View Full Version : GC ID questions

Nov 7, 2012, 10:32 AM
I'm returning to PSO after a looooong hiatus (ie finally bored of Skyrim) and am deciding what characters and IDs to make. So far I know I'll have a Redria FOnewearl and a Purplenum RAcaseal (two of my very favorite classes). Those have me covered on a lot of drops I want. I might end up making another force, because I'm absolutely batty for casting, either FOnewm of FOmarl. Thoughts on my last ID? I was leaning Yellowboze.

4th character? Most likely not, but HUcaseal and RAmarl are in the running if it somehow happens.

Also, if I make a FOnewm, does Redria favor a particular episode? Because it's my understanding that FOnewm>FOnewearl in Epi 1, and just the opposite in Epi 2.

Keep in mind that I don't ever plan on getting Psycho or Motav, and that I'm offline.

Nov 7, 2012, 05:38 PM
Yellowboze is decent if you want Animal Parts. Whittil is good for a range of things, although a lot of them might be a bit difficult to find. Then again, better to have them difficult to find rather than unable to be found at all.

Actually, you'd have an easier time of getting the Psycho Wand offline with your Purplenumbnuts than you would finding it online. Go to caves in Ultimae, and pipe for Mil Lilies there. The drop rate is decent for such a high class rare item, although it is also coupled with the difficulty of finding rare enemies. Piping offline will help ease that difficulty big time though, and it really is a nice wand.

I'm not sure if FOnewm favors either episode. I rarely see them used online, but that doesn't mean they aren't beasts when it comes to blowing things up. I see Fonewearls more often, but I honestly haven't seen many of thoes, either, in the last few years online for PSo GC.

I have read an opinion by an old friend on these very forums once upon a time that stated that Hunewearls were the best characters for offline, due to their high level Shifta, Deband, and that they can equip Hunter weapons. The same opinion believed that Ramarls were the best characters for online, although I'm not entirely certain why, since I really couldn't stand partying with them. Honestly, a HUcast makes the game offline pretty simple. Online, they are able to do some massive damage, as well.

As with Fonewms, I haven't seen too mny FOmarls played until level 200. That could mean people got tired of them, or they may have just become tired of the game and signed off. I can say that FOmarls have a great range to their support techs that other Force classes such as FOnewearl can't match without the use of something like Marina's Bag, which is found in Easter Eggs distributed during the Easter Events online.

When it's all laid out, I would personally rather go with a character type that has an inbued revitalizing ability in whatever. Newearls recover TP automatically, and the speed of this increases as they gain levels. Casts, as you know, regain HP automatically. Humans don't gain shit. Take from that what you will.

Dec 10, 2012, 12:30 AM
You'll want Pinkal for your last Force. Pinkal's get mage weapons like crazy, especially the rare ones. Trust me, the majority of the drops my Hunter gets are mage crap; I'm just glad I actually have mage's to give the stuff too so it's not all a waste. They also find higher lvl spells easier than other I.D.'s.

Dec 10, 2012, 12:21 PM
I disagree with the Pinkal statement for a force. They might get a lot of force junk, but a lot of it is just that: junk.

Other IDs feature some great Force items that are easier to find in those different IDs.

Purplenum, for example, can find the Psycho Wand more easily than any other ID, and the Psycho Wand is a great asset for a Force struggling with conserving TP usage.

Whitill has also been cited as a good ID for a force. Although I haven't investigated it, personally, I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the person who suggested that a few years back.