View Full Version : Normal combat on the PC

Jan 24, 2013, 08:22 PM
How do you do regular combat on the PC? I know that's a very noobish question, but I'm just so confused. I attack, but I keep getting destroyed in a matter of seconds because I have no idea how to block or really anything besides hit and run.

Jan 24, 2013, 08:56 PM
You basically have 3 different types of attacks...normal/strong/special

How combat basically works is that you can chain up to 3 attacks before pausing. Normal attacks have a high degree of accuracy, but doesn't do much damage. Strong attacks are the reverse and Special attacks are in their own category.

Some weapons you find will have a prefix (ie fire). When you use a special attack, your accuracy are greatly diminished, but if hit; you'll do what ever type of attack that the special entails.

So basically, you are chaining up to 3 attacks before pausing

Jan 24, 2013, 09:31 PM
You will find that starting out will be difficult until you get to about level 5. My advice, play the offline quest "Battle Training" several times and quit before you complete it so you can go back again and again until you got the hang of the game.

Be sure to look closely at Armors and Shields, because some are better than others.

Feed your mag frequently, mostly Antidotes starting out.

Jan 24, 2013, 10:10 PM
Feed your mag frequently, mostly Antidotes starting out.

Antidotes? Whatever you feed your mag depends on your class, so it's better to look at the mag guides here before over-feeding on anything.

Anyway, Klaynexas, you have asked a rather noobish question, so I hope you'll forgive me for double-checking, but I take it you are playing Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst and not Phantasy Star Online 2?

Because the answers we're giving in this sub-forum will be for Blue Burst.

And the short answer about blocking in BB is that it's done automatically based on your defence and evasion stats. So you'll be doing lots of hitting then running, as guarding is largely unpredictable.

What race/class are you playing? We can advise better if we know you're an up-close-and-personal type or stand-back-and-shoot type =)

Jan 24, 2013, 10:24 PM
Thank you all for the help. And yes, this is Blue Burst. I can't remember which specific class, but I'm the girl hunter that has the least amount of health.

Quick question though, again another relatively noobish one, what is the Mag? Also, how does the storyline progress? Is it more so quest driven, or do I just run into a dungeon and fight. I noticed that I seemed to learn a lot more about some storyline when I just ran directly into the forest 1 instead of actually doing a quest(which seem to be harder than just running in)

Jan 25, 2013, 01:46 AM
MAGS (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?section=Mags&op=viewtopsection) are those things(/that thing) that floats over your shoulder. When you feed them items their stats grow and compliment your own. You learn a bit more about them in the quest "Magnitude of Metal" but it's mostly experience.

HUnewearl then, I think is your class, I'm pretty sure the HUcaseal has more health than her... Okay, that makes you an up-close type. If you've managed to figure out which of your buttons is the normal attack and which is heavy/charge attack that will make this easier (I've not played BB, only ep 1&2 on the DC/GC so I'm possibly not the best person to ask where those buttons are). The basic attack is a three hit combo, which you can vary such as

normal -> normal -> strong

normal -> strong -> normal

normal -> strong -> strong

and etc. (there's also the "special" attack, but that depends on your equiped weapon and it's best to figure that out through playing) I've found that the Normal -> strong combo pushes mobs back a bit on the strong hit, so you can get the third normal/strong hit in and take a couple steps back to start again (you will move a lot during fights)

As you're a HUnewearl though you have acess to techs, so I suggest looking into Shifta/Deband as soon a you find a copy of either, these will boost your attack/defense respectively.

Storyline isn't a simple question... New levels only open up when you complete the previous one in free-play, just running the level and reading the messages left for you by Rico... but in the quests you do get a whole load of sub-text. It's both really. To get all of it you'd have to play the quests several times (which you will advancing up through normal, hard etc) but you get a good overview the first time through listening to Rico's messages/The Principal's reactions.

Jan 25, 2013, 05:45 AM
OVerall, PSO is very light on story, though. If you are interested in it, you really have to dig for it, in this game. You can tell the focus was on making a good multiplayer experience.

Jan 27, 2013, 02:21 PM
Thank you all for the help. And yes, this is Blue Burst. I can't remember which specific class, but I'm the girl hunter that has the least amount of health.

Quick question though, again another relatively noobish one, what is the Mag? Also, how does the storyline progress? Is it more so quest driven, or do I just run into a dungeon and fight. I noticed that I seemed to learn a lot more about some storyline when I just ran directly into the forest 1 instead of actually doing a quest(which seem to be harder than just running in)

Hey, Klaynexas3. I've been playing PSO for about 10 years now and I've been thinking about getting back into Blue Burst. I never put a lot of time into the PC version, and I've always wanted to get more time in on Episode 4.

I wouldn't mind playing with you if we're on the same server. Can't talk about "schertain" details of the server I use here on PSOW, as it's frowned upon. But it should be pretty clear at this point if we're on the same server.

You can contact me at [email protected] if you'd like to party up with an experienced player.

Also, me and my friends use Team Speak 3. Do you have a mic?

Jan 27, 2013, 10:15 PM
I've spent most of my time playing Ep 1 & 2 on the GC and now playing PSOBB.

As how the story is told: For Ep 1 & 2 offline, the story is told via message disks left by Rico (or Flowen in Ep 2). For Blue Burst, the story is told as you do the government quests.