind of got into a fight.
Zeno: What happened? What usually happens. Echo get's on me about something that came up and I flipped and yelled at her.
Zeno: I don't know why, but she just can't leave things alone when they should be over and done with.
Zeno: Do I really look that down about it. I guess I probably do...
Zeno: When master left, even though he said I couldn't go with him, why didn't I go anyways?
Zeno: Ten years ago, why was I a (最後衛) Ranger?
Zeno: When I start thinking about it I just can't stop.
Zeno: I guess it's all my fault.
Zeno: I'm not looking at what's come from it I guess.
Zeno: I got carried away talking. I'm going to go apologize to Echo.
Zeno: See you around.

Note: I couldn't find any entries for:最後衛. 最後 means last, 衛 is a kanji for orbit (衛星 satelite). 護衛 is a bodyguard. So I'm not sure what I'm missing here.

4: MB6, C-5:

Shina: Those footsteps. Is that [player]?
Shina: Sorry for the lack of proper gretting.
Shina: It's only a small injury, there is no need to be kind to me.
Shina: I lost any reason for that 10 years ago.
Shina: Until Ghettemhault can smile agian.
Shina: no, until he can trust someone again, I-
Ghettemhault: Shina! What do you thinking you're doing?
Shina: Ghettemhault(sama)
Ghettemhault: If you have free time to talk then you should be moving.
Shina: Please excuse me.

5: MB6, C-7:
Philia: Hello [player].
Philia: Matoi's condition has been good. She's been trying her best to get better.
Philia: Her memory hasn't returned, but she doesn't seem to mind too much.
Philia: Honstely if it's not a detriment to anyone, I don't think she needs to remember.
Philia: When people forget something to this degree it's often because the memory is too painful to deal with.
Philia: If she could forget that and just be happy I think that would be best.

6: MB6, B-6:
Furrie: Oh hello, [player]!
Furrie: Progress? I guess a little.
Furrie: They've started showing their faces to me.
Furrie: But I don't want to try to get too close just to have them run away.
Furrie: Still it's kind of shameful that I can't get any closer.
Furrie: Um [player]?
Furrie: If you get too close they'll run away!
Furrie: ... They're not running?
Furrie: So that's it. It wasn't them who was scared, it was me.
Furrie: I finally noticed.
Furrie: [player] thank you.

Matterboard 6 Skyland side :-?
Image Credit: Ezodagrom
1: MB6, F-1:
Persona: Damn dragons. Where did you hide it?

2: MB6, G-4: :-?

3: MB6, E-4: :-?

4: MB6, G-6: :-?

Chapter 6 To The Continent In The Clouds
*Some notes about the dragon clan. I believe it was mentioned that there are seven clans in the dragon clan.
BI of En was met in the chapter with Dr. Aki. And the Dragon boss is GA of RO.
In this chapter RIU of KO is added (dragon with shield) and the quartz dragon is also of the KO clan; RERA. The voice at the end is KAMITSU of RO.
So for hierarchy what there is so far goes:

Youtube: Vash

Zeno: Hey I figured'd you'd come here.
Zeno: That weapon should be around here. That masked guy was sighted around here too.
Echo: "That weapon", or "that masked guy" doesn't really matter. Let's hurry up and get going.
Echo: I really don't want to be on these rocks any longer than i have to.
Zeno: We're going to be looking around here for a while. Echo you want to head back?
Echo: Like i would? Leaving you two alone is too dangerous.
Zeno: Yeah.. okay.
Zeno: Since we met up, let's make the most of this.
Zeno: But should we go about looking...?
Zeno: Let's just move and see if we run into anything.
Zeno: With the dragon clan it's pretty easy to see if they're infected. If we keep our guard up and keep movign we should't run into too much trouble.
Echo: But a SAFE route rght!!?

Chapter 6 Title Screen
AP 238/3/25 10:30
Zeno: A dragon clan. He seems to be okay.
Zeno: Actually he looks like he was waiting for you.
Bi・En: Long time no see. Terioto. Came to.
Bi・En: Beautiful place. Our pride. Be at home.
Zeno: Sorry to be inpolite but can I ask a question?
Bi・En: [player]'s freind. There is no need for polite. I will answer.
Zeno: We're looking for a broken weapon. Have you seen anything?
Bi・En: I have not seen anything. Information I do not have.
Zeno: I guess no luck. If we keep searching we may find a hint.
Echo: I have a question too. Even though the dragon clan can communicate with arks do they still attack us?
Bi・En: That's because the only one to recognize the arks is me.
Bi・En: We also cannot stop the infected dragon clan members. (yeah I gave up on trying to translate his broken text)
Bi・En: Also becase of Loga.
Bi・En: Becuase Arks come Darkers also come.
Bi・En: Take care.
Zeno: Surprising he can talk just fine.
Echo: It would be nice if all of them were like that.
Zeno: That's like telling Ghetemhault not to fight. Not going to happen.
Zeno: For guys that liek to fight it's a lot easier just to smack them up.
Zeno: Especially for darker infested beings. It's not a place to hesitate.
Zeno: Plus there's only so much that one person can handle.

AP 238/3/25/11:00
Echo: I'm finally getting used to it here.
Echo: I think i've figured out which rocks are stable too. Alright from here on out I'm going to try my best *shoves boobs into camera*
Echo: Hey that dragon clan looks like we can talk with him.
Echo: Hey! There's something I'd like to ask. Is that okay?
Ko.Riu: Arks. Go home. I'm not interested in talking with you.
Ko.Riu: You look like you're searching for something, but don't come closer or I will attack.
Zeno: This guy isn't very firendly. I wonder if we did something to piss him off?
Ko.Riu: I'm not interested in talking. Go home.
Ko.Riu: Looks like something troublesome has come.
Aki: Damn it he ran away. Don't slow me down Light. let's hurry after him.
Aki: Oh you. Are you investigating the dragon clan as well?
Aki: I don't think so. Then you must be looking for something. The look on your face suggests I'm right.
Aki: Sorry but I don't have any information for you. I'm not interested in relics.
Aki: The highest RO clan might know something if you ask them.
Aki: But currently there's no way to meet them so I guess there's nothting to be done.
Aki: We were after that KO clan.
Aki: See you guys around.
Zeno: What happened just now?
Echo: Dragon clan scary. Dragon clan scary. Dragon clan scary...

AP 238/3/25/11:30
Zeno: But this place sure is vast. Not easy to randomly search and come across anything.
Zeno: I wonder if there's another dragon clan we can ask around for?
Echo: What's that sound? Like something is coming this way.
Zeno: Quick get ready to fight.
Echo: What do you mean?
Echo: Dragon clan. That doesn't look normal!
Zeno: Looks like its infected. We have no choice but to fight.

Zeno: Looks like we managed. But as expected I'm really tired.
Zeno: We still dont have any clues and we could be attacked by more dragon clan at any time.
Zeno: At this pace I don't want to stick around much longer unless we get a lead soon.
Echo: Leave the analysis for later. Let's head back. The dragon clan is too scary.(ヽ´Д`)
Zeno: I guess we should call it quits for now.

Chapter 6 End

Chapter 6 Part2 The Trust Above The Sky
Youtube: Vash

AP 238/3/25 10:00
Zeno: I figured you'd be around here.
Zeno: That weapon should be around here. That mak guy was sighted here too right?
Echo: Hey, that weapon and that mask guy can wait til later. Let's get this over with.
Echo: I don't want to stick around this unsettling place longer than I have to.
Echo: We're planning on looking for something here. So if you're not comfortable with it, you can head back Echo.
Echo: I'm not heading back It's too dangerous leaving you two alone.
Zeno: Yeah.. okay.
Zeno: Since we met up, let's make the most of this.
Zeno: So how should we go about this...
BI.ROGA: I was waiting for you [player]
Echo: Dragon clan? Enemy?
Zeno: Calm down Echo. It doesn't look like it.
BI.ROGA: First I say thanks for saving my life.
BI.ROGA: And my words for you. Head west something is waiting for you there.
BI.ROGA: Something is meant to leave here.
BI.ROGA: My work is doen here. I will return. To go or not to, is up to you.
Zeno: Wow, what force. So that's how dragon clan talk? Uh, telepathy?
Zeno: So head west from here and someone is waiting for you?
Zeno: It doesn't seem like a trap, but I'll leave it up to you.
Zeno: Echo, how long do you plan to cling on to me?
Echo: I wasn't clinging. You looked like you were about to get violent so I was holding you back.
Zeno: I have no idea what kind of character I am inside your head Echo.

Zeno: Oh a dragon clan.
Zeno: Looks like he was waiting for you.
BI.EN: So you came.
Zeno: So what the other dragon was referring to was this guy?
BI.EN: It wasn't me. I only here to relay a message.
BI.EN: But it'surprising. That doctor managed to communicate with KO.
BI.EN: Not only that but opened a door for more exchange.
BI.EN: Thank you for that.
BI.EN: It's off topic, but if you follow down this path you will find out what I mean.
Zeno: He sure knows how to peak my interest. What's waiting beyond here.
Echo: We should still be careful. There's still a chance it's a trap.
Zeno: You know you can go home. Having acrophobia and freaking out. I can't believe you're an arks member.
Echo: Shut up.

AP 238/3/25 11:00
KO.RIU: I still have no intention of exchanging words with you.
KO.RIU: But I need to repay the favor. This is only that, so don't misunderstand.
Echo: Not very honest is he.
KO.RIU: You say something?
Echo: Uh? Me? No.
KO.RIU: Beyond this point someone is waiting for you. But darkers are also waiting. Be on your guard.
Zeno: It's him. That masked guy from the tundra.
Zeno: So he did show up here.
KO.RIU: Who are you to tread on the dragon clan's territory with out permission.
Mask: I will kill you.
Echo: So it looks like he's not kidding around here.
KO.RIU: You guys go on ahead.
KO.RIU: I will take this guy on.
Mask: I will kill you if you interfere.
KO.RIU: Interesting, test my power by feeling it with your body.
KO.RIU: You're in the way. Hurry up and get moving.

AP 238/3/25 11:30
Echo: Hmm. They said someone was waiting. But I don't see anyone.
Voice: Arks, you finally made it.
Zeno: A voice inside my head? The dragon clan?
Voice: I am KAMITSU of the RO. As of now I cannot show my self to you.
Echo: KAMITSU of RO. So did you call [player] here?
KAMITSU: That is correct.
KAMITSU: The one who changed the dragon clan from the old ways.
KAMITSU: That wedge is from you [player]. For that I thank you.
Zeno: A wedge? It does seem like the attitude of the dragon clan has changed.
Zeno: But it wasn't just that you wanted to thank us that you called us here, right?
KAMITSU: Of course that is not all. There is something that I want to give you.
KAMITSU: But before that there is something I would like to confirm.
KAMITSU: That is if you have the power to handle it or not.
Echo: Dragon clan! It's huge.
Zeno: A test of strength? I assume they've prepared a suitable reward for the challenge.
Dragon: <<missing. text wasn't legible enough to look up the characters, and couldn't quite pick out the pronunciation to look up what they were saying here either>>
KAMITSU: Show your power with this fight.

KAMITSU: Impressive. I am able to trust in your strength.
KAMITSU: RERA of KO take some time to rest.
KO.RERA: Thanks you.
KO.RERA: Thank you arks as well. That fight was enjoyable.
Zeno: Looks like we made it somehow. The dragon clan is pretty reckless.
KAMITSU: The sight of you conversing with the dragon clan is somewhat of a miracle.
Zeno: I guess you have a point there. The fact that the dragon clan loves to fight means they dont converse much.
KAMITSU: Let's get to the point.
KAMITSU: I believe the reason you came here was for this.
KAMITSU: For some time it was just here sleeping.
KAMITSU: For some reason it suddenly awoke. For what reaosn we do not know.
KAMITSU: And then you appeared.
KAMITSU: A pact and a pledge. I would like to leave this to you. Please take it.
KAMITSU: I received word from KO.RIU. The intruder has retreated. You should return as well.
KAMITSU: Goodbye, may we meet again someday.

Chapter 6 End.

Matterboard 7 :-?
Image Credit: Ezodagrom
1: Start of Matterboard 7, Shion scene:

2: MB7, B-1:
Furrie: [player] Hello. Are you out looking for something today?
Furrie: I've gotten better with these little guys.
Lillipuff: Li? Li?
Furrie: This persoan and me are friends. I wonder if that go across...
Furrie: Understand? "freind", "partner"
Lillipuff: Lilili?
Furrie: As you can see communication is like this. I still cna't understand their words.
Furrie: But these guys communicate by talking, so I think i can get through if I keep this up.
Lillipuff: Lililili?
Furrie: What? [player]? Yes, "friend".
Furrie: Hm, the number of sounds is the same? Maybe the tone is different?
Lillipuff: Llili!
Furrie: Sorry, [player] have to go run after this guy!

3: MB7, C-2:

4: MB7, D-3:
Ulc: Hello there! Do I seem in a good mood? Can you tell?
Ulc: I finally got into Arks as part of the office staff!
Ulc: It looks like people with out ability can get hired under special circumstances.
Ulc: Some high up person saw how hard I was working and gave me a special pass.
Ulc: It's been a complete shock to me to. Somehow telling you it seems to be finally sinking in.
Ulc: I did it! I finally did it!
Ulc: Now it seems like I can finally keep my chest up when I talk to him.
Ulc: As Arks members let's both do our best! Later!

5: MB7, B-3:
Furrie: Hey [player]!
Lilipuff: Lili!
Furrie: This little guy is saying hello too.
Furrie: From talking to these guys a lot. I'm started to get the hang of it.
Furrie: I still don't undertsnad completely, but I can get a sense of what they're saying.
Furrie: Also with the tones, can make different meanings so it's still pretty hard.
Lillipuff: Lilili!
Furrie: Yeah, I guess that's okay as long as I get the sense of what they say.
Furrie: For a cast, saying something like that seems pretty weird.
Lillipuff: Lilili! Lili!
Furrie: Thanks, I understand.
Furrie: Okay [player], see you next time!
Lillipuff: Lili!

6: MB7, B-5:

7: MB7, D-7:

8: MB7, F-7:

9: MB7, G-4

10: MB7, F-1:

Chapter 7 Darker Storm (missing trans)
238/3/31, 12:00.

//Translation will go here

Youtube credit: Vash
Phantasy Star Online 2
Chapter 7: Darker Storm

AP 238/3/31 12:40
Briggita: It is predicted that darkers have intruded into varios parts of the city.
Briggita: Arks are to proceed to each area and retain order to each location.
Briggita: ANy darkers in the city are to be destoryed on site.
Shina: Oh hello [player].
Shina: Me? I've been deployed on the emergency mission. I am an ARKS member after all.
Shina: Ghettemault is not here. I have no trouble by myself.
Shina: But if it's okay with you, would you allow me to assist?
Shina: It doesn't have to be for long. Just until a certain point.

Chapter Seven Title Screen

AP 238/3/31 13:00

Shina That is an awful number of darkers. The largest I have ever seen.
Shina: How so many have gathered in one place, I honestly have no idea.
Shina: With this number compared to the number of arks, restoring order is going to prove difficult.
Shina: Sometimes I still don't understand if we have the upper hand or if they do.
Shina: But as they say, not even trying is the same as losing.

AP 238/3/31 13:30

Legalas: Hey you two there. You're arks right? Could you lend me a hand here?
Shina: Those white cast parts. Could you be 六芒均術 Legalas.
Legalas: If you know who I am, then that makes explaining things easier.
Shina: I heard you were on Naberious. Why are you here?
Legalas: You are well informed. But I am an arks, so in an emergency I am where I need to be.
Legalas: But I've gotten I bit rusty. I'm running a little late.
Shina: Understood. So how can we be of assistance?
Legalas: Nothing special. I need you to direct the evacuation of the citizens.
Legalas: It's not my specialty. I guess as a hard headed cast it's to be expected.
Legalas: If I can borrow one of you that will be enough.
Shina: Then I will assist you. Capabilty-wise that is the best conclusion.
Shina: [player], please continue to eliminate the darkers.
Legalas: Then it's decided.
Shina: Then let's go. If we divide the work it will end faster.
Legalas: To be out done by a girl. I m getting ld. Now if you will excuse us.

