View Full Version : Game Favourite RPG Goodness??

Aug 6, 2012, 11:20 AM
What RPG's are rocking it for you just now???

Obviously PSO and PS series in general are doin' it for me! As well as The Elder Scrolls series, Dragon Age series and Final Fantasy!

Got any suggestions as to good games?? I am always looking for new ways (excuses) to become absorbed by a new adventure!

Aug 6, 2012, 11:43 AM
Try any of the Tales games, I've never played any of the portable ones but Tales of Vesperia for 360 or PS3 is awesome, If you can find it in a store there's Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube and a sequel to it on the Wii. ^^

Aug 6, 2012, 11:51 AM
Try any of the Tales games, I've never played any of the portable ones but Tales of Vesperia for 360 or PS3 is awesome, If you can find it in a store there's Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube and a sequel to it on the Wii. ^^

Awesome! Thanks! I got kind of stuck in Skyrim and was looking for something a bit more out there to be honest! All that trying to be real was draining me, hence my return to PSO starting a new character.

Aug 6, 2012, 12:03 PM
If you've never played Chrono Trigger, you need to go and play Chrono Trigger.

(You should probably just avoid the PSN version, though, since it has really crappy load times.)

Aug 6, 2012, 12:46 PM
Chrono Trigger is one of those games I'd classify as damn near close to perfect. (Only behind Super Metroid, which is absolutely perfect. Scientific fact, don't bother arguing.)
It's the game I give to people who wanna get into role-playing games of the Japanese variety.

I've always enjoyed the Phantasy Star games over Final Fantasy because they scratch that itch I have for the sci-fi. The Tales series is largely hit or miss for me. Destiny, Eternia, and Symphonia are the only games I've really liked enough to play more than once.

I'm a big, big LUNAR nerd too. Those games are just fantastic in their simplicity. Sega CD and Saturn/PSX versions.

Aug 6, 2012, 12:46 PM
Ditto Outrider, it's all about Chrono Trigger. I've replayed that game so many times it's ridiculous.

Aug 6, 2012, 01:35 PM
Lunar Silver Star and Lunar Eternal Blue are both amazing.
Im shocked no one has mentioned the Grandia 1 and 2 because those are ALSO amazing.

Persona 3-4 is one of my more recent rpg favorites, also chrono CROSS is good aswell (and obviously trigger is to).

Most of those games are on psn for $9.99 or less, if you haven't tried them I highly suggest it.

Aug 6, 2012, 04:22 PM
I will defo be trying out Chrono, had a wee look on youtube, looks pretty great! Thanks for the heads up guys! :)

Aug 10, 2012, 09:44 AM
Chrono Trigger is a classic that almost everyone would recommend.

Some personal favorites of mine (not yet mentioned):
- Grandia I and II (well, it was mentioned but seconded)
- Skies of Arcadia (Legends on GC if you can get it)
- Mario & Luigi series (don't knock it til you try it)
- Mass Effect series (Western FPS/RPG. Don't let the ending whiners turn you away from this series, especially if you like Dragon Age)
- Fallout (more partial to I and II, but III and New Vegas are pretty good)
- Knights of the Old Republic

Brain fart.. there's more I'm missing...

Aug 10, 2012, 09:54 AM
Not to start this post by saying "Chrono Trigger" so I'm going to start this post by saying "Not to start this post by saying" Because Chrono Trigger is still my favorite RPG of all time.

Now to bring up Chrono Trigger's rival, Another must-play:: Earthbound/Earthbound 2(AKA Mother3 + English patch) I've never played Mother 1 (AKA Earthbound Zero) though.

Then back to my favorites, the legendary Soul Blazer series. Soul Blazer, Legend of Gaia and DEFINITELY Terranigma.

Aug 10, 2012, 12:11 PM
Planescape: Torment


Aug 10, 2012, 01:52 PM
Another must-play:: Earthbound/Earthbound 2(AKA Mother3 + English patch) I've never played Mother 1 (AKA Earthbound Zero) though.
I feel really stupid, how could I forget about earthbound? That game is just filled with personality, and its so different then the cliche "Teen hero".

Aug 10, 2012, 09:13 PM
I feel really stupid, how could I forget about earthbound? That game is just filled with personality, and its so different then the cliche "Teen hero".

I loved Earthbound. Great game in a great series.

