View Full Version : What colour of arcana are you?

Feb 28, 2013, 09:46 PM
Basically, magical power boils down to five basic sources. These sources can be combined to create new forms of arcane power.

Each source (colour) brings with it certain philosophical schools of thought that may affect not only what the spell does, but can also reveal much of the kind of person who is wielding the magic.

The five colours are set in a wheel, called "The Colour Pie", where their philosophies are allied two the two colours on either side of them - and oppossed by the "enemy colours" opposite them.

This means that each colours allies will always hate each other - and that each colours two enemies will always be allied.

The ten guilds of the world Ravnica, for an example, each embody a two-colour combination, including enemy colours.

Very simplified:

Red: The colour of emotion, passion and expression.
Values: Freedom, Individuality, Art, Expression.
Draws power from: Emotions, The Mountains, Passion.
Allies: Black (individuality) and Green (freedom).
Enemies: White (Morality and order), Blue (Logic and reason).

Black: The colour of ambition, power and the ego.
Values: Personal freedom, personal power, egotism, paratisism.
Draws power from: Ambition, Willpower, Swamps.
Allies: Red (Individuality), Blue (Rationality).
Enemies: White (The many before the one), Green (Life and natural order above death and personal ambition).

Blue: The colour of illusion, logic, science and knowledge.
Values: Knowledge, Progress, Science.
Draws power from: The Mind, logical thought, experiments, islands.
Allies: Black (Rationality), White (Order, structure).
Enemies: Green (natural order over logic), Red (emotion and impulsiveness)

White: The colour of order, structure, morals and the collective.
Values: Order, peace, control.
Draws power from: Subjugation, society, laws, plains, cities, religion.
Allies: Green (pack mentality), blue (logic, knowledge).
Enemies: Black (individuality, critical thinking), Red (self-expression, individuality).

Green: The colour of nature, evolution, primal powers.
Values: Free reign of nature, evolution, survival of the fittest.
Draws power from: The rawness of nature, non-civilization, life, forests.
Allies: Red (do, don't think), White (order to all things).
Enemies: Black (death and ambition), Blue (artifice and guided progress).

Feb 28, 2013, 09:47 PM
Probably Red... seems the most like me ^^

Feb 28, 2013, 09:53 PM
everyone is all of them.

Feb 28, 2013, 09:56 PM
everyone is all of them.

Everybody deludes themselves to think they are all of them.

Mar 1, 2013, 01:40 PM
Gotta love MtG. Without influence of the card game or lore, I would say that the colors in which I truly value the ideals would be Red and Green. If we're talking about Magic, however, then it has to always be Blue regardless of the crapstorm it's had in terms of viability lately.

Mar 1, 2013, 02:26 PM
Red for me.

Though If I go by colors of preference in MtG itself it's Green > Red > White > Black > Colorless > Blue (See what I did there?)

Mar 1, 2013, 02:41 PM
Everybody deludes themselves to think they are all of them.

mood rings!

Mar 1, 2013, 05:06 PM
Red and Black.

Funny enough, I had Red and Black decks for MtG tournaments back in the day.

Mar 1, 2013, 05:08 PM
Reading the Blue category sounds like me to a T.

EDIT: Besides the 'drawing power from islands' part, lolwtf.

Mar 1, 2013, 05:51 PM
Leaning with Red or Green. I did have a green deck when playing the card game.

Mar 1, 2013, 06:56 PM
EDIT: Besides the 'drawing power from islands' part, lolwtf.

Islands, Plains, Swamps, Mountains, Forests ( Blue, White, Black, Red, Green) are the source of Mana for this game which you need to cast spells and summon monsters. So you are drawing power from said Island if you want to cast a blue spell.

Mar 1, 2013, 07:19 PM
Islands, Plains, Swamps, Mountains, Forests ( Blue, White, Black, Red, Green) are the source of Mana for this game which you need to cast spells and summon monsters. So you are drawing power from said Island if you want to cast a blue spell.

I know.

Mar 1, 2013, 08:03 PM
I don't get it. Most of those categories, even the ones that are supposed to be "enemies" are complimentary or share common (redundant) traits. For instance, White and Black - order vs. ambition, but ambition and subjugation require order and structure as a way to project that ego and ambition onto whatever it is you desire to subjugate. Or blue and green, science vs. nature, is a fallacy since science and logic are an extension and understanding OF the natural world. If anything, it would be technology (the synthesis of blue and black) which might be an enemy to nature, but we are ourselves and everything we do are an expression of nature, and even then - as we understand more and more about complex adaptive systems and biology, we're incorporating natural systems into our understanding and application of technology.

Even Red and Blue aren't enemies, as it is their love and passion to explore the beauty of their fields that drive many scientists. Any good math geek worth their salt will describe mathematics as another form of poetry that layered with meaning and significance far deeper than any language can encapsulate. Any good scientist will speak volumes about how knowledge merely enhances beauty beyond what the superficial eye can see. To paraphrase Feynman; A rose is beautiful on it's own, but once you understand how it works... how the organs inter-relate, how the cells work, and ballet of chemical reactions involved within those cells... there are layers and layers of beauty hidden within and you gain an appreciation for the rose's beauty which extends into entirely new dimensions. Knowledge only adds to the awe of the rose, while subtracting nothing.

