View Full Version : Mantiskilla's PSOW Steam Gift Giveaway! *NOW LIVE ENTER NOW!* (Extended)

Feb 21, 2013, 10:02 PM
Refer to Sticky in "Off Topic" thread to see how to enter to win some cool Steam games!

UPDATE - Decided to extend the contest until Friday March 1st so if people still want to enter just either...

A: Submit PM message to me with Steam Name (PSOW name)


B: Submit Steam Name (PSOW Name) on PSOW Steam Group Chat

Any suggestions on what Steam games should be in next giveaway just leave comment below. Thanks

Feb 22, 2013, 10:30 PM
Man no one wants to win a FREE PC game? Maybe to enter is kinda tough so here's what I'll do...

To enter just send a PM to me on here (Mantiskilla) with the title "Steam Giveaway" and give me your Steam Name (PSOW Name).

You can still also enter by using the PSOW Group Chat and entering your Steam Name (PSOW Name)

*Note* - I will still check to make sure users fall into the guidelines to enter PSOW Steam Group; however, I just want to make entry into the contest eaiser.

Feb 22, 2013, 10:31 PM
I went on PSOW Steam chat yesterday... you got my entry right? Just making sure ^^;

Feb 22, 2013, 10:32 PM
Yep I got your entry. Thanks

Feb 22, 2013, 11:15 PM
Man no one wants to win a FREE PC game? .

I wish .I haven't been really playing games that much like I used to. Cause of my running trying to stay fit as i live on And work and the 2 weeks old new born, and 2-4 years old , etc yup family is growing . Last time was like a week or 2 playing games. Which is the one and only current phantasy star game PSO 2. And if I have time on my hands that's what I'll hop ontor. I guess. But yeh i know its just me but as we get older. There is barely time on hands like we used to back in the day. Right now they are playing on the computer learning their ABC's and the animals lol I'm just on my mobile phone typing .

Anyways back onto topic.