View Full Version : ID Bashing not true!

Apr 2, 2003, 03:41 PM
We all have our opinions, "my ID sucks" "Skyly sucks, i wish i had ect...."

EVERY ID is good in some way... some a little better then others but not by much.

here are my 3 IDs on high chars...
Greenil Redria Purplenum....
Greenil provides me with rifles, and being a RAmar it works, Purplenum gives my HUnewearl mechguns, and recently a DB shield... And redria on a FOnewearl, really works well.

No ID sucks, The only reason anyone says that is because they dont find everything they want. Every ID will have its strengths and weaknesses...

I say you keep pushing through with the ID you have and have faith in it, who knows, not all the items listed in the "item findings" means that thats all there is.

I even found something that wasn't listed in greenil.

Apr 2, 2003, 04:29 PM
You are completly right. Damn, you nailed it right on.

Apr 2, 2003, 04:57 PM
On 2003-04-02 13:29, Seph5172 wrote:
You are completly right. Damn, you nailed it right on.

Ditto. I am sick of these posts. The "majority" of the people who post them are level 80 and go something like this: I am level 80, I killed my 1st enemy on ULT and I didn't get a rare! My ID teh sux!

Example: Skyly sucks! yeah well my greenill is worse! greenill is better than my purplenum! yeah well my oran is the worst of all! no way man, bluefull totally sucks! PEOPLE! viridia sucks the most! viridia doesnt suck, whitill sucks! whitill doesnt suck, redria sucks! pinkal sucks compared to all these! pinkal rocks compared to yellowboze, my character can't find anything in the 5 minutes I've spent searching for my heaven punisher, I'm going to give up soon! sheesh, these darn rares are actually...RARE!

That wasn't real... just something of how lots of posts go. Look around, theres at least 1 or 2 on here or GFAQS. I guess its official: Every ID in the game sucks if you are that ID.

Apr 2, 2003, 05:36 PM
No, I would venture to say that, while every ID has its strengths, Yellowboze is not fun to use. It doesn't find but two things worth finding, and the strength in money keeps bozes poor. Finding and selling one piece of armor gives more than yellowboze can find in half an hour from yellow diamonds.

Apr 2, 2003, 05:55 PM
I am almost starting to thing that any ID can get any rare weapon. Just some get some rares a little bit more often then the others do. I don't know though, its just a thought I had.

Apr 2, 2003, 07:36 PM
Yoda you could be on to something, the IDs that find the stronger weapons probably have a weaker drop rate, where as the ones that arent as strong have a stronger drop rate... so it all balances in the end.

Apr 2, 2003, 07:39 PM
I'm getting tired of the repeat posts period, but the "My ID sucks" posts are especially irritating. For one, there are A LOT of items that are common between several IDs. The difference is in what critter drops them - which can be better or worse depending upon which class you are anyway. The only non-relative difference is in which items are totally exclusive to one ID. For example, Redria is the only ID that can get God/Battle - that anyone knows of anyway (where the guides are at this time). Redria is the only known ID to get Magic Rock: "Iritista", and Bluefull is the only known ID to get Imperial Picks. There are certain IDs that share finding good rares: Yellowboze, Purplenum, Whitill, and Greenill are the only IDs that can find Frozen Shooters from Hildetorrs. Yellowboze, Purplenum, and Greennill find Spread Needles off of Merlans - much better than having to hunt Chaos Bringers, right? Yellowboze and Pinkal are the only IDs that can find the magic Scepters AGNI, INDRA, and DAGON. Are we getting tired of examples yet?

Really, whatever ID is best/worst is totally relative to what it is you're looking for. If you need a Frozen Shooter, obviously some ID like Oran that doesn't get it is going to be useless to you. But just because you can't get it doesn't mean that ID *absolutely* sucks. It just means it sucks for getting what you're looking for. Make sense?

On another note, Yellowboze seems to be the most miscellaneous ID on the list. After compiling PSO CHARTz WEB's (http://www.srwweb.net/pso.htm) mostly complete findings list into a printable Word document, I noticed that it basically found a little bit of everything. If another ID found a lot of one item, that would be included somewhere in Yellowboze, along with smatterings of other items that can be common on other IDs. It doesn't seem to really have a primary find or a secondary find - it's a 'what have you' ID. At least in the GC version, I doubt it's totally true that it drops meseta more than anything else - meseta is quite common with other IDs as it is. (I know I find more meseta caches than unidentified items, or green, orange, or blue boxes for that matter.)

