View Full Version : XBox: File coruptions?

Mar 30, 2003, 01:51 PM
Dose anybody here know if PSOX will have those nasty file coruptions?

Mar 30, 2003, 01:56 PM
We don't know "for sure", however I have never had a single save file on my xbox corrupt so I don't know why PSO would have that problem on xbox. But we won't know until we get the game. Anyone know if the Japanese one has the problem?

Mar 30, 2003, 02:00 PM
On 2003-03-30 10:56, Phelan wrote:
Anyone know if the Japanese one has the problem?

yeah thats what I mean http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Mar 30, 2003, 03:42 PM
I would assume that since sega provides the online service, files could corrupt on any system.

Mar 30, 2003, 03:47 PM
Sega does not provide the online service, PSOX like every other xbox live title, uses Microsoft Servers.

Mar 30, 2003, 04:02 PM
I hope MS stays on the ball unlike ST seems to do lol

Mar 30, 2003, 04:03 PM
If MS does a better job maybe they need to train ST. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Mar 30, 2003, 04:04 PM
I would assume MS will do a good job running their servers like they have for all the other live games. I just hope that our 8.95 a month will keep ST updating PSOX and fixing bugs ect.

Mar 30, 2003, 04:19 PM
I hear that it's expensive to go online PSO with the X Box version since on top of the $8.95 fee a month there is another charge for X Box Live. Doesn't sound worth it to me, I'll just stick with the gamecube version (especially since its my fave system http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

Mar 30, 2003, 04:23 PM
On 2003-03-30 13:19, Yoda86 wrote:
I hear that it's expensive to go online PSO with the X Box version since on top of the $8.95 fee a month there is another charge for X Box Live. Doesn't sound worth it to me, I'll just stick with the gamecube version (especially since its my fave system http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

I thought the same thing, but then I thought why keep playing the GC PSO when I keep loosing all my shit...errr I mean stuff and chars @_@

Mar 30, 2003, 04:32 PM
Good point, but you can always get it back.

Mar 30, 2003, 04:36 PM
On 2003-03-30 13:32, Yoda86 wrote:
Good point, but you can always get it back.

yeah thats tru but you can only take but so much

Mar 30, 2003, 05:05 PM
I don't think that corruption will be nearly as big a problem on Xbox. Most of the corruptions on GameCube are a result of the quick double save. Sega doesn't seem to realize that saving twice quickly to flash memory (i.e. the Memory Cards) can and will corrupt the data, freeze your GameCube, and more. Since the Xbox hard drive isn't flash memory, there shouldn't be a problem.

Mar 30, 2003, 06:46 PM
On 2003-03-30 14:05, 2Xtreme wrote:
I don't think that corruption will be nearly as big a problem on Xbox. Most of the corruptions on GameCube are a result of the quick double save. Sega doesn't seem to realize that saving twice quickly to flash memory (i.e. the Memory Cards) can and will corrupt the data, freeze your GameCube, and more. Since the Xbox hard drive isn't flash memory, there shouldn't be a problem.

The double save itself isn't really the problem, neither is the fact it's saving to a memory card. It's the unstable nature of pso that means it can fsod at any time that is the major problem, the double save just makes the time you are at risk much larger.

Since there have been reports on this very forum that the xbox version also caused an fsod at random i'd say the same risks apply if the double save is also implimented on the xbox version.

Mar 30, 2003, 07:09 PM
On 2003-03-30 13:02, Yosho wrote:
I hope MS stays on the ball unlike ST seems to do lol

Probably. Besides, Sega has had a history for neglecting our servers.

Mar 30, 2003, 07:15 PM
Shame on sega, we should petition http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Mar 30, 2003, 07:32 PM
If I find problems in the two free months sega can be sure I won't be wasting 9 bucks a month for crappy service.

Mar 30, 2003, 07:36 PM
On 2003-03-30 16:32, Phelan wrote:
If I find problems in the two free months sega can be sure I won't be wasting 9 bucks a month for crappy service.

I second that http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Mar 30, 2003, 09:35 PM
On 2003-03-30 16:36, Yosho wrote:

On 2003-03-30 16:32, Phelan wrote:
If I find problems in the two free months sega can be sure I won't be wasting 9 bucks a month for crappy service.

