View Full Version : flame garment

Mar 29, 2003, 02:41 AM
i was playing online a few hours ago and i met a player who said she saw someone in a game that was wearing a Flame Garment. The weird thing is that i was told that the FG was not available to the gc, and repeatedly asked this person if it was a joke. She seriously replied and swore she saw it for real. If her story is true then then only way to get the FG right now would be a gameshark and/or another cheat device right?

Mar 29, 2003, 02:46 AM
hey folks

The Aura field has the same appearence as the Flame Garment, just a different color.

Could be that..


Mar 29, 2003, 02:10 PM
yeah i was looking for the flam garment also, it's banned untill findable (as in quest or something)

but i think i'll be happier with my aura field i just need to get to lvl 151 to use it

Mar 29, 2003, 02:23 PM
I also heard the Flame Garment was not in the gamecube version also. It is a great chance she mistaked it for Aura Field since they are very similar in appearence.