Apr 2, 2003, 09:06 PM
The Yellowboze character I have seems to have a greater chance of getting nothing, not a higher percent chance of finding mesetta stones. The stones seem worth more on average than with my redria character, but the number also seems random so I can't judge. What I do know is that I find 1/3 less items of any sort than I do with my Redria hucast, with the exception of mesetta which has a similar average number of drops per area.

Apr 2, 2003, 09:23 PM
*remembers to add 'purplenum sucks' to his sig*
heh, that way there are no topics on that. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Apr 2, 2003, 09:39 PM
geeze, you can rant about how your id sucks all day, but it wont change your char id, so either make a new character or deal with it. And about the guy who says skyly sucks, that may be one of the best, if not the best, ids there are

Apr 2, 2003, 09:41 PM
Especially since their the only ones to have reported finding the sealed j-sword.

Apr 2, 2003, 10:13 PM
my friends are always saying "wow. You got screwed. Yellowboze is the worst."

It sickens me. Yellowboze is pretty decent in my opinion. I have come across a great deal of rares, while none have been 11 stars. That's also because Ultimate is extremely difficult to play on with certain items. But oh well.

Honestly, I think Yellowboze has the opportunity to find some REALLY good stuff if searched for long enough. After all, we can get Sange from a Mil Lily, so life isn't THAT bad. ^_^

Apr 2, 2003, 11:01 PM
Yellowboze is, indeed, pretty damn good. However, you're most likely going to find crap or a photon drop from most enemies -- whereas other IDs will certainly almost always guarantee you a rare item, even if it's a crappy 9-star one. If you take a look at Yellowboze's items... a lot of them are pretty damn rare. RED SCORPIO, HEAVEN'S PUNISHER, RED SWORD, NUG-2000 BAZOOKA... etc. They're tough as hell to find.

Last night, on my 300th and 310th run on Ult. Caves, I finally found a RED SCORPIO and a HEAVEN'S PUNISHER, respectively. Yeah, it took pretty much a long ass time, but it was worth it. If you play long enough, you're going to get good drops sooner or later.

- dys

Apr 2, 2003, 11:05 PM
well it may not have much to do with my ID, but I just finish ryukering 134 times in the final rappy room, searching for a pal rappy... not one. It's pretty depressing, i have the worst rare monster luck ever.

havent found a poilly in GC version, havent found hildeblue, no hildetor, no love rappy, no mil lily,

**sob** http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Apr 3, 2003, 12:05 AM
On 2003-04-02 20:05, MP3dawg16 wrote:
well it may not have much to do with my ID, but I just finish ryukering 134 times in the final rappy room, searching for a pal rappy... not one. It's pretty depressing, i have the worst rare monster luck ever.

havent found a poilly in GC version, havent found hildeblue, no hildetor, no love rappy, no mil lily,

**sob** http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

It's been said before but I'll help ya out here. Consider yourself lucky to have gotten a Pouilly (as I only got 1 on DC). Anyway, I will tell you the best known places to get these monsters: First, Hildeblue (& especially, Hildetorr) in Forest of Sorrow. In the last room, kill 2 Hildebears/Hildelts. If you do it right, you'll end up w/3 or 4 in that room. Immediately run out & start telepiping up & down until you see a Hildeblue/Hildetorr. It takes a while (sometimes an hour or more) but you WILL find 1 if you're willing to try). I haven't gotten a Hildeblue on GC yet but this IS the method I will try. Nar/Mil Lily you obviously want to go through a Caves mission that gives you alot of lillies in 1 room & then, telepipe up & down, as said above. I think a good 1 (though dangerous - you'll see why) would be Endless Nightmare 2 (if you're online). Offline, I haven't thought of a good 1 yet. As for Love Rappy, only in the Temple & they are truly rare. I only found 1 on Hard mode & it gave me a halfway decent mechgun. I haven't explored masses of enemies in EpII as much as EpI so find a room w/at least 3/4 rappies & start piping. That's the best advice I can give. If you want more, msg me...

