View Full Version : S/R/T-ATK UP vs. Bonus % (Skill trees)

Sep 4, 2012, 07:47 PM
On my FO, it seems like using Shifta (which bumps my T-ATK from ~1300 to ~1400; it was like +90 ATK) boosts my damage from 1000 to 1200; a 20% increase. People say that it is better to put stuff into the bonuses, but what truly does more damage.

My FOnewm's skill tree:

The "standard" Force tree:
Note that the last point seems to go into Ice or JR.

I'm wondering if a FOnewm user who's skill tree is that or similar to the ladder can test with me to see who's techs deal more damage while having a plain Vita Rod (3 Star Rod) and no mag equipped.

Silver Crow
Sep 4, 2012, 08:57 PM
and was that 1000 dmg and 1200 both blue crits? if not then its not accurate. also pics to backup your theory.

Sep 4, 2012, 09:13 PM
People say that it is better to put stuff into the bonuses, but what truly does more damage.

People say that because with each level cap increase, the % bonuses edge out T-Atk UP bonuses more and more.

According to the difference between the 2 trees you've posted, you're basically asking if +36 T-Atk will outdo a +6% increase in damage. I doubt it.

Right now the difference would be fairly minimal on any standard enemies. Too small to even give a crap about, tbh.
But on weak points & enemies with Weak Bullet up, where you're generally hitting in the high thousands, the +6% bonus will give you much higher numbers.
That difference will just keep getting bigger and bigger as we level up higher.

Sep 4, 2012, 10:00 PM
But as we level up you will be able to get both anyway.

Sep 5, 2012, 12:08 AM
Percentages will give static gains as your overall strength increases; hard stats will give you a flat amount. That 50 Tech may look great now, but when you have several thousand, it'll be a drop in the bucket. Five percent is five percent no matter what, though.

Sep 5, 2012, 12:32 AM
The advantage in raising stat points is not for the extra damage they do on their own, but in giving you the ability to equip better gear, which in turn will give you even better attack power. ^^;

Sep 5, 2012, 01:16 AM
That's a non-issue for now; only the people crazy enough to make defense mags have trouble equipping weapons, if even them, and as the level cap rises, the problem's only going to become smaller. On top of that, next to nothing with high requirements is notably better than the next best thing as of yet. Raising your attack stat solely to equip newer weapons is a waste of skill points.