View Full Version : been playing too long?

Mar 28, 2003, 01:27 AM
all day my eyes have been blurry, partially because of the sleep i haven't had in the past couple days ...

the night before last i stayed up all night raising a mag to become a sato, only to have it fsoded at level 98 (err..), so i then spent all day yesterday raising a new one ... then i started nodding off in the middle of a game, so i went to sleep

when i woke up today, my eyes were really blurry, and on top of that, they stayed blurry because of allergies (every spring, it never fails)

tonight, i made a total idiot of myself .... i was looking for an ultimate game to join on antares 8 and found one that wasn't full .... i joined up, noticed pixelate was in the game .... so i take the pipe to the forest, carrying a guld milla, and after doing more damage to enemies than the other players, i notice they don't have any duped weapons that i commonly see ..... i know that pixelate is legit from reading forum posts, so i ask if anyone minded if if i used my guld milla ... i get a negative response, so i switch to a legit weapon

after leaving the game, i look in the list of teams to join and find the game i just left "Legits Only"

damn blurry eyes ... don't i feel like a jackass ....

then i join another game .... this time when i'm playing, i notice the other players not speaking any english, speaking instead what appeared to be spanish ... my spanish is pretty rusty, so no problem with me, as long as they don't ask me anything ... i'm used to it on JP servers .... anyway, they pop up a set of hotkeys in english for items that they're looking for, so i respond to one of the requests with "si" ... they say "???", so i say "grinders si" .... one tells me "speak english buddy"

now i'm thinking WTF, i'm really confused now, i told them my spanish wasn't very good and that's why answered with "si", only to have them tell me that they were speaking in portuguese .......... well that explains a little more why i didn't recognize what they were saying ... after leaving the game i see it in the team list titled "AQUI"

... now i feel like a really big jackass ........

so i join another game and run into the main area on Pioneer 2, asking for a pipe ... they respond that they're doing a quest ... now i think "well how could i join the game if they're in a quest?" ... then one of them tells me that i ran right past them by the guild counter ...........

maybe i shouldn't get play pso if my vision is blurry huh? i've been playing too long for the past couple days, and on top of my allergies, can't read text on the screen very well ... i should get some good sleep tonight

i apologize to anyone i offended

Mar 28, 2003, 03:28 PM
well dude... thats a very nice ummm story... i could tell u about the time when umm.. nah... or the time when... nah... or... nah.. ok nevermind u got my stupidity beat... im sorry... toodles!

Mar 28, 2003, 03:32 PM
To bed with you! Go get some good sleep!

Mar 28, 2003, 03:53 PM
ahh, much better today! brain and eyes got some rest finally, but last night i certainly qualified as "#1 Lame-O" online

i didn't know exactly what forum to post this in, since it's just another pso story ... everyone probably has more than their share of stories, i'm just sharing mine

Mar 28, 2003, 05:57 PM
I've actually have had that happen to me. When it does, I just stop playing, and take a break to eat, smoke a cig or whatever and it ends up going away.

Mar 29, 2003, 01:19 AM
i'm sure my contacts have something to do with it too

Mar 29, 2003, 01:21 AM
Sleep anyway.....