AP 238/3/31 14:00
Brigitta: Complete destruction on the darkers on the Arks Ship 128 'Temisu' has been confirmed.
Brigitta: Detailed status reports have yet to be analyzed but the immediate danger has cleared. Arks thank you for your cooperation.
Brigitta: Confirm the satefy of your surrounds and return to base.
*stage exit right*

Chapter 7 End

Note: No idea what this is supposed to be. 六芒均術 It appeared in one of the two sisters events before.

Matterboard 8 :-?

Matterboard 8 Shion Scene :-?
Image Credit: Ezodagrom

Youtube credit: Kinujou

Matterboard 8 Node D7


AP 238/3/30
Ghettemhalt: Hey, don't you feel it too?
Ghettemhalt: Don't play dumb. If you don't understand now, you will soon.
Ghettemhalt: But "ruins" that's an interesting name for here.
Ghettemhalt: Nice wording for Arks I guess. Makes me sick.
Ghettemhalt: Where's Shina. She's not here.
Ghettemhalt: Bt you sure seem to be relaxed to worry about someone else in this situation.
Ghettemhalt: You look like you've gotten a lot stronger.
Ghettemhalt: BUt not yet. You still have to grow a little more before I can fight you.
Ghettemhalt: Plus somethign a lot more fun is going to happen soon.
Ghettemhalt: "What's going to happen?". Don't worry about that. You just do your own thing.*
Ghettemhalt: This is getting more and more exciting.

Matterboard 8 Node C7 Zig Scene


AP 238/3/31
Zig: Sorry to trouble you. But I had to get in touch with you about that damaged weapon.
Zig: I'll just tell you the results. Someone stole that and who did it still isn't clear.
Zig: The other day, probably during that incident with the darker attack someone got in.
Zig: The the person who snuck didn't take the finished products, any data or the charts. He only took that.
Zig: The shape was mostly intact, I could recreate it. But with out the actual pieces the full potential is impossible.
Zig: I guess that's pretty obvious. But why did they just steal that? I have no idea?
Zig: But I had a really bad feeling.
Zig: When i was fixing it, I had this bad feeling that something was going to happen.
Zig: Kind of a tangent tho.
Zig: For something you entrusted me to turn out like this, I am truely sorry.
Zig: But what was that broken weapon and why would someone steal it?
Zig: I really have no idea, but it is unsettling.

Matterboard 8 Node B6


AP 238/3/29

Sara: What are you doing here?
Sara: Are you looking for somehing? Or maybe someone?
Sara: Either way I guess I don't really care.
Sara: If you're looking for something out of the ordinary it may be erased. Just like that researcher.
Sara: Oh? So you're [player]. I see...
Sara: If you're looking for something, then I can't really help you.
Sara: But if you're looking for someone, then try Lilipa.
Sara: If you get the time just right, then in the mines, someone maybe waiting.
Sara: Who? It's not my businees who. Go figure it out yourself.

Matterboard 8 Node C3


AP 238/3/29

Fourier: [player] I was waiting.
Fourier: I understand the object. Please come this way.
Fourier: I wanted to contact you, but I was stopped because it was too dangerous.
Fourier: Rojio, he's here.
Rojio: It's good to see you again.
Fourier: Take it easy, your injury hasn't healed yet.
Rojio: Ouch, but it's good to see you made it out okay.
Rojio: I thought that you might get targeted too.
Rojio: I'll say it straight; Arks is definitely hiding something on Naberius.
Rojio: They must have suspected me of getting too close and targeted me for assassination. That's why I'm here.
Rojio: TO be honest I really don't rember how I was helped out of that situation at all.
Fourier: There was some Arks covered in cuts who brought him here.
Fourier: That little girl just said "take care of him," and then disappeared.
Foureir: I have noidea what's going on, but it seems dangerous.
Rojio: But the fact there's something worth killing people for has been estamblished.
Rojio: But they have there sights on me. So there's not much I can do.
Rojio: So [player]...
Rojio: You should be able to move around better than me.
Rojio: Please, can I ask you to find what's hidden on Naberius?
Rojio: What ever you can manage, just please...

Matterboard 8 Node F3


AP 238/3/30
Rojio: [player], you surveyed the area for me? Thanks.
Rojio: There haven't been anymore assassination attemps and Fourie has been taking care of me.
Rojio: More than that, there was something bothering me that I was looking into.
Rojio: The reason they attempted to kill me.
Rojio: If they're something around the Tundra that they don't want known about, then they should close the area off.
Rojio: Except that it's not and Arks are allowed in the area. So what's the catch?
Rojio: I think it was the parameters I measured from my geological survey.
Rojio: The compenents in the tundra had source traces of darkers in them. And pretty deep.
Rojio: Which means darkers have been on Naberius for quite a long time.
Rojio: That by itself might not be too surprising. But there was one more thing...
Rojio: That tundra itself may be brought about by the darkers.
Rojio: But what exactly I going on, I can't quite wrap my head around it.
Rojio: But I do think what ever I was looking at touched a nerve.
Rojio: If there's a darker generating the tundra, I wonder how large it must be.
Rojio: Sorry I can't figure out much more than this now. I'll look into it more.


Chapter 8 Story Descent of the Destructor
Youtube Credit: Maronji


PSO2 Story Chapter 8
AP 238/4/1 10:00

Zeno: Hey [player]. Are you come here to investigate too?
Zeno: As long as you're here, you want to tag along with us?

1) *Go with Zeno and Echo
2) Go by yourself

Zeno: That's the spirit, plus I'd be at ease with you here.
Echo: Aren't you forgetting someone?
Zeno: Right, you too.
Echo: You don't seem to be paying attention to me at all lately.
Zeno: It's because you need to learn to stand up for yourself!
Zeno: You don't think it's getting old clinging on me all of the time?
Echo: but I dont't...
Zeno: Huh, did you say something?
Echo: Who do you think you're talking to? Come on [player], let's get going.
Zeno: She seems down, but if she's still feeling good enough to get that angry, then she's probably okay.
Zeno: By the way, [player]. Be on your guard. I've got a bad feeling about this place.

Chapter 8 Descent of the Dstructor

Echo: What's this shaking?
Zeno: An earthquake? No, but something's different. Almost like something in the earth is stirring.
Echo: Something? Zeno what do you mean?
Kasura: Basically he means that this place is dangerous.
Echo: Who said-
Kasura: Sorry to surprise you.
Kasura: And you can relax, I'm just an ordinary Arks like you.
Zeno: If you're just an ordinary Arks, then what are we supposed to be?
Zeno: One of the top three hero's of the Six Pillars of Arks, Kasura.
Echo: You mean the highest rank?
Kasura: If you know who I am then that makes explaining things easier.
Kasura: As a top ranking member of Arks I recommend retreating immediately.
Kasura: But I guess I'm not one to talk as I'm heading this way alone.
Kasura: As long as you're here, would you like to accompany me?

2) Refuse

Zeno: Are you sure we wont just get in the way?
Kasura: Not at all. I'm just here to gather information.
Kasura: Besides I'm not much for fighting, So it's actually beneficial for me to have someone along in case something happens.
Kasura: Also there's a lot of information about this place that I think needs to be explained.
Zero: Looks like we don't have time to stand around and talk. Let's go.
Kasura: Appreciated.
Kasura: Everyone let's go.

AP 238/4/1 11:00

Echo: Why are there so many darkers here?
Zeno: My thoughts exactly. Hey Kasura, what's going on here?
Kasura: This is only something I was told, but are you aware of what happened here on Naberius 40 years ago?

1)* Final battle with Dark Falz
2) A large scale climate change

Kasura: [player], you've done your homework. Exactly that. The final battle with Dark Falz took place here.
Kasura: 40 years ago the first generation Legias, first generation Kasura and first generation Claris Cleiss defeated dark falz on this planet.
Echo: Dark falz...?
Zeno: What are you talking about? Haven't darkers just started appearing recently?
Kasura: That is a lie.
Echo: You mean Arks has been lying to us?
Kasura: Yes in order to disguise Naberius as a safe planet.
Kasura: So that normal Arks wouldn't discover the true nature of what lay hidden here.
Zeno: I don't understand. What does that accomplish? What are they hiding here?
Kasura: The fiction that holds Arks together is hidden here.
Kasura: Proof to deceive Arks members that Dark Falz was destroyed lays here.

AP 238/4/1 11:20
Ghettemhalt: So you've come.
Ghettemhalt: Oh, and a lot more character's have gathered here. Fuhahaha!
Zeno: Ghettemhalt, just what are you doing here?
Ghettemhalt: Can't you see? I'm on a picnic.
Zeno: Don't fuck with me! Was that rumbling your doing?
Ghettemhalt: Shut your trap. Shina, is it ready yet?
Shina: Just a moment.
Kasura: That's Cralisa! That's supposed to have been lost. What's it doing here?
Kasura: A user has already been entered? But if the seal has been broken. Everything...
Kasura: If the seal is broken, everything is over. We need to get her away from the Clarisa!
Ghettemhalt: I won't let you.
Ghettemhalt: You understand right? Something fun is going to happen.
Ghettemhaly: [player] it excites you too right? This malicious feeling that surrounds this place?
Zeno: Are you freaking gone insane!?
Ghettemhalt: Gone insane? I never particualrly cared for sanity to begin with!

AP 238/4/1 11:40
Ghettemhalt: Fun, hahaha! This has really been fun!
Zeno: You crazy bastard. You think you can beat the four of us?
Ghettemhalt: Hey Shina, it's still not finished yet?
Shina: Just a little more.... but.....
Ghettemhelt: Oh, so "just a little longer eh?"
Ghettemhalt: Hey Shina, for me you would do anything right?
Shina: Of course.
Ghettemhalt: That's good. Well then sorry, but...
Ghettemhalt: die for me!
Shina: -
Zeno: Ghettemhalt, you bastard!
Ghettemhalt: And why are you getting angry Zeno?
Zeno: Why would you kill your own comrade?
Shina: Ghettem- -hal -sama
Shina: Was Shina able to be of service to you?
Gheetemhalt: Yes Shina. Thanks to you that guy will come back.
Kasura: Using that method...
Zeno: What's going on?
Kasura: This torrent of photons. Dark Falz revival....
Ghettemhalt: Come on Dark Falz? You're strong right? The strongest right?
Ghettemhalt: Show that power to me, the power to destroy everything.
Ghettemhalt: I'll tear and shred all of it.
Ghettemhalt: What's.... this? What the hell is going on..?
Zeno: Ghettemhalt!
Kasura: Don't get any closer. You'll get pulled in too.
Zeno: Get pulled in? Kasura, how do you know about all of this?
Kasura: The continuation of what was explaining before...
Kasura: 40 years ago, Arks defeated Dark Falz, but they weren't able to destroy him.
Kasura: They only only able to seal him. And have kept him sealed on this planet.
Kasura: In order to make everyone think that he was really gone.
Zeno: What-?
Echo: So that monument?
Kasura: -is where Dark Falz is sealed. Only that seal has just been broken now.
Ghettemhalt: Shit! Shit! Just what is going on here? Damn it!!
Ghettemhalt: Don't come inside of me!
Kasura: Dark Falz is essentially the same as darkers.
Kasura: Which is infect and control what they consume.
Ghettemhalt: Damn it!!!! SHina! Hey Shiina!
Ghettemhalt: I... I... we. WE....
Ghettemhalt: We...
Ghettemfalz: I see!I see!I see!I see!I see!I see!I see! Fwahahaha hahahaha!
Ghettemfalz: It's been too long! The blue sky, the green grass.
Ghettemfalz: I'm a being of conflict. It has been far too long.
Zeno: This isn't Ghettemhalt. What are you?
Ghettemfalz: Be in awe! I am the great and mighty Dark Falz Elder!
Kasura: Dark Falz...!
Echo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh-
Ghettemfalz: Blood in pumping through my veins. Destructon, I crave it.
Ghettemfalz: You arks have the plessure of being the first ones crushed by me.

AP 238/4/1 12:00

Ghettemfalz: Slightly impressive. This fight feels good to this stiff body.
Zeno: It had no effect on him!?
Kasura: He's still incomplete. Stopping him is impossible, but retreating isn't an option either.
Kasura: If he regains his full strength there will be no way to stop him.
Zeno: Damn it...
Zeno: Echo and [player] take Shina and retreat!
Echo: Zeno, what are you saying? I'm going to stay and fight with you.
Zeno: I'm saying you should stay out of the way!
Zeno: Please, [player] I'll by some time, so please at least save these two.
Kasura: I'm with you Zeno.
Zeno: Kasura...
Kasura: DOn't forget I'm one of the Six Pillars of Arks. We may still have a chance to rn after buying some time.
Echo: But ... Zeno....
Zeno: Shut up! Take the wounded and retreat. That's an order Echo!
Echo: ...
Zeno: Sorry, let me do this.
Zeno: As you're mentor I can't let myself look bad in this kind of situation.
Echo: Zeno come back alive. Promise me! If you don't I'll never forgive you!
Zeno: I hear ya! Now shut up and go!
Ghettemfalz: Are you ready Arks?
Zeno: You were waiting for us? You're suprisingly considerate of people's conversations, Dark Falz.
Ghettemfalz: I have no interest in weakling who aren't willing to fight.
Zeno: Then I guess I'll have to step up to your expectations!
Kasura: Let's go.

AP 238/4/1 13:00
Echo: What... was that!!!? What the hell was that?
Echo: You can't tell me, that's dark falz?
Echo: Zeno! Zeno! Please, answer me! Come back, Zeno!
Echo: Zeno!

Chapter 8 Descent of the Destructor End

Winter 2012 Dark Falz Elder EQ Cutscene


Falz Elder: Hahaha. You were able to hold me back.
Falz Elder: On this planet there was someone strong enough to face me. And now...
Falz Elder: Hahahaha, this is fun Arks. I'm glad I came back.
Apprentice: You finally came back, and got beat and you're happy about that?
Apprentice: Wile you were sealed away for 40 years did you go crazy or something?
Falz Elder: ... who are you?
Falz Elder: Wait I remember this feeling.
Falz Elder: I see you're [Apprentice]. That form must be a new container.
Apprentice: That's right, but even if you say "new", it's already been ten years.
Falz Elder: And the two over there must be [Double]
Falz Elder: Hahaha, for you all to come out and greet me, I'm really touched.
Falz Elder: Just, who is that though?
Apprentice: A new face, For the time I've just been calling him [Persona].
Apprentice: Really, I have no idea what young people are thinking these days.
Elder Falz: What ever he does, at long as it doesn't interfere with my fun, I don't really care.
Apprentice: What's that disgusting look you your face? You're really turned nuts.
Falz Elder: That's really not something I want to hear from you.
Falz Elder: Arks, I had a good fight today. I'll return for now.
Falz Elder: As long as I have this body I can fight any time.

Thanks to King_Rappy for fixing the falz names'.

Aug 3, 2012, 09:38 PM
MB5 A-2 Zig Scene
Ap 238/3/13

Zig: Oh you came at a good time.
Zig: About the weapon you handed me the other day, I looked into it. And it looks like that's only a fragment.
Zig: So more parts of that weapon should be around somewhere..... I'd say about.... 2 more.
Zig: Predicting the make of the weapon, I could make replacement parts, but it'd likely take the beauty out of that weapon.
Zig: So I have to ask you a favor; if you find the other two parts, can you bring them to me?
Zig: I'm counting on you!

