View Full Version : Game So Namco Bandai is asking people to vote...on Pac-man

Enforcer MKV
Oct 2, 2012, 09:01 AM

So apparently Namco Bandai is asking people to vote on their favorite style of Pac-man from four options. I personally like both A and B. C is alright, reminds of me Casper for some reason, but D is just....bleh. No. never, please.

So what does everyone else think? :D

Oct 2, 2012, 09:28 AM
I think D is the way to go actually. A & C remind me of Sonic a bit too much.

Oct 2, 2012, 10:07 AM
The only thing (and it's a big thing) I don't like about D is that they lose the eyes.

I like the shape and stuff, but the loss of the eyes kind of gets rid of the one main cute trait the Ghosts in Pacman had since the beginning. The main thing to endear the ghosts, even though they are baddies out to get you.

Oct 2, 2012, 10:15 AM
D is the most like the style seen on the 80s arcade boxes that I remember, with C a close second. Voted D.

Oct 2, 2012, 11:13 AM
D is pretty neat and I'd love to see more of it, but I think I like the bright cartoon aesthetic of C the most.

Oct 2, 2012, 12:18 PM
I'd go with C or B. A is meh and D is on the fence.

Oct 2, 2012, 01:15 PM
Funny everyone says A and C looks the most anime...

But D easily looks like an oldschool Japanese game/anime art style...

I vote D... B is okay.

Oct 2, 2012, 02:03 PM
*votes this style or doesn't vote at all* +^_^+


Oct 2, 2012, 02:20 PM
None of them are really appealing. . Then again, it's hard to get excited about Pac-Man.

B is alright though.

Oct 2, 2012, 02:39 PM
The funny thing is that if I saw D in one of Namco's Shifty Look comics, I'd be raving about how amazing it looks.

I'm just not sure how well it would work in an official Pac-Man game.

Oct 2, 2012, 06:01 PM
A, to me, conforms to the look of most modern cartoon-game character CG renders. So, A is a no for me. It's ugly and generic.
B resembles a modern American cartoon--something you'd see on Cartoon Network, which I dig.
C looks like a modern Japanese cartoon. It's clean and groovy looking. It's the most likely to be selected, I think.
I absolutely respect D for being different. The retro/spooky look is refreshing ('specially the ghosts), and interesting for the sake of being at odds with Pac's typical look. However, it looks more like fan-art, and would not quite be appropriate for the next Pac game.

It seems like Namco is attempting to modernize here, so my vote goes to either B or C. They both are very slick.

Oct 2, 2012, 07:10 PM
None of them are really appealing. . Then again, it's hard to get excited about Pac-Man.

B is alright though.

Pac-Man is GREAT! (opinion of course) Well as long as its not that platformer crap they tried back on the PS1/PS2 days. Honestly just give me more Pac-Man Championship installments and that's more than enough for me. Heck this time make it Ms Pac-Man or some sort of 2p coop with large scrolling maps.

Oct 2, 2012, 10:13 PM
Something tells me they're still trying to make platformers and puzzles games with a twist on them that revolves around classic pac...

Not that I've paid much attention to pacman games besides the classics... So I wouldn't fully know.

Thinking of it again, I still like D art style wise...

But if this is gonna be a 3-D(or at least use 3D models in any way shape or form) ... I think all 4 will look like crap either way in 3D... But at least with D the ghosts will still look cool.

Oct 2, 2012, 10:18 PM
B. He looks like such a smug dick and that cracks me up somehow.