I second that http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Or start a huge boycott to get SEGA/ST's attention.
Won't really work but you'd feel better.

Mar 30, 2003, 09:44 PM
No but seriously, we could flood sega's tech support phone lines with everyone from PSOW complaining about FSOD, BSOD, etc. That'd be funny http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Mar 31, 2003, 04:26 AM
1/There isn't any kind of 'double-save' on the Xbox version of PSO.
2/There is no report of anyone having corrupted his save file.
3/There is no save when you leave shop or inventory.

Personal total FSOD count : 4
_Freeze when joining team : 3 (meseta lost)
_Horning FSOD inplay : 1 (all not equipped lost)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2003-04-03 00:42 ]</font>

Mar 31, 2003, 04:33 AM
On 2003-03-30 16:15, Yoda86 wrote:
Shame on sega, we should petition http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Been done many times sadly...

Mar 31, 2003, 04:35 AM
On 2003-03-30 18:44, Yoda86 wrote:
No but seriously, we could flood sega's tech support phone lines with everyone from PSOW complaining about FSOD, BSOD, etc. That'd be funny http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

WE should have a HUGEEE get-together on PSO-W about the corruptions! Maybe they'd listen if we got all pso-w users to do it?

Mar 31, 2003, 08:59 AM
The double save on PSO GCN no longer exists. ST removed one of the saves. Also, how do you know PSO on X-Box doesn't save when going to the bank online or leaving a shop online? When did France get X-Box PSO? Also, Microsoft maybe in charge of the server's and such, but you do realize that PSO does use some unique server software...and you do know who's supplying MS with it right?

Personally, I think both versions will be more identical than people wanna realize, both the good and the bad. File corruption isn't becaus of Flash style memory. It's caused on the GCN when the system locks up while it's saving.

Now, I've only known of a couple times that my GCN has frozen offline in other games. I've had X-Box freeze on me alot(thanks Windows). I don't wanna imagine how often X Box will freeze up online. I think what we really need is a PSO 2(a true sequal not a new episode) so they can update the DC Engine, fix the bugs, and tweak the graphics so there isn't slowdown when playing Ep 2 online.

We need a new game, not a new episode and it's about time Sonic Team go off their duffs and did some real work. I think if they did release a true sequal, we'd all go out a buy it.

Mar 31, 2003, 10:17 AM
=?__?= I'm still getting the double save on US GCN.

Mar 31, 2003, 10:22 AM
I dont think they can. The only reason psogc has corruptions, is the memory cards. XBox has a harddrive. If it corrupts the file, then it corrupts the whole hard drive... xbox would be in some trouble I think

Mar 31, 2003, 04:02 PM
Yeah we would be loads of trouble since i have loads of files on my hard drive AND music so i will be buying a memory card to save my PSO stuff on just incase, they say theres no risk but i aint gonna take that chance

Mar 31, 2003, 04:09 PM
Double Save is alive and kicking on GC PSO servers.*_* Whats weird is I FSOD at least once a night now......scary, also the past 2 times i lost NO ITEMS, maybe Im doing something wrong. In the beginning when choosing a Ship and Block, make sure your card is done saving, also when someone gives you a card right before leaving a team/room wait till its done saving. Phew. So many risks.

Mar 31, 2003, 04:25 PM
XBox has a harddrive. If it corrupts the file, then it corrupts the whole hard drive...

No! wtf =._.=

Mar 31, 2003, 05:03 PM
On 2003-03-31 07:22, TCZid wrote:
I dont think they can. The only reason psogc has corruptions, is the memory cards. XBox has a harddrive. If it corrupts the file, then it corrupts the whole hard drive... xbox would be in some trouble I think

Shows how much you know about file saving, infact if xbox is using the NTFS filesystem, which being made by microsoft it might be, then it would be harder to corrupt the data than on a memory card.

Also double save is definatly still there, so i'm not quite sure where the person who said that it wasn't was coming from, you join a team the screen goes black it saves, you enter the guild it saves again just like it has for the past few months.