Aug 3, 2012, 09:45 PM
MB5 A-4 Zeno Scene
AP 238/3/14

Zeno: Hey, what's up?
Zeno: I heard that you're being asked to do the impossible for old man Zig.
Zeno: That guy always becomes like this when he gets fired up. It's really a pain.
Zeno: So what did he ask you to do?
Zeno: So that thing that happened a while back. So that was a weapon?
Zeno: No i didn't know that, it was just a hunch.
Zeno: If you're looking for something like that, then it's not like you don't have any clues to go on. Should turn out okay.
Zeno: Think about it, the darkers were looking for it and so was that mask guy.
Zeno: So to say, the places where they're looking around should be close to where it is.
Zeno: So basically look for that masked-guy and darkers.
Zeno: I'll be looking too, so I'll contact you if i find anything. Later.

Aug 3, 2012, 09:53 PM
MB5 A6 part1
AP 238/3/8

Light: What should i do? What should I do?
Light: Hey you! That's right you there.
Light: That outfir; you're arks right. You're here for my request right?
Light: Sorry for the delay. My name is Light. I'm Dr. Aki's assistant.
Light: 'And where is Dr. Aki'?. That's what this is about.
Light: Aki has been obsessed with the dragon clan on Amaduskia.
Light: She has Arks certification and this time she ran there on here own.
Light: I'm really worried. If something should happen to her....
Light: So coming back to the subject of the order; can you go look for her?
Light: I've prepared you payment.... from the Doc's research fund....
Light: When ever you have time, but the sooner the better.

Aug 3, 2012, 10:09 PM
Part 2
AP 238/3/8

Aki: Who are you? If you're not part of the dragon clan, I have no interest in you.
AKi: What? Is my name Aki? Asking directly for information, you're pretty interesting.
Aki: As you stated, my name is Aki. But who are you? I have no recolection of you. And my recolection doesn't make mistakes.
Aki: Oh wait. I can tell with out you needing to explain. You must have come here on request from Light.
Aki: Other than looking for me, I can't imagine any other outcome from him.
Aki: Knowing him he probably worried and whined and said "if something should happen.."
Aki: Guess I don't have much choice. Since you found me, I'll stop here and head back for now.
Aki: Oh, and could you tell me your name?
Aki: Okay, I'll remember it.
Aki: You might be a lot more interesting than the dragon clan.
Aki: I was just talking to myself.
Aki: I'll see you around. Later.

Aug 4, 2012, 01:14 AM
I'd like credit for translating those names.


Aug 4, 2012, 10:35 PM
In matterboard 4 A-3, after the event tablet Furie joins the party. When the quest is over, what she says is anything related to the matterboard event or is it something that isn't important? ^^;


Aug 5, 2012, 09:03 PM
dunno if it's important or not... probably not

Silver Crow
Aug 5, 2012, 09:23 PM
can you translate player stats? pretty please :D

Aug 5, 2012, 09:32 PM
can you translate player stats? pretty please :D

What do you mean by this?

Aug 6, 2012, 01:06 AM
null :wacko:

Aug 6, 2012, 04:36 AM
Or he could use the english patch which has all that stuff stranslated

Aug 6, 2012, 04:56 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by translated videos but you know it would be cool to make videos and put subs in them when someone talks.

Aug 6, 2012, 07:22 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by translated videos


but you know it would be cool to make videos and put subs in them when someone talks.

You can add captions to youtube videos. I just don't know how to do it or how it works.

Aug 6, 2012, 09:47 AM
you have to add time codes or something. pretty sure it's more trouble than it's worth.

Aug 6, 2012, 07:01 PM
I have an internship all week this week. So new content might be scarce until this week end. But coincidentally, look what's right next to where i work.


Aug 6, 2012, 10:38 PM
I have an internship all week this week. So new content might be scarce until this week end. But coincidentally, look what's right next to where i work.


Oh cool, also Japan looks nice.

Aug 6, 2012, 11:10 PM
Oh cool, also Japan looks nice.

It's hot as balls.

Aug 6, 2012, 11:16 PM
It's hot as balls.

Florida is too.

Aug 8, 2012, 09:38 AM
Thank you for reviving this thread! I panicked when I lost the ability to translate the story bits.

can you translate player stats? pretty please :D

Check this thread:


Aug 11, 2012, 06:12 PM
Since one of the old topics was bumped today, I figured I should bump this one since this is the current story topic.

Something that I posted in one of the old topics before it was locked, the script for Matoi's scene when the subterranean tunnel is unlocked:


And also the script for Matoi's scene when the floating continent is unlocked:


Aug 11, 2012, 10:04 PM
Unfortunately I've been too busy to even log in much less translate lately. Is there anyone who can take over this translating?

Aug 12, 2012, 04:50 AM
Since one of the old topics was bumped today, I figured I should bump this one since this is the current story topic.

Something that I posted in one of the old topics before it was locked, the script for Matoi's scene when the subterranean tunnel is unlocked:


And also the script for Matoi's scene when the floating continent is unlocked:


I've not been able to get Free Mines or the next one unlocked so haven't been able to record these. Been trying but haven't been successful yet.

Aug 12, 2012, 12:25 PM
I'll translate as long as the text is provided in a non-Youtube/video link that works in China.


Aug 12, 2012, 01:36 PM
I'll translate as long as the text is provided in a non-Youtube/video link that works in China.

I'm about to start Matterboard 5 soon, I could take pictures like the ones I took for Matoi scenes.
If you can't see the pictures I posted, do you have any suggestion for a picture uploading service that would work for you?

Aug 12, 2012, 03:12 PM
I'm about to start Matterboard 5 soon, I could take pictures like the ones I took for Matoi scenes.
If you can't see the pictures I posted, do you have any suggestion for a picture uploading service that would work for you?

Could just DL the videos and upload to a site that can be accessed in china... Or screen shot all the videos or something.

Aug 12, 2012, 10:45 PM
Photobucket works.


Aug 13, 2012, 04:36 AM
Aren't you kind of dusty?

You went to the Underground Passage?
That, where was it?

So Planet Lilippa's underground
had something like that.

Is it a newly discovered area? (not sure how to translate this part)
There's a lot of
unknown and new stuff, isn't there.

Un, that's good, it is good.
I see, it's like an adventure,
that seems nice.

When something happens again,
your stories, let me listen to them. I'll leave it to you.


Welcome back,

Did you go to some new place?
Somehow, I have that feeling.

Planet Amduscia, the country of dragons...
Floating in the sky, that's amazing huh.
It sounds unbelievable from just listening to it.

About the sky, isn't the wind strong?
Won't you fall down?
Hey, are you okay?

If you get blown off by the wind it'll be really bad, you know?
It's not something to laugh at.

...but, up in the sky,
it must be an incredible sensation, huh.

...un. That's right.
Eventually, I want to go see.


Quick translation of the top two pics that Ezo sent me (the third has nothing), errors might be in there.


Aug 13, 2012, 10:03 PM
1: Story mission, Chapter 3: Tyrant in Dunes, when choosing the "Shake your head" option, Gettemhart says what is showing in the pictures.
After this it continues through the rest of the scene as normal, starting from the line "What's with this little bastard, he justs keeps staring."



2: Matterboard 5, C-6:


EDIT: Have quite a few more pictures ready.

3: Story mission, Chapter 4: "Proud Scales of Amduscia", when choosing the "Looks like it's going to cry" option Aki says what shows in the picture.
After this the scene resumes from Light's line "Now's not the time to be talking. It's coming this way."


4: Matoi scene. This scene either happens after unlocking Matterboard 5, or it happens after Chapter 4: "Proud Scales of Amduscia", I'm not sure which.


5: Matterboard 5, D-6.


6: Matterboard 5, F-5.


7: Matterboard 5, D-4.


8: Matterboard 5, C-3.


9: Matterboard 5, E-1.


10: Story mission, Chapter 4: "The Scientist's State", in the post with the chapter 4 translation there's 2 lines that have a note saying this:
"poor translation for these two lines. hard to here what he says and pausing youtube video covers up the words."
So I took pictures from these 2 lines.



Aug 16, 2012, 09:01 AM
if you are going to do that you should at least post that you post something or else noone will know you posted something ^.^

Aug 21, 2012, 04:19 AM
For now, here's 1-4. Working on the others as I post, but putting this up first.

University prep is a bitch. D:

Tch, a good little kid!

Well whatever, however it's hidden
you can't hide your stench.



The past few days have been bothersome, huh.
Thanks to that, we can continue our research.
All that's left is confirming the data.

So, about the research,
(no freaking clue..."consultation in the fold"?) [ori itte soudan ga aru]

...when it's convenient for you
I'd like to meet you in the Volcanic Caves.

I guess I don't need to say it to be understood?
If it's you you should understand.
So, I'll leave it to you.


...so it looks like it's crying, huh.
Poetic expression, but I don't dislike it.


Welcome back,

Me? What have I been doing, huh?
Lots of stuff to be learned. Studying, I guess.

I, was placed on this ship but
know nothing about the ship, so
I want to understand my range of knowledge.

It's really big, this ship.
The lobby, it's just one of
various enterable sections.

I know there's a urban city district far away,
and am pretty sure there's agricultural & coastal districts as well.

I want to go, is what I thought but
with the division of labor and work
it's no good. It's too bad.

Well, everyone in ARKS
have strict appearances that
"WHAT IS THIS!", is how surprised I was.
^ (literally WTF IS THIS SHIT but...yeah xD)

I wonder if I can enter the agricultural work force...
How should I do it...

Ah...y, yeah, I know?
Firstly, I have to let
my body get some good rest, right.


Sep 1, 2012, 02:51 PM
RocSage, how are you recording your videos? I ran into one of the missing Event Areas but I didn't know how to record it orz .

Sep 1, 2012, 08:16 PM
RocSage, how are you recording your videos? I ran into one of the missing Event Areas but I didn't know how to record it orz .

i use fraps. There are a number of ways to record though and which you feel comfortable with is up to you. I like fraps because it is a one time purchase for lifetime license and is pretty damn good in general.

As to the translations...i need to move them to the right spot. I'm just doing a number of things.

Sep 1, 2012, 08:43 PM
moved 3 of the 4 translated things...

Ezo... I don't know where that matoi scene came from because I've done both of the things you mentioned and haven't gotten that video. So I think it is something else to unlock than what you said... or is it a video? Is it an all text thing?

Sep 2, 2012, 12:25 AM
Ah, I phrased that badly. I was more of wondering if you did any setting changes to the game to make it so that the recording went smoother. I tried using Camtasia to record some Hunter footage (was testing stuff) and the resulting video was really choppy.

Sep 2, 2012, 12:32 AM
On the same page of the options there is a selection to make the font bigger. I made that 1.5, while it doesn't help recording it does help reading.
Again on the same page there is a Frame limiter which i set to 30. This is a two fold saver of processing power because fraps default records at 30fps.
This means the processor doesn't have to create 50% of the content and doesn't have to record it either.

Also when recording I set my sound to be 0 music, 40 Sound effects, 80 on the other two.

So...while the only "smoother" thing is the 30FPS thing, the others improve quality of the recording in general.

Sep 2, 2012, 07:34 AM
moved 3 of the 4 translated things...

Ezo... I don't know where that matoi scene came from because I've done both of the things you mentioned and haven't gotten that video. So I think it is something else to unlock than what you said... or is it a video? Is it an all text thing?
Yeah, it's a video.
I got it sometime after doing the chapter I mentioned, but maybe it was something else that made that scene appear? No idea how it appears then. :|

Sep 2, 2012, 12:13 PM
On the same page of the options there is a selection to make the font bigger. I made that 1.5, while it doesn't help recording it does help reading.
Again on the same page there is a Frame limiter which i set to 30. This is a two fold saver of processing power because fraps default records at 30fps.
This means the processor doesn't have to create 50% of the content and doesn't have to record it either.

Also when recording I set my sound to be 0 music, 40 Sound effects, 80 on the other two.

So...while the only "smoother" thing is the 30FPS thing, the others improve quality of the recording in general.
Thanks. I'll try these out. After I've found some good settings, event areas here I come.

Sep 5, 2012, 10:54 AM
bah i was going to record some stuff that i know are possibly new videos, but I can't get PSO2 to run v.v... Sega is trying to keep me out. I say we burn this mother down!

Sep 5, 2012, 11:28 AM
I love you all so much! I was just about to get started on a project like this and I'm SO happy that it has already been (mostly) completed!
I would like to request if anyone could add annotations (or English Subtitles) to the YT videos? That would help immensely!

Sep 5, 2012, 01:31 PM
I love you all so much! I was just about to get started on a project like this and I'm SO happy that it has already been (mostly) completed!
I would like to request if anyone could add annotations (or English Subtitles) to the YT videos? That would help immensely!

As I have said a number of times in the past if someone wants to and knows how to they are more than free to...

Sep 5, 2012, 07:26 PM
I got an event tablet staring Clarita Claes.
Here are pictures of the event (also doubles as some nice shots of her fancy rod):
And here is the chat log:

Not sure if you already have this, but figured I'd share anyway.

Just got some more event with her:

Sep 5, 2012, 09:53 PM
I'll get back to translating today; applications for scholarships and packing took up most of my time this past month.

Sorry about the delay.


Sep 6, 2012, 04:49 AM
I got an event tablet staring Clarita Claes.
Here are pictures of the event (also doubles as some nice shots of her fancy rod):
And here is the chat log:

Not sure if you already have this, but figured I'd share anyway.

Just got some more event with her:

don't have them... but can't put them in the list either without a name >.>

Sep 6, 2012, 09:58 AM

Good afternoon,
Master <Player>.

If you are not in a hurry right now
I recommend that you not take one step further.

Now, just ahead
there is a slightly dangerous situation.

As you can see,
right now Gettemhart-sama is
taking everything he sees as an enemy.

One could say he was 'feral';
there would be no difference.

If you go you'll get involved.
To me, there is no exception.

If you think I'm being treated badly
that is an outsider's perspective.

......For me, as long as we're together
that's good enough for me.

That wish is enough, I would not tolerate.
Anything else, I will not tolerate.

Ora, let's go Shina!
Don't dillydally around!

Our talk ends here, it seems.

Please excuse me.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Will update this post when others are done.


Sep 6, 2012, 04:18 PM
Just hope you know that it's Xeno not Zeno.

Sep 6, 2012, 04:25 PM
Just hope you know that it's Xeno not Zeno.
Xeno, Zeno, either way works.

His name is ゼノ:
ゼ = Ze
ノ = No
And so, Zeno.

Sep 6, 2012, 04:26 PM
Xeno, Zeno, either way works.

His name is ゼノ:
ゼ = Ze
ノ = No
And so, Zeno.


Romaji does not equal English.

Sep 6, 2012, 05:28 PM
So you believe it should be a localized translation versus a transliterated translation? Why does it matter which ever one it is?

This is a fan translation done before the official one is out, let the translators do whatever they want. If you really absolutely must have a localized version, just wait for the North American release.

Sep 6, 2012, 05:43 PM
So you believe it should be a localized translation versus a transliterated translation? Why does it matter which ever one it is?

This is a fan translation done before the official one is out, let the translators do whatever they want. If you really absolutely must have a localized version, just wait for the North American release.

Cause his name is "Xeno" not "Zeno".

Let me use this as an example, my name is "Zack" not "Zach" when someone misspells my name I correct them so it's correct.

Same thing I'm doing with Xeno's name.

Sep 6, 2012, 05:53 PM
Cause his name is "Xeno" not "Zeno".

Let me use this as an example, my name is "Zack" not "Zach" when someone misspells my name I correct them so it's correct.

Same thing I'm doing with Xeno's name.

I'm sorry but you are sounding mighty rude with this so this is what ill have to say:

If you feel so strongly about this then it'll be fine if you record and translate everything yourself, correct?

Sep 6, 2012, 07:14 PM
I'm sorry but you are sounding mighty rude with this so this is what ill have to say:

If you feel so strongly about this then it'll be fine if you record and translate everything yourself, correct?

I'm sorry for sounding rude to you but, I'm was just saying they didn't have to say anything to me really.

