View Full Version : Just because you know it's true!

Apr 10, 2013, 11:42 PM
That wonderful things happen all around us, the world is a beautiful place and the life we live is worth every second nothing in our life needs to change because we keep moving forward and thats what counts ^^
Friends Family Pets Hobbies Talents Work... so many things to do and appreciate.

But sometimes we all just wanna stop.... look up... and shout as loud as we can

... ... ...[spoiler]That felt good!

Apr 17, 2013, 01:24 AM
I suppose. The world itself is a beautiful place and there are all sorts of wondrous things to behold in nature, but I fail to see any good things in our society or social hierarchy. It's all just bullshit piled on bullshit. I'm not depressed or anything, but you'll be hard pressed to see me smile during my day to day routines.

Apr 17, 2013, 03:04 AM
If you're referring to "work" it's because many people fail to realize, there's those out there such as myself who are direly in need of a job that they'll take anything they can get within reason. :x and hearing people whine and cry about how they got yelled at for slacking by their manager/boss just makes us cringe and wonder "Why the hell is that lazy bum working there and not me- someone who wants to work" xD

So although it is a pain in the ass in most cases i'd see it as a source of Happiness for me. But the big line is all just a load of bull so the spoiler wouldn't be shown when someone highlighted the topic to preview :D