Mar 31, 2003, 05:20 PM
Also, how do you know PSO on X-Box doesn't save when going to the bank online or leaving a shop online? When did France get X-Box PSO?

You think I'm a liar ?
If you had paid more attention to this board recently you would have noticed my reports on Xbox PSO as I have imported the japanese Xbox live kit.
So, I know because I play Xbox PSO every week day.

I've had X-Box freeze on me alot(thanks Windows).

Your sentence smells funny. May I ask precisely which games did give you trouble ? And what makes you presume the Xbox's NT kernel is responsible for it ?

Mar 31, 2003, 06:07 PM
I have never had my xbox freeze and I have been playing live since beta. The whole Xbox "windows" thing is a really tired thing. The xbox uses an OS similar to windows, yet it is not windows. Windows usually freezes because of program conflicts, something the xbox does not have to worry about. I am no expert in computers or consoles and the technology inside them. All I know is that my xbox has never performed any less than perfectly. Yeah PSOX might have file corruptions but I bet it is due to bad ST programming, not xbox problems.

Mar 31, 2003, 08:40 PM
If I find problems in the two free months sega can be sure I won't be wasting 9 bucks a month for crappy service.

Same here! The Hunter's License is $14/month for Canadians, so it's even worse for me!

About the Xbox using something like "Windows", that's a crock of shit. The Xbox doesn't even use a GUI (graphical user interface) Why can't people get past the fact that it's a video game console, and a good one?

Mar 31, 2003, 08:57 PM
On 2003-03-31 15:07, Phelan wrote:
The whole Xbox "windows" thing is a really tired thing.

But I find it funny in one sense. They trash the XBox of the Windows-esque OS thingy...and yet some who state used and loved a DC...which has a *dun dun dun* Windows CE compliant OS.

Why else would Compatible with Window CE be on you DC?

Apr 1, 2003, 02:34 AM
my xbox froze up and the hardrive saves were deleted. that platform is somewhat reliable but you should know that it isnt bulletproof. i love my xbox but was kinda irked at losing my custom gotham soundtrack as well as my hunter and halo saves.

Apr 1, 2003, 02:39 AM
Did you happen to buy an Xbox at launch?

Apr 1, 2003, 10:25 AM
[quote] yoda : I hear that it's expensive to go online PSO with the X Box version since on top of the $8.95 fee a month there is another charge for X Box Live. Doesn't sound worth it to me, I'll just stick with the gamecube version (especially since its my fave system )

ok listen here yoda, how do you figure that it is more expensive to go online with xbox? may i break it down for you:

xbox: gc:
live $50 network/ broadband adapter $40
pso $40 $40-50

for communication
xbox: headset comes w/ live or optional kb usb adapter $8
gc: can use soft kb or purchase datel $20 + s/h $8 or $80 + s/h $10-20

xbox = $90-98
gc = $80-190

not including the monthly fee
gc 1 month free then $8.95 a month
xbox 2 months free then $8.95 a month

did i mention that with the purchase of the adapter for gc you get to play 1 game and with the purchase of live you get to play you get to play 10+ (that are available now) with voice chat across all games and a universal friends list with invite services across any game. with national and world ranking systems among other things. don't get me wrong, i love my gc but i hate when i see people post things and have no credible evidence to back it up.

so where did you get the info that the xbox will be so much more expensive?

Apr 1, 2003, 11:23 AM
Sorry, I was wrong about the double save. I guess I just stopped noticing the save during the black screen cause usually it fly's by so quick I don't see it. So you got me on that, I am wrong and apologize. No hard feelings I hope.

As for the issue of cost between X-Box and GCN I'll work out the TOTAL money value differences. And I'll do this is the most fair way putting both on Broadband so we get a better scope of value difference. Also I will show you first year expenses as well as second year.