Sep 6, 2012, 07:42 PM
don't have them... but can't put them in the list either without a name >.>

I got the titles for the first three. Having a bit of trouble getting the last one but I'll post it once I get it.

The pictures are in the same order that i posted the first four scenes ( http://imgur.com/a/bRwCl)

Sep 6, 2012, 10:10 PM
Just hope you know that it's Xeno not Zeno.


I got the titles for the first three. Having a bit of trouble getting the last one but I'll post it once I get it.

The pictures are in the same order that i posted the first four scenes ( http://imgur.com/a/bRwCl)

will check if those are among the 5 missing or a new set soon.

Sep 6, 2012, 10:24 PM
Let me use this as an example, my name is "Zack" not "Zach" when someone misspells my name I correct them so it's correct.

Bad logic, doesn't count.

Anyways, Zeno and Xeno are both pronounced the same in English. Also, both are spelled the same way in Japanese due to katakana. There's no "xa" in Japanese and the kata that sounds closest to the foreign pronounciation is "za".

Thus, Zeno/Xeno really both work. I prefer Xeno because it looks cooler though. :razz:


Sep 7, 2012, 12:03 AM

I have a report.

The other day I did an investigation.
It was about Naberius' geology,
and after analyzing the data, I saw abnormalities.

First, that planet's forest geography is
its basis.
The tundra terrain came later.

However, the reason behind the formation of the tundra......
Normally, post-meteorite impact extreme weather tends to occur but
......I see no evidence of that.

In addition, among the tundra
there is data variation,
and places where acquiring parameters didn't work.

Almost, like jamming,
as if it were......

......this is no longer a theory.
That planet, something is wrong about it.

Naberius......we heard it was
an undeveloped, primitive planet.
However, this......this data is......

......I am going to get permission
to go directly to the surveyed area.
I am aware of the dangers.

However, the research results so far
地ならないあなただけには (not sure how to translate, need assistance)
to tell you.

The research has settled down
so I showed my face in the lobby.
Later, let's meet again.



Sep 7, 2012, 04:18 AM
I got the titles for the first three. Having a bit of trouble getting the last one but I'll post it once I get it.

The pictures are in the same order that i posted the first four scenes ( http://imgur.com/a/bRwCl)

just checked them against the five that are missing. They aren't one of the five which means they are part of a new list.

Sep 7, 2012, 04:27 AM

I have a report.

The other day I did an investigation.
It was about Naberius' geology,
and after analyzing the data, I saw abnormalities.

First, that planet's forest geography is
its basis.
The tundra terrain came later.

However, the reason behind the formation of the tundra......
Normally, post-meteorite impact extreme weather tends to occur but
......I see no evidence of that.

In addition, among the tundra
there is data variation,
and places where acquiring parameters didn't work.

Almost, like jamming,
as if it were......

......this is no longer a theory.
That planet, something is wrong about it.

Naberius......we heard it was
an undeveloped, primitive planet.
However, this......this data is......

......I am going to get permission
to go directly to the surveyed area.
I am aware of the dangers.

However, the research results so far
地ならないあなただけには (not sure how to translate, need assistance)
to tell you.

The research has settled down
so I showed my face in the lobby.
Later, let's meet again.



you labeled that wrong... that is #6 on Ezo's stuff. That's Rojio talking, instead of Aki. Just thought I'd let you know in case you look at what you've done and see 7 and then skip the actual 7

Sep 7, 2012, 04:59 AM
I actually had 2 #7's, oops.


Sep 7, 2012, 03:53 PM
Bad logic, doesn't count.

Anyways, Zeno and Xeno are both pronounced the same in English. Also, both are spelled the same way in Japanese due to katakana. There's no "xa" in Japanese and the kata that sounds closest to the foreign pronounciation is "za".

Thus, Zeno/Xeno really both work. I prefer Xeno because it looks cooler though. :razz:


Kinda what I was trying to put out there.

Sep 7, 2012, 04:07 PM
Kinda what I was trying to put out there.
No, you were saying that his name is Xeno, not Zeno.
Wayu is saying that both Xeno and Zeno can be correct, but Xeno looks cooler.

Anyway, let's stop with the names spelling discussions, this already caused troubles before, in the previous topic. :|

Sep 7, 2012, 05:01 PM
No, you were saying that his name is Xeno, not Zeno.
Wayu is saying that both Xeno and Zeno can be correct, but Xeno looks cooler.

Anyway, let's stop with the names spelling discussions, this already caused troubles before, in the previous topic. :|

We had a vote. Batman said Zeno is right.

Sep 8, 2012, 09:30 AM
So ummm Wayu... got a lot of time?
Agrajag gaves me all the text. I can post it all up, but I don't see the point if you or Kion aren't going to translate it...

Also I think some of the translations should be checked. Since you, wayu, can't see the youtube videos, you couldn't previously, but now I have the text so do you want to do that?

Sep 8, 2012, 10:46 AM
I have very little time but I'll do what I can.

Post it and hopefully I'll find the time to do all of it.


Sep 8, 2012, 10:58 AM
So ummm Wayu... got a lot of time?
Agrajag gaves me all the text. I can post it all up, but I don't see the point if you or Kion aren't going to translate it...

Also I think some of the translations should be checked. Since you, wayu, can't see the youtube videos, you couldn't previously, but now I have the text so do you want to do that?
That means I don't need to take pictures from cutscenes then, right? ^^;

Sep 8, 2012, 11:16 AM
That means I don't need to take pictures from cutscenes then, right? ^^;

Yes and No. It's hard to explain but references are needed because character names are not included. Look at the first event tab open the Japanese text spoiler... I added those names, but other than that that is unedited.

So, still need pictures for reference for various things, but don't need them for the text itself. As I know what text goes with which event.

This also has all the story text... So I have to break it up and see if i can tease apart which texts are which. It's more busy work than anything else but if you don't have reference stuff you're not able to get it accurately separated.

Sep 8, 2012, 11:45 AM
Yes and No. It's hard to explain but references are needed because character names are not included. Look at the first event tab open the Japanese text spoiler... I added those names, but other than that that is unedited.

So, still need pictures for reference for various things, but don't need them for the text itself. As I know what text goes with which event.

This also has all the story text... So I have to break it up and see if i can tease apart which texts are which. It's more busy work than anything else but if you don't have reference stuff you're not able to get it accurately separated.
Ok then, here's what I've gotten from the mines side of Matterboard 6.

11: Start of Matterboard 6, Shion scene.


12: Matterboard 6, C-2.


13: Chapter 5, Labyrinth beneath the sands.

[spoiler-box]238/3/24, 10:00.


238/3/24, 10:30.


Chapter title.


238/3/24, 11:00.


238/3/24, 11:30.


14: Matterboard 6, A-2.


15: Matterboard 6, C-5.


16: Matterboard 6, C-7.


17: Matterboard 6, B-6.


I'll start getting pictures from the skyland side once I get the matterboard drop from Tranmizer, I want the launcher for my Ranger. ^^;

Sep 8, 2012, 11:55 AM
Matter Board 6 C-2, is that an event tab or a lobby scene?

Sep 8, 2012, 12:03 PM
Matter Board 6 C-2, is that an event tab or a lobby scene?
It's an event tablet with the masked guy.

Sep 8, 2012, 01:36 PM
Got the first 10 (minus #8 due to lack of reference) Japanese scripts up for the Event tabs.

I haven't found Shion's script, but I have found, I think, the story scripts. Since they're all done more or less those will be last for me to seperate.

Sep 9, 2012, 01:55 AM
Started recording some of the Event Areas (Event Tablets). Had my settings done incorrectly at first so I missed the first one aka C-2, but it's literally just walking up, stopping, seeing the Masked Man go "where is it/she/he?" and him walking off.

Will start to upload them to Youtube soon. What site should I upload it to so Wayu can see it?

Sep 9, 2012, 09:00 AM
Heres Matterboard 6 C-2 recorded...


Sep 9, 2012, 10:50 AM
Updated 11-20 with the Japanese scripts, now 1-20 has them.
Started getting problems with saving so I may have to split videos up differently.

Sep 9, 2012, 12:31 PM
Ulc: Sorry I'm feeling pretty down.
Ulc: Even working at an Arks related job it seems that ability is required.
Ulc: It seems that you can also get dispatched on emergency missions as kind of a reserve.
Ulc: That's why it's hard for people with out any kind of fighting ability.
Ulc: Right when things were looking up, to get turned down is really depressing.
Ulc: Wait, not yet.
Ulc: I haven't been regected yet.
Ulc: That's right it's still too early to give up.
Ulc: If I quit before I start, then nothing can ever happen.
Ulc: I have to keep trying. That's all I can do.

Sep 9, 2012, 12:41 PM
MB5 D-2
Loga: ..................

MB5 D4
Aki: Hey, sorry to trouble you the other day.
Light: Really sensei, I wish you would stop running off of on your own.
Aki: Yeah, yeah, I know. You really need to shut up Light.
Aki: As you can see I have a nosy assistant. This time we'll take it easy.
Aki: So if possible i'm looking for someone to gather information in my place.
Aki: It seems like you fit the bill. What I'm asking is simple, clear, easy.
Aki: Please investigate the dragon clan in my place.
Aki: I say inestigate but I just want to examine their ecology.
Aki: if possible their interactions with darkers would be preferable.
Aki: So Light, beyond that I'm counting on you.
Light: Yes, sensei!
Light: Thanks for helping us. I've already prepared your payment.

Sep 9, 2012, 12:46 PM
MB5 E1
Light: Thanks for your help the other day.
Light: I also have a message from Sensei; "Thanks for gathering the data, sorry I couldn't say this in person".
Light: It would be nice if I could talk tp her. She's locked herself up in her study.
Light: So until I hear from her, I pretty much have nothing to do.
Light: That, and we may contact you again suddenly.
Light: I guess you caught her eye.
Light: Not sure if you'd call that luck. Anyways, let's try our best.

Sep 9, 2012, 12:49 PM

But phonically both are pronounced exactly the same way in English. So i think it's a matter of preference. Personally I think either is acceptable which makes it hard to stick with one.

Sep 9, 2012, 02:37 PM
Event Area: 抑止力


Event Area: 坑道を探る、仮面の姿


Matter Board 6: A-2


Edit: Good to see you're back Kion (=゚ω゚=) .

Sep 9, 2012, 05:25 PM

Romaji does not equal English.

While it is correct to say Zeno is Romaji to some degree, it is not correct to say that Xeno is "english" Xeno, Zeno, Xeeno, Zeeno, Xino, Zino, Xeano, Zeano, and probably a few others i can't think of could all very well be used in english to pronounce the same phonetic name that is Zeno which doesn't conform to the Japanese rules of pronunciation.

Romaji is transliteration of one set of graphemes to another set.

(for those that don't know / / means we are talking phonetics using the IPA and every simple has a specific sound)

/zino/ is the correct way of writing out how it is pronounced.
The /zi/ and /no/ in katakana is ジ and ノ
which funny enough in romaji is "Zino" not "Zeno".
Katakana's phonology would dictate however that it is /zeno/ (e is like the e in "set")
Thus if we were to take Katakana without without looking at the ingame pronunciation it would be "Zeno" where it is like "Zen buddhism", but never "Xeno". However because the pronunciation and the lack of knowledge of how Sega plans to translate it any of the variations on top would be appropriate. I personally prefer "Xeno" but "Zeno" covers both bases in my opinion which makes it the best option for now.

Sep 9, 2012, 10:26 PM
Event Area: 抑止力
Echo: Hey, have you seen Zeno? .. oh you haven't?
Echo: Looks like he left me behind.
Echo: This always happens on dangerous missions. He says it's too dangerous and never takes me with him.
Echo: He thinks he's being considerate, but it really pisses me off.
Echo: It could be because I'm not very helpful.
Echo: But if I'm not around then Zeno doesn't look after himself. And that;s a lot more dangerous.
Echo: Sorry for complaining. Anyways once Zeno gets back I'll have to yell at him.
Echo: I'm going to head back. Bye, bye.

Event Area: 坑道を探る、仮面の姿
Video is private =[

Sep 9, 2012, 11:52 PM
Event Area: 坑道を探る、仮面の姿
Video is private =[
D'oh. Should be fixed now. A few more coming along.

Sep 10, 2012, 12:37 AM
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu stupid hard drive crash deleted my translations of 8-10. D:<

Gotta redo those now...


Sep 10, 2012, 03:20 AM
Matter Board 6: C-5


Matter Board 6: C-7


Matoi Conversation
(Sorry about the pause in this one, not sure what happened there)
(Also, sorry about skipping part of the beginning lines, there wasn't anything else written so I assumed that was the end of the spoken words, from what I could hear and from what Matoi has said before, it was probably "I was waiting for you" or the like)


Matter Board 6: B-6
Matter Board 6: B-6 (www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yNI35HU6O8)

Event Field: ???
(I forgot to get the title for this one ( ´Д`) , hopefully someone/I can find it again)
Event Field: ??? (www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQA__CRwoUk)

Sep 14, 2012, 12:08 AM
*Random post*

I'd just like to thank everyone that's been putting effort in this thread. It's really nice to be able to read the game's story without having to wait for the actual localization. And in such a well organized post too.

Good Job you guys, thanks c:

Sep 14, 2012, 02:26 AM
Oh snap, PSO-World is back. Will start uploading some more videos.

Sep 14, 2012, 06:05 AM
坑道を探る、仮面の姿 [Lisa is fucked up]
Lisa: Hello. You're alive right? Indeed you are.
Lisa: But that's a lot more that can be said for the native creatures on different planets.
Lisa: Getting infected by darkers is the same as dying. Because they get killed by arks.
Lisa: Lisa doesn't bother talking with any of them, so Lisa doesn't know what they think.
Lisa: It's probably scary, maybe painful more than anything.
Lisa: That's why it doesn't matter to Lisa. Arks or otherwise Lisa might attack it.
Lisa: You know why. It's not specifically that something has been infected by darkers.
Lisa: It doesn't really matter to Lisa, as long as it's an enemy it's natural to shoot it to death.

Sep 14, 2012, 06:06 AM
403 error is gone. So the next step is Matoi/Shion and MB6 I guess.

btw, updating the first post with what's been done would be a huge help.

Sep 14, 2012, 06:14 AM
Of hand, Kion got a job in Shinjuku as a part-time web programmer. Hel yeh. And I'll be at TGS 2012. Life is good.

Matoi Conversation:
Matoi: Welcome back.
Matoi: Me? What have I been doing? Researching a lot. Or "studying" i guess.
Matoi: I've been staying on this ship, but I know nothing about it. So i'm trying to look up what I can.
Matoi: The lobby is huge and that's just one division.
Matoi: I knew about the city area, but there's also an ocean area and a agricultural area.
Matoi: I wanted to go see, but the division of labor is highly specialized, so I wasn't allowed.
Matoi: If Arks show up in showy outfits it could cause a scene.
Matoi: If i join the agriculture department then maybe I can go see it. I wonder how to join.
Matoi: I know, first I need to focus on getting better.

Sep 14, 2012, 06:26 AM

However, the research results so far
to tell you.


How ever, I just wanted to relay the research results to you and you alone...

Sep 14, 2012, 07:08 PM
Sorry, I'm working on like several things at once... I know I have to update stuff... what do I have to update?

Sep 14, 2012, 10:16 PM
Sure, when you get a chance. Here's what I've posted; MB5 is complete. Two event tabs (which are likely mislabeled), and a Matoi conversation. Also it would be great to get MB6 listed on the first post so that I can see what's been done and what hasn't.

Ulc: Sorry I'm feeling pretty down.
Ulc: Even working at an Arks related job it seems that ability is required.
Ulc: It seems that you can also get dispatched on emergency missions as kind of a reserve.
Ulc: That's why it's hard for people with out any kind of fighting ability.
Ulc: Right when things were looking up, to get turned down is really depressing.
Ulc: Wait, not yet.
Ulc: I haven't been regected yet.
Ulc: That's right it's still too early to give up.
Ulc: If I quit before I start, then nothing can ever happen.
Ulc: I have to keep trying. That's all I can do.

