View Full Version : Game Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed community DLC poll

Nov 15, 2012, 03:05 PM
Not sure if this is the place to post this as I usually don't venture outside the PSO2 board, but basically...

S0L/Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital put a challenge on the SEGA forum community to try to make an organized effort to show what characters fan want as DLC. This being his more exact words.

I'll set you a challange. Without any policing from the SUMO or SEGA crew, if you can all agree on three characters by the 1st of December and prove there is sufficient interest of at least 1000 unique people *per* character, I will present the result to SEGA. I can't promise anything will happen as a result, but since you're starting it...

Let's see if you can organise yourselves in the next few weeks to pull that off!

My sole hints, first you probably need to define some rules, then agree on who will police them, and then run it fairly (no cheating) and deliver something professional and credible I'd be able to use. You are on your own for the rest


Since the end part of the poll requires more than a thousand voters (which seems well beyond the scope of Sega's ASR board) I figured I'd try to spread the word here. Particularly as it seems in the preliminary voting going on right now, Alis Landale from the original Phantasy Star is in third, with the full top ten being:

1st - Vectorman 15 Votes
2nd - Sakura Shinguji 12 Votes
3rd - Alis Landale 9 Votes
4th - Ristar, Jacky (& Akira), Arle Nadja 6 Votes
5th - Ryo 5 Votes
6th - Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, Alex Kidd 4 Votes

So if anyone's interested in PS (or any other sega franchise) getting in as DLC for this already chock-full of SEGA fanservice title, check out the thread on Sega's forum here: http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?426663-S0L-s-Challenge-Stage-1-Attempt

Nov 15, 2012, 03:53 PM
Alis Landale? Oh heck yeah. Though I can also see why Sakura is up in the list.

I still think Alis Landale has a more significant role in the PS universe than Sakura did in the Sakura Taisen universe. SEGA, in that older property did what they never did in other one of their properties. Create entire civilizations throughout the generations, for which the primary main hero of legend was female and that influenced the expectations (good or bad) for who people try to look up to as a hero, during times of strife. And in those times, only in the Phantasy Star universe does the pressure often-likely fall upon the most battle-ready female of a group because they look for another Alis.

Ryo was already in the previous game, so I'm looking for new blood, more or less. I'm all for using this as an opportunity to eventually bring in all the major SEGA characters back into the limelight.

Nov 15, 2012, 03:58 PM
Well, don't just say it here! Go to the Sega forums linked and post! Looks like Shenmue Dojo is already getting in on the action and pumping in the Ryo votes.

Nov 15, 2012, 04:18 PM
Supposively the PC version is gonna have Team Fortress 2 characters in it.

This confuses me oh so much. In a good way, but still confuses me.


Nov 15, 2012, 05:02 PM
I'd personally rather see someone from Phantasy Star Online, like Rico, Flowen or Ash. Assuming a Phantasy Star character, that is.

But what that really means, is we need ToeJam & Earl as racers.

Nov 15, 2012, 05:10 PM
Well, you can vote for three characters.

Nov 15, 2012, 05:21 PM
I'd personally rather see someone from Phantasy Star Online, like Rico, Flowen or Ash. Assuming a Phantasy Star character, that is.

But what that really means, is we need ToeJam & Earl as racers.

Rico would certainly be awesome, she needs more exposure. And Elenor (or just RAcaseal) is also fairly popular.

Failing that, we could simply throw in a Rag Rappy. I believe PSO is something that sells still. Point in case, the idea of this thread here is to help push a PS representative.

Nov 16, 2012, 08:13 AM
True. A PS representative is a nice idea. I thought about the PSO characters, but Rico's story was heavily influenced by the legend of Alis. That is. It couldn't happen without Alis. While not explicitly mentioned, Rico's notes talk about the pressure she dealt with to be this hero, who was going to save the day. She also talks about how she understood that people felt they needed a symbol of heroics at this time. All in all, they were looking for their version of Alis.

Why I think it is so significant to use the original hero of legend is that it promotes *all* of Phantasy Star and not just the online ones. Something to remind people that not only is Phantasy Star alive and well, but that there are significant turn-based PS games as well. Maybe a nudge to have SEGA also revisit the idea of a traditional Phantasy Star RPG.

Nov 16, 2012, 03:47 PM
Bleh. Looks like crazed Miku fans are flooding the votes now. Since this preliminary voting ends on Monday and it doesn't seem this has caught much attention in the PS community I guess it won't work out. Oh well.