Apr 3, 2003, 12:09 AM
On 2003-04-02 20:05, MP3dawg16 wrote:
well it may not have much to do with my ID, but I just finish ryukering 134 times in the final rappy room, searching for a pal rappy... not one. It's pretty depressing, i have the worst rare monster luck ever.

havent found a poilly in GC version, havent found hildeblue, no hildetor, no love rappy, no mil lily,

**sob** http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

I forgot to mention Al/Pal rappies. Only place I ever look for them is (as EVERYONE says), the Fake In Yellow mission. Find the room where you see Dr. Guls for the 2nd time & talk to him...DO NOT HIT ANY OF THE RAPPIES (preferably). Let the Dr. run away, then run out of the room. You should have a good 6-8 rappies in there (if I remember correctly). Telepipe up & down to find an Al/Pal Rappy. Also, not everyone knows this but the next big room afterwards you can find a SECOND Al/Pal Rappy, as you also can get a large group there. I believe you have to kill the 1st group that appears in that 2nd room then when the next wave appears, THAT is when you start piping again. Hope this all helps...

Apr 3, 2003, 12:09 AM
(still kinda new to the game)
pikal on ramarl, im actualy liking the rares im finding now.. so i dont get my chars "power weps"(being rifles), mabie 3 or 4 have ever dropped, but ive got a guilty light and inferno bazooka, and varista, and custom ray ver.00, none with as much freaqunecy as "ice staff dagon" but now im funaling all my "force" rares into a new force char http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

now if only i could get a Double saber to drop on v-hard caves.... i would truly be happy, but even while on the hunt for that, i got grass assasin sabers, i seem to get 3 or 4 rares per run now.

*goes back to killing nano dragons*

Apr 3, 2003, 12:25 AM
I forgot to mention Al/Pal rappies. Only place I ever look for them is (as EVERYONE says), the Fake In Yellow mission. Find the room where you see Dr. Guls for the 2nd time & talk to him...DO NOT HIT ANY OF THE RAPPIES (preferably). Let the Dr. run away, then run out of the room. You should have a good 6-8 rappies in there (if I remember correctly). Telepipe up & down to find an Al/Pal Rappy. Also, not everyone knows this but the next big room afterwards you can find a SECOND Al/Pal Rappy, as you also can get a large group there. I believe you have to kill the 1st group that appears in that 2nd room then when the next wave appears, THAT is when you start piping again. Hope this all helps...

rare rappy hunting... i dont wana think about rare monsters.. the last rare monster i found was in ult caves a mil lilly.... i got carless and u can guess what happend... stupid megred....

Apr 3, 2003, 12:35 AM
On 2003-04-02 21:25, silvermax wrote:

I forgot to mention Al/Pal rappies. Only place I ever look for them is (as EVERYONE says), the Fake In Yellow mission. Find the room where you see Dr. Guls for the 2nd time & talk to him...DO NOT HIT ANY OF THE RAPPIES (preferably). Let the Dr. run away, then run out of the room. You should have a good 6-8 rappies in there (if I remember correctly). Telepipe up & down to find an Al/Pal Rappy. Also, not everyone knows this but the next big room afterwards you can find a SECOND Al/Pal Rappy, as you also can get a large group there. I believe you have to kill the 1st group that appears in that 2nd room then when the next wave appears, THAT is when you start piping again. Hope this all helps...

rare rappy hunting... i dont wana think about rare monsters.. the last rare monster i found was in ult caves a mil lilly.... i got carless and u can guess what happend... stupid megred....

Ah, but I have...A PLAN! I'm working on a way to find both rare monsters & get around that Megid. Will let you know ASAP. If this works, I'm gonna REALLY piss off those Megid-spitting bastards! Don't blame the rares for carelessness w/Megid. Blame the lillies themselves. They are annoying but are part of the game. So, when I see them drop at my feet, I breathe a sigh of relief (after laughing at them on the way down). http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 3, 2003, 01:23 AM
Excellent post, I agree completely, if you hate your ID, change it or find a friend w/ a different ID and play w/ them under their color.