GCN Prices for everything to enjoy PSO

$149.99 GameCube Nintendo
$49.99 Phantasy Star Online Game
$34.99 Broadband Adapter
$19.99 Datel Keyboard
$98.45 HL First year of PSO($107.40 each year after)
$539.88 Average Broadband price in my area per year

$893.29 First Year Expenses
$647.28 Each year after

X-Box Prices for everything to enjoy PSO

$199.99 Microsoft X-Box
$49.99 Phantasy Star Online(US Price)
$49.99 X-Box Live Kit($10/month after first year)
$89.50 HL First year of PSO($107.40 each year after)
$539.88 Average Broadband price in my area per year

$929.84 First Year Expenses($36.55 more expensive)
$767.28 Each year after($120 more per year)

Now, I know some of you are going to argue that X-Box live doesn't charge 10/month after first year. Now, lets just assume that your right. Even IF we drop that initially, it's still more expensive to get the X-box than GCN and after first year you'd still be spending whatever the extra cost of your x-box live account for PSO.

Just look at the costs though. Please don't argue about it anymore. Both will be the exact same game.

Edit: Oops, I missed on thing on the GCN side of stuff. I forgot a Memory Card which is required for GCN cost of $14.99. So you spend only about $20 more during first years expenses on X-Box than GCN. See, I'm neither pro MS or pro Nintendo, I just want an accurate picture painted for people wanting the truth.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: EsperFlame on 2003-04-01 08:34 ]</font>

Apr 1, 2003, 11:53 AM
X-Box looks more expensive, but I'd rather play that and not be in fear of losing something that I put hours and hours into.

Apr 1, 2003, 12:01 PM
The thing is, X-Box PSO will probably end up being just as buggy as the GCN one. It has nothing to do with what stores the memory, it's the fact the programming is faulty and freezes up. Now, I've already heard of FSOD's on X-Box, and we all know THAT'S the true cause of all the corruptions. Until PSO runs without freezing, you will always have corruptions. And as for the hope of MS patching it to fix the problem, though they are in chanrge of monitoring the servers, they don't have the legal right to alter ST's program and doing such is a violation of copyrighted data. All patches have to be handled by Sonic Team, and we all know how sow they are to do anything.

Apr 1, 2003, 03:18 PM
pso for the xbox is only 40
you also have to put into account that for each system you are getting to play other games as well, not just pso.
also s/h for the k/b

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jerrelle on 2003-04-01 12:21 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jerrelle on 2003-04-01 12:25 ]</font>

Apr 1, 2003, 03:33 PM
what i just noticed was that the $120 for the second year comes from the live subscription. that could go way down because ms has not revealed next year's price yet. and the live subscription entales alot more than just playing pso so take that into account.

Apr 1, 2003, 05:12 PM
I am sorry but the cost of live cannot be compared with the costs of GC PSO. Yes, you can play PSO cheaper on GC? So what? I don't just want to play PSO, I want to play everything from Shooters to sports online, and xbox is currently the only console to do this on, plain and simple. So finally, yes it is cheaper to play GC PSO, we all know this, we all admit it. You can stop "doing the math" in every PSOX thread.

Apr 1, 2003, 05:27 PM
On 2003-04-01 08:23, EsperFlame wrote:
Sorry, I was wrong about the double save. I guess I just stopped noticing the save during the black screen cause usually it fly's by so quick I don't see it. So you got me on that, I am wrong and apologize. No hard feelings I hope.

As for the issue of cost between X-Box and GCN I'll work out the TOTAL money value differences. And I'll do this is the most fair way putting both on Broadband so we get a better scope of value difference. Also I will show you first year expenses as well as second year.

GCN Prices for everything to enjoy PSO

$149.99 GameCube Nintendo
$49.99 Phantasy Star Online Game
$34.99 Broadband Adapter
$19.99 Datel Keyboard
$98.45 HL First year of PSO($107.40 each year after)
$539.88 Average Broadband price in my area per year

$893.29 First Year Expenses
$647.28 Each year after

X-Box Prices for everything to enjoy PSO

$199.99 Microsoft X-Box
$49.99 Phantasy Star Online(US Price)
$49.99 X-Box Live Kit($10/month after first year)
$89.50 HL First year of PSO($107.40 each year after)
$539.88 Average Broadband price in my area per year

$929.84 First Year Expenses($36.55 more expensive)
$767.28 Each year after($120 more per year)

Now, I know some of you are going to argue that X-Box live doesn't charge 10/month after first year. Now, lets just assume that your right. Even IF we drop that initially, it's still more expensive to get the X-box than GCN and after first year you'd still be spending whatever the extra cost of your x-box live account for PSO.