Nov 16, 2012, 04:29 PM
Still odd Ryo Hazuki is so high in the list when he was already in the first one. I guess people aren't voting for new blood, either. Some just want to see him return, or they never played the first game. To a degree, it kind of makes me wish he simply came back without him having to be a DLC, then he wouldn't be taking top spot.

Nov 16, 2012, 06:36 PM
I find it amusing on how the game ends up with even more obscure titles getting Stages (Like Burning Rangers) and Phantasy Star gets 0 references besides like a Achivement / Sticker.

Personally thought it was popular enough to get something like Ash (Aka Default PSO HUmar) in a Vehicle and potentially a stage going from Forest warping all the way to Ruins considering how popular PSO was.... looks like nope.

And I'd like to see Ryo in again personally, even though he was in the last game doesn't mean I want him gone.

Nov 17, 2012, 02:42 AM
Welkin Gunther and Shou Amabane, go go.

Nov 17, 2012, 05:17 AM
Hello There. I'm not a Phantasy Star fan, but I thought you guys might be interested in this(apologies by the way for how abrupt and out of place this seems, but this looked to be the best forum to put this in).

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed recently got released, and people have been complaining about the roster and how they think it's lackluster. One of the developers has put out a challenge; if fans can provide 3 characters with 1000 signatures each, they will be seriously considered for DLC. Last time I checked Phantasy Star was a SEGA series, so maybe here's the chance for you to get them in.

It's being held at SEGA's forums. Here's a link:


People are more than welcome to sign up and take part, but if you all could be civil about it, I'd be very grateful.

Thanks for your time.

Nov 17, 2012, 09:12 AM
Of course, if SUMO and SEGA wanted this game to go from good to "It prints money." All they have to do is have a DLC for Vanellope and a Sugar Rush track.

Nov 17, 2012, 09:20 AM
I find it amusing on how the game ends up with even more obscure titles getting Stages (Like Burning Rangers) and Phantasy Star gets 0 references besides like a Achivement / Sticker.

This is what pisses me off and makes me not support these Sonic Racing games. It's like Phantasy Star is SEGA's 'dirty little secret' that they never want to talk about or include in anything else, despite it being, in my opinion, their best franchise.

Not even a track? Some bonus songs? Come the fuck on.

Nov 17, 2012, 09:34 AM
Wait what? No phantasy star stuff at all? That would have been like a bunch of free advertising for PSO2.

There's a demo up on the xbox marketplace. The game seems like a decent mario kart clone at least.

Nov 17, 2012, 12:08 PM
Wait this game only just came out?

I thought it was like... at least a few months old... @_@

/not confusing it with the game before it.

It looks like an okay game, just not one I'd go out of my way to play. (Like the real mario kart games.) And SEGA's kind of...



Nov 17, 2012, 12:23 PM
Of course, if SUMO and SEGA wanted this game to go from good to "It prints money." All they have to do is have a DLC for Vanellope and a Sugar Rush track.

Fund it.

Nov 17, 2012, 01:32 PM
Still, happy the PC version is going to get this: (I would really recommend turning off Annotations.)


Probably the biggest advertisement they could get for the PC version, plus give the game some way of gaining hats (like pre-order or achievement) for TF2 and it'll sell like hotcakes.

There is also
http://youtu.be/ENvivsGgVLA and "
http://youtu.be/iY-BaNgouwo" around, which sorta make sense as they are up there in the highest selling Sega franchises... but lol.

Nov 17, 2012, 05:47 PM
Fund it.

If only I could, I would. Especially, if I can take a small percentage.

Nov 17, 2012, 09:25 PM
A change has been set up for more successful results. Get in here, knacks not required.


Nov 17, 2012, 11:53 PM
You know, I'm easily doubting the legitimacy of those Miku votes currently.

Nov 18, 2012, 12:08 AM
You know, I'm easily doubting the legitimacy of those Miku votes currently.

Stop putting miku in everything you money hungry demons... D:

Nov 18, 2012, 12:20 AM
You know, I'm easily doubting the legitimacy of those Miku votes currently.

Then again the fanbase for Miku is pretty gigantic. I'll take it with a grain of salt.

Besides, if other characters get the vote count up to 1k, they'll get the priority for the selection at the end.

Nov 19, 2012, 05:51 PM
Rag Rappy was added.

Man how did I even forget about the actual Mascot.

Nov 19, 2012, 09:45 PM
This is what pisses me off and makes me not support these Sonic Racing games. It's like Phantasy Star is SEGA's 'dirty little secret' that they never want to talk about or include in anything else, despite it being, in my opinion, their best franchise.

