View Full Version : Xbox 360 controller analog triggers problem

Aug 18, 2012, 03:03 PM
Hi, it would appear that PSO2 uses DirectInput and not Xinput, so it treats the triggers on the 360 controller as one button.

Is this true? Or is there a way to get the 360 triggers to behave as seperate buttons, and not one? I want to map lock-on to the left trigger, however, it won't let me dash with the right trigger.

Aug 18, 2012, 04:36 PM
Never had any problem with this. Updated your drivers? Try a default reset of the controls in the game settings?

But otherwise you could try joytokey. A wonderful program that converts button inputs to keyboard inputs. It treats the triggers as two ways of an axis, able to set both a command for the plus side, and for the negative side. Just have it running in the background and remove any inputs in-game for the buttons you wish to use.

Joytokey also has a "trigger" button which, while pressed, sets a completely new control scheme for the controllers buttons. I use this to have the hotbar keys to the normal buttons. Extremely convenient!

Aug 18, 2012, 07:26 PM
did you set the game to use 360 pad? there's an option somewhere that changes icons in the menu to the colored skittle buttons and such, when i switched it to that, my triggers worked separately+^_^+ also, are you using an OEM 360 pad from M$ and not some 3rd party one (MadKatz or Razer-Onza)? also, make sure all your 360 pad drivers are up to date!! Xbox 360 Accessories Software 1.2 64-bit for Windows 7 (http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/9/4/69446ACF-E625-4CCF-8F56-58B589934CD3/Xbox360_64Eng.exe) +^_^+

Aug 19, 2012, 05:34 AM
Never had any problem with this. Updated your drivers? Try a default reset of the controls in the game settings?

I've updated my drivers (I'm using the wireless controller) to the 1.2 64bit Windows. Reset my options/ buttons to default; set the controller up again, all to no avail.

I also use JoyToKey for my hotkeys (since I can't get XPadder to work with PSO2). I unmapped the triggers in PSO 2 and assigned them to X and Q (dash and lock-on, respectively) and they still behave like one axis. It's strange, because the triggers work fine in my other XInput games, such as Skyrim and Saints Row.

did you set the game to use 360 pad? there's an option somewhere that changes icons in the menu to the colored skittle buttons and such, when i switched it to that, my triggers worked separately+^_^+ also, are you using an OEM 360 pad from M$ and not some 3rd party one (MadKatz or Razer-Onza)? also, make sure all your 360 pad drivers are up to date!! Xbox 360 Accessories Software 1.2 64-bit for Windows 7 (http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/9/4/69446ACF-E625-4CCF-8F56-58B589934CD3/Xbox360_64Eng.exe) +^_^+

I've repeatedly set the buttons as the XBOX ones, I am using the official wireless XBOX 360 pad, and have updated my drivers; nothing works.

Aug 19, 2012, 11:09 AM
Sounds you have a faulty xbox controller on your hands (or in your hands ^_^). It sounds like it treats the axis as the same way. Taking away the negative side or something.

If you open the drivers for it and test the buttons in windows, how does it behave there?

Aug 20, 2012, 07:17 AM
Sounds you have a faulty xbox controller on your hands (or in your hands ^_^). It sounds like it treats the axis as the same way. Taking away the negative side or something.

If you open the drivers for it and test the buttons in windows, how does it behave there?

No, it's not a hardware fault, it's definitely something software-related. I tested 3 360 controllers and they all behave the same.

In Windows, the triggers behave as one axis: image1 (http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/3113/201208201312094794.gif), image2 (http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/1258/201208201313024144.gif)

But like I said, across my XInput-enabled games, like Skyrim, Saints Row, Arkham City, Assassins Creed, Portal 2, Dead Island, etc. the triggers behaved independently, as they should.

Aug 21, 2012, 01:54 AM
only thing i can suggest now is a complete reinstall of PSO2, since PSO2 is supposed to support Xinput, something may have gone wrong with the initial install or there may be something wrong with the downloaded client (it happened to me for a few odd glitches, getting rid of the old CBT client did the trick, but i didn't have controller issues after fresh driver installs), you can download it from scratch at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7FAiDsjbtNCRFlrdy1kN28tWTQ/edit +^_^+ also check to see if any third party software (joy to key, Xpadder) you have might be overriding the in game support+^_^+ anyway, try everything else you can think of before PSO2 uninstall and re-download, i just can't think of anything else right now+^_^+

Aug 21, 2012, 03:41 AM
only thing i can suggest now is a complete reinstall of PSO2, since PSO2 is supposed to support Xinput, something may have gone wrong with the initial install or there may be something wrong with the downloaded client (it happened to me for a few odd glitches, getting rid of the old CBT client did the trick, but i didn't have controller issues after fresh driver installs), you can download it from scratch at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7FAiDsjbtNCRFlrdy1kN28tWTQ/edit +^_^+ also check to see if any third party software (joy to key, Xpadder) you have might be overriding the in game support+^_^+ anyway, try everything else you can think of before PSO2 uninstall and re-download, i just can't think of anything else right now+^_^+

Are you sure your triggers work separately? Set your L trigger to lock-on (hold), and the R trigger to dash or attack or something. Keep the Left trigger held down, then try to press the R trigger and see if it performs the R triggers action, or continues to do the L triggers action.