Just look at the costs though. Please don't argue about it anymore. Both will be the exact same game.

Edit: Oops, I missed on thing on the GCN side of stuff. I forgot a Memory Card which is required for GCN cost of $14.99. So you spend only about $20 more during first years expenses on X-Box than GCN. See, I'm neither pro MS or pro Nintendo, I just want an accurate picture painted for people wanting the truth.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: EsperFlame on 2003-04-01 08:34 ]</font>

u so stupid! the game only 40 and most store have a special offer each week that if u buy xbox live and a xboxlive game then u save like $10-$15. so u said we be paying $20 more a year for xbox, well lets subtract 25 and that makes it $5 cheaper to get xbox then gamecube and the gamecube is $50 less.

Apr 1, 2003, 05:58 PM
let's not flame him and call him names, some people just don't know about the deals that are offered to the xbox because they don't really look into the other systems for one reason or the next. but yes there are deals offered at eb with mail in vouchers and instant rebates as well.

Apr 1, 2003, 05:59 PM
On 2003-04-01 09:01, EsperFlame wrote:
The thing is, X-Box PSO will probably end up being just as buggy as the GCN one. It has nothing to do with what stores the memory, it's the fact the programming is faulty and freezes up. Now, I've already heard of FSOD's on X-Box, and we all know THAT'S the true cause of all the corruptions. Until PSO runs without freezing, you will always have corruptions.

*Sigh* ..
Do I have to repeat myself ?
Xbox PSO DOES NOT, repeat DOES NOT save during the game. It only saves when you choose the QUIT button.
So to effectively corrupt your save file, you have to pull the plug while it saves.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2003-04-01 15:00 ]</font>

Apr 1, 2003, 10:25 PM
Xbox PSO DOES NOT, repeat DOES NOT save during the game. It only saves when you choose the QUIT button.
So to effectively corrupt your save file, you have to pull the plug while it saves.

Yosho Likes!

Apr 1, 2003, 10:54 PM
u so stupid!

the game only 40 and most store have a special offer each week that if u buy xbox live and a xboxlive game then u save like $10-$15. so u said we be paying $20 more a year for xbox, well lets subtract 25 and that makes it $5 cheaper to get xbox then gamecube and the gamecube is $50 less.

We're all going to take you seriously after that one, yes we are!

Apr 2, 2003, 03:13 AM
This I could understand...save only when QUIT.

The ONLY reason that the GCN needs to save all that often is that ANYTIME the memory card CAN be removed. There has to be some protection on the GCN so you can't simply pull the card.

There is one thing though...what if you drop an item with the XBox and then turn it off. When you turn it back on it will still have it becuase it DID NOT SAVE! The XBox MUST be capable, due to the fact of the hard disk, to keep the save information up to date with the game. It continuously saves in the background as you are playing. There is no need to worry about corruption becuase I am sure the game will create a backup and then a current save. This way if the XBox is turned off between a save it will revert back to the backup.

The XBox has a "soft" power off anyways. When you press the power switch, just like newer computers, you are sending a "request" to the processor that you want to turn it off. It will then immediatly finish up what it is doing and the safely power off, just like your computer.

This will not prevent the unplugging from the outlet, or a power loss, but that is risky anyways, get a UPS if you are that concerned.

I believe the XBox will be able to keep save information up to date all the time so there will be no "unsaved" data to loose.

Apr 2, 2003, 03:25 AM
(Catscratches alland)
The autosaving at the shops and the bank prevent us from duping money or items. The autosaving from telepiping is for our convenience. They know we're gonna FSOD! =;_;=

The card-pulling protection is a disconnect =owo= They're just nice enough to let you save after :3

What the heck, no autosaving on x-box pso? Freaky :3

Apr 2, 2003, 03:45 AM
Well, I do HAVE to aggree that the saves from the bank, shops, and telepipes are for OUR convenience so if we DO FSOD it is not ALL lost. I take advantage of these as if I change equip I talk to the bank and then exit just for it to save...it works.

