View Full Version : GC shutting off by itself....

Mar 30, 2003, 02:55 PM
I have no idea why but lately my brothers Gamecube has been shutting off by itself while i'm playing it. It's happened three times already, 2 times while I was piping for rare enemies and once when my sister and cousin were playing Super Smash Brothers.

I don't play PSO anymore because I am afraid that it will just shut off while I'm saving and corrupt me. I know the chances of that happening are slim but still, I don't want to lose my level 131 character. There is also the chance of it shutting off after I have gained a bunch of levels, which would also be a pain.

So, here's my question. Do you think that piping for enemies has caused the Gamecube to begin shutting off by itself at times? I don't pipe much at all, so I don't think it could be because of piping. It also can't be caused by overheating, since no one plays the Gamecube enough to cause it to overheat. Can this be fixed in any way?(Without having to send it to Nintendo to fix).

Any help or info on this will be greatly appreciated.

Mar 30, 2003, 04:49 PM
This sounds a bit like the DC re-set problem.
My first thoughts are that that its a power suply problem, or possibly an overheat problem.
Switch your Gc on without any games in it, and see if the fans moving, if not then after a while the gamecube will overheat, and a thermal cut out will kick in, cutting the power.

on the other hand it could be a power suply problem, check the plug socket you are using by plugging something else into it,
then check the lead for eletrical continuity, by laying it straight on the floor and into your gamecube ( GC is at maximum distance form power outlet) then work your way up the cable ( both mains voltage and low voltage bits after the power step down) flexing and generaly moving it about, if the cables faulty it should shut off the gamecube. ( cables can be damaged by folding/bending them too much)

To check the power stepdown, listen to it, it should make a faint buzzing noise, if you hold a magnet over it, the magnet should vibrate, if these dont happen after the GC shuts down then the step downs faulty.

As for inside the gamecube, i ahvent been able to open mine up yet, so i cant hep you there.