View Full Version : Can someone help please?

Mar 15, 2013, 12:55 PM
So I'm new around here but I've been a huuuuge PS fan for a long time now. I just found out the other day that you could download the japanese version of PSO2 from the sega site. so I've done this....like around 7 times now. :-(
for some reason everytime I try to start it, it does this:


(this isn't the exact picture but the right error on my computer)

I don't know what this means. :-? I've uninstalled it and re-installed it multiple times, I've ran it as an administrator, I've turned off my anti-virus and firewall, I've tried all the compatibility settings that it gives me, but no luck whatsoever. It actually did work around an hour ago, but then it exited out and went back to this error again.

If someone can really help me out, that would really be fantastic.

Thanks if you can! :-)

Mar 15, 2013, 01:53 PM
I can't really say for certain, but are you running it on Linux? This is a Windows only game.

Mar 15, 2013, 03:30 PM
Oh there's no error, it's due to the game being incompatible with Linux. He needs to run a Windows emulation to run the game.

Mar 15, 2013, 03:40 PM
I was assuming that would be the case seeing how he had used an image from a Linux OS. I haven't used Linux to know enough about it, nor did he mention what OS he was using in the OP.

Mar 15, 2013, 03:44 PM
I saw the penguin in the corner and looked up several images of Linux desktops for references.

Mar 18, 2013, 10:49 AM
im sorry i didnt know it was a linux desktop haha
yea I'm using windows 8


this is my actual background of my computer.
it just doesn't work, i don't know what to do...