MB5 D-2
Loga: ..................

MB5 D4
Aki: Hey, sorry to trouble you the other day.
Light: Really sensei, I wish you would stop running off of on your own.
Aki: Yeah, yeah, I know. You really need to shut up Light.
Aki: As you can see I have a nosy assistant. This time we'll take it easy.
Aki: So if possible i'm looking for someone to gather information in my place.
Aki: It seems like you fit the bill. What I'm asking is simple, clear, easy.
Aki: Please investigate the dragon clan in my place.
Aki: I say inestigate but I just want to examine their ecology.
Aki: if possible their interactions with darkers would be preferable.
Aki: So Light, beyond that I'm counting on you.
Light: Yes, sensei!
Light: Thanks for helping us. I've already prepared your payment.

MB5 E1
Light: Thanks for your help the other day.
Light: I also have a message from Sensei; "Thanks for gathering the data, sorry I couldn't say this in person".
Light: It would be nice if I could talk tp her. She's locked herself up in her study.
Light: So until I hear from her, I pretty much have nothing to do.
Light: That, and we may contact you again suddenly.
Light: I guess you caught her eye.
Light: Not sure if you'd call that luck. Anyways, let's try our best.

Event Area: 抑止力
Echo: Hey, have you seen Zeno? .. oh you haven't?
Echo: Looks like he left me behind.
Echo: This always happens on dangerous missions. He says it's too dangerous and never takes me with him.
Echo: He thinks he's being considerate, but it really pisses me off.
Echo: It could be because I'm not very helpful.
Echo: But if I'm not around then Zeno doesn't look after himself. And that;s a lot more dangerous.
Echo: Sorry for complaining. Anyways once Zeno gets back I'll have to yell at him.
Echo: I'm going to head back. Bye, bye.

坑道を探る、仮面の姿 [Lisa is fucked up]
Lisa: Hello. You're alive right? Indeed you are.
Lisa: But that's a lot more that can be said for the native creatures on different planets.
Lisa: Getting infected by darkers is the same as dying. Because they get killed by arks.
Lisa: Lisa doesn't bother talking with any of them, so Lisa doesn't know what they think.
Lisa: It's probably scary, maybe painful more than anything.
Lisa: That's why it doesn't matter to Lisa. Arks or otherwise Lisa might attack it.
Lisa: You know why. It's not specifically that something has been infected by darkers.
Lisa: It doesn't really matter to Lisa, as long as it's an enemy it's natural to shoot it to death.

Matoi Conversation:
Matoi: Welcome back.
Matoi: Me? What have I been doing? Researching a lot. Or "studying" i guess.
Matoi: I've been staying on this ship, but I know nothing about it. So i'm trying to look up what I can.
Matoi: The lobby is huge and that's just one division.
Matoi: I knew about the city area, but there's also an ocean area and a agricultural area.
Matoi: I wanted to go see, but the division of labor is highly specialized, so I wasn't allowed.
Matoi: If Arks show up in showy outfits it could cause a scene.
Matoi: If i join the agriculture department then maybe I can go see it. I wonder how to join.
Matoi: I know, first I need to focus on getting better.

Sep 14, 2012, 10:43 PM
Finished MB5. don't have a list for MB6 so don't know exactly what is or isn't part of that.
As to the matoi coversation translated i don't know which one that goes with.

I'm still trying to decide how to divide the videos up the best way so it's consistent and doesn't get that over flow problem. I also might switch to using the file codes in the files so that it's easier to place them... currently all the videos that deal with Matter Boards, at least for event tabs, are listed first so it shouldn't matter if I adjust it so there aren't repeated entries

Sep 14, 2012, 11:58 PM
Also it would be great to get MB6 listed on the first post so that I can see what's been done and what hasn't.
Looking at the last few pages, I think nothing's been translated for Matterboard 6.
A few pages ago I posted pictures from all the scenes (including the story chapter) for the Mines side of Matterboard 6.

I started doing the Skyland side of MB6 today, if I don't get too many distractions, I'll have pictures in a few days, if needed.

As to the matoi coversation translated i don't know which one that goes with.
It's the scene that I got sometime during Matterboard 5, I posted a picture with the text for it in this post (it's number 4):

Also, just a note, Kion made a correction to a line Wayu wasn't sure in how to translate, it's from Matterboard 5 F-5. Just saying this so you can edit the post in the front page. ^^;

Sep 15, 2012, 12:33 AM
Matoi is this one. I think Wayu might have translated it already.

Matoi Conversation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs67K6Riq1M)

It's number 4 on Ezo's post on page 2.
4: Matoi scene. This scene either happens after unlocking Matterboard 5, or it happens after Chapter 4: "Proud Scales of Amduscia", I'm not sure which.

And MB6 events are kind of all over the place, I don't mind the order, but it would at least be nice to have them in one place.

Sep 15, 2012, 10:34 AM
And MB6 events are kind of all over the place, I don't mind the order, but it would at least be nice to have them in one place.
The pictures are in the order of how I unlocked them. ^^;


I might as well post this, a random event tablet with the Dragon from Chapter 4:


And also something that I posted several pages ago about Chapter 4: The Scientist's State.

10: Story mission, Chapter 4: "The Scientist's State", in the post with the chapter 4 translation there's 2 lines that have a note saying this:
"poor translation for these two lines. hard to here what he says and pausing youtube video covers up the words."
So I took pictures from these 2 lines.



Sep 15, 2012, 11:34 AM
I compiled all the stuff I saw and moved it to the front page. I think I missed one or 2 things, and haven't moved the correction yet. Also have to figure out how to name Matoi stuff because I have no idea what is referring to what with her stuff so I may have duplicates or miss stuff about her. he stuff is disorganized but it's there.

Sep 15, 2012, 12:54 PM


Loga(sama) of the seven clans. Our symbol.
But.... Violate same clan. Striking. Encroach the law.

Someone who breaks law. All go to the feet of Kirshina.

Sep 15, 2012, 03:12 PM
I don't have any more Matter Board 6 at the moment besides one of the Story Quests since I've only done the Mines part of it. The order of the things I have go:

Story Quest (not recorded, doing currently)
C-5 / C-7 / B-6

The order of the last three are variable but come after the Story Quest.

Event Field(s)


明らかに悪影嚮 (did I hear him correctly and he said something like "being cool is justice?"):




Will update post with more as I upload.

Sep 17, 2012, 10:46 AM
Matterboard 6, Floating Continent side.

18: Matterboard 6, F-1:


19: Chapter 6, To the Continent in the Clouds:

[spoiler-box]238/3/25, 10:00.


Chapter title.


238/3/25, 10:30.


238/3/25, 11:00.


238/3/25, 11:30.


238/3/25, 12:00.


20: Matterboard 6, G-4:


21: Matterboard 6, E-4:


22: Matterboard 6, G-6:


Sep 17, 2012, 01:57 PM
Uni starts within a week. Gonna be really busy, translations will be few and far in between.

...that is, if my classes aren't crazy hard.


Sep 17, 2012, 10:24 PM
It kind of means the opposite for me. Once school starts I'll actually have more time. I'll start on MB6 tomorrow.

Sep 18, 2012, 03:13 AM
More Event Fields (been playing too much, starting to get a backlog of these ( ゚Д゚) ):

迷子の迷子の六芒均衡 (( ´_ゝ`) Really? She one of the Six Heroes and she's lost?)










Sep 18, 2012, 09:27 PM
23: Chapter 1 - The Masked Figure.

I was playing this chapter today with an alternate character, there's 2 things I thought that were worth posting.

First, the least important one, it's the scene right after the first group of Dagans is defeated. This scene is similar to the scene in Chapter 1 "Calls From the Past", but there's a few extra lines, the ones in red in the picture:


Next is during the scene when Gettemhart first appears, when he asks the player about who is the masked guy, I took a picture from what Gettemhart says when the player chooses the 2nd option. It's in the red part of the picture, the lines after the red part are the same from when the 1st option is chosen:



Oh, and a really small not important note, in this part:

Grey guy: Delicous. Who is this guy? Where is he from? Hurry up and look it up!
Where it says delicous (delicious?), it should be saying Shina, right? Since he's calling her. ^^;

Sep 19, 2012, 12:57 AM
There are a few points in the story that I need to look over.

For those lines in chapter:
(Mask): Where is it?
Affin: What's wrong?
Affin: I suddenly got a really bad feeling partner.

For the first time Ghettemhalt appears, I wasn't familiar with his character, so it was kind of hard to figure out what he was referring to. When he first jumps in he says something along the lines of, "there are two delicious prey right here". He's referring to the mask and the <<player character>>. Pretty much he's a guy who loves fighting, so he refers to a good fight as being "delicious".

The thing thing about oishii in Japanese is that it refers to good taste as well as other things. Something along the lines of getting paid 1000$ to make a simple poster can also be described as delicious. So I quickly translated that literally not into a full english translation.

Transliterating it, I'd probably leave that off, "Hurry up and look up this guy up Shina". As a fan translation it's a balance of how much liberty I want to take with the story. In the later chapters once I got a sense of his character I was able to clean some of that stuff up.

Sep 22, 2012, 08:40 PM
Hello everyone.

Fantastic work on the English translation here!

Sep 23, 2012, 12:09 AM
My least favorite part; translating Shion.

Shion: A new matter board has been formed. It's possible that things are moving towards balance, or may be staying the same.
Shion: If you can gain something, there are things to be lost in doign so. This is inevitable.
Shion: But that is not an option in this case. There are things that must come to fruitition.
Shion: What I and we desire. And what you are searching for, and must get.
Shion: What I and we are believing is that you will be able to do so.
Shion: ....I'm sorry and must apologize that there is not enough information for us to provide you.
Shion: I hope that things change in the direction you desire.
Shion: This is somethign which we and I differ on. For now I ask for more time.

Just got back from TGS2012. My camera wasn't working so I'll post some pics once my friend uploads the ones she took once she sends them to me.

Sep 23, 2012, 01:27 AM
Hello everyone.

*cough* I believe that link is not allowed to be posted here...

Sep 23, 2012, 07:35 AM
Yes I recently noticed that rule. At least it makes coordination easier now.

Sep 23, 2012, 06:27 PM
You can use http://durakkenstudios.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=27 to translate if you want. I can make people mods there and it won't get in way of other things

Sep 24, 2012, 06:46 PM
第5章 砂に隠されたもの Labyrinth Beneath the Sands:

Finally made it to 35 on my Fighter, so I'll get started on Floating Continent soon.

Edit: Or we could use videos from this person's account (only seems to have Story Quests):



Edit 2: More Event Fields:


Sep 26, 2012, 03:15 AM
So I realized something the other day: Furie's name is supposed to be Fourier. Like the French physicist.

Sep 26, 2012, 09:31 PM
Are you sure king Rappy? I would suspect a name like that would have an ru at the end which i don't think it does...

As to the link posted above in my last post
I know it seems like pandering to go "come to my site"
That however is not what I'm doing or why I suggested it. The reason for the suggestion is to allow a bit more organization, ease of manipulation of posts, and just ease of keep track of what has been posted and what hasn't in a more spread out format. While having in one thread is nice, with the constant problems I have had with PSO2 running and simply having to break up in different ways I think it'd just be better to do it this way.

Also, if I don't update something, someone else can which can't be done here without starting new thread after new thread or having to figure out new ways to break up content.

If anyone has tried to sign up and have failed PM me and I'll try to fix the problem ^.^

Sep 26, 2012, 11:54 PM
Yeah. The name's French so it's pronounced kind of like "foo ree ey"

Sep 27, 2012, 03:03 AM
Yeah. The name's French so it's pronounced kind of like "foo ree ey"

I see... cool

Anyone have any idea who says this? It should be shortly after the tutorial/prologue

だめ! 報告が先!

Sep 27, 2012, 11:59 AM
I see... cool

Anyone have any idea who says this? It should be shortly after the tutorial/prologue

だめ! 報告が先!

Err, isn't it just this:

Xeno: Looks like we made it back okay. I guess I'll relax in the lobby for a while.
Echo: We have to report back first.
Xeno: I know that. God, you're so annoying.
Xeno: Okay rookies, looks like our protecting you ends here.
Xeno: Maybe we were fated to meet like this. If you need something, give us a call.
Echo: Do your best guys.

Afin: Man that guy was a force though. Or was the mission we were doing tough. I'm too tired to get my head straight.
Afin: This is a lobby prepared for ARKS members right?
Afin: There's shops and areas to rest so,
Afin: I'm going to walk around and cool off for a while.
Afin: Today was a lot to take in. My mind is all mixed up. See you later.

Sep 27, 2012, 12:25 PM
Err, isn't it just this:

I dunno. I can't read it, but it seems to be the right number of lines. I didn't check the video... babel fish said something weird that wasn't like that... also 13:00 isn't in the video from the translation...

Sep 27, 2012, 01:28 PM
I dunno. I can't read it, but it seems to be the right number of lines. I didn't check the video... babel fish said something weird that wasn't like that... also 13:00 isn't in the video from the translation...

Well if you watch the video, you can match up the characters (it's the same part so they match up exactly). But yeah, "A.P.238/2/20/13:00" is not present in that part. Perhaps it's the beginning of the next section of text and you split them incorrectly? I don't remember seeing dates at any position besides the beginning or middle of a scene, never at the end.

Sep 27, 2012, 05:55 PM
Well if you watch the video, you can match up the characters (it's the same part so they match up exactly). But yeah, "A.P.238/2/20/13:00" is not present in that part. Perhaps it's the beginning of the next section of text and you split them incorrectly? I don't remember seeing dates at any position besides the beginning or middle of a scene, never at the end.

Yup. its split correctly. I'm not sure how things are split up yet and I'm largely guessing at the moment with this stuff, other than how it is split up lol.

Its likely that the video code is messed up is why it's not posting that.

It's interesting data though... changes some info about the timeline.

Sep 27, 2012, 10:17 PM
Ah, I just realized that the video in the first post did not include this part. I was watching this video at the time I posted my response:


It's from the user that I posted about earlier. It shows the part that you quoted.

Sep 28, 2012, 04:49 AM
i see... switched to using that video...

Sep 28, 2012, 06:28 PM
Yeah I recorded that original video when I didn't realise that they also did changes to previous parts before the crossroads, in future videos I just decided to record all of sections just to make sure.

I'm also bothering to do the matterboards again, so I'll be recording story videos again though I was beaten to the punch this time. :wacko:

Sep 28, 2012, 08:07 PM
I'm also bothering to do the matterboards again, so I'll be recording story videos again though I was beaten to the punch this time. :wacko:

We gotta get that handsome mug back on the silver screen XD .

Edit: More Event Fields and a Matter Board (still uploading):

Matter Board 6: F-1
Matter Board 6: F-1 (www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xkdd_QXuPI)

Event Field: 目立ちたがり六芒均衡 (as in #80 on the list)


Also some checking, the first Clarice event uploaded onto Imgur is お悩み相談六芒均衡 .
The second Clarice event is the Event Field where I don't have a name for, it turns out it's 自由行動六芒均衡 . Thanks for the save Ezodagrom.
The third Clarice event is 迷子の迷子の六芒均衡 .
The fourth Clarice event is the one I just uploaded.

Event Field: 龍族ってすっげえな
龍族ってすっげえな (www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgpj6tYIDAU)

Event Field: むかしむかしのアークスは ( "WELCOME!" (\*^*)/ )


Oct 2, 2012, 10:19 AM
Uploaded first parts of CH5 & 6 on my channel from Matterboard 6.

Onto the 7th matterboard now...




Nov 18, 2012, 08:34 AM
A new story mission? That means I have some catching up to do. Rise thread. RISE FROM THE ASHES!!!!

