View Full Version : AC Scratch Question

Feb 14, 2013, 11:04 AM
If I partake in the AC Scratch how many chances to get? Is it a one and done scratch if I choose the 500 AC scratch to get armor?

Thank you

Seravi Edalborez
Feb 14, 2013, 11:09 AM
Yes. The 200/500 are one use. The 2000/5000 are 11 tickets for the 200/500, respectively. If you are aiming for a specific item in the current scratches, you're honestly better off buying it from other shops unless you also have a MyShop to sell the junk you don't need. In which case you'll probably end up having to buy with meseta anyways.

Feb 14, 2013, 11:16 AM
Yes. The 200/500 are one use. The 2000/5000 are 11 tickets for the 200/500, respectively. If you are aiming for a specific item in the current scratches, you're honestly better off buying it from other shops unless you also have a MyShop to sell the junk you don't need. In which case you'll probably end up having to buy with meseta anyways.

Makes sense. Too bad I'm really early in the game (lvl 3). I was looking at the prices at the auctions and they were freaking insane. They were charging 20,000-50,000 for the in game stock costumes. Hopefully there will be a really good farming method for meseta later on. If there is, when does it start piling up?

Seravi Edalborez
Feb 14, 2013, 11:23 AM
Time Attack Client Orders (TACOs) are the daily meseta farming method when they're available.If you had a friend to start them you could start at 15 but otherwise you'll need to wait until finishing Tundra, Tunnels, Floating Continent, and Ruins for the 4 respective Time Attacks.

The 4 COs for Normal give ~30k each.
Hard ~50-65k each.
VH ~100k each.

Feb 14, 2013, 03:08 PM
Time Attack Client Orders (TACOs) are the daily meseta farming method when they're available.If you had a friend to start them you could start at 15 but otherwise you'll need to wait until finishing Tundra, Tunnels, Floating Continent, and Ruins for the 4 respective Time Attacks.

The 4 COs for Normal give ~30k each.
Hard ~50-65k each.
VH ~100k each.

Thanks for the info. The events are random too? Or are they just in different locations daily?