View Full Version : Item OB Lilies

Dec 10, 2012, 03:02 PM
Is there ANY kind of item or armor that helps against their Megid? It's very irritating fighting a room of these jerks and dieing cause you can't dodge all of them at once!

Dec 10, 2012, 03:16 PM

Also, delsaber's shield (left arm converted by montague) and many frames or armors. All combined you can pretty easily get 105 dark resistance, which makes you immune to any megid of any level (best chance is 100, leaving you with 5% remaining resistance, meaning no megid has a chance of ever killing you).

Dec 10, 2012, 03:22 PM
I have both Delsaber Buster and Shield of Delsaber. So if I equip Resist/Devil I have a better chance of not dieing from the crazy death spitting plants?

Dec 10, 2012, 03:23 PM
A Lily won't spit Megid at you when you are close. So until you can get your EDK up high enough, try to stay close to one Lily while fighting another one with a ranged weapon.

Dec 10, 2012, 03:24 PM
My EDK right now is 30, how do I get it higher?

Dec 10, 2012, 03:32 PM
he just told you

Dec 10, 2012, 03:35 PM
yeah EDK is dark resistance. I forgot what the exact term was in PSO, it's been a little while since I was on it.

But yeah T0m gave another superb tip - hug one (just outside striking range) and shoot the other, if there's only two. Dodge that single megid when necessary.

Otherwise you'll have to snipe them from outside megid range with a handgun or rifle. OR, use techs if possible.

Watch out for mils by the way, if one is around EVERY lily in the room will have their megid upgraded. Every single one. That means every one will have better chances of killing you and longer range (I think longer range?)

Jan 1, 2013, 08:57 PM
I found if they are close to the door and ur barely in the doorway, using gazonde will get them. And they never notice you!!

Jan 2, 2013, 05:28 AM
Brightness Circle is a armor that has 25 EDK by default iirc. You have to be level 121 to equip it though.. Add in Delsaber Shield and if you want 4x Resist/Devil and your up to 90~110 ish EDK I believe. Should be enough to survive most if not all Megid in the game.

Standing close to Ob's is not a smart idea unless you are Cast, wear Cure/Paralyze or a Sacred Cloth (level 144) as Ob's like to spam their paralyze screech when your close enough and they do it WAY more then your regular Posion Lily.

Idealy to be safe is just sniping them with Holy Ray/Bringer's Rifle/Any Rifle depending on your class. As fo just snipe them with any magic you can get. By the way I think a hit with Demon's special instant kills them. They just do their suicide attack once hit by it. At least the Del Lilies in Towers do.

Lastly if you want to be 100% safe bring at least one Scape Doll and put up Telepipes/Ryuker freguently if you have no Scape Dolls so if you get caught by suprise you don't have to run as much, which can be very annoying.

Jan 3, 2013, 05:25 AM
Lilies only paralyze you after they've been hit. Get close to one Lily, kill the one far away, then either kill the near Lily in one combo, or get some distance before you attack it.

If you keep an eye on the minimap, and watch for unmoving enemy dots, then you won't be surprised by Lilies off camera. If one is in range, just remeber to move away after every combo. (Not all stationary dots are Lilies, but some a small number of false positives is a small price to pay to avoid Megid in your back.)

Jan 3, 2013, 05:34 AM
^ More good tips

In truth, at times I used to play the game like an advanced version of asteroids - purely off the minimap.

Jan 3, 2013, 08:16 AM
i recommend walking out of the way. it can only kill you if it hits you.

if you're lazy you need ~63 edk to be immune to solo mode ob megid iirc, shoot for 65 to be safe. here's a couple of inexpensive setups:
general armor (20) + resist/devil x3 (45 [65])
general armor (20) + delsaber shield (25 [45]) + resist/devil x2 (30 [75])

if you're a fo, spam razonde with a cure/paralysis on and lilies will melt. if cast, abuse freeze traps.

Jan 3, 2013, 08:54 AM
As I said, if a mil spawns every single lily will be boosted, so aiming for exact immunity is a bad plan. IIRC mils can go all the way up to needing 100 edk. At least keep enough on you to max out what you can do with your gear, and swap it in if you see a mil.

Jan 3, 2013, 08:58 AM
Mil's as well Hildetorr need 110 iirc while Del Lily needs 95...not 100% sure on it.

But yeah dealing with Lilies isn't that bad in Caves...it starts getting tricky in Temple where they can spawn behind walls and stuff that you can't hit but they shoot their megid straight through it. Also there is 1 or 2 rooms where you can walk "upstairs" over wooden logs whil Lilies spawn at the bottom. These can also kill you with Megid so be carefull for that.

Jan 3, 2013, 09:11 AM
enemy megid cannot go above level 30, and that's usually only seen in multi mode. any edk score above 100 is overkill and a waste. its better to have units open for attack speed and maybe paralysis immunity.

65 edk is fine for solo caves. mils spawn infrequently enough that you can deal with having to walk out of the way every now and then. nothing of extreme value is in temple that would force you to go there more than you need to (you never need to) and aura field is not a good answer when hp does more than dfp.

walking out of the way is fine for solo caves, too.

Jan 3, 2013, 02:27 PM
Very few quests have ob lilys scattered around near the walls and even when that happens, it's posible that we are talking about a big room, this means only a small portion of lilies will see and attack you, making things easy at all times.
If the lilies are all packed up then it's possible to avoid all of them, so in all circunstances it's possible to avoid them, run to the left or to the right and engage after the megid has dissipated.

Worst possible situation is a dark room filled with lilies, in wich case you need to clear them one by one even if it exiting the room is required.
Don't rush, analize the room AND the minipap and control your timing.

If you are fighting in rooms that have lilies and other enemies, then go straight for the things that can kill you, clear the lilies 1st, you know where lilies are going to appear by watching the shadows, ob lilies are among the enemies in wich the shadow appears before anything else.

1st screen shows 3 enemies on screen, i already know wich ones i need to kill 1st



