View Full Version : Hunter Help

Aug 9, 2012, 07:26 PM
Iam a hunter cast lvl 17(trying to master partisan).
I would like someone to help me. Im kinda of a noob. I have like 3 friends and kinda dont know anything. So I would like the help of someone.
Currently Im using a build that max JA Bonus and JA bonus 2, just guard etc. Im trying to get libra as my mag.
And so, like I mentioned, I would like to know what items should I buy(rear armor,lleg armor, and partisan). And what should I max, and what not to do...Also, what is the best way to level up?
Thanks in advance ^^

EDIT: http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/pso2/hunter.html?01HU!IOI2ebkIqBGXcA6 Thats the build im following. I found it on a topic here. Credits go to Triple_S since he post it there.
Also, my IGN is: Kai. If anyone wants to add me and play :D

Silver Crow
Aug 9, 2012, 08:43 PM
not sure if it's too late for you but use this build instead: http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/hunter.html?01HU!IOI2ebkbqoGKcB6

Just counter is almost never used. Just reversal is such an important hunter skill that no other class has so take advantage of that.

Partisan gear's sole purpose is for clearing mobs and the Wired Lance does a way better job of that with 'Other Spin' and 'Other Cyclone'. In combination with the 20% JA bonus's and the gear you get 50% dmg increase to the Wired Lance which is huge. Partisans are more of a boss fighting weapon and you NEVER need that 30% range increase for that.

For Partisan PA's i suggest reading this thread http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2835374

This is the opinion and advice i can give you.

Aug 9, 2012, 08:54 PM
Just counter is almost never used. Just reversal is such an important hunter skill that no other class has so take advantage of that.

I'm sorry to say this, but all 3 classes has Just Reversal.

Silver Crow
Aug 9, 2012, 08:58 PM
I'm sorry to say this, but all 3 classes has Just Reversal.

ah didnt think they did for some reason. thanks for clarification

Aug 9, 2012, 09:02 PM
Thx for the help there...But I really like the partisans more. I guess its a personal choice. Plus I can take 1 point from another skill to get the wired lance. Also, I think Just Counter is usefull to have so thats why I decided to follow that build. I was just looking...for more like an opinion on that build, and its usefulness, not another build(Not sure if made that clear though. English isnt my main language so...<.< sry bout that).
But im mostly looking for the gear advice, since im a total noob in the market.
I did check some topics for Partisans PA, and Im just going with the flow, and choosing the ones I feel good with, and think I can chain and perform well. Since, I like to feel well in my character. Even if that means be a little weaker.

Aug 10, 2012, 12:24 AM
Won't comment on the build much...
As far as gear goes...Any armor that has boss souls that will compliment your stats like S-Atk are the armors you should be going for like a Gwana Soul or a Vol Soul. Any affixes that boost defense can be useful too. Look here for stuff you could have on your equipment: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Akbdpi65EON1dGRTd2hqNXBQMW1Lak9SOFJKM1Utb UE&gid=0

As far as leveling goes, your best bet is to do client orders. Doing orders will be VERY useful when you reach the exp dead/boredom zone of level 20-29. Doing maps that have multi party areas that have a good deal of players in them will be helpful as well.

Silver Crow
Aug 10, 2012, 03:11 PM
Won't comment on the build much...
As far as gear goes...Any armor that has boss souls that will compliment your stats like S-Atk are the armors you should be going for like a Gwana Soul or a Vol Soul. Any affixes that boost defense can be useful too. Look here for stuff you could have on your equipment: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Akbdpi65EON1dGRTd2hqNXBQMW1Lak9SOFJKM1Utb UE&gid=0

As far as leveling goes, your best bet is to do client orders. Doing orders will be VERY useful when you reach the exp dead/boredom zone of level 20-29. Doing maps that have multi party areas that have a good deal of players in them will be helpful as well.

so true. levels 20-29 and especially 25-29 is a bore. once i hit lvl 30 i was gaining levels without even meaning to because of how much exp orders gave and how many emergency codes you got from doing exploration quests.

Aug 13, 2012, 12:02 AM
Which is better? JA bonus or S-ATK up1 for hunter skill build using Sword as a main waepon. If possible please share your Hunter Sword skill tree build, mainly DPS type. Thanks