Aug 10, 2012, 10:39 PM
The Witcher is an amazing game. The gameplay is admitted a little stale (especially if you dont use much alchemy/explosions/magic), but the storyline and dialogue are top notch. I need to get around to playing the second one, I preordered it and just haven't found it in me yet to play it even though ive owned it for so long haha.

Recently played through Risen as well. Very good game, solid and difficult combat, interesting characters and dialogue, decent story. Very fun world to explore. The main fault of the game is that it has a LOT of bugs, but if you can get passed that it's definitely worth the price. I think it was made by the Gothic guys as well? I've been meaning to go back and try out some Gothic games, if anyone has some experience with them, throw me a recommendation please.

I'd love to recommend Morrowind, but I just can't play that game whenever I go back and try to. The combat feels REALLY terrible, but if you can somehow get passed that, the world is absolutely incredible. Oblivion was shit, Skyrim was very surprisingly decent, but Morrowind was fucking incredible. I have spent literally HUNDREDS of hours in that game. It is almost certainly my most-played single player game.

Alpha Protocol is a pretty decent RPG. It's a shooter-RPG hybrid style game, kind of like Deus Ex or Mass Effect. It's set in a super secret agent kind of setting, so if you're looking for something more modern but not quite futuristic, it's a pretty solid game. Nowhere NEAR perfect, but if you like Mass Effect and secret agents, give it a pick up.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is getting on in its years but it is still a great experience. The biggest gimmick of the game was abusing the source engine physics to boot things/enemies around into the environment and shit. Definitely a solid gameplay choice and lacking in the story/characterization though. It's probably only like $5 these days, give it a pick up if you want. Good Sword n Sorcery game.

Trying to avoid mentioning any MMOs since it's the cool thing to hate them. Do the STALKER games count as RPGs? Call of Pripyat is a really REALLY good game, definitely more shooter than RPG but the RPG is there, only good game in the series IMO.

Aug 11, 2012, 02:32 AM

I know right. What other role would you ever want to play?

Aug 11, 2012, 08:27 AM
Valkyria Chronicles for PS3, then VC2 for PSP. VC3 is only in Japan, and I really lost faith in SEGA releasing it over here.

Hands down my favorite RPG. It's hard to explain, just Youtube gameplay about it.

Aug 11, 2012, 11:35 AM
Oh yeah that last post reminded me of another amazing RPG.

Valkyrie Profile was like the best game that came out on the Playstation. A+ game, really fun battle mechanics instead of the usual old shitty JRPG affair. Cool ass characters and a fun story too. You can probably emulate it really easily these days.

Aug 12, 2012, 01:53 AM
-Wild Arms
-Azure Dreams
-Legend of Legaia
-Super Mario RPG
-Jade Cocoon
-Lost Odyssey

Aug 12, 2012, 01:57 AM
-Wild Arms
-Azure Dreams
-Legend of Legaia
-Super Mario RPG
-Jade Cocoon
-Lost Odyssey


Aug 12, 2012, 01:17 PM
10 Picks straight off the top of my dome.

Chrono Trigger
Valkyria Chronicles
Super Mario RPG
Breath of Fire 2 and 3
Wild Arms (just the first one)
Parasite Eve 1 and 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 4678
Beyond Oasis
Fallout 3 and New Vegas


Aug 12, 2012, 02:53 PM
Not enough Atlus love in here. Too many icky WRPGS. I expected better, fellow weeaboos.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2(play 1 first, even if 2 is better. you'll appreciate it more)
Persona 3 and 4
SMT: Devil Survivor 1 and 2(Overclocked if you have a 3DS)

Atlus is #1 for RPG turn-based goodness.

Aug 13, 2012, 08:19 PM
Unbelievable. No mention of Dragon's Dogma? It is a seriously lovely game. It deserves more love.

Character creation is on par with PSO2 (yes, really - look up the videos on Youtube), and the monster-fighting is the best in ANY RPG I have EVER played thanks to the grabbing system and the sheer physicality of it all (even though everything is Made of Iron). These two things combined are enough to catapult it to the top of my list of Must-Play Games. Also, the story is kind of a mind-fuck. In a good way.

Considering it's Capcom's first true RPG (Monster Hunter is kind of a halfway point, being REALLY light on story), it's really, really impressively well-done.