Edit: Adding new translations to post 10. Any thoughts on what the best way to organize this information is?

Nov 19, 2012, 08:23 AM
Chapter 7 updated. Is there a chapter 7 (2)?

Nov 19, 2012, 08:42 PM
I don't believe there is one currently.

Nov 19, 2012, 10:11 PM

is the current last story mission?

Nov 19, 2012, 11:37 PM
So [PSO2] Chapter 7 - Darker Storm - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmM91IEx4NA)

is the current last story mission?
Yeah, right now that's the last one.

Nov 20, 2012, 01:31 AM
Okay, I'm caught up on story missions then. if anyone wants to help fill in on orange events for chapters 6&7 it would be a huge help.

Nov 20, 2012, 02:13 AM
Okay, I'm caught up on story missions then. if anyone wants to help fill in on orange events for chapters 6&7 it would be a huge help.

If no one else gets around to it after the next story quest comes out (which, if memory serves, is right around the corner), I'll try to blitz through to those matter boards on one of my alts (wouldn't be too hard with one of them, really; the other... not so much) and record those events (and, if no one does it too quickly after release, the upcoming one on my main).

I've been needing an excuse to try out my new video rendering preset in MeGUI, anyway.

Nov 20, 2012, 02:33 AM
I would translate as I go, except ironically I don't get a chance to really play this game at. I'm mid-matter board 3 range.^^;

Nov 20, 2012, 03:41 AM
Okay, I'm caught up on story missions then. if anyone wants to help fill in on orange events for chapters 6&7 it would be a huge help.

I have a few of the Orange Events in 6 recorded, I'll upload them soon. Still working my way through 7.

Nov 20, 2012, 08:37 AM
I would translate as I go, except ironically I don't get a chance to really play this game at. I'm mid-matter board 3 range.^^;
I took pictures of the chat from all matterboard events from matterboard 6 and 7, I'll post them in a few hours.

EDIT: Ok, here it goes.

Matterboard 6 Mines side.
[spoiler-box]1: Start of Matterboard 6, Shion scene:

2: MB6, C-2:

3: MB6, A-2:

4: MB6, C-5:

5: MB6, C-7:

6: MB6, B-6:

Matterboard 6 Skyland side.
[spoiler-box]1: MB6, F-1:

2: MB6, G-4:

3: MB6, E-4:

4: MB6, G-6:

Matterboard 7.
[spoiler-box]1: Start of Matterboard 7, Shion scene:

2: MB7, B-1:

3: MB7, C-2:

4: MB7, D-3:

5: MB7, B-3:

6: MB7, B-5:

7: MB7, D-7:

8: MB7, F-7:

9: MB7, G-4

10: MB7, F-1:

And, some other things that seem to be related to Matterboard 7.

Just noticed that Chapter 5 Part 2 (The truth beneath the sand) is not posted in post 10, so here's the text for that chapter.
[spoiler-box]238/3/24, 10:00.

238/3/24, 10:30.

Chapter title, The truth beneath the sand.

238/3/24, 11:00.

238/3/24, 11:30.

238/3/24, 12:00.

Matoi scene, I think this one happens after the 2nd part of Chapter 5, but I'm not completely sure.

Another Matoi scene, I think this happens after the 2nd part of Chapter 6, but again, I'm not sure.

And, to end this post, a bit that is missing from Chapter 7, this event happens sometime before the start of the chapter, I dont remember exactly how I got the event, but I think the event happened automatically when I went to near the camp ship gate after completing the matterboard 7 golden orb that unlocks Chapter 7.
The time for this event is 238/3/31, 12:00.

Nov 21, 2012, 06:33 AM
Here's a quick gift from me to ya, uploaded matter board 8 cutscenes

Current Progress:

Uploading C-3






Nov 21, 2012, 06:42 AM
Okay, I think that's everything. Finished editing post 10 to include all of the content provided by Ezodagrom. Going with RocSage's method of marking unfinished content with :-? and for incomplete translations I just put (missing tans) next to the title.

Nov 22, 2012, 09:43 AM
Progress bump! Finished MB6 mine side. Translations are not complete, but trying to get as much content covered as quickly as possible.

Another bump! Chapter 5 part 2 complete. Also thanks Kinujou. Video's added to first post.

Nov 22, 2012, 12:29 PM
Got them all done, now all i gotta do is record runs of the mission

Nov 23, 2012, 12:01 AM
I have a run of Descent of the Destructor recorded (I didn't do two additional runs for the other options I didn't choose) and encoded. I just did a simple cut of all the gameplay in-between cutscenes (minus the last two fights) because it took me over 40 minutes. I can have it uploaded in a little bit, and I'll edit my post when I'm finished.

Update 1: Still got another 38 or so minutes left to upload (so long as YouTube doesn't screw me; it hasn't done so yet, but there's still time to start).

Update 2: *uncontrollable laughing* OH GOD *more laughing* THAT MUSCLE SENSATION ROUTE IN LITTLE BUSTERS *more laughing until his face turns blue and starts coughing*

*heavy breathing* 20... minutes... left... *cough* *hack*

Update 3: Here it is:
[spoiler-box]*SPOILER ALERT* Do not watch casually unless you have watched or completed up to Chapter 7!


Nov 23, 2012, 03:00 AM
I can have it uploaded in a little bit, and I'll edit my post when I'm finished.

Update 1: Still got another 38 or so minutes left to upload (so long as YouTube doesn't screw me; it hasn't done so yet, but there's still time to start).

Update 2: *uncontrollable laughing* OH GOD *more laughing* THAT MUSCLE SENSATION ROUTE IN LITTLE BUSTERS *more laughing until his face turns blue and starts coughing*

*heavy breathing* 20... minutes... left... *cough* *hack*

Maronji, take care of yourself. Posted it to the video first page (and added credit). I'm downloading it at work now. I'll start translating it on the train home.

And hopefully I'm getting this right. I heard from my classmate that there are three paths in Chapter 8 and a different character appears for each path. The story doesn't seem to change, but it might be worth getting the different versions if possible.

And Kinujou, thanks for the new videos. Added those to front page as well. Can you post new videos in a new post. I barely noticed the new ones you added ^^;

Nov 23, 2012, 03:11 AM
Maronji, take care of yourself. Posted it to the video first page (and added credit). I'm downloading it at work now. I'll start translating it on the train home.

And hopefully I'm getting this right. I heard from my classmate that there are three paths in Chapter 8 and a different character appears for each path. The story doesn't seem to change, but it might be worth getting the different versions if possible.

And Kinujou, thanks for the new videos. Added those to front page as well. Can you post new videos in a new post. I barely noticed the new ones you added ^^;

lol sure, i can post them in new posts from now own. Also ill work on left path (maria's confession) and right path (annihilation awakening) cutscenes when i get up tomorrow. also its good that maronji has his copy, i have one of my own but i pick the top option, bottom option, top option for my three choices, and im missing a line due to over clicking.

Nov 23, 2012, 07:57 AM
Almost complete.... chapter 8.

PSO2 Story Chapter 8

AP 238/4/1 10:00

Zeno: Hey [player]. Did you come here to investigate too?
Zeno: Good timing. Want to come along with us?

1) *Go with Zeno and Echp
2) Go by yourself

Zeno: Of course. Plus we can be assured with you around.
Echo: And what about me?
Zeno: And you have your role too.
Echo: You don't seem to be paying attention to me at all lately.
Zeno: It's because you need to learn to stand on your own.
Zeno: You don't think it's getting old clinging on me all of the time?
Echo: That's not what...
Zeno: Did you say something?
Echo: Who do you think you're talking to? Come on [player], let's get going.
Zeno: I wonder what's with her. But I guess she seems okay.
Zeno: By the way, [player]. Be on your guard. I've got a bad feeling about this place.

Chapter 8 Descent of the Dstructor
AP 238/4/1 11:00

Echo: Why are there so many darkers here?
Zeno: My thoughts exactly. Hey Kasura, what's going on here?
Kasura: This is only something I heard, but are you aware of something that happened on Naberius 40 years ago?

1)* Final battle with Dark Falz
2) A large scale climate change

Kasura: [player], you've done your homework. Exactly that. The final battle with Dark Falz took place here.
Kasura: 40 years ago the Arks founders Legalas, Kasura and Claris Cleis defeated dark falz on this planet.
Echo: Dark falz...?
Zeno: What are you talking about? Darkers have just started appearing recently right?
Kasura: That is a lie.
Echo: You mean Arks has been lying to us?
Kasura: Yes in order to disguise Naberius as a safe planet.
Kasura: So that normal Arks wouldn't discover the true nature of what lay hidden here.
Zeno: I don't understand. What does that accomplish? What are they hiding here?
Kasura: The fiction that holds Arks together is hidden here.
Kasura: Something that can defeat dark falz. Yes, defnite proof meant to decieve Arks is hidden here (???).

AP 238/4/1 11:20
Ghettemhalt: So you've come.
Ghettemhalt: Oh, and a lot more character's have gathered here. Fuhahaha!
Zeno: Ghettemhalt, just what are you doing here?
Ghettemhalt: I'm on a picnic.
Zeno: Don't fuck with me! Was that rumbling your doing?
Ghettemhalt: Don't piss me off. Shina, is it ready yet?
Shina: Just a moment.
Kasura: That's Cralisa! That's supposed to have been lost. What's it doing here?
Kasura: A user has already been entered? But somehow that makes sense. Then the seal has been broken. Everything...
Kasura: If the seal is broken, everything is over. We need to get her away from the Clarisa!
Ghettemhalt: I won't let you.
Ghettemhalt: You understand right? Something interesting is going to happen.
Ghettemhaly: [player] it excites you too right? This malicious feeling?
Zeno: Have you lost your freaking mind!?
Ghettemhalt: I was never of sound mind to begin with!

AP 238/4/1 11:40
Ghettemhalt: Fun, hahaha! This has really been fun!
Zeno: You crazy bastard. You think you can beat the four of us?
Ghettemhalt: Hey Shina, it's still not finished yet?
Shina: Just a little more.... but.....
Ghettemhelt: Oh, so "just a little longer eh?"
Ghettemhalt: Hey Shina, for me you would do anything right?
Shina: Of course.
Ghettemhalt: I see. That makes me happy. Well then sorry, but...
Ghettemhalt: die.
Shina: -
Zeno: Ghettemhalt, you bastard!
Ghettemhalt: That won't do Zeno. Why are you getting angry?
Zeno: Why would you kill your own comrade?
Shina: Ghettem- -hal -sama
Shina: Was Shina able to be of service to you?
Gheetemhalt: Yes Shina. Thanks to you that guy will come back.
Kasura: Using that method...
Zeno: What's going on?
Kasura: This torrent of photons. Dark Falz revival....
Ghettemhalt: Come on Dark Falz? You're strong right? The strongest right?
Ghettemhalt: Show that power to me, the power to rob everything.
Ghettemhalt: Tear, rip. Everything that is about you I'll destroy it!
Ghettemhalt: What's.... this? What the hell is going on..?
Zeno: Ghettemhalt!
Kasura: Don't get any closer. You'll get pulled in too.
Zeno: Get pulled in? Kasura, how do you know about all of this?
Kasura: The continuation of what was explaining before...
Kasura: 40 years ago, Arks defeated Dark Falz, but they weren't able to destroy him.
Kasura: We only only able to seal him. And have kept him sealed on this planet.
Kasura: In order to make everyone think that he was really gone.
Zeno: What-?
Echo: So that monument?
Kasura: -is where Dark Falz is sealed. Only that seal has just been broken now.
Ghettemhalt: Shit! Shit! Just what is going on here? Damn it!!
Ghettemhalt: Don't come inside of me!
Kasura: Dark Falz is essentially the same as darkers.
Kasura: Which is to consume, infect and use it.
Ghettemhalt: Damn it!!!! SHina! Hey Shiina!
Ghettemhalt: I... I... we. WE....
Ghettemhalt: We...
Ghettemfalz: I see!I see!I see!I see!I see!I see!I see! Fwahahaha hahahaha!
Ghettemfalz: It's been too long! This is thrilling. The sweet air. The fresh greenery!
Ghettemfalz: I'm a being of conflict. It has been far too long.
Zeno: This isn't Ghettemhalt. What are you?
Ghettemfalz: Be in awe! I am the great and mighty Dark Falz!
Kasura: Dark Falz...!
Echo: Aaaaaaa-
Ghettemfalz: A rush. This body is staring for some destruction.
Ghettemfalz: You arks have the plessure of being the first ones crushed by me.

AP 238/4/1 12:00

Ghettemfalz: Impressive! Blood is rushing through my body which has been asleep for so long!
Zeno: It had no effect on him!?
Kasura: He's still incomplete. Stopping him is going to be near impossible. But we can't retreat.
Kasura: If he regains his full strength there will be no way to stop him.
Zeno: Damn it...
Zeno: Echo and [player] take Shina and retreat!
Echo: Zeno, what are you saying? I'm going to stay and fight with you.
Zeno: I'm saying you're just going to get in my way!
Zeno: Please, [player] I'll by some time, so please at least save these two.
Kasura: I'm with you Zeno.
Zeno: Kasura...
Kasura: As part of the top six Arks, after we buy time we may still be able to retreat.
Echo: But ... Zeno....
Zeno: Shut up! Take the wounded and retreat. That's an order Echo!
Echo: ...
Zeno: Sorry, let me do this.
Zeno: As you're mentor I can't let myself look bad in this kind of situation.
Echo: Zeno come back alive. Promise me! If you don't I'll never forgive you!
Zeno: I hear ya! Now shut up and go!
Ghettemfalz: Are you ready Arks?
Zeno: You were waiting for us? You're suprisingly considerate of people's conversations, Dark Falz.
Ghettemfalz: I have no interest in weakling who aren't willing to fight.
Zeno: Then I guess I'll have to step up to your expectations!
Kasura: Let's go.

AP 238/4/1 13:00
Echo: What... was that!!!? What the hell was that?
Echo: You can't tell me, that's dark falz?
Echo: Zeno! Zeno! Please, answer me! Come back, Zeno!
Echo: Zeno!

Chapter 8 Descent of the Destructor End

Nov 23, 2012, 08:18 AM
We'll see how this turns out, but a couple thoughts.

Ghettemhalt turns the same color as the Mask guy (obviously). Still have no idea who he is.
When Ghettemhalt turns, he uses the same phrase I & we that Shion uses.

I ran across this:

アークス中でトップクラスの実力を持ち、絶対的命令権を与えられた6人。三英雄もこの中に含まれる。選定は 実力のみで選ばれ、設立から40年弱経過している。トップクラスの実力=生存率が高く経験が長い者たちを意 味するため、三英雄とともに士気向上の旗印という存在意義がある。「どうみても普通のちいさな女の子もその 一人」という噂らしい。なお末席である六のヒューイは「努力していたら強制的に据えられた」と 語っている。

歴史そのものは浅いが、この存在自体がシンボルの役割を担っているため、彼らに限って襲名制が用いられる。 AP238年時点では、初代「レギアス」、2代目「カスラ」、3代目「クラリスクレイス」が確認されている 。

First is the 六芒均衡. I don(t know how to translate this. 六芒星 means a six sided star and 均衡 means equilibrium. But basically it refers to the strongest six arks members.

The three hero's is the second entry. Which refers to The three founding arks members Legilas, Kasura and Claris Klein. Who are referred to in this chapter.

We've seen Legilas and Kasura, so I looked for Claris, and found this blog showing her with the rod made by the broken pieces found in the story. http://www.g-heaven.net/topics/2012/08/120821a.html

So have to see how this pans out. I have to say, hearing Dark Falz talk was enormously disappointing. Mostly I'm interested in what information the next Shion conversation is going to have.

Nov 23, 2012, 09:08 AM
*facedesks multiple times*

Sorry guys, I just realized I clipped a scene out of the video. I'm going to pull the chunk out and upload it separately (or would it be better to rerender the whole thing entirely?).

