View Full Version : Yet another bizarre problem...

Apr 5, 2013, 01:03 AM
[spoiler-box]So every now and then, when I enter the lobby (from campship, as soon as I log on, etc), I'll know this particular problem is occurring when the lobby monitors just show a black screen (the screens which occasionally show update note videos and stuff).

The problem's symptoms:
-HIGH INTERNET TRAFFIC(as if i'm downloading something from my browser)
-Consequently, 'net lag.
-higher CPU usage
-Consequently, higher temperatures.

And when this problem happens, pso2 will not close properly so I have to terminate it via resource manager (NOT TASK MANAGER! That gives me an "access denied" error if I try to terminate it there).
Earlier today I got those symptoms every time I logged on (out of 4 times), then tried a file check, logged in, no problems, applied english patch, no problems yet, do one quest, come back to lobby, problem comes up again. If I get this problem upon logging in, I Don't receive any system announcements (e.g. EQ)

Anyone have any clues as to what would be the underlying cause? I highly doubt it's my graphics driver because.....well, how does that lead to high internet traffic?

P.S. Before anyone mentions the obvious, THIS IS/shouldn't be related to the setting where you can toggle lobby monitors on/off. It remains ON when this happens.

Ok so it happened again but this time a file check did not solve the problem....
Tried toggling the monitor thing on/off, didn't work either.............

weird part : I shut off my wireless connection for a few seconds, then reconnected. Surprisingly the monitors were restored and I did not fully DC ._.
not sure if fluke or not[/spoiler-box]

Problem solved - read my last post

Apr 5, 2013, 05:08 AM
I'm having the same black screen issue for a while but it was short like 1 - 1.5 seconds as if it was going to blackout or something like that.

File check did not work. And yeah, pso2.exe does get stucked in closing state.

Had to run cmd prompt as administrator perform manual taskkill to kill off pso2.exe.

Apr 5, 2013, 07:40 AM
file check won't sovle any problem
delete the lastest patch and run flie check again these will download the fresh new patch file.

Apr 5, 2013, 07:33 PM
Self contradictory statement is self contradictory.
You just said file check won't solve any problem, so why bother?

Apr 5, 2013, 10:46 PM
cause file check won't solve any problem.

Apr 5, 2013, 10:48 PM
and you're telling me to delete latest patch files and run file check again.

Honestly I feel like you're just trolling.

Apr 6, 2013, 01:15 AM
i say "file check won't solve any problem"
cause filecheck only check for your missing file, it doesn't scan and fix broken file or downlod anything further.

and i say "delete latest patch files and run file check again."
cause i guess your lastest patch had broken, so u need to delete it for fliechecker will recognize that u have got missing file and downloading them for u or u can find them by yourself no need to delete or run file checker

and please don't telling someone who try to help r trolling that's not very nice

Apr 6, 2013, 03:02 AM
i say "file check won't solve any problem"
cause filecheck only check for your missing file, it doesn't scan and fix broken file or downlod anything further.

and i say "delete latest patch files and run file check again."
cause i guess your lastest patch had broken, so u need to delete it for fliechecker will recognize that u have got missing file and downloading them for u or u can find them by yourself no need to delete or run file checker

and please don't telling someone who try to help r trolling that's not very nice
Actually file checker does check broken files; how else would one restore/remove their english patch?

Anyway, what you said wasn't clear so, sorry ^^;
Try not to do that again then (The "X won't fix anything, but do this and try X again" thing)

Also it seems I'm not the only one with this "problem," I asked someone ingame and they experience EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

and some others on the forums seem to have noticed too.

EDIT: Well, you're right that file checker doesn't solve THE problem.
Because oddly enough, the client STARTS DOWNLOADING ONCE YOU ENTER THE LOBBY! and it's selfish enough that it continues to do so even after logging out.
Put simply, it was downloading the video files for the lobby monitors, which explains why they were all out of order.
How did I come to this conclusion? Tracking it through resource manager ;-)

problem solved

Apr 7, 2013, 10:11 PM
Actually file checker does check broken files; how else would one restore/remove their english patch?

Anyway, what you said wasn't clear so, sorry ^^;
Try not to do that again then (The "X won't fix anything, but do this and try X again" thing)

Also it seems I'm not the only one with this "problem," I asked someone ingame and they experience EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

and some others on the forums seem to have noticed too.

EDIT: Well, you're right that file checker doesn't solve THE problem.
Because oddly enough, the client STARTS DOWNLOADING ONCE YOU ENTER THE LOBBY! and it's selfish enough that it continues to do so even after logging out.
Put simply, it was downloading the video files for the lobby monitors, which explains why they were all out of order.
How did I come to this conclusion? Tracking it through resource manager ;-)

problem solved
The file checkers checks the check sum(iinm its md5) figure of each of the update files that has been updated and patch if the check sum is mismatched.