Aug 13, 2012, 09:34 PM
Not enough Atlus love in here. Too many icky WRPGS. I expected better, fellow weeaboos.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2(play 1 first, even if 2 is better. you'll appreciate it more)
Persona 3 and 4
SMT: Devil Survivor 1 and 2(Overclocked if you have a 3DS)

Atlus is #1 for RPG turn-based goodness.

WRPGS are bad c'mon now, haha

Uhh just a few I see on my shelf

Quest for Glory Series (PC) - Just awesome if you haven't played them then bust out with the time machine cause its kinda old
Vandal Hearts 1 & 2 (PS1)
Legend of Dragoon (PS1)
Dungeons & Dragons Warriors of the Eternal Sun (Genesis)
Shining Force Series (1, 2 & 3. Paid too much damn money for 3...like $200 i think)

Aug 13, 2012, 09:43 PM
Planescape: Torment


No fair. Don't bring that *story so deep it redefines expected story depth in an RPG* so early into the discussion. Let it get a few more pages before you drop the nuclear bomb.

Anyway, one of my favorites of all time was also Skies of Arcadia. I absolutely adored that game, and it had one of the most satisfying endings I've experienced in a game after some 80 hours of play. I also love the Air Pirates theme and it had that fantastic dramatic music, which changed based on the situation for all the bigger dramatic battles. Coming up with a strategy to turning the tables on a boss, and hearing the music change was one of the most thrilling experiences ever. Can't remember any other RPG that had me hold up the fist of victory more times than that one.

Aug 13, 2012, 09:44 PM
Mount & Blade! It's got a fair bit of strategy in it but it is an action RPG.

Aug 14, 2012, 12:16 AM
Planescape: Torment



Hard to argue with that. PS:T's writing is just too good compared to the majority of games. There is a lot of text to wade through, but you're so compelled to read on it hardly matters.

Anyways my list off the top of my head:
Planescape: Torment
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 1
KOTOR 2 restored
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Chrono Trigger
Fallout New Vegas

Aug 14, 2012, 12:33 AM
Vandal Hearts 1 & 2 (PS1)

wow...it's been awhile since i last heard of this one. i used to play Vandal Hearts 1 on the
ps1 back then; it was pretty awesome. getting the Vandaliar promotion and true ending was
a blast. i really love this game back then. kind of surprise me there, Mr. Mantisextermininator! :cat:

some of my faves:
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force: resurrection of dark dragon
Stella Deus (ps2)
Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen (ps1)
Legend of Legaia (ps1)
Granstream Saga (ps1)
Sudeki (xbox)
Suikoden 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, tactics
.hack G.U.
Shadow Hearts 1 , 2 , 3 (ps2)

Aug 14, 2012, 01:07 AM
Iv only one atm and thats maplestory. It along with pso was my childhood rpg.

Aug 14, 2012, 01:29 PM
As of right now, really only the Elder Scrolls/Fallout series. Otherwise, PSP2i is eating up a ton of my RPG time, but it's kind of redundant to mention that on a PS message board. Beyond that, I suppose the RPG which has really impressed me the most this generation(ish) was Infinite Space for the DS. The combat was a bit of a weak-point, boiling down to basic backwards/forwards maneuvering and rock/paper/scissors... but it more than makes up for this in expansive and atmospheric setting and storyline. The story is classic space opera goodness featuring a huge cast of characters spanning multiple solar systems/societies and pulls no punches with the tragedy and consequences of war as some of the die, switch allegiances, and mature through adversity. Yuri starts the game as a typical 15 year old anime trope, given command of his own fleet of star ships... but despite his best efforts and indomitable spirit, his lack of experience soon causes him to screw the pooch when shit gets real. His transformation into an adulthood, and his maturing as a military commander and diplomat is refreshing for Jrpgs. The ending is a bit weak, but doesn't really damage the whole of the experience IMO.

Building ships and outfitting them, tetris style, with new modules that upgrade weapons, reduce crew fatigue, and boost maneuverability (etc) is also a real treat for micromanagement nuts and accountants.

Otherwise, Valkyria Chronicles II for the PSP deserves special mention... but mostly for the gameplay aspects. It's story and characters wasn't nearly as engaging as Infinite Space, and it pretty much falls into almost every anime trope out there via a role alloted for it in it's diverse cast. Still, the art design and atmosphere were top notch, owing much to the groundwork that was laid by it's PS3 big brother.

