View Full Version : I need help! PC wont boot up!

Mar 14, 2013, 10:46 AM
ATTNTION, expect a lot of typos, im typin this on my Vita

Well as the title says, myPC wont boot

this happened yesterday when i tried to OC my CPU and then when trying fo boot it up it wouldnt do anything. Igoogled that i had to reset the CMOS, which i did... and my PC wouldnt boot up BUT the next morning it worked again.


so i come back from class today and went to PSO2 and played a bit... suddenly got a blackscreen... and PC wouldnt boot up again... and here i am, typing this...

and btw, i use a I5 2500k which i was using OCed at 4.0GHz till yesterday i tried to OC it to 4.5GHz. when i got the blackscreen it was at the usual 4.0GHz


Galil AR
Mar 14, 2013, 10:47 AM
That's your PC's way of saying: "You should take a break, master~<3"

Mar 14, 2013, 10:50 AM
Did you hear any popping? You might've blown something on your board or perhaps caused damage to your PSU. Does the PC power on at all? Any LEDs on your motherboard coming on?

Try it with a different PSU if you can, otherwise it sounds like overvoltage may have fried something. 4.5GHz is a decent push, after all.

Could be heat related too. Might only work at certain temperatures and needs to cool off.

Mar 14, 2013, 10:53 AM
nope, didnt hear any pop :(

yeah, it is >_<
ill ask a friend who has a spare PSU tomorrobut are there any more ideas? >_<

Mar 14, 2013, 11:03 AM
If you can try it in a cooler area after its been off for a while, it would at least negate that argument.

It's tough to say but it's sounding more like something either shorted or the processor kinda ran itself to death under that higher voltage. I'm not 100% privy to the symptoms of a dead/fried processor but it would certainly be in jeopardy if running it at higher voltage made your PC freak out that quickly.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:08 AM
Are you saying that the CPU might have go boom? but that is funny because it worked fine till some minutes into PSO2. and also the PC was running from morning till i got the black screen one hour ago...

Mar 14, 2013, 11:11 AM
Just saying it's possible, and the stability of it could be in question if any damage was done during when it was running at 4.5GHz. Hard to say without physically seeing what it's doing. Don't freak out yet; just let it cool off for now and assume it's heat-related until you can do the usual tech-SOP and swap out components to narrow down what's wrong.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:14 AM
hmmm... how much could it take to cool down completely?

Mar 14, 2013, 11:21 AM
Just try to boot it every half-hour or hour. If it's not showing signs of life in the next hour or so, something's probably damaged. I'm not really sure otherwise.

Wouldn't be the first time I've seen something like this happen when OCing, and it further sucks when you can't get in far enough to mod the voltage.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:22 AM
Does your PC have an internal speaker for diagnostics when booting up? If you can at least get a beep string, you'd probably be able to find more information. Best option now is to let the thing cool for a bit (shouldn't take more than 30-60 minutes), and strip out everything but the bare essentials (CPU, 1 stick of RAM, try to run with onboard video, etc.) and see if you can get any new info that way. Since you don't have immediate access to a new PSU, that's probably the best course of action.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:22 AM
noticed something interesting.
i noticed my Vita wasnt charging even tho it was connected. so i tried to unplug the PC... and the Vita was charging up again!

Mar 14, 2013, 11:26 AM
noticed something interesting.
i noticed my Vita wasnt charging even tho it was connected. so i tried to unplug the PC... and the Vita was charging up again!
Huh, that could be a power draw issue from bad wiring, possibly from improper grounding. Ever had a problem with electronics there before? May wanna try a different outlet, especially if you can't POST at all.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:28 AM
umm... trying a different plug and it booted up, but now im hearing a FAN louder than usual

Mar 14, 2013, 11:32 AM
Hit up your BIOS and set your voltages back to their defaults, first off. Fan noise could be anything from it suddenly running at max, to dirt, to bearing.

Kinda sounding like maybe the circuit was tripping from too much power draw, especially with your Vita also charging from the same outlet. That SHOULDN'T happen, but I'd blame your wiring before I blamed your PC.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:35 AM
Ok, i will do so. Should i run prime95 while monitoring the temperature?

and also, i forgot to mention it, but the moment I got the blackscreen, i actually hit the power cable that went from the plug to the PC... ;/

AND ALSO, not that the fans are louder, its more like that it sounds DIFFERENT now

Galil AR
Mar 14, 2013, 11:37 AM
Suddenly, PSO-World tech support. WAHAHAHA. x3

Mar 14, 2013, 11:46 AM
Ok, i will do so. Should i run prime95 while monitoring the temperature?

and also, i forgot to mention it, but the moment I got the blackscreen, i actually hit the power cable that went from the plug to the PC... ;/

AND ALSO, not that the fans are louder, its more like that it sounds DIFFERENT now
Wouldn't hurt to test it for stability, yeah, especially to shift more blame to the outlet. Hell, you could have just knocked the cord loose.

Sorry to kinda steer you all over the place, hard not to do without actually being there. Not sure about the fans other than they may have been jostled or picked up something from the move.