The saves when you enter the game for the first time are for a "marker" so mark your character file as "open" which prevents you from removing and powering off and back on.

I do not know exactly what the "double save" technically does. It MUST close your file and then re-open it so prevent cheating. I am not familiar with what kind of cheating this fixed. I will have to search on google to see if I can learn anything about it. It may have fixed a quick remove-insert memory card or quick remove-insert of the BBA/MODEM ADAPTER, I am not sure.

I do know that this "double save" can cause lockups if you try to overload the GCN and do too much while it is saving. I wish those people would WAIT for the symbol chat until your save is complete! That just increases the risk.

When you quit the game the character file will be written as "closed" meaning a successful quit and save. If the file is not "closed" then PSO knows that you could have POSSIBLY dropped an item and then turned off the power before the save so it re-appears in your inventory when you power it back on.

Also, it DOES save your equipped inventory. Ever tried to drop an item that was equipped? Try it and notice it will save JUST before it drops it. This because MOST people do not drop their equipped items and in case of FSOD (not FSODx) the equipped items are ALWAYS saved. When you drop one it has to update your save so it will not duplicate if you FSOD or power off and back on.

It would be nice for saves to be up to date all the time, but could you imagine the annoyance of a save EVERY TIME you use a monomate, pickup an item, gain a level, etc. These special saves are intended to help us keep our items if they dropped.

I think the XBox will keep saves up to date on its hard disk all the time. Save in the background or on the fly. It will be a BIG improvement to PSO saving. No need to choose "Quit" from the menu anymore. Your game data is already saved!

I might be going a little off the topic here...but what the heck...it is interesting reading anyways, at least I enjoyed reading it when I was researching the information.

Apr 2, 2003, 06:45 AM
I think the XBox will keep saves up to date on its hard disk all the time. Save in the background or on the fly. It will be a BIG improvement to PSO saving. No need to choose "Quit" from the menu anymore. Your game data is already saved!

Did you read what I wrote earlier ?
When you press 'Quit' on Xbox PSO, screen blackens, a message window appears saying "Saving game file, please do not turn Xbox console off", then 2 seconds later, you're back at the selection screen.

Apr 2, 2003, 07:24 AM
On 2003-04-02 00:45, alland wrote:
Well, I do HAVE to aggree that the saves from the bank, shops, and telepipes are for OUR convenience so if we DO FSOD it is not ALL lost. I take advantage of these as if I change equip I talk to the bank and then exit just for it to save...it works.

The saves when you enter the game for the first time are for a "marker" so mark your character file as "open" which prevents you from removing and powering off and back on.

I do not know exactly what the "double save" technically does. It MUST close your file and then re-open it so prevent cheating. I am not familiar with what kind of cheating this fixed. I will have to search on google to see if I can learn anything about it. It may have fixed a quick remove-insert memory card or quick remove-insert of the BBA/MODEM ADAPTER, I am not sure.

I do know that this "double save" can cause lockups if you try to overload the GCN and do too much while it is saving. I wish those people would WAIT for the symbol chat until your save is complete! That just increases the risk.

When you quit the game the character file will be written as "closed" meaning a successful quit and save. If the file is not "closed" then PSO knows that you could have POSSIBLY dropped an item and then turned off the power before the save so it re-appears in your inventory when you power it back on.

Also, it DOES save your equipped inventory. Ever tried to drop an item that was equipped? Try it and notice it will save JUST before it drops it. This because MOST people do not drop their equipped items and in case of FSOD (not FSODx) the equipped items are ALWAYS saved. When you drop one it has to update your save so it will not duplicate if you FSOD or power off and back on.

It would be nice for saves to be up to date all the time, but could you imagine the annoyance of a save EVERY TIME you use a monomate, pickup an item, gain a level, etc. These special saves are intended to help us keep our items if they dropped.

I think the XBox will keep saves up to date on its hard disk all the time. Save in the background or on the fly. It will be a BIG improvement to PSO saving. No need to choose "Quit" from the menu anymore. Your game data is already saved!

I might be going a little off the topic here...but what the heck...it is interesting reading anyways, at least I enjoyed reading it when I was researching the information.