And this is why it's a terrible idea to let me do things when I should've been asleep.

EDIT: What's weird is that I know I grabbed that scene from the bulk of the footage. I specifically remember cutting it away and putting it in place. I suspect that, being sleep-deprived, I might've accidentally deleted it, thinking it was a part of the mid-mission gameplay, proving that I shouldn't be editing gameplay footage when I'm normally asleep. For now, I'll just upload the missing clip as an unlisted video and slap an annotation toward the end of the chapter start card (which is where it logically fits in; it's the scene where Kasura shows up) and re-encode/repost the full thing later.

UPDATE 1: Here it is. I'll try to be more careful from now on. Sorry for the mixup.
[spoiler-box]This takes place after the Chapter Title call, before the scene with Zeno, Echo, and Kasura in the original video.


UPDATE 2: Added annotations to link the two parts together for now. I'm in the process of re-rendering the edited footage right now, so I probably won't have the fixed version up until I get some sleep (I'll start the re-encode before I go to bed).

Nov 23, 2012, 01:51 PM
Yeah I was wondering when the hell Kasura showed up.

AP 238/4/1 10:30

Echo: What's this shaking?
Zeno:An earthquake? but it seems strange like something deep down is being disturbed.
Echo: Something? Zeno what do you mean?
Kasura: Basically it means that this place is dangerous.
Echo: When did someone?
Kasura: Sorry to surprise you.
Kasura: But you don't need to keep your guard up like that. I'm an Arks member like you.
Zeno: If you're just an ordinary Arks, then what are we supposed to be?
Zeno: Top 6 class Arks member of the three hero's Kasura.
Echo: You mean the highest rank?
Kasura: If you know who I am then that makes explaining things easier.
Kasura: As a top ranking member of Arks I recommend retreating immediately. That's not a joke.
Kasura: But even as I say that, I'm heading in alone.
Kasura: But since you're here won't we go together?

1)* agree
2) Refuse

Zeno: Are you sure we wont just get in the way?
Kasura: It shouldn't be a problem. I'm just here to gather information. And I'm not really the fighting type so having someone along would be reassuring.
Kasura: Don't think too much about it.
Kasura: I'd like to get across as much information as I can.
Zero: Looks like we don't have time to stand around and talk. Let's go.
Kasura: Appreciated.
Kasura: Everyone let's go.

Edit: Post 10 updated.

Nov 23, 2012, 09:54 PM
Okay, I uploaded the fixed video with the missing scene included where it needs to go. If you could use that one instead, I'd appreciate it:

Nov 23, 2012, 09:57 PM
Start of Matterboard 8, Shion scene:


About this from Chapter 6 part 2 at 11:30

Dragon: <<missing. text wasn't legible enough to look up the characters, and couldn't quite pick out the pronunciation to look up what they were saying here either>>Here's a picture from the chat during this part:


About this from Matterboard 6 A-2

Note: I couldn't find any entries for:最後衛. 最後 means last, 衛 is a kanji for orbit (衛星 satelite). 護衛 is a bodyguard. So I'm not sure what I'm missing here.Did a quick search on youtube and found this video (the video is not mine):


Nov 26, 2012, 09:07 AM
Small progress bump. Added two cut scenes from matterboard 8. And Also updated Chapter 8 story with edited version. Also just wanted to confirm, is this all of the content available now, or are the more matterboard events to be unlocked after the story mission?

Nov 26, 2012, 09:18 PM
There are two other paths to the story mission, but I'm honestly just doing other things right now, ever since I took that tackle-slash => forward lunge while down => roar while getting up from that tainted Fang Banther. I just... don't have the motivation to put up with that right now.

That's not even including the Snow duo I heard about on the other path.

I'll have to compare the number of events on the matter board to how many different events have been posted in here to give you a clear idea on how much there is.

Dec 2, 2012, 02:30 AM
About this from Matterboard 6 A-2
Did a quick search on youtube and found this video (the video is not mine):

Matter Board 6: A-2 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDTkpMY1_wE)

Hmm, seems familiar...

Matter Board 6: A-2
Matter Board 6: A-2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDTkpMY1_wE)


Anyways, I've been pretty busy recently, so I haven't had time to edit a lot of the stuff I've recorded (find the kanji for the names of Event Fields, cut out stuff before and after the event fields). Would people mind if I just upload the raw videos or would they prefer waiting for me to edit the videos when I am free (aka not doing finals). I am currently working my way through Matter Board 7.

Here is some stuff that I do have.

Matter Boards:

Matter Board 6: [G-4] 一刻を争う問題


Event Fields:












Matoi's Floating Continent Conversation (really need to find a way to change Skype notifications):


Dec 10, 2012, 09:57 AM
This thread is great! Thanks for making it!

Dec 11, 2012, 04:41 AM
This thread is great! Thanks for making it!

No problem. I'm kind of sad as most of the people I run into online don't have accounts on PSO-W, much less pay attention to the story. :pandaroll: <-sad panda

As for the story. I'm pretty much waiting until more story comes out to start translating again. I'm pretty sure chapters 5-7 could use some cleaning up, but that all get's nicely wrapped up in the chapter 8 story mission. It's pretty much all exposition: player looks for different parts of the Clarisa which gets stolen. So I don't see too much need to go back and translate it. Especially the matter board events with the dragon clan are a huge pain.

Dec 13, 2012, 08:16 PM

Guess what~

Dec 13, 2012, 09:11 PM
There's a cut scene!? Why do i always skip this shit in game?

Falz Elder: Hahaha. You were able to hold me back.
Falz Elder: On this planet there was someone strong enough to face me. And now...
Falz Elder: Hahahaha, this is fun Arks. I'm glad I came back.
Apprentice: You finally came back, and got beat and you're happy about that?
Apprentice: Wile you were sealed away for 40 years did you go crazy or something?
Falz Elder: ... who are you?
Falz Elder: Wait I remember this feeling.
Falz Elder: I see you're [Apprentice]. That form must be a new container.
Apprentice: That's right, but even if you say "new", it's already been ten years.
Falz Elder: And the two over there must be [Double]
Falz Elder: Hahaha, for you all to come out and greet me, I'm really touched.
Falz Elder: Just, who is that though?
Apprentice: A new face, For the time I've just been calling him [Persona].
Apprentice: Really, I have no idea what young people are thinking these days.
Elder Falz: What ever he does, at long as it doesn't interfere with my fun, I don't really care.
Apprentice: What's that disgusting look you your face? You're really turned nuts.
Falz Elder: That's really not something I want to hear from you.
Falz Elder: Arks, I had a good fight today. I'll return for now.
Falz Elder: As long as I have this body I can fight any time.

Dec 13, 2012, 09:34 PM
There's a cut scene!? Why do i always skip this shit in game?
It appears that the cutscene only appears for those who completed the Falz Hunar mission on matterboard 8, I think (either that or all matterboard 8 story missions, haven't started MB8 yet, so I'm not sure).

Dec 14, 2012, 04:46 PM
Pretty sure it's only if you have finished 8.

Dec 14, 2012, 11:56 PM
There's a cut scene!? Why do i always skip this shit in game?

Edit: Translated (mostly). I'm at work so the sounds off. I have to hear the pronunciation of the other falz members to see what they're called.

Falz Elder: Hahaha. You were able to hold me back.
Falz Elder: On this planet there was someone strong enough to face me. And now...
Falz Elder: Hahahaha, this is fun Arks. I'm glad I came back.
Apoptosis: You finally came back, and got beat and you're happy about that?
Apoptosis: Wile you were sealed away for 40 years did you go crazy or something?
Falz Elder: ... who are you?
Falz Elder: Wait I remember this feeling.
Falz Elder: I see you're [Apoptosis]. That form must be a new container.
Apoptosis: That's right, but even if you say "new", it's already been ten years.
Falz Elder: And the two over there must be [Double]
Falz Elder: Hahaha, for you all to come out and greet me, I'm really touched.
Falz Elder: Just, who is that though?
Apoptosis: A new face, For the time I've just been calling him "mask"
Apoptosis: Really, I have no idea what young people are thinking these days.
Elder Falz: What ever he does, at long as it doesn't interfere with my fun, I don't really care.
Apoptosis: What's that disgusting look you your face? You're really turned nuts.
Falz Elder: That's really not something I want to hear from you.
Falz Elder: Arks, I had a good fight today. I'll return for now.
Falz Elder: As long as I have this body I can fight any time.

I didn't translate most of the dialogue when I watched this at first, but I did catch that the names of the Falz's were pronounced different than the kanji used to write them. The kanji used for Elder is colossus, for instance. The first female Falz sounded like Apprentice to me. The kanji means "young person," right? Double's the same, but though the kanji for the masked guy is mask, the pronunciation sounded like "Persona," which means mask anyway.

Just throwing that out there

Dec 15, 2012, 01:58 AM
Thanks for the input. I was at work when I translated this, so I had to do it with out sound. Didn't realize that the pronunciation for Mask had a different katakana reading as well. "Persona" has been updated in the translation.

As for the female falz, her kanji does indeed mean young person, so her katakana name should have something to do with that. I went back and listened to it quite a few times and it kept sounding like "apple" to me. After a few more times I was able to pick it out: アポトーシス (apoptosis), which seems to be a way that cells die in a beneficial way to keep the over all organism healthy. (i suck balls at biology, so anyone feel free to correct me) But it seems to fit the theme like the other katakana names.

Dec 16, 2012, 06:48 AM
Listening again, it's definitely Apprentice. It sounds really weird when Elder says it, but Apprentice says her name later in the video and you can clearly make it out.

Dec 16, 2012, 08:33 AM
The wonders of watching with the sound on.Thanks again. And Sega, really Apprentice? There are so many cooler names they could have gone with.

Dec 24, 2012, 10:24 AM
Finally caught up on leveling in game, so it's back to translation. Small bump added Zig conversation to Matter board 8. Also added EQ event scene to first page. Was kind of hoping Sega would follow up with more of the story but I guess I'll go back and fill in the pieces that are missing.

Also still a work in progress, but this thread is pretty hard to read so I thought it might be a good idea to put everything in one nice clean package. Only the prologue through chapter 3 has been put on the page, so there are probably still a lot of broken links. Also I'm temporarily putting it on my school's server. If anyone knows of any other hosting options, please fill me in.


Dec 25, 2012, 10:21 PM
Hey guys, i wanna thank you for this, it cleared up a lot for me.

though... i was talking about the game to someone and told him about Lisa, because her VA is a favorite of his
so i found her first 3 videos to show him and i spent about an hour searching for translations of them, which led me here...

Lisa is pretty popular and has stolen many hearts and souls with her voice and eyes, respectively.
If you could translate her stuff quickly, i think this place would be the only place which has it translated right now. could boost attention on this thread.

mostly, if you could rush a translation on this event:
060: 人の手応えはどんなもの

and if there is anything i could do to help, i'm now a member here.
Dewa dewa! Dewa dewa dewa~~!

Dec 26, 2012, 01:05 AM

I'm at school right now. I'll translate the video in an hour once I get home in an hour or two. And yeah, I've kind of noticed that most people don't notice that the game even has a story much less look at this thread. I've only ran into one person during the falz event shout "I will avenge you Zeno!". Everyone else just seems to say, "who was that inside of falz?".

My main focus of this thread is to translate core story elements, namely the matter boards, shion, matoi and story missions. My todo list right now is chapter 8 shion, mb7 and finish mb6. After that if I have down time I guess I'll start translating the events missions as well. Most of them seems pretty pointless, but there are definitely some characters and descriptions like the "six pillars of arcs" which are surprisingly pretty essential and only introduced there.

As for how you can help; there's a lot to do. Collecting videos of events that haven't been taken. We now know that the masked man's name is "Persona", so going back and editing his name into previous translations also comes to mind. Or if you really have a lot of free time you can put subtitles into the youtube videos, to name a couple of examples. Mostly rather than having specific task you can contribute to what ever you think would make the translation better.

Dec 26, 2012, 11:22 AM
Lisa: Did I scare you? Sorry that was just a joke. I get yelled at when I shoot at people.
Lisa: But the only thing I havent shot at is people. I wonder what it feels like?
Lisa: If a darker infects a person and goes crazy, then i wonde rif it's okay if shoot them?
Lisa: With native creatures, if they get infected then you have no choice but to shoot them. Doesn't the smae apply to people?
Lisa: If that's the case, then it's okay to call them an enemy, it's okay to shoot right I want to try it. Fufufufu
Lisa: If you see something like that happen, dont hesitate to call me. Dewa dewa! Dewa dewa dewa~~!

Dec 26, 2012, 11:38 AM
I kinda want Idris Idba to voice some of the people in this game....

Dec 26, 2012, 11:49 AM
Hey guys, i wanna thank you for this, it cleared up a lot for me.

though... i was talking about the game to someone and told him about Lisa, because her VA is a favorite of his
so i found her first 3 videos to show him and i spent about an hour searching for translations of them, which led me here...

Lisa is pretty popular and has stolen many hearts and souls with her voice and eyes, respectively.
If you could translate her stuff quickly, i think this place would be the only place which has it translated right now. could boost attention on this thread.

mostly, if you could rush a translation on this event:
060: 人の手応えはどんなもの

and if there is anything i could do to help, i'm now a member here.
Dewa dewa! Dewa dewa dewa~~!

For your friend (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203402). Since going throw the content in a straight fashion is a drag, so if anyone has any requests on what content they want first I can prioritize that.

Dec 26, 2012, 04:50 PM
ah, i posted in the other but not her, thanks once again.
i might be working on this thing for time attack, but if that falls thru i'll help with this translation project. Collection and organising and i might remux the videos to have the subs on them.

Jan 1, 2013, 07:31 PM
Bleh, these are long overdue, sorry m(_ _)m .

Matter Board 6:
[G-6] ヒ・エンの期待 :


[E-4] あきらめの悪い奴 :


Matter Board 7:
Shion giving you the Matter Board talk:


[B-1] 努力はしないぞ六芒均衡


More Event Fields:
















I have more recorded and I'll upload them later.

Jan 2, 2013, 04:59 AM
Looks like I have my work layed out for me. Hopefully I can catch up.

Jan 6, 2013, 04:18 AM
So who do I ask to use the translation on the Arks Layer for something?

Jan 6, 2013, 07:49 AM
If you mean this site: http://maku-cam.jiu.ac.jp/~collins/. Arks Layer is just a page I'm making to move everything from this thread over to an easier to read medium. Most of the game, chapters 1-8 are already translated in the first 10 posts on this thread.

Jan 6, 2013, 07:58 AM
If you mean this site: http://maku-cam.jiu.ac.jp/~collins/. Arks Layer is just a page I'm making to move everything from this thread over to an easier to read medium. Most of the game, chapters 1-8 are already translated in the first 10 posts on this thread.

Okay so I'm guessing I ask you if I can use the translations here, for something.

If so, can I?

Jan 6, 2013, 08:05 PM
Lack of sleep, I thought you were asking to translate something new. Yes, feel free to use them, please give credit some where. Also feel free to edit update or change anything.

Jan 7, 2013, 10:04 AM
Huge content update for Arks Layer. Got all of the story material moved from this thread over to the site! Looks great so check it out. http://maku-cam.jiu.ac.jp/~collins/index.html

Also here's the list of videos from the story that are missing. Mostly matter board 7 material. If anyone has these videos somewhere it would be a huge help!

Shion MB3
Shion MB6
MB8 Shion
MB5 C6
MB7 C2
MB7 D3
MB7 B3
MB7 B5
MB7 D7
MB7 F7
MB7 G4
MB7 F1

Jan 7, 2013, 10:25 AM
Huge content update for Arks Layer. Got all of the story material moved from this thread over to the site! Looks great so check it out. http://maku-cam.jiu.ac.jp/~collins/index.html

Also here's the list of videos from the story that are missing. Mostly matter board 7 material. If anyone has these videos somewhere it would be a huge help!

