View Full Version : Twin Equips

Sep 30, 2012, 02:38 PM
I'm not sure if this has been touched upon yet but I'm noticing so far that GunSlashes have practically replaced the standard saber equip. I am not debating this because we all know that they can be released as a standard later on. What I'm wondering about is further twin equips like twin sabers, twin handguns, and even though this would be insane, twin gunslashes. The reason I ask about this is because in PSU (similar name on there for my run for those who would have known me) I was a consistent twins Acrofighter, and tried for similar formats in other games including the original PSO on the Dreamcast as AnimeMun with Hunter.

I would like to develop a similar equip hunter/fighter with a ranger subclass as time goes on maybe sporting most of the time twin gunslashes if at all possible. Or I could deal with Gunslash/Handgun. I realize some may think it weird that I liked both PSO and PSU but I saw the merits and flaws with both and see no reason to dock either for that. I haven't gone PSO2 yet simply because I'm waiting for the official NA release to better support the community and the game itself. In fact I'd be leaving SW:TOR specifically for this game which is saying something considering I'm a big Jedi nut.

But I digress. I'm trying to figure out if there isn't already a way to do dual equips on some of the solo weapons to balance out the lack of Twins do you think more Twin weapons or supports for such set ups will be released later on?

Sep 30, 2012, 02:41 PM
Gunslashes haven't replaced sabers specifically, they've replaced the handgun/saber combination.

Twin weapons were cosmetic. The result was a certain amount of damage dealt with a weapon combination. With the dual wielding system gone, that's been replaced by other weapons.

If you merely want to hold two things in your hands, you've got twin daggers, twin fists, and twin mechguns, with the gunslash being the handgun/saber combination.

Sep 30, 2012, 02:41 PM
Your post is really hard to follow, but what I think you are asking is if you can use two different types of weapons in each hands.

The answer is no, and I doubt that it will ever change.

Sep 30, 2012, 02:54 PM
I do mean for dualwielding to be the idea of this post. I realize that those options are there and am not docking the replacement of the saber/gun combo with the Gunslash. To be honest I have actually trained in swordplay in real life and prefer dual sword use in real life and would like to have my character reflect that knowledge. I also think one of the things people actually didn't knock in PSU was the two weapon options. Most of the issues were more with the controls.

EDIT: Not to mention there would be either be expansions or changes with the Photon Arts depending.

Sep 30, 2012, 03:10 PM
Sakai - Did say they wanted to add more Classes, Weapons and PA's during the Tokyo Game Show. So, Twin Saber's have a good chance of returning, That's because of how they work. But twin GS's or TH's might not. For GL's they don't have a duel system like PSU. And the other is over shadowed by Twin Machine Guns since they function the same way as TH's and also they have TH's model skin's as TMG now.

Sep 30, 2012, 03:58 PM
I do hope Twin claws gets in there too as well.
I feel like they deserve more then just being slapped on the Wired-Lances, but donīt get me wrong i love Wls..sigh.

Sep 30, 2012, 07:10 PM
They should bring out a new hunter class using Slicers, Axes, and Twin Sabers.

Then the ranger class should be Longbows and lasers.

Then the force class... ummm, errrr.

Sep 30, 2012, 09:15 PM
They should bring out a new hunter class using Slicers, Axes, and Twin Sabers.

Then the ranger class should be Longbows and lasers.

Then the force class... ummm, errrr.

Magic whips?

Never mind. I've got nothing.

Sep 30, 2012, 09:56 PM
They should bring out a new hunter class using Slicers, Axes, and Twin Sabers.

Then the ranger class should be Longbows and lasers.

Then the force class... ummm, errrr.

Hmm, a new series of classes without gunslashes but with melee/ranged slicers?

Slicers as melee/ranged weapons for all classes?


Definitely want claws, single or twin. I personally prefer single claws, the twin claw moves were just "what" on a tremendous scale. Single claws, twin swords, and then shields, with the all-class gunslash and slicer. Yes pls.