As for classic RPGs to get nostalgic over, I guess the biggest one which influenced my childhood was Quest for Glory. The Sega Master System and Genesis weren't exactly RPG powerhouses (little wonder why I became so invested in the Phantasy Star series), so I turned to the PC for my RPG gaming. Quest for Glory is technically an RPG/Adventure hybrid, combining King's Quest/Monkey Island style point & click puzzle solving with stat increases to provide multiple solutions to puzzles based on your character build. A fighter breaking into a brigand camp would normally fight and kill the minotaur guarding the door, but on trained in magic could also cast a calm spell to put it to sleep (or soften it up at a distance with fireballs spells)... or one trained in thief skills could simply use environmental camouflage and careful timing to sneak past it.

They had a simple, but fun (and at times irreverent) campy heroic atmosphere which mixed traditional western RPG/D&D elements with humor in the vein of Monty Python and other such "silly" puns and comedy. They also explored a wide variety of cultures that's rare to encounter even in today's market, such as a Slavic/Transylvanian or tribal African/Egyptian setting.

In many ways, it still resembles a modern Bethesda outing. Stats raise based on how often you use them, rather than arbitrary increases based on experience points. Combat is real-time and non-random, at least in as much as you can see the enemies coming and can avoid combat or engage it at your choice. You had to maintain your character, eating at least once a day and getting a good night's sleep if you wanted to be in peak condition. NPCs will change dialog and attitudes towards you based on how well you can communicate, and depending on the choices you make in the game, etc. Also, since all five games in the series exist in a continuum, you can import your character from the end of one title and use them to start the next game in the series. The choices you make in a previous title can also affect the events in later titles (to a small degree). It was very much ahead of it's time, imo.



If anyone wants to try the series out without having to deal with the bugs and compatibility issues raised with running such old software on newer machines, the team at AGD Interactive released their VGA remake of QFGII (probably the best game in the series) a little while ago. It's a free download, so what the hell. Give it a shot.

QFG II VGA remake (http://www.agdinteractive.com/games/qfg2/)

Aug 14, 2012, 08:41 PM
Considering it's Capcom's first true RPG WRPG (Monster Hunter is kind of a halfway point, being REALLY light on story), it's really, really impressively well-done.

The nerd in me couldn't read this without wanting to correct it.

Breath of Fire is one of Capcoms oldest RPG franchise. Also wanted to add I've heard Dragon's Dogma looses a lot of steam around mid game.

Also decided to add some honorable mentions.

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
Some of the finest RPGs to come out this generation.

Aug 14, 2012, 10:21 PM
A few posted above I saw that I agree with:
Lunar series (I played PSx versions, all versions supposedly have some small changes)
Legend of Dragoon
Legend of Legaia 1 was good, I don't remember getting into 2 all that much.
I don't think I played much Skies of Arcadia Legends when I had it (my brother did put in a lot of time), but I've been wanting to play lately.

One I haven't seen above:
Saga Frontier, again, I think I found the first much better than the sequel. First one had multiple character choices and they all had connecting storylines.
My brother put in a lot of time to Threads of Fate.
I think I remember I found parts of Legend of Mana to be different, though looking up a bit and remembering, a primary quest may be lacking.

Aug 15, 2012, 04:28 AM
Some of my favs

-Final Fantasy 8/9
-Tales of Symphonia
-Xenoblade Chronicles
-The Last Story
-Secret of Mana
-Tactics Ogre
-Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (and part 2)
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
-Illusion of Time (Illusion of Gaia in the US)
-Lufia Rise of the Sinistrals

Just to name a few. Still have yet to play Chrono Trigger, Soul Blazer and Terranigma, but I'm kinda not intrested in using a emulator for them. Rather get the original cartridge but these are rare and damn expensive =/

Aug 15, 2012, 04:39 AM
A few series I love, in no particular order:

- Ys
- The Legend of Heroes
- Tales of
- Ar Tonelico
- Final Fantasy
- Mana (well, pretty much only SD2 and 3, but those are *great*)
- Chrono (mainly Trigger)
- Lufia
- Soulblazer trilogy
- Valkyrie Profile
- Phantasy Star
- Lunar
- Mother
- Super Mario RPG