View Full Version : Rant - People who post without reading.

Mar 6, 2001, 10:48 AM
I'm not a veteran by no means, heck Ryiko is only 27 and I only have around that many posts. Yet I seem to know more and am able to retain more information than people with higher level characters and a lot more posts to this board.

So what gives people, do you actualy read some of the post to get the jest of them...or do you just ask the same tired driviling questions over and over and over. Ever hear of a dead horse? These rants about cheaters dupes the game gettin old being over, blah blah blah. DONT PLAY. Its that simple. Play with friends and people you know who dont cheat.

I just think its sad than true noobies, those who have just gotten the game and would like to enjoy it are put down by all these whineplay posts.

This is just an example, but like with Darkknight. I see you post total is up there, however you ask a question that has quite few threads on. I can bring up two right now that talk about hacks and MAGs and how people have been seeing lv 999 MAGs.

BTW its early and I havent had my coffee yet http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 6, 2001, 11:05 AM
I hate rants but I have to agree with the seeing 1000 posts on the same issue thing. I recently made a Mod: note about it but it seems that noone payed any attention....

Mar 6, 2001, 11:32 AM
Well... You've kinda got a couple good points Neojin, on the other hand, there's a few things we've got to take into account.

One: EVERYONE needs coffee. Constantly. Life is not truly bearable without it. (Ignore this one if your parents won't let you drink the stuff, kids... it'll stunt your growth. You wanna look like Gary coleman when YOU'RE 40?)

Two: We're coming up fast on 10,000 posts in the General Forum alone when I write this. In the defense of some of these people, that's a lot to slog thru. especially when you consider that PSO World's forums have always had a pretty high value of content. Compared to certain other sites (no names specified-- you retarded {expletive}s know who you are.) where 10,000 posts may include 4 or 5 thousand repetitions of "L3T'Z G3T TH4 PH4T L00T!!! HUcasts R00L!!!" PSO World's got a reasonably wide variety of subjects and some {expletive} informative information crammed into that same 10,000 posts.

Sorting thru it all is an impossibility for most of us. We just don't have the time. (Okay, I do... but I've got so little to do otherwise it's not funny.)

Even when we only had 3 or 4 pages of posts on this board, it was hard to keep track of it all... now that we have 50 or so, it's just about impossible. the same subjects are going to come up... it happens.

HOWEVER (Point #1) there has been an excessive amount of complaints about the cheaters, hackers, looters, etc... (the womanizers just {expletive}ing {expletive}. We all know it happens, and if there was a way to shut them up, I'd love to) we all know it's a problem, and luckilly the staff was kind enough to outfit us with a "Cheaters" forum so we can complain about them all we want without depressing the rest of the people out there.

Seriously... I jump on this board and half the posts I read are "He stole this!" "I saw him abuse this bug!" "She was being mean to me because I'm an American, and I don't blame her." "Duping is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." I gotta admit, even my nerves are beginning to wear thin. But I read on... partially out of morbid curiosity, and partially to see if there's someone out there I can help, but with this many people it's going beyond the point of ludicrous.

I'd give myself the same advice as I'd give anyone else... "Just don't read it." But you know what? I find it in almost every string... It's getting to the point of the pathetic.

Flame me, scream at me, stalk me. Gouge out my eyes and {expletive} me. I don't care. Please... for the love of (insert whatever here) move it to another board, or--even better--stop whining altogether.

Next complaint: (point #2)
When I see the same person asking the same question over and over, it does become silly... And luckilly it doesn't happen often, but on the same note, I see the same people complaining about the same thing over and over in 20 different threads. Seriously. They occasionally bother to change the words around, but ti's the same thing.

Yes, *I* now fall under that category because this is the 5th time I've pointed out the EXCESSIVE ammounts of petty complaining on this board.

I'll stop if you will.

?ex Machine & Robo-Death Ape?


"A beautiful thing is never perfect" -Egyptian Proverb

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Seutekh on 2001-03-06 08:37 ]</font>

Mar 6, 2001, 11:47 AM
Nice post Seu...

"where 10,000 posts may include 4 or 5 thousand repetitions of "L3T'Z G3T TH4 PH4T L00T!!! HUcasts R00L!!!"

LMAO http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Mar 6, 2001, 11:58 AM
Thanx. I had my coffee this morning.

Along with chile con carne, beer and a cigarette.
Breakfast of champions.