Aug 21, 2012, 12:42 PM
Are you sure your triggers work separately? Set your L trigger to lock-on (hold), and the R trigger to dash or attack or something. Keep the Left trigger held down, then try to press the R trigger and see if it performs the R triggers action, or continues to do the L triggers action.

LT is item usage, i use d-pad to cycle items and skills (like weak bullet) and LT to use, and RT is shoot+^_^+ RB is PA shoot, and LB is target lockon set to toggle (never really use it, a TPS fan myself)+^_^+ they work separately from each other just fine+^_^+

Aug 22, 2012, 05:33 AM
LT is item usage, i use d-pad to cycle items and skills (like weak bullet) and LT to use, and RT is shoot+^_^+ RB is PA shoot, and LB is target lockon set to toggle (never really use it, a TPS fan myself)+^_^+ they work separately from each other just fine+^_^+

Swap your LT (Left Trigger) and LB (Left Bumper) functions, so that the LT is lock-on.

Now, hold the LT button down, while trying to press the RT button, and see if it perfoms the RT's action, or continues to do the LT's action.

I think you are wrong in saying the Left and Right Triggers work seperately.

Aug 22, 2012, 12:11 PM
Have you set up your controller through basic configuration? If not it will allow you to map your buttons and set up your analog sticks. Under options it's the option above the button settings, it will have a blue bar on top and blue/grey bar on bottom with some writing on them.

Aug 22, 2012, 01:49 PM
Have you set up your controller through basic configuration? If not it will allow you to map your buttons and set up your analog sticks. Under options it's the option above the button settings, it will have a blue bar on top and blue/grey bar on bottom with some writing on them.

Do you mean Options > 2nd Tab on the left > 2nd Option > Upper, long blue button option (I apologise for the ambiguous terms; I use the JP client)? Yes, I've done that plenty of times. It's weird, because that particular setup process even asks you to set the triggers.

My theory is that the game is actually DirectInput-based, not XInput, and that Chik'Tikka was wrong. And no tinkering about will change the fact that the 360 triggers can't be pressed at the same time - not unless I use non-official drivers.

Aug 22, 2012, 05:02 PM
hmm, well, simplest solution i can think of for you is to swap LB with LT+^_^+ i mean, what games out there even use RT for lock-on? even PSU 360 used LB for strafe and lock-on+^_^+

Aug 22, 2012, 06:57 PM
hmm, well, simplest solution i can think of for you is to swap LB with LT+^_^+ i mean, what games out there even use RT for lock-on? even PSU 360 used LB for strafe and lock-on+^_^+

So you were wrong, and your triggers never worked seperately? Good, at least we sorted that out.

Aug 23, 2012, 02:23 AM
So you were wrong, and your triggers never worked seperately? Good, at least we sorted that out.

hmm?? i never tried+^_^+ my LT is item use, RT is shoot, i can't change it to try due to GG issues+^_^+

Aug 23, 2012, 04:19 PM
Oh wait... did I missunderstand your problem this whole time? You meant you couldn't use them at the same time?

Then yes, since they are one axis, pressing both will cancel the action.

Dunno how Skyrim and the likes can get them to read independantly. Shouldn't be possible due to Windows being in control.

Aug 28, 2012, 12:54 AM
maybe xpadder can help you


Sep 5, 2012, 06:39 AM
Oh wait... did I missunderstand your problem this whole time? You meant you couldn't use them at the same time?

Then yes, since they are one axis, pressing both will cancel the action.

Dunno how Skyrim and the likes can get them to read independantly. Shouldn't be possible due to Windows being in control.

Well, if you had read my posts, you would have seen where I said that PSO2 is most likely Direct-Input based, and not XInput-based, hence why the triggers can't be used seperately.

Skyrim and those other games I listed are XInput-based, so the triggers work as they should.

And if anyone's interested, here's the control scheme I'm using:

RB: Attack
RT: PA Attack
R3: Jump

LB: Switch Palette/ Guard
LT: Dash/ Roll
L3: Lock-On (Switch) (If you've played Dark Souls, you'll be used to switch-type lock on)

X: 3rd Person

This is a decent scheme for letting you pull off the most essential actions, while still being able to manipulate the camera. You can further map hotkeys to your DPad and Y button by using JoyToKey.