The double save was put in because the previous dupe method meant that the first save didn't occur so they added a second save to make sure that the character was marked open.

Apr 2, 2003, 05:41 PM
On 2003-04-02 03:45, saffaya wrote:

I think the XBox will keep saves up to date on its hard disk all the time. Save in the background or on the fly. It will be a BIG improvement to PSO saving. No need to choose "Quit" from the menu anymore. Your game data is already saved!

Did you read what I wrote earlier ?
When you press 'Quit' on Xbox PSO, screen blackens, a message window appears saying "Saving game file, please do not turn Xbox console off", then 2 seconds later, you're back at the selection screen.

Oh...sorry. I do not have the XBox version but I thought that it MIGHT work like that. I think it would certinly work better then the current save method...but I think it is a matter of opinion. It would stop FSOD problems. Anyone know what happens if you turn off your XBox during the game (simulating a FSOD)? I am not saying try it, but has seen what happens when the XBox FSODs...if it does?

Apr 2, 2003, 06:22 PM
On 2003-04-02 14:41, alland wrote:
Anyone know what happens if you turn off your XBox during the game (simulating a FSOD)? I am not saying try it, but has seen what happens when the XBox FSODs...if it does?

When I turned off my xbox due to a horning/buzzing FSOD (just like the one described for GC), I lost all items unequipped.

Apr 2, 2003, 11:44 PM
On 2003-04-02 15:22, saffaya wrote:

On 2003-04-02 14:41, alland wrote:
Anyone know what happens if you turn off your XBox during the game (simulating a FSOD)? I am not saying try it, but has seen what happens when the XBox FSODs...if it does?

When I turned off my xbox due to a horning/buzzing FSOD (just like the one described for GC), I lost all items unequipped.

Hmmm...maybe ST should have done some more work on the game before releasing it again. They STILL seem to have some bugs in it. Does it double save like the GCN when you join a team?

Apr 3, 2003, 03:39 AM
Hmmm...maybe ST should have done some more work on the game before releasing it again.

ST had to rush for making PSO-X as it was used for the beta period of Xbox live in japan.
They didn't care enough to touch it again ever after.

They STILL seem to have some bugs in it.

Inherited from the GC, which they didn't fix.
Since the GC customer base in much more important than X's, it's no surprise they don't fix Xbox first.

Does it double save like the GCN when you join a team?

Pasting my own post from page 1 :
"1/There isn't any kind of 'double-save' on the Xbox version of PSO.
2/There is no report of anyone having corrupted his save file.
3/There is no save when you leave shop or inventory.

Personal total FSOD count : 4
_Freeze when joining team :3 (meseta lost)
_Horning FSOD inplay : 1 (all not equipped lost)"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2003-04-03 00:42 ]</font>

Apr 3, 2003, 07:08 AM
you guys should just be happy that you can even play PSO! if i want to i have to go back to my DC http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Apr 3, 2003, 01:52 PM
So, to answer the initial question, I think we can conclude that the XBOX version does *not* corrupt data, but can still get the FSOD. This, IMHO, is an improvement over the previous versions of PSO.

Apr 3, 2003, 01:53 PM
On 2003-04-03 04:08, Coxy wrote:
you guys should just be happy that you can even play PSO! if i want to i have to go back to my DC http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Let me guess, you only have a PS2 ? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
Joke aside, I still play PSO on the DC every Saturday night and I enjoy it.
(Ah, gotta boot up Soul Calibur too, to confirm how much I like it over Soul Calibur 2.)

Apr 4, 2003, 08:02 AM
On 2003-04-03 10:53, saffaya wrote:

Let me guess, you only have a PS2 ? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
Joke aside, I still play PSO on the DC every Saturday night and I enjoy it.
(Ah, gotta boot up Soul Calibur too, to confirm how much I like it over Soul Calibur 2.)

even worse, i have an xbox but PSO doesnt get released over here for ages, and yes Soul Calibur rocks

Apr 4, 2003, 08:19 AM
I wish MS and ST could just get their stuff together and have a US/European release tomorrow. But alas, nothing is every easy is it? I just hope it is all worth the wait.