Mar 6, 2001, 12:20 PM
Forces are 3l33t, w00t w00t

hucasts suck tha rubber dillsnick

Neojin speak the truth

poetry aint my bag

Mar 6, 2001, 03:12 PM
Y0, d0n'7 m4k3 fun 0f l337 sp34k! Damn...that took me a while to write. Anyways, you're right about people who don't read the posts and say the same things. I, personally, am pretty impatient, so I skim the posts, get the gist of it and write my own little rants. And I don't think newbies are put off by the complaints...because...well, they are newbies. They sort of don't know the difference between a db's saber and a handgun+2. Do you honestly think that people who are anti-cheaters are turning people off from the game? Ah...no. And that "don't play" is a very, very, very dull and pointless excuse. If something bad happens in something you do...don't do it! Wow! Logic! Yeah! I am extremely anti-cheater, that's just the way I am. I'm not going to just say "Okay, let them cheat, I'll just keep my mouth closed and let everyone do whatever the hell they want without criticizing them." I don't like seeing people running around like retards with an egg blaster+99. That's just the way I am. So I complain. And? Is that so terrible? If we all sat back and said "Naaaah", then NOTHING would get done. In conclusiong, I7'5 N07 L337 70 CH337!

Mar 6, 2001, 04:23 PM
*Watches at the point goes flying miles over Ratsmack's head*


Okay... I understand my post was long, and it didn't have any pictures actually in it, so that may be a step outside your normal boundaries--but please let me help you get this one thing:


Ya know I luv ya Ratsmack, (don't touch me there... I don't mean it like that) but please, man--you and everyone else reign it in... I hear about it all day every day, there's something about it in most threads on this board, and now it's on this thread too.

I'm not even going to discus the validity of your point (one way or the other) in protest of you turning around and immediately doing the one thing we'd quietly asked everyone to stop doing.


Need more coffee... and beer.

Mar 6, 2001, 05:13 PM
*watches as the point goes flying over Seutekh's head*

Yeah. Well, you see, I string words together, right, and they form sentences. Read them. Then maybe you'll get a clue. I was talking about exactly what you just said. I was defending WHY people complain a lot, and WHY they have every right to and WHY you have no right to say "Oh, shut up" just because you're so offended by all this about cheating. Don't like it? Ignore it! Don't read it! I'll use that argument here. If you don't want to hear anti-cheater statements, then humor us and DON'T OPEN THE ANTI-CHEATER THREAD. I'm not going to back down because some people are getting all huffy that they have to hear it. Hey, Seutekh, wanna know WHY cheating appears in many issues? Because it's, get this, a PART of many issues. If you asked me, you didn't quietly ask anything. I turned around and justified WHY people complain about it, I didn't say "Oh, cheaters suck" and that's it. If that's what you think I said, mayhap you should go back and use those two things beside the top of your nose to READ. If you think I sound kind of angry now, well, you'd be right. Sorry if I don't take the blatant claim that I'm too stupid to understand all the big words (*snicker*) that you use. If you opened your eyes, you'd see there are discussions of cheating on the cheaters board, but when someone posts "Cheaters are right" in general, what am I supposed to do? Kiss the person and say "Well, since it's not in the cheaters board, I'm not going to discuss it! Yay!" Don't get your panties in a bunch when you say "Just ignore cheaters" and people say "well, we can't." It IS an issue, you can ignore it all you want, it doesn't just magically disappear because Seutekh the allmighty doesn't want to hear about it. Don't want to read about cheating discussed, don't read it. Simple concept. Bet even you can get that one, Seutekh.

Mar 6, 2001, 05:24 PM
Someone is spamming an anti-spam thread. *Wishes he could donate some of his abundance of IQ to the more needy*

Mar 6, 2001, 05:45 PM
/smart arse mode on http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Well Rat, i'm sure you had some very valid points in your last post. However I have this thing with Sentence Structure. If its not spaced by thought, I'm not able to read it.

You know those 3D pictures, yeah the ones where you stare at em and a neat picture appears? Well for some reason when I try to read your post, that's what happens.

All I can see is this picture of this naked HUnewearl looking at me. I consider it a talent really. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

/mode off

Ok serriously...I didnt say to hell with cheaters, guess what I mean to say is one it has its place. In essence the cheaters forum is the Rants board. And in the future perhaps the Mods will take more of a step to clean up the General Board and move to Cheaters section.

My main point is this...Topic says, "Hey dood when do I find rares????"
5 Min later...
"WTF dis su><><0rs wh3rs ma ph@t l3wtz"
5 Min later...
"Does my ID suck, I would like PHAT LOOT!!!"

I supose its more of a vent than anything, being theres nothing I or anyones can do to impart common sense upon the masses. It all depends on where you were in line I guess.

Mar 6, 2001, 09:34 PM
Naked HUnewearl...damn...I don't see it. Oh, well, guess I better watch what I'm thinking about when I write a response. I understand your point, now, even though Suetekh's response threw me off a bit. I agree, the blatherings of people of course should be tossed aside. Cheating or anti-cheating posts should not, though, as long as they aren't filled with "Yo, cheaters suck, yo" A million times. I think reasonable discussions on the topic should not only be allowed, but encouraged.