View Full Version : Play station 4

Feb 21, 2013, 12:03 PM

Anyone going to get it? On the 1st day?

Feb 21, 2013, 12:20 PM
Way too early to even start thinking about it, really. They had a lot of interesting stuff to show and a lot of proposed neat ideas and integration with Gaikai, but price range is still a pretty big factor and the only game I was really interested in was watch_dogs (which since it's Ubisoft, will be on PC at some point anyway since they LOOOOOVE spreading their titles around.)

To make me buy a PS4, they'd have to show me a LOT of experiences I could ONLY have on PS4, as I've decided that I really don't care about consoles anymore and am sticking to PC.

Feb 21, 2013, 12:38 PM
PS Vita 2.
No way would I even consider getting this.

Feb 21, 2013, 12:39 PM
The social media integration has some potential, but I don't think it'll change much in the way of the actual way you play games. When you get past the bells and whistles, it's looking a lot like PS3 with better graphics, which isn't enough to pull me back into the console market. It's indeed too early to judge but I've yet to see anything that makes me want to change being a PC gamer.

Feb 21, 2013, 12:42 PM
Nope, still things i want to get done on the consoles i have.
I think iīm gonna get a Wii U before any other next generation consoles.

I mean i have even got a bloody Vita, but i havenīt even used it yet and that were like 2 months ago..HOLY F. >.>

Feb 21, 2013, 01:58 PM
i have been big os streaming and Competitive games as of late, so i love those features in it. (i dont have cable, so i literally watch Twitch.tv instead). this is the FIRST sony console i have every been hyped for before release, but with that said, i need to see what 360 brings to the table, because i have long standing friends from PSOX that i still talk to regularly

Feb 21, 2013, 05:55 PM
To make me buy a PS4, they'd have to show me a LOT of experiences I could ONLY have on PS4, as I've decided that I really don't care about consoles anymore and am sticking to PC.

Pretty much this. I like the hardware and the social integration, but the software is lacking. Going to stay WiiU+PC.

Feb 21, 2013, 05:58 PM
The tech they're baking into the platform is pretty neat, but it would have been nice to see more games that actually required that updated hardware.

E3 should be pretty interesting, at least.

Feb 21, 2013, 06:14 PM
Sounds interesting, but I'll look at it again further down the line. Currently from what I've seen of it, it's not that big of a step from the PS3. So I'm fine on that front.

Feb 21, 2013, 07:15 PM
They showed some interesting new features - like always recording your gameplay, being able to share video and screenshots, and streaming online built into the system. The new controller looks like a massive improvement over the tried-and-still-horrible-a-decade-and-a-half-later DualShock design. I'm interested in what the touchpad can actually bring into gaming, assuming it could be used and reached commonly and comfortably - especially for things like shooters, considering how much speed and accuracy a touchscreen brings to things like Kid Icarus: Uprising, compared to a stick.

I'm skeptical about the Gaikai stuff working out though. Just a little bit of input lag in anything at something other than a plodding pace in a game can quickly turn it from a solid experience, into an unplayable mess, and do we really expect them to be able to be better than that? Granted, I haven't actually tried services like Gaikai and OnLive, but they just seem like things that, with current internet technology and adoption rates, are completely unfeasible for gaming right now.

It doesn't help that it's their plan for playing PS3 games on the thing, but I would hope that it could at least run PSX and PS2 emulators at full-speed...

i have been big os streaming and Competitive games as of late, so i love those features in it. (i dont have cable, so i literally watch Twitch.tv instead). this is the FIRST sony console i have every been hyped for before release, but with that said, i need to see what 360 brings to the table, because i have long standing friends from PSOX that i still talk to regularly
If the leaked documents and information are approximately-accurate, you can expect the next Xbox to match or beat basically all of the new PlayStation 4 features shown, outside of graphical horsepower (assuming, of course, that Sony actually delivers on them).

Feb 21, 2013, 07:43 PM
Um... what is the point of putting a trackpad on the controller, exactly?

It doesn't seem to offer any input options that aren't covered by analogs or buttons.

Feb 21, 2013, 08:11 PM
Um... what is the point of putting a trackpad on the controller, exactly?

It doesn't seem to offer any input options that aren't covered by analogs or buttons.

That confused me too.

Feb 21, 2013, 10:20 PM
The Vita will work in conjunction with the new console and function as a controller.

How are they going to standardize content to accommodate both the Vita and DS4? I mean, the Vita only has two shoulder buttons whereas the DS4 has two shoulders and two triggers... so you're either not going to be able to use your triggers comfortably (a reason why I don't play PS games on the PSP), or games which are designed with the Vita as a controller in mind will be gimped by ignoring two of the most often used face buttons.

At any rate, they're going to have to do better than this if they want my attention. Considering the cost to develop games last generation, amping up the graphics fidelity is only going to cause production costs to increase as well. This means the push for multi-platform sales to maximize profit will continue much as it has last generation... if not to an even greater degree. (especially if it's easier to develop for, which going with x86 architecture seems to indicate) Since I can count on one hand the number of exclusives and core PS exclusive franchises that I'm even remotely interested in, I see no reason why I should buy one when a PC and Xbox-Next combo is looking to serve me just as well next generation as it did last generation.

PS4 is going to be a big hit in Japan, but with Japan becoming increasingly more marginalized and irrelevant in the West, I don't see them as serious competition for Microsoft over here... and certainly not for me.

... unless they can somehow wrangle PS4 exclusivity out of Atlus.

Feb 21, 2013, 11:04 PM
... unless they can somehow wrangle PS4 exclusivity out of Atlus.

What are the odds of that?

Feb 22, 2013, 12:20 AM
What are the odds of that?

Persona 1 and 2 on PS1.
Persona 3, Fes and Persona 4 on PS2.
Persona 3 Fes on PS3 via PSN.
Persona 1, Persona 2 and P3P on PSP.
Persona 4 Golden on Vita.

That's just with the Persona games, but pretty much that series, minus the spinoff Persona 4 Arena, were Sony exclusive.

Feb 22, 2013, 12:22 AM
Persona 5 is in the making though.

Feb 22, 2013, 12:29 AM
Persona 5 is in the making though.
Albeit still in development. They never gave out information on which console it'll be on.

Feb 24, 2013, 10:43 PM
I'll pre-order 2 and sell one. :D

Feb 26, 2013, 03:04 PM
I'll make no decisions until they give us a price, and even if I do I'll wait till some games are already out for it, since the price will probably drop by the time the ones I want come out.