Mar 14, 2013, 11:49 AM
well, i found out which Fan it is, it is the PSUs Fan. When booting it it gets LOUD, scary loud, but when at desktop, it lowers, but i can still hear it :(

Mar 14, 2013, 11:59 AM
That's a thermally-controlled fan, but as long as your internals are running at a normal temperature I wouldn't worry much about it. Check to make sure your airflow isn't choked off anywhere, spray some compressed air, and that's about it other than actually opening the PSU up and replacing the fan (not recommended, at all). Could be a bad thermal sensor too but it doesn't sound like a big issue if your internal temps are fine.

Glad you're running again.

Mar 14, 2013, 12:03 PM
spray some compressed air
Just did that and it works normally again :3

running the stability test at 4GHz now

Mar 14, 2013, 12:49 PM
hmm.... having some issues~

I was running prime95, and after a while the CPUs got hotter and hotter and noticved that.... The CPU fan Isnt working? D:

i checked that the fan is connected to the MB, which it is but it wont work :(

Mar 14, 2013, 01:02 PM
One thing after another, huh ;P

Well, try lowering the CPU fan speed in BIOS if you can, to see if it spins up at all. In order to tell if it's the actual CPU fan or the motherboard circuit for it, you'd either need another CPU fan or get a 3-pin CPU fan port to 4-pin Molex converter and plug it directly into your PSU.

Mar 14, 2013, 01:42 PM
One thing after another, huh ;P

Well, try lowering the CPU fan speed in BIOS if you can, to see if it spins up at all. In order to tell if it's the actual CPU fan or the motherboard circuit for it, you'd either need another CPU fan or get a 3-pin CPU fan port to 4-pin Molex converter and plug it directly into your PSU.

oook. i tried that out... but i cant do that because the cpu fan has 4 pins and it doesnt fit in 3 pin cpu fan port to 4pin molex converter... :(

i think this might have been the problem when i was playing PSO2... the CPU overheated and went "lolnope" =w=;:

Mar 14, 2013, 02:05 PM
Well, you CAN plug a 4-pin CPU fan header into a 3-pin-to-Molex adapter because the fourth pin is just for speed control, as long as the plastic around the headers doesn't interfere. If you can't get that working you'll probably have to replace the cooler unless you had means of testing each wire on the fan. Assuming the motherboard power connector is indeed working.

One other thing, you should be able to manually spin the fan pretty easily. If you're getting a lot of resistance that could stop it from moving entirely too.

Mar 14, 2013, 02:11 PM
Well, the plastic wont let me, so ill get a new Fan tomorrow :/

and to reach that damn 4 pin connector i had to remove the graphics card :| (I use a scythe mugen III cpu cooler btw), had to remove the fan. NOTICED THERE WAS A LOT OF DUST, took the chance to clean it, unpugged the 4 pin connector and tried it to connect to the converter but as i tild you, the plastic wont let me ^^;:

and it tried to turn the fan manually... it did spin for quite a while just from the small pushh i did x3

Mar 15, 2013, 11:04 AM
Alrighty, new update~

Got a new FAN for the CPU and it is working, so my previous fan actually broke.

im doing PRIME95 at the moment ant the temperatures are between 58 °C and 64°C

but there is a issue, the new fan is running CONSTANTLY at max RPM. I went to the Bios and it is at the minimum speed setting :/

Mar 15, 2013, 11:26 AM
Me again ;P

Hmm, go through your BIOS and if you have any fan controller settings (Smart Fan, Q Fan, etc) then make sure they're enabled. Those features regulate your speed and generally need to be enabled to get variable RPM. Relieved to hear the CPU fan port is fine!

Mar 15, 2013, 11:32 AM
Hi there! o/

well, im still running the stress test, and the peak temp is 70 °C

gonna let it run for 30 minutes more to complete the hour and then ill go check the BIOS for the fan settings

btw, im checking temperatures and fan speeds with CPUID HW Monitor and the peak RPM of th new fan is 50k... =w=;:

Mar 15, 2013, 12:05 PM
well, i went to the BIOS and everything is set to automathic and the description says that automatic mode is the quiet fan mode.

but nothing, it is still running on max speed :(

Mar 15, 2013, 12:27 PM
Huh, I'm not sure then. If it's completely uncontrollable via BIOS then the fan and the motherboard must not be talking properly. Not a HUGE issue, just gonna be kinda loud until you can figure something out.

And going off your prime95 temps, I wouldn't OC your CPU any higher than 4GHz unless you invested in some really good cooling. Even if it can run stable, it's going to shorten the lifespan of your CPU and at that point you're probably limited by other factors anyway. Just my recommendation.

Mar 15, 2013, 12:32 PM
Just found out my problem! x3

I bought a FAN that will ONLY run at constantly 2400 RPM xD
well, gonna go to the shop where I got it on monday :P

and i wont OC it any more than 4GHz :3

Mar 16, 2013, 05:51 AM
couldn't wait any longer since the fan was way too loud for me. so i went to the shop today and got a proper Fan and it is working just fine~

So, I thank everyone who helped me through all the problems I had! ^^

The next mod that passes by (or do i have to call it?) please close this thread :3