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View Full Version : Is there any way to stop this launcher error from happening

Jan 23, 2013, 07:08 PM
Really getting sick of this.


It's been a problem since the game launched, every time there's an update it checks all nearly 10,000 files and starts downloading, gets anywhere from 1 to 30 files downloaded if I'm lucky (I've had it just drop at 0 plenty of times) and then errors out like this causing me to have to restart the check and patch from where it left off. It's really annoying having to keep an eye on this while it attempts to download all day and only barely inches forward.

Large updates like today's are just an absolute nightmare. I've been trying to get this game patched for the past 6 hours only slowly inching closer to the goal. Must have hit this error at least 30 or more times now.

Jan 23, 2013, 09:37 PM
Having the same problem here, but it's the first time ever, but I'm running it from a different machine than usually...

So, lets restart the file check, yay.

Kasuma Izzigawa
Jan 25, 2013, 11:22 PM
Mmm, it does seem to be due to trying to download with wi-fi for my case since I don't have a problem for my desktop. Plugged in my laptop and it downloads fine now.

Jan 26, 2013, 03:09 AM
Are you running it on Wireless? If so, plug it in through a wired cable if possible, until it patches.

I've already tried that before. Lugged my entire PC from my room to the family room just to see if that would help for a prior large patch and still had the same problem and it happened about just as frequently. This game just wants to make me suffer every time I go to play it apparently.

Jan 31, 2013, 04:59 PM
Got this problem today,tried RappyPerms but it gave me errors.