Shion MB3
Shion MB6
MB8 Shion
MB5 C6
MB7 C2
MB7 D3
MB7 B3
MB7 B5
MB7 D7
MB7 F7
MB7 G4
MB7 F1

Just a small suggestion for the Arks Layer page, I think it would be better for it to have a slightly darker background colour for the text to be easier to read, for example the colour #0d1f3a. ^^;

Jan 7, 2013, 11:03 AM
Just a small suggestion for the Arks Layer page, I think it would be better for it to have a slightly darker background colour for the text to be easier to read, for example the colour #0d1f3a. ^^;

So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

Also chapter 1-6 are now complete. (woot!)

Jan 7, 2013, 01:34 PM
Awesome to see this happening. I can finally appreciate the storylines in this game!

Keep up the great work.

Jan 7, 2013, 10:57 PM
Okay for Arks layer the translation for all of the matter board events are done! There are still needs editing, but at least a huge part is finished. Also from the input i get it sounds like people really don't like really through nested spoiler-boxes or searching through threads. I won't be updating the first page of this thread any more, all content will be put directly on Arks Layer.

As for my do to list, I plan on making it Arks Layer easier to read and start adding in character events.

Jan 8, 2013, 01:53 AM
So I won't be able to record many videos since university has started for me, but here are some videos I found.

MB5 C6


MB7 C2


MB7 D3


MB7 B3


MB7 B5


MB7 D7


MB7 F7


MB7 G4


MB7 F1


The person who recorded the videos above has a blog: http://milchistory.blog10.fc2.com/blog-category-6.html . You may be able to find the missing Shion and Matoi talks there (they're labeled purely by number, so you'll have to compare text =_=; ).

This is the event that happens before Story Quest 7 Darker Storm:


Jan 8, 2013, 02:47 AM
Wow! Thanks for finding those IndigoNovember. Arks Layer has been updated. Just three more videos Shion for MB3, MB6, and MB8 and we're done with videos too!

Jan 9, 2013, 12:01 AM
Here's the getting Matter Board videos:




Sadly the uploader doesn't seem to have any of the finishing Matter Board videos

Jan 10, 2013, 01:27 PM
Here's the getting Matter Board videos:
PSO2 ????????? ???? 04? NPC???? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSU0nolni_U)
PSO2 ????????? ???? 07? NPC???? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySVn5l6kj4Q)
PSO2 ????????? ???? 09? NPC???? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NWBT0_wwhQ)

Sadly the uploader doesn't seem to have any of the finishing Matter Board videos
Only Matterboard 1 had a finishing matteboard scene, starting with Matterboard 2 there's no finishing matterboard scenes, only the scene for the start of the next matterboard.

@Kion: suggestion for the Arks Layer, maybe it would be better to have the story divided by matterboard, instead of divided by story chapters, since there are chapters where one part happens in a matterboard and the next part happens in the next matterboard (like chapter 5 and 6), when playing people have to go by the order set by the matterboard, so I think it would be better for the page to be ordered by matterboard as well. ^^;

Jan 10, 2013, 07:32 PM
I helping with getting the story translations directly into the english patch now. So Arks Layer is more a of an archive.

Jan 10, 2013, 08:00 PM
I helping with getting the story translations directly into the english patch now. So Arks Layer is more a of an archive.

This^ it's actually more like a seperate thing like the large files but yeah, it actually depends on far we get/if we make much progress.

Jan 11, 2013, 02:43 AM
I helping with getting the story translations directly into the english patch now. So Arks Layer is more a of an archive.

Will Arks Layer still be updated regularly? I'd prefer not to use the English Patch if I don't have to (practicing my Japanese, but I can't keep up with the videos).

Jan 11, 2013, 03:40 AM
Will Arks Layer still be updated regularly? I'd prefer not to use the English Patch if I don't have to (practicing my Japanese, but I can't keep up with the videos).

As for updating. I really want to keep up working on the site as the events are proving to be really fun. I made a lay out to be able to sort videos by characters. And I want to improve the side bar and readability of a lot of things too. Plus there's always going to be more content!

For Ezodagrom, I was wondering if you can write html. Cause if you want I can PM you ftp info for the site to adjust things like the matter board location and stuff like that.

Jan 11, 2013, 03:42 AM
This^ it's actually more like a seperate thing like the large files but yeah, it actually depends on far we get/if we make much progress.

Still, I think it would be best to contact them and work it in if possible. I know a lot of people would prefer to be able to experience the story more directly with out having to look up stuff all of the time. I'd like to get chapters 1-3 done inside of a week or two. Is that a decent time frame?

Jan 11, 2013, 09:41 AM
Okay, freaking sweet! I just got an LTE modem and they gave me free web space. I can get it off my school's sever! The new link is http://sun.gmobb.jp/collins/. I'll put a redirect link on the old site.

Jan 11, 2013, 11:00 AM
For Ezodagrom, I was wondering if you can write html. Cause if you want I can PM you ftp info for the site to adjust things like the matter board location and stuff like that.
Well, I learned HTML in school some years ago, but I haven't done anything with HTML since then, so I've forgotten some things. I could try to help though, I know a page that I used back then which helped me alot to learn HTML. ^^;

Jan 11, 2013, 12:49 PM
Okay, actually I switched everything over to php. The header and the footer are using one template file and only the content in between is different for each page. Basically it's a lot easier to make any changes to the style now as I can change one file and have it affect all of the pages rather than having to go back and do everything by hand.

So if anything needs changing, I should be able to update it pretty easily now.

- Added the menu on the left to be able to access all pages
- Using same template for all pages
- Added character section in the menu

Jan 11, 2013, 05:28 PM
Still, I think it would be best to contact them and work it in if possible. I know a lot of people would prefer to be able to experience the story more directly with out having to look up stuff all of the time. I'd like to get chapters 1-3 done inside of a week or two. Is that a decent time frame?

Getting a chapter done each week sounds decent, I'll get more text when I have time which is probably going to be tonight.

Jan 13, 2013, 06:33 AM
Finished moving all of the character events over to Arks Layer. There was a lot of video, so if I missed anything please post it below.

Jan 21, 2013, 10:10 PM
Okay, finally got in contact with the english patch guys. I got my hands on the raw game data, so expect "good things" to come soon.

Also a spoiler, or not really a spoiler. But I finally figured out who Afin is searching for. The game alludes to something bad happening ten years ago.


Falz Elder: Hahaha. You were able to hold me back.
Falz Elder: On this planet there was someone strong enough to face me. And now...
Falz Elder: Hahahaha, this is fun Arks. I'm glad I came back.
Apprentice: You finally came back, and got beat and you're happy about that?
Apprentice: While you were sealed away for 40 years did you go crazy or something?
Falz Elder: ... who are you?
Falz Elder: Wait I remember this feeling.
Falz Elder: I see you're [Apprentice]. That form must be a new container.
Apprentice: That's right, but even if you say "new", it's already been ten years.
Falz Elder: And the two over there must be [Double]
Falz Elder: Hahaha, for you all to come out and greet me, I'm really touched.
Falz Elder: Just, who is that though?
Apprentice: A new face, For the time I've just been calling him [Persona].
Apprentice: Really, I have no idea what young people are thinking these days.
Elder Falz: What ever he does, at long as it doesn't interfere with my fun, I don't really care.
Apprentice: What's that disgusting look you your face? You're really turned nuts.
Falz Elder: That's really not something I want to hear from you.
Falz Elder: Arks, I had a good fight today. I'll return for now.
Falz Elder: As long as I have this body I can fight any time.

If you look at at, apprentice looks a lot like Afin. And Afin is looking for a certain someone who can't be found anywhere. So I'm guessing that apprentice is Afin's sister.

Jan 21, 2013, 10:22 PM
Okay, finally got in contact with the english patch guys. I got my hands on the raw game data, so expect "good things" to come soon.

Also a spoiler, or not really a spoiler. But I finally figured out who Afin is searching for. The game alludes to something bad happening ten years ago.

Falz Cutscene - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xioPler5MZU)

If you look at at, apprentice looks a lot like Afin. And Afin is looking for a certain someone who can't be found anywhere. So I'm guessing that apprentice is Afin's sister.
That's what I've been thinking too for quite a while, that the person Afin is looking for is Apprentice's host.

Also, good luck with the patch. ^^

Jan 22, 2013, 02:36 AM
Woo congratulations on getting into the English patch Kion. Best of luck to you.

Jan 22, 2013, 02:51 AM
Not the English patch. But it'll pretty much work the same way. It'll just be a different zip to download and over write the files.

Progress: Finished though chapter 1. Since I have all of the story translations my goal is going to be a dump of all of them directly. I think in a week I can have a rough draft of all of the story chapters done in a week.

Also it's really nice to see all of the text directly. I can look up kanji i couldn't make out in youtube videos, also alternate chatter for different options and things like that. So I've been able to make a lot of improvements and fill in a lot of text that I was missing or just didn't have.

Beyond that I have the text for all of the client orders, lobby chatter, koffee, events things like that. So it's going to take a while, but looking at most of it I know what everything is, so I'll see what pace i can get translations out. Honest if someone had gotten the dump in my hands before this I could have probably been done translating everything by now. Anyways, translating stuff in advance was good practice, i'll try and make up for lost time.

Jan 22, 2013, 05:05 PM
Not the English patch. But it'll pretty much work the same way. It'll just be a different zip to download and over write the files.
Interesting. So it'll only be for story and stuff? I'd use that.

Also it's really nice to see all of the text directly. I can look up kanji i couldn't make out in youtube videos, also alternate chatter for different options and things like that. So I've been able to make a lot of improvements and fill in a lot of text that I was missing or just didn't have.
Yeah, I feel you on this one. Trying to identify some of the kanji that contain a lot of strokes was really hard at times (*´Д`) .

Jan 23, 2013, 01:57 AM
Jotting this down: six dragon clan names

Jan 23, 2013, 05:45 AM
Current progress: working on chapter 6. It keeps going on forever. After that 7 and 8 should go pretty quickly. Trying to get finished by tonight.

Jan 25, 2013, 01:48 AM
I posted it for Kion on the other forum, but for those of you who have nothing better to do (and/or for those of you who haven't already gotten this far and just want to see the events), here's the real Chapter 08 Act 1 video (yeah, the other one I posted before was actually Act 2; crazy, I know; I've since corrected the name of the other video). I included both since they were relatively short by themselves (~5:00 and ~7:00 respectively), and it'd feel silly to upload two videos when I can do it in one.


However, with the misunderstanding on my part sorted out (I cross-checked the JP wiki to be sure), this essentially means that
the fates of Zeno and Kasura ultimately remain ambiguous (I'd imagine they're going to pull a cliché out of the bag and make it so they somehow magically escaped or something [spoiler]or photons did it). At least we can (possibly temporarily) get Zeno back by running either Act 1 route.[/spoiler-box]

Anyway, please read the video description on YouTube before making any comments. There are a few... interesting circumstances (Yes, lack of motivation/laziness is one of them.) surrounding this video that delayed it for two months (and produced some complications that I'm well aware of already).

Feb 14, 2013, 03:08 PM
I'm curious as to what the navigators are saying in Chapter 7. You know, when they seem to be breaking up.

Feb 28, 2013, 08:44 AM
guess what.....lets begin MB11!



HUmar Darkedge
Feb 28, 2013, 08:19 PM
(The likelyhood that these might be the wrong quests)


(The likelyhood that these might be the wrong quests)

[S]Think [any] can translate?

Feb 28, 2013, 08:31 PM
This isn't a thread for requesting CO translations..

Feb 28, 2013, 08:32 PM
guess what.....lets begin MB11!

Matter Board 11 Shion Scene (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rk-W4aVMiw)

Matter Board 11 A-2 Scene (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLD8_HMxmrE)

Thanks for the videos! Is this on the vita version? Also I quoted this here too: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204164

Feb 28, 2013, 09:38 PM
this is PC version: Ex story Arks Battle Tourny.

HUmar Darkedge
Mar 1, 2013, 04:38 PM
This isn't a thread for requesting CO translations..

. . .Says who. .

Mar 1, 2013, 07:22 PM
. . .Says who. .
Says me. No, not really. I can't back that up.

On a more serious note, this thread was mainly used as the hub for translated story bits until the Story Patch came to fruition. Translations for things like Client Orders and the like were relegated to the likes of the English Patch, Bumped, and the old Google spreadsheet (now Cirnopedia)

Just do a search through the Client Order list on Cirnopedia. You should be able to find them easily.

Mar 1, 2013, 10:14 PM
Just do a search through the Client Order list on Cirnopedia. You should be able to find them easily.

Actually these are new Client Orders specific for this month, so it'd be better to just check http://bumped.org/psublog/ since they're faster to update with these types of Client Orders.

Mar 1, 2013, 10:26 PM
Actually these are new Client Orders specific for this month, so it'd be better to just check http://bumped.org/psublog/ since they're faster to update with these types of Client Orders.

Unless they've deleted them and re-added them, the guardine and fang banther/banshee CO's are most definitely not new. I've been completing them repeatedly for months.

Which is what they are, by the way.

HUmar Darkedge
Mar 2, 2013, 02:25 AM
Actually these are new Client Orders specific for this month, so it'd be better to just check http://bumped.org/psublog/ since they're faster to update with these types of Client Orders.

This is where I must disagree. They have yet to correct the new changes to the Client Order Rewards (Meseta/EXP/Other) since the recent maintenance. Was doing an Ohza Order, (where the reward "was" 5 Hunter Points[?]), but I only recieve none. *shrugs* You guys had it lucky, overboosting your STP/RGP (that's right Gunners)

Edit3/2:I'm really going blind................

Mar 2, 2013, 01:39 PM
Unless they've deleted them and re-added them, the guardine and fang banther/banshee CO's are most definitely not new. I've been completing them repeatedly for months.

Which is what they are, by the way.

Wait what? Oh it's Hans and not Toro or Kuro. ...Why are these being asked about?

This is where I must disagree. They have yet to correct the new changes to the Client Order Rewards (Meseta/EXP/Other) since the recent maintenance. Was doing an Ohza Order, (where the reward "was" 5 Hunter Points[?]), but I only recieve none. *shrugs* You guys had it lucky, overboosting your STP/RGP (that's right Gunners)

The boosts in meseta and EXP are a lot less important than how you get them. As for not getting SP, are you sure you're looking at the right client order (一流ハンターを目指して or ハンターの極致を目指して for Hunter)? Otherwise that sounds like a pretty big bug on SEGA's end cause those two still list a reward of 5 Skill Points for me.

Mar 13, 2013, 12:40 AM
An interesting event that occurs if you finish the Arks Battle Festa with Afin...


HUmar Darkedge
Mar 13, 2013, 01:14 AM
Sadly, I can't take the clip seriously if someones dressed in a Rappy suit. It just sets that very-unfitting theme to something that's either building up or settling down.

Mar 13, 2013, 01:35 AM
I realized the quality's kind of bad, too, so I don't think anyone's going to be able to translate it from the text.

But in any case, it's probably the most notable bit of story to come out of the Arks Battle Festa and paves the way for Afin's character development, [SPOILER-BOX]seeing as he finally found that someone he was looking for; his older sister who disappeared ten years ago, but unfortunately has become the host of Dark Falz Apprentice.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Jul 18, 2013, 05:06 PM
Hi, first time poster here.

Is the dialogue supposed to be all in japanese after patch?

Aug 3, 2013, 02:33 AM
Hi, first time poster here.

Is the dialogue supposed to be all in japanese after patch?

If you did the patch right all of the speech bubbles and written lines should be translated. The Audio will still be Japanese.

Sep 9, 2013, 10:08 AM
so im on MB9 finally lol. been playing since day 1 of release and decided to go ahead and get further into the story. is 9 and 10 still part of episode 1?

Sep 10, 2013, 08:52 PM
From a quick look at cirnopedia, EP1 actually include MB1 to MB11. (on left, mission -> matter board)