Sheesh ^-^ maybe we'll go 3 days w/o someone complaining ^-^

I have 8 characters w/ 7 different section IDs and it's perfect b/c they all get to help each other out ^-^

Apr 3, 2003, 01:37 AM
once in offline multi, mi bro and icame across a room with 5 lilies, looked really good for piping, but i decided to go with addicting food since you dont have to manage two chars

Apr 3, 2003, 07:01 AM
On 2003-04-02 22:23, Vanango wrote:
Excellent post, I agree completely, if you hate your ID, change it or find a friend w/ a different ID and play w/ them under their color.

Sheesh ^-^ maybe we'll go 3 days w/o someone complaining ^-^

I have 8 characters w/ 7 different section IDs and it's perfect b/c they all get to help each other out ^-^

Thanks for the compliment, though as I said, changing one's char is not necessary. Just have a 251 mem card at least (so you can have 4 chars/card) & trade among yourself...w/at least 2 control pads (I currently have 3) & trade that way. You find alot more than you ever did on DC so more than ever do you need more than 1 char & DEFINITELY more than 1 SectID. I'm trying to have at least 1 of every char w/every SectID. Currently, I have 11 though I have to find a place for the 12th & 13th as I haven't "officially" created them permanently yet (need another card LOL). As for not complaining for 3 days? We couldn't go ONE day without someone...somewhere...complaining... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 3, 2003, 07:02 AM
On 2003-04-02 22:37, shiznitty wrote:
once in offline multi, mi bro and icame across a room with 5 lilies, looked really good for piping, but i decided to go with addicting food since you dont have to manage two chars

Addicting Food, eh? Any particular room you recommend? Be as specific as possible as I'd like to try this one day ASAP...

Apr 3, 2003, 08:25 AM
I think its like near the end of the quest, you come upon a room with about 5 lillies, then if you walk in the room and try to go through one of the locked doors, another 4 lillies come out to play. Then all you do is just telepipe trick http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 3, 2003, 03:42 PM
Addicting food, in caves 2 near the caves 3 teleporter, 5 lilies one room...

And when I did the 134 Ryukers i was in the last room in "the fake in yellow"

7 x 134 = 938 rappys, all of them el...no pal.

yes it was incredibly heartbreaking....

Rare monsters just dont like me, I have found one nar lily on my own, and one al rappy on my own, thats it. After over 153 hours on my RAmar, thats it, o wait, the nar was on my HUnewearl, so only one rare monster after all that play time... i feel robbed.

Apr 3, 2003, 04:38 PM
after i made the post above i went and did rain of sorrow, god damn, what do you know.

big bluish monkey... hildetorr...

Im greenil.... FROZEN SHOOTER!!!
the most fun weapon ever, its like..

"hey tollaw, aww your frozen, hi gulgus, aww your frozen too."

this definitly makes up for the rappy incident,

heck I DIDNT EVEN DO THE TELEPIPE TRICK, He was just there, and he had something against alicia, but i kept her alive...

Apr 3, 2003, 07:14 PM
read on children, a lesson you will learn in real life is about to be put on a silver platter for you:

Everything is NOT equal. There is unequality in the world, some things are superior to others. Fairness is an abstract concept used by people who didn't get what they want. The world is not clean-cut, sugarcoated, or wrapped in a neat little package. As much as you may want to deny it, this is true.

whew, im finished

Apr 3, 2003, 07:50 PM
Nice post SMACKTARD, I like that.

Im greenil.... FROZEN SHOOTER!!!
the most fun weapon ever, its like..

"hey tollaw, aww your frozen, hi gulgus, aww your frozen too."

this definitly makes up for the rappy incident,

heck I DIDNT EVEN DO THE TELEPIPE TRICK, He was just there, and he had something against alicia, but i kept her alive...

And yea, I love how you can just shoot and their frozen. This gun is like the Indi Belra/Dark Belra's worst nightmare (among every other enemy in the game). Dang I love my Frozen Shooter!!!!!

Apr 3, 2003, 11:27 PM
I'm sorry, I've seen good things about every ID (easy rare finds etc.) except Viridia. I can't say anything good about an ID where the only thing you ever find is Final Impacts (I've collected a total of 13), Gae Bolgs (collected more than 7), and only easy 10 star finds are Angry Fist, Guilty Light, and Red Scorpio. Keep in mind that I'm a force. I really need to find something of my ID that I can trade!