View Full Version : Mod Note: Posts are being moved.

Mar 6, 2001, 11:10 AM
The way I look at the general Forums is a place to share information and help each other in the game. Unfortunatly as of recent these forums have been flooded with rants about cheaters and who stole this and who stole that.

To date I have been moving posts accusing people of stealing to the proper section (cheaters), but starting today; ANY post in refrence to cheaters that is not worthy of front page news will be moved to cheaters as well.

Some examples:

First post made about Sega shutting the servers down will be left in General because its something 'everyone' wants to know about.
Sequential posts will be moved.

Rants about duping will be moved.

Conversation about duping will be moved.

From now on please consider the Cheaters forum to be a place to discuss/rant about cheating.

Thank you, and again all feedback is appreciated.

Mar 21, 2001, 06:33 PM
This is a bump because I am tired of getting flamed for posting a PK list and being a 'hypocrite'.

Well if people would read the moderators notices they would know the rules and not be angry at me.