View Full Version : JP PSO2 Force/Fighter

Dev Royal
Dec 18, 2012, 11:36 PM
I'm extremely new to PSO2, I've literally only been playing for like 3-4 days (about 60 hours play time even though at least half of that was me asleep at my computer)

In the excitement of actually having the game, I forgot to even bother doing research on classes and shite like that. So I currently have a Level 15 Force, and I learned about the whole Sub Class thing like the second day I was playing. After I learned this, I wanted to be a Force/Fighter, then I found out to get Fighter I need Hunter at 30. So basically, I'm curious as to whether I should delete my character and start over and start off as a Hunter so that I get to 30 as that faster than Force?

Should I delete my Force and start over as a Hunter so I can get Fighter/Force?

Also I apologize if I'm doing something stupid posting this. This is literally my first time posting on PSO World, I mostly just lurked forums very sparingly.

Dec 18, 2012, 11:41 PM
Well, I'd like to have both my main and sub class maxed (lvl. 50). So, it really doesn't matter which one you level first. Just don't throw away these valuable 60 hours of gameplay.

Dev Royal
Dec 18, 2012, 11:42 PM
I'm gonna level them both to 50, I was just wondering if there was a point to doing one first then another or not, since you can't even get Fighter until level 30 Hunter anyway. You know what I mean?

Seravi Edalborez
Dec 18, 2012, 11:44 PM
I'd say doing Force first worked to your advantage. Having that subbed as you level Hunter gives a free heal/buff source and emergency range spells when needed.

If you did want to delete and restart, deposit everything in storage including meseta. It will carry over to the next character. Not really necessary though unless you think you messed up your force skill tree or anything like that.

Dec 18, 2012, 11:45 PM
Actually, you'll be leveling hunter faster due to already having access to better levels, which you got while leveling your force.

The first class is always the most challenging one to do. If you want to easily level up hunter just do CO's on force and turn them in as a hunter. High level CO's will have the exp reduced, but it's so much so fast that that doesn't really matter much.

Dev Royal
Dec 18, 2012, 11:46 PM
You can change subs like mains? I haven't felt like this much of a noob since I first started playing WoW almost a decade ago....

Dec 18, 2012, 11:48 PM
Yep. I'm not sure why everyone is always surprised by that...it's no more surprising than being able to change your main class.

Dev Royal
Dec 18, 2012, 11:50 PM
I know I shouldn't be surprised. I'm tired right now. I always had the idea that it worked that way in the back of my head, I mean, they do let you change from every class free of charge as many times as you want. I LOVE YOU SEGA! MULTICLASSING IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA!

Seravi Edalborez
Dec 18, 2012, 11:50 PM
Yep. I'm not sure why everyone is always surprised by that...it's no more surprising than being able to change your main class.

Considering some MMOs still don't let you do that.. *shrug*

Dec 18, 2012, 11:53 PM
Well, it's a substitute for only having one free character. I'm pretty sure most MMO's let you have more than one character.

Dev Royal
Dec 18, 2012, 11:57 PM
This is true. SEGA still rocks though. Thanks for the help everyone.

Dec 19, 2012, 02:25 AM
Level force and feed HU all the CO exp you can. I was able to get HU from 1 to 20 in the span of about 10 mins just turning in the COs I had done and farming Xie's stuff for a while. if you have money you can just buy the stuff too. at those levels she can easily get you up a few levels on their own. Only reason I'm not 25 today is because of maintenance. So I would do that. you can even do the fighter COs while still playing FO if you equip all class weapons.

Once you unlock fighter you can get fighter up in the same manner til maybe 35 then switch over. by then you're practically done and should be able to equip an Umbilla Stick and a Duel Gaze if you have one, allowing you to basically play as a FO while directly leveling Fi.

That's my suggestion.