View Full Version : My Mag Still Only Heals Me

Aug 19, 2012, 01:28 PM
I've set the subpalette already but still, my mag only heals me at level 72. I

Aug 19, 2012, 01:38 PM
You have to press the number you have the PB assigned to once its lit up.

Aug 19, 2012, 02:46 PM
As you do/take damage you'll notice a ring start fill around the blast icon. When that's full the color fills in and it looks how it does when you're in the lobby. When that happens press the number you have it slotted to and you'll get a blue ring around your character. If other people have their blasts they can join in and the attacks will last longer

Aug 19, 2012, 02:55 PM
Like above said push the number key you have the Photon Blast assigned to on your keyboard or (if you are using a gamepad) hit your D-pad left or right to highlight that button then hit the left trigger when your Photon Blast is ready (when the color of the icon is bright).

Aug 19, 2012, 05:30 PM
Could it be he actually means the MAG auto attack thingy?

If so, you can priorytise it somewhere in your MAG menu. Not exactly sure where in the MAG menu, because I haven't played for a couple of days/weeks. But it should be easy to find, once you're in there.

Aug 19, 2012, 05:47 PM
Maybe but I'm sure I saw a thread from the op before asking about how to use the mag blast or something along those lines. As for the priorities its the 4th option in the mag menu

Aug 20, 2012, 01:50 AM
As you do/take damage you'll notice a ring start fill around the blast icon. When that's full the color fills in and it looks how it does when you're in the lobby. When that happens press the number you have it slotted to and you'll get a blue ring around your character. If other people have their blasts they can join in and the attacks will last longer

Holy shit. I've played this game since beta and never noticed the ring around the icon before. :-o