Not even a track? Some bonus songs? Come the fuck on.

I don't get it, either... SEGA actually has so many great game franchises, it baffles me how almost nothing of it made it in there X__x
It's surprising they at least thought of something like Shinobi, but where are Phantasy Star, Valkyria Chronicles, Bayonetta and Ryu ga Gotoku?? And why did they leave out Ryo?? He was the character I played the most with in the first game... ._.

Nov 21, 2012, 05:17 PM
S0L's taken notice of the poll's success so far. Noting the strong numbers for Segata Sanshiro and Ryo Hazuki as they rocked well beyond 1000. There's only 9 days left now and Alis is at 273 people and Rappy is at 84. Time's running short, so if anyone's even kinda interested now's the time to get in there! (http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?427121-S0L-s-Challenge-The-Campaign-for-SEGA-characters-to-become-DLC)

Nov 22, 2012, 12:52 AM
We should ask to spread the word further in this place, without making it appear as spam. A news article would yield some nice results.

Nov 22, 2012, 08:11 AM
As much as I'd love to see Alis in there and win, I have to admit that I, just as much, want to see Segata Sanshiro in there next.

Nov 22, 2012, 11:02 AM
Went back, voiced more support for Alis Landale. I even included an excerpt of my own Racing Techno remix of the Theme Song from Phantasy Star 1, to sweeten the deal.

Here's the link I posted there.


Nitro Vordex
Nov 22, 2012, 12:18 PM
A PSO level would be amazing. It wouldn't have to be a lap level, make it like a sprint version. Forest you fly in (aka teleporting to the planet), Caves you drive for the first part, then you take the boat through the sewers, then you drive through the mines, then a mix of things for the ruins, and you end at the monument.

Nov 22, 2012, 02:44 PM
A PSO level would be amazing. It wouldn't have to be a lap level, make it like a sprint version. Forest you fly in (aka teleporting to the planet), Caves you drive for the first part, then you take the boat through the sewers, then you drive through the mines, then a mix of things for the ruins, and you end at the monument.

Or a run through Gal Da Val Island. Or a remix of the VR levels, along with remixes of the older games retouched by Jacques Richard. We've got some real nice options here.

Nov 22, 2012, 02:51 PM
With the whole transformed thing a pso character set thing kinda makes since they already did it with the team fortress character.

Nov 23, 2012, 11:59 PM
If Alis gets in I hope they use the Generation version and not the terrible cheesy 80's generic anime version.



Nov 24, 2012, 01:28 AM
Honestly. I think Myau would be more fitting to a Sonic Racing game than Alis. Should have gone with him over anyone, in my opinion.

Nov 24, 2012, 08:57 AM
If Alis gets in I hope they use the Generation version and not the terrible cheesy 80's generic anime version.



Eye of the beholder since it is two completely artistic takes on the same character. Well, I'm sure when it comes down to it, neither artistic impression will be used in game. It'll likely match a little closer to the cartoony art style this racer uses as those levels of dramatic shading and light (which probably most of what you like about the above picture) doesn't exist for any racer or guest star in the game. And of course, the original style, as is, also doesn't fit with the styles in the game. However, the features (content) that both versions share would still be included.

Nov 24, 2012, 12:01 PM
Dark force / falz would be a pretty good pick for a phantasy star character. It does kinda show up in almost every game.

Nov 25, 2012, 10:28 AM
tbh the best option for a PS character for this game is a import of your PSO2 character. Not likely, but the series kind of lacks a real main character.

Nov 25, 2012, 01:30 PM
Except the old RPGs totally had main characters. s'probably one of the reasons why Alis was a more popular pick than Rico or Ash or whoever in the preliminary voting.

Nov 26, 2012, 01:40 AM
That, and Alis is the main character that is referenced directly or indirectly in both throughout all of the original series and in parts of the online series. The hero of legend.

Enforcer MKV
Nov 28, 2012, 08:58 AM

One of the three leading hopefuls is Segata Sanshiro.

I'll admit I laughed.


Nov 28, 2012, 10:25 AM
Why god, why Miku...

Nov 28, 2012, 07:05 PM

One of the three leading hopefuls is Segata Sanshiro.

I'll admit I laughed.

If they actually get Fujioka Hiroshi, the guy who played the Segata character, to do the voiceovers them I'm sold.

Nov 29, 2012, 03:04 PM
There's less than two days remaining until the results are final. Is there a way to forward this thread or the other thread with more coverage on this site?