View Full Version : A weird "how to save sonic" post.

Dec 15, 2012, 11:47 AM

I think it's mostly a parody of all the "save sonic" blog posts that have happened ever since Sonic 06, but it actually shines some light on the issues between SOJ and SOA.

Dec 15, 2012, 03:27 PM
I think Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was the last Sonic game I really cared about.

Though Sonic Colors looked good at release, I just haven't bothered to pick it up yet.

Dec 15, 2012, 03:33 PM
I liked most of Unleashed, enjoyed almost all of Colors, and thought Generations (though it's really just a glorified Greatest Hits compilation) clearly shows that they CAN still pull off good things when they're at the helm themselves. I think the series has been on quite an upswing over the last few years, and if they need to do anything it's either confine Dimps to the inevitable handheld versions of mainline games or get rid of them entirely and they'll be fine. Sonic 4: Episode 1, though mildly enjoyable, was rehash, and Episode 2 was really only a subtle apology "we sorta fixed it" addendum to Episode 1.

(I also REALLY REALLY enjoyed Sonic 2006 for all the wrooong reasons. It's seriously the most fun I've had seeing how badly I can break a broken videogame and seeing a story retcon itself out of existence entirely by the end of its own game.)

Dec 16, 2012, 01:08 AM
I think Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was the last Sonic game I really cared about.

Though Sonic Colors looked good at release, I just haven't bothered to pick it up yet.Colors was a great game.

Dec 16, 2012, 02:50 PM
Sega's doing pretty good with Sonic lately as opposed to a few years ago. Sonic Generations is exactly what I wanted in a Sonic game, and Sonic the hedgehog 4 Ep II isnt that bad either though the physics engine is still nothing like the Genesis games.

Dec 16, 2012, 03:07 PM
Colors was a great game.

If you own the wii and dont have Colors you oughta to be ashamed.
It really repairs the "mess" Unleashed caused with its wonky ass controls. (wii varient anyway.)

Dec 16, 2012, 03:18 PM
If you own the wii and dont have Colors you oughta to be ashamed.
It really repairs the "mess" Unleashed caused with its wonky ass controls. (wii varient anyway.)

Yeah, the speed portions of Unleashed on 360/PS3 were really sort of the beginning of them seeming to understand how their character could work better in 3D and Colors' modern portions were really more of an evolution of that, which only got better with Generations.

I'm actually kinda more excited for what the next new Sonic game may be than I am what a new Mario may be.

Dec 16, 2012, 04:31 PM
The speed portions of Unleashed are /brilliant/ but the werewolf controls oh jesus christ what a mess. On the wii he is so liquidly drifty like Luigi tier slippery.

Dec 24, 2012, 07:46 PM
How to save Sonic:

Pretty much just stay on the track you've been on with Unleashed, Colors and Generations, 'cause the series has been stellar again as of Unleashed, and has pretty much just been going uphill since then.

Also, give Tails his own spinoff game. Make it like a full-blown Metroidvania in the style of Tails Adventure on the Game Gear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjKW1ACCUiI). Profit.

On a related note: Hurry up and put that on the 3DS Virtual Console already.