View Full Version : Weird problem after formatting

Nov 5, 2012, 10:02 AM
Well, the other day my "lil" bro got a huge virus (The asshole is 15 years old, can't believe how stupid he was -.-) and I had to format my main HDD because of it because W7 wouldn't boot.
So I reinstalled W7, and everything seemed to be fine, but then, I noticed it suddenly freezes for almost 3 minutes and begins to work again.
I searched around the web because I thought my two months old CPU was about to die, but that wasn't the case, then perhaps it was my older HDD, but everything is fine... So, why does my PC freeze after a clean formatting?

Nov 6, 2012, 05:37 AM
Thanks to no one :3 I already solved the issue myself~