View Full Version : PSOv1 & PSO v2 for DC...a few questions

Mar 30, 2003, 10:18 PM
Well I own an OEM copy of PSOv1, for the sega dreamcast, with original packaging and serial. I play it regulary on my dreamcast. Now i recently aquired a copy of PSOv2 however, it was caseless which means it was just the CD, and no case or manual or anything. I have a few questions:

Does PSO v2 require a serial#?

Can my character from v1 play on v2, and move back and forth between versions?

If I can use my PSOv1 character on PSOv2, and if v2 requires a serial#, will using a generic widely used serial on PSOv2 to activate it for offline play, affect my PSOv1 character when i go online?

Any information on this would be helpfull.

Thank You

Mar 30, 2003, 11:35 PM
yes it needs a serial #....

you can transfer from v1 to v2 but dont think vice versa....

You cant use serial from one on two.

Mar 31, 2003, 01:58 AM
ok wait so i can take a character from v1 and play him on v2, but are you saying that:

once i take my character from v1 over to v2, i can't bring him back and played on v1?

or that chars created on v2 can't be brought over and played on v1?


Mar 31, 2003, 10:15 AM
Unfortunately, once a character is converted to v2, it cannot be used on v1 again. Also, any character created on v2 cannot be used on v1.

Basically, there is no backward compatability whatsoever.

If you want to be able to keep your current v1 character (should you have one), I recommend "backing it up" on another VMU prior to conversion. Some people may say this is a questionable practice, but to each their own. As I do not dupe, I am not at all ashamed that I did it myself, and since I did, I still have my legitimate v1 level 100 Ta'via (HUnewearl), and my legitimate v2 level 130+ Ta'via.

I'm actually going to play some v1 PSO soon, so I am glad I did this. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif I recommend it to anyone who thinks they will ever play v1 PSO again.

Mar 31, 2003, 02:17 PM
Yea I feel that backing up ones character is completly legit. Since sega team's servers timestamp your PSOv1 character when you log on, if you try and login with your backup after you had loged in with your main character, it will reset all your items and mesata and mag to default. Your Lv however stays intact.

Personally, due to the amount of bugs, and pesky cheaters who use GS codes to corrupt peoples memory cards(these kids are not hackers, they know nothing about any REAL computer hacking). I feel that users using what methods are available to secure their characters original statistics and to continue playing fair is completly within the rules. I have had to make a little army of characters in order to backup data and secure my main PSO character. As long as these gameshark code cronies can't corrupt my Lv, then I am a happy camper.

Currently I am avoiding idling in the BLOCK-01/LOBBY-01, and I join eroneous blocks to just msg my friends to play. I even made a side character just to go on and chat in the lobby, so during chat time my maincharacter won't get corrupted when a FSOD/RSOD/BSOD hits.

There are still a ton of people playing PSOv1 for DC, over 100 people were online on saturday night on the US ship Oberon(which i feel is a nice number of people for a system has stopped making commercial games). I am gonna play DC PSOv1 online for as long as the servers are up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Thanx for the information on PSOv2! Since i won't be playing v2 online, I am prolly gonna start a new character in PSOv2 for offline play.