Sep 30, 2012, 10:23 PM
Hmm, a new series of classes without gunslashes but with melee/ranged slicers?

Slicers as melee/ranged weapons for all classes?


Definitely want claws, single or twin. I personally prefer single claws, the twin claw moves were just "what" on a tremendous scale. Single claws, twin swords, and then shields, with the all-class gunslash and slicer. Yes pls.

I thought you would figure out but gunslashes would be in those classes if they're released lol.

Sep 30, 2012, 10:47 PM
I did figure that out. And I'm proposing something different.

Oct 2, 2012, 12:26 AM
They are in the plan's in making more classes. But the thing is that the weapon's which are left, that aren't already part of another weapon type already. They could be added to another type or they need to be not repeating in the function of the weapon's we do have.

What we have now :

Sword/Ax type.

Partisan/Spear type.

Wired Lance/Twin Claw type....(there bring out Twin Rika's/Fal claws as Wired Lance also, So chances are low for them being there own type sorry).

Twin Dagger type.

Double Saber type.

Knuckle type...(reason for Rocket Puncher not being Knuckles is that in PSO they were a Gun type and in PSU they were a Knuckle so they bridged it together to be a WL instead, which makes since).

Gun Slasher/Saber/Handgun type.

Assault Rifle/ Which play's a Shotgun type role with PA's.

Launcher/Grenade Launcher/ Laser Cannon type.....(they have reskin's for this already just need a PA skill to match).

Twin Machine Gun/ Twin Handgun's/ PSU Mechgun's with right PA.

Rod/Pole type....(the exception is the Bico Hammer but it was a Rod in PSOBB).

Tallis/Cards type.

Wand/Club/Hammer and maybec small magic blades......(reason for Hammer's that all the new one's are more hammer base in design ...like Thor's Hammer).

Mag's/PM's/Shagdoog,RCSM/Madoog, TCSM type.

Arm Armor/Shield/ Barrier type.

List of candidates with chances:

Twin Saber - High - Been in both PSO & PSU world's - Melee weapon.

Slicer - High - Been in both PSO & PSU world's - Melee weapon.

Single Dagger - Low - chances are it will be a Gun Slasher. - Melee/Ranged weapon.

Whip/Single Claw - Medium - Now Single Claw Chances are it will be a Whip type like WL, But this need's to be thought out well to work since WL is pretty much the Twin version of it which is it's only drawback. - Melee weapon.

Long Bow/Cross Bow - High/Medium - The only drawback would be how it would be applied. - Ranged Weapon.

Magic Gauntlet's - Medium - Now this one has never been in any of the games but all of the other type's of Tech weapons are all ready in use. Now there is popularity in this type of weapon and there is a possible need for this with the unarmed Tech casting from the Pallet ...like Knuckles.

Odd Balls:

Twin Gun Slasher's - Low - Reason for this is that they are overshadow'd by Twin Machine Gun & most likely Twin Saber's.

Shield's - Low - Reason for that is the Arm Armor have shield like gear and that they where more Armor gear then weapon's in PSO.

When they do bring the other 3 classes out best possibility for there weapon's are:

New HU/FI type

Twin Saber's type
Slicer's type
Whip/Single Claw type *need's rework*
Gun Slasher/Saber/Handgun type *ALL*

New RA/GU type

Long Bow/Cross Bow type
Launcher/Grenade Launcher/ Laser Cannon type * Assault Rifle/Shotgun has been reused already*
Gun Slasher/Saber/Handgun type *ALL*

New FO/TE type

Magic Gauntlet's type *New*
Tallis/Cards type *Secondary Tech weapon*
Gun Slasher/Saber/Handgun type *ALL*

This is my best guess.:jpsmile:

Oct 3, 2012, 08:50 AM
the problem with twin weapons in PSU well at least in PSP2/I is that sega did a horrible job balancing them against thier single counterparts.

Oct 3, 2012, 09:10 AM
Agreed, i think the PSP2/I lacked a proper speed boost advantage for their single weapons like a Acro class.