Hmm, well at any rate, I'm not not big on card games. So I'll just say none.

(Also: Black and white aren't colors. They're shades.)

Mar 1, 2013, 08:18 PM
I don't get it. Most of those categories, even the ones that are supposed to be "enemies" are complimentary or share common (redundant) traits. For instance, White and Black - order vs. ambition, but ambition and subjugation require order and structure as a way to project that ego and ambition onto whatever it is you desire to subjugate. Or blue and green, science vs. nature, is a fallacy since science and logic are an extension and understanding OF the natural world. If anything, it would be technology (the synthesis of blue and black) which might be an enemy to nature, but we are ourselves and everything we do are an expression of nature, and even then - as we understand more and more about complex adaptive systems and biology, we're incorporating natural systems into our understanding and application of technology.

Even Red and Blue aren't enemies, as it is their love and passion to explore the beauty of their fields that drive many scientists. Any good math geek worth their salt will describe mathematics as another form of poetry that layered with meaning and significance far deeper than any language can encapsulate. Any good scientist will speak volumes about how knowledge merely enhances beauty beyond what the superficial eye can see. To paraphrase Feynman; A rose is beautiful on it's own, but once you understand how it works... how the organs inter-relate, how the cells work, and ballet of chemical reactions involved within those cells... there are layers and layers of beauty hidden within and you gain an appreciation for the rose's beauty which extends into entirely new dimensions. Knowledge only adds to the awe of the rose, while subtracting nothing.

Hmm, well at any rate, I'm not not big on card games. So I'll just say none.

(Also: Black and white aren't colors. They're shades.)

I already said everyone is all of em. D:

Mar 2, 2013, 12:05 AM
I don't get it. Most of those categories, even the ones that are supposed to be "enemies" are complimentary or share common (redundant) traits. For instance, White and Black - order vs. ambition, but ambition and subjugation require order and structure as a way to project that ego and ambition onto whatever it is you desire to subjugate. Or blue and green, science vs. nature, is a fallacy since science and logic are an extension and understanding OF the natural world. If anything, it would be technology (the synthesis of blue and black) which might be an enemy to nature, but we are ourselves and everything we do are an expression of nature, and even then - as we understand more and more about complex adaptive systems and biology, we're incorporating natural systems into our understanding and application of technology.

Even Red and Blue aren't enemies, as it is their love and passion to explore the beauty of their fields that drive many scientists. Any good math geek worth their salt will describe mathematics as another form of poetry that layered with meaning and significance far deeper than any language can encapsulate. Any good scientist will speak volumes about how knowledge merely enhances beauty beyond what the superficial eye can see. To paraphrase Feynman; A rose is beautiful on it's own, but once you understand how it works... how the organs inter-relate, how the cells work, and ballet of chemical reactions involved within those cells... there are layers and layers of beauty hidden within and you gain an appreciation for the rose's beauty which extends into entirely new dimensions. Knowledge only adds to the awe of the rose, while subtracting nothing.

Hmm, well at any rate, I'm not not big on card games. So I'll just say none.

(Also: Black and white aren't colors. They're shades.)

The overlap is... intentional.

Mar 2, 2013, 01:57 PM
I don't get it. Most of those categories, even the ones that are supposed to be "enemies" are complimentary or share common (redundant) traits. For instance, White and Black - order vs. ambition, but ambition and subjugation require order and structure as a way to project that ego and ambition onto whatever it is you desire to subjugate. Or blue and green, science vs. nature, is a fallacy since science and logic are an extension and understanding OF the natural world. If anything, it would be technology (the synthesis of blue and black) which might be an enemy to nature, but we are ourselves and everything we do are an expression of nature, and even then - as we understand more and more about complex adaptive systems and biology, we're incorporating natural systems into our understanding and application of technology.

Even Red and Blue aren't enemies, as it is their love and passion to explore the beauty of their fields that drive many scientists. Any good math geek worth their salt will describe mathematics as another form of poetry that layered with meaning and significance far deeper than any language can encapsulate. Any good scientist will speak volumes about how knowledge merely enhances beauty beyond what the superficial eye can see. To paraphrase Feynman; A rose is beautiful on it's own, but once you understand how it works... how the organs inter-relate, how the cells work, and ballet of chemical reactions involved within those cells... there are layers and layers of beauty hidden within and you gain an appreciation for the rose's beauty which extends into entirely new dimensions. Knowledge only adds to the awe of the rose, while subtracting nothing.

Hmm, well at any rate, I'm not not big on card games. So I'll just say none.

(Also: Black and white aren't colors. They're shades.)

That's the brilliance of this system, sure some of them are enemies but it's the interlocking nature that keeps them and their enemies close and closer. As we all know things resist simplicity

Mar 2, 2013, 06:35 PM

that is all