View Full Version : PSO2 Getting started Videos, Please!

Dec 20, 2012, 08:22 PM

Like most Americans I suffer from bi-lingual blockage. Despite being stationed in Japan with the Navy from 2003 - 2007 I failed to pick up any of the language. (My fault, judge me for being a dumb ass, I agree)

In case you have never been there, most local shop owners understand English, all the taxis do, the trains are Bi-lingual, and most importantly the bartenders and dating age girls did.


So this is a cry for help. I love this series and was super bummed that PSU failed to receive most of the updates the Japanese client did (also is gone now.) So I wish to play on the real server that updates in real time rather then 6 months behind, maybe.

If some one could add me to Sype and give me a newbie tour, that would be awesome. Other wise, make / link me to a video (youtube / twitch) tour of the ship. What choices in the menus do what. That would be awesome.

Talent trees have been covered pretty thoroughly so when I get to a point that makes a difference, I am sure I can muddle it out.

Also, a few options I have not found, nor been able to find a guide for.

How do I expand my window? I have a 21 inch screen but the client plays in like a 10 inch window.

How do I delete a character I made on ship 9? There are no Americans on that ship. I literally ran around saying hello to people, and didn't even get a hello back in English at least (even though every body knows what that means.)

Seravi Edalborez
Dec 20, 2012, 08:30 PM
If you haven't checked yet, this is a fantastic resource for most menu navigation:

Dec 20, 2012, 08:54 PM
@ Seravi

Thank you for the link. There is a ton of data on that site, however it seems much of this is from pre open beta. Is it reliable?

Seravi Edalborez
Dec 20, 2012, 09:10 PM
It still holds up mostly.

Dec 20, 2012, 09:31 PM
Ok, I'll try to do the starter quests. Super annoyed that it seems to get off my ship I will have to make a new account >,>

Unless there is a delete option I did not see with google translate.

Dec 20, 2012, 10:18 PM
Ok, I'll try to do the starter quests. Super annoyed that it seems to get off my ship I will have to make a new account >,>

Unless there is a delete option I did not see with google translate.
About the ship, the majority of english speaking players play in Ship 02, and there are a few in Ship 10 as well.

It's possible to delete a character in the character select screen (must hold CTRL and click a button to confirm deletion).

Also, there is an unnoficial english patch for the game (it doesn't translate everything, like NPC chat, item names, but it translates enough to make the game easier to understand), we can't give a link to the patch here in the forums though, but if you search around, you may be able to find it easily.

Dec 21, 2012, 12:57 AM
Thanks for the advice! I will likely go to ship 10. I prefer a slightly less crowded place =)

But If any ship 10 people are reading this, feel free to recruit me and my friend.

We're friendly talk in skype / mumble / vent. And have been playing PSO since the DreamCast

Dec 21, 2012, 05:54 AM
Thanks for the advice! I will likely go to ship 10. I prefer a slightly less crowded place =)

But If any ship 10 people are reading this, feel free to recruit me and my friend.

We're friendly talk in skype / mumble / vent. And have been playing PSO since the DreamCast
Don't forget SHIP 8 too! :(
Much less english-speakers here lol

Dec 21, 2012, 03:43 PM
I certainly want friends. But people say ship 2 is crowded and a huge mess. ;/

Dec 21, 2012, 08:17 PM
And ship 8 doesn't even have that much (english) speakers :|