View Full Version : Being Greennil

Nov 6, 2012, 12:43 PM
I am a lvl 127 HuCast Greennil, life sucks, all i get is goddam ranger weps, where can i go and get decent weapons? i spent all of today (got up at 4 am, now it's nearly 6pm) piping hildebears on forest of sorrow, i mean like i must have spent well over 175k meseta on TPs alone, so far i have got nothing interesting, gearing up my ranger to hell, and my force a bit too, but only useful thing i've found so far is GUARD WAVE, any suggestions?! please anyone! D*:

Nov 6, 2012, 03:49 PM
If you go into Ultimate Seabed with greennill, you can get a Lavis from a Morfos. There aren't too many of them per run, but it's a good weapon, especially when you use a Syncesta, which Greennill can find from a Red Assassin from Ultimate Caves (good luck on that one, too) on the Lavis twice to make it into a Double Cannon. Even using one Syncesta on the Lavis will turn it into the nicely polished Lavis Blade. Understand thoug that these are very difficult drops.

There are some decent knives that Greennill can find, if you like knives on your Hucast. If youre Hucast is more into swords, then you can pipe a Mill Lily in Ultimate Caves to get a rare one, but I forget what it was.

If you can get yourself into Ultimate Forest, you can also snag a Red Handgun from a Tollaw, which isn't too difficult a drop, although it will take you probably more than a dozen runs, anyway. If you have PSO plus, then load up the quest Burning Rangers, and that will have a lot of Tollaws in it.

If you're stuck in earlier difficulties, you may want to try out some nice Animal Parts as weapons. It sounds like you've gotten a Guard Wave off a rare Rappy already, so I'm guessing you're already in Ultimate, but if you're not too far into Ultimate, you might want to explore around Very Hard a bit more for some drops.

Check out the Section ID drop charts on this very site, and see what you'd like to pick up from Greennill, so you can concentrate on areas or quests with those enemies, or boxes. Hey, boxes drop some decent stuff sometimes.

Nov 7, 2012, 07:22 AM
sweet man sounds good to me! seabed ultimate is gonna be gay though, the VR stuffs are proper annoying, i haven't got plus unforunately, wish i did, i've completely ultiamte on EP1 but not EP2 yet, thats been giving me giff! i've got like dark flow amongst other things; L&K14 combats, yamigarasu, orotiagito. I've got 3 god/abilities, wanna get an add slot mind though, also, another random question, i got a star amplifier but i can't get it to work? i got a scepter +10 and it still won't let me do anything? clearly i'm doing something wrong here, but some better mechguns, and i sword thats both powerful and can combo would be alot better imo!

Nov 7, 2012, 05:27 PM
Do you have online access? Dark Flow isn't that great a weapon, to be honest. Yamigarasu is ok, Orotiagito isn't bad, accept I think it only targets one enemy at a time, or something.

Add slots can be found easily in the forest on normal. I've played with a Redria a few times, and they seem abundant in that section ID, although I'm not sure what the drop charts say about box drops for that section ID since I don't really check it.

Star Amplifiers can be combined with either a wand type thing like the scepter you mentioned, or armor of some sort to morph both those things into something a little better. If it's not working for you right NOW, you haven't met the qualifications for the transformation yet, and that's just fine. I'm pretty sure a wand type thing would have to be brought to max grind before you are able to join it with the Amplifier. There's also probably a level requirement for it, and you have to be able to equip the wand type thing to be able to use anything on it, so if you're trying that with your HUcast, well, good luck. The armor transformation could possibly be easier, so long as you found the right armor for it quickly enough, and meet the level requirement.

Nov 8, 2012, 08:03 AM
i shall try some other wand type weps, i have a lvl 105 FoNewm yellowbooze so i can sort out the star amplifier on that hopefully i'll have a look on this site at the wep combo list, in other news; i got assassins arms and got the changed to g-assassin sabers which are fun, in trith you are right, dark flow is okay, and so are the other 2, i just need more mass destruction really, found myself a varista and i didn't realise i had delsaber buster and shield in my bank so i've been messing around with those, also trying to make a rati mag suitable for my HuCast, but i gotta lvl it using anitparalysis for another 60 odd lvls on it's defence to even it out to it evolves, thats gonna take a while!

really wanna yamato though from the Dragon at the end of Vhard forest i think it is? well thats where i've been hunting, hope it's right, i've done it like 10ish times now, in between farming forest of sorry for hildebear heads, which i did get eventually, thats a fun cane for my FoMar to use, foie is hitting boomas on Vhard for like 510+ is epic!

I don't have online play unforutanetly, i really really want to though, but have no idea of how to set it up! D:

Nov 8, 2012, 09:32 AM
Yamato is a sword that I'm surprised you haven't found yet, since the Dragon seems to drop the thing every time I fight him in very hard, just about. It's not every time, but it seems like it's pretty common.

If you get tired of the Hildebear head, you might want to pipe in Forest of Sorrow for a Hiledblue, and get that head for another cane with a frost special.

Setting a cube up for online is easy as pie, so long as you have the equipment for it.

Nov 9, 2012, 08:10 AM
what do i even need for the GC to go online? the broadband adapter and some know how i'm guessing? anyway i got the star amplifier to work, makes a nice little wand type thing! not bad mst boost, will obviously be bale to get a better version of it as my force reaches the requirements for the better ones.

lucky you getting it drop all the time! im lucky if the boss drops even meseta xD i've convinced my mate to play on my force and we're gonna do a run through of ultimate episode 2! woooo, hopefully some fun stuff willl drop ;D i did see the hildeblue head also, that's gonna take a bit of doing, but i'm sure it'll be worth it :)

Nov 9, 2012, 02:43 PM
You just need the adapter, broadband or dial up, whatever type of service you use, and a the appropriate wire to plug into the adapter, either an ethernet for broadband, or probably a phone line for a dial up one. After that, you just need an IP address that connects you to a server. It's pretty simple.

Well, the Yamato doesn't drop ALL the time, but it's pretty often. Easily drops probably once every six times I beat the dragon in very hard, although I'm sure the drop rate is lower than that.

Nov 10, 2012, 05:18 AM
im well gonna get the stuff for my GC so i can play online! so excited for PSO2 also, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Nov 16, 2012, 10:00 PM
There aren't many players online for Gamecube anymore, and the ones that are usually stick together. For like the last five months that wasn't the case, but one bad egg came back, and I see all the serious players flocking together again.