View Full Version : No idea what to aim for, new player

Apr 16, 2013, 04:49 PM
Hello there PSO2 players !

I am new to the game and i started on ship 2.
I am a Female, Class Force, and I have no idea what to look for in terms of items and so forth.
I have also yet to discover a talent tree if this game has one. Im level 4, and I'm still using the same skills as when i started (intended?).

If anyone could find the time to help me out a bit, it would be much appreciated :)
I am however an EU player, so the times of the day wouldnt fit a US-player.
I have skype and so forth for communication, and I am willing to put some time and efford into this, if anyone could find the time:) You can write me a PM or just reply to this post if you want my skype info or something like that.



Apr 16, 2013, 06:43 PM
just level up, really. do every CO (client order) you can and try to MPA (multi party area) as much as you can with as many people as possible (more enemy spawns that way, more exp and emergency codes)

you dont need to start worrying about items for a while. what you can do however is see what you can use in lower levels to help you level quicker and build your stats accordingly.

There will be a patch today in which each character will obtain a skill reset ticket, so you picked a good time to log on.

Find items you want and dump all of your points in the t-atk up skills for now. This will allow you to use said weapons even quicker.

When you reach level say 40+ on a couple characters (your main class and sub class) then use the skill reset item to build your character more towards "end-game" damage (in quotes cuz there really isnt any "end-game")

Apr 16, 2013, 09:01 PM
You learn new attacks, Photon Arts or Technics, by finding or buying discs.

You learn skills at the class change NPC in the middle of the lobby and to the left, when returning from a quest.

Apr 16, 2013, 09:42 PM
just level up, really. do every CO (client order) you can and try to MPA (multi party area) as much as you can with as many people as possible (more enemy spawns that way, more exp and emergency codes)

you dont need to start worrying about items for a while. what you can do however is see what you can use in lower levels to help you level quicker and build your stats accordingly.

There will be a patch today in which each character will obtain a skill reset ticket, so you picked a good time to log on.

Find items you want and dump all of your points in the t-atk up skills for now. This will allow you to use said weapons even quicker.

When you reach level say 40+ on a couple characters (your main class and sub class) then use the skill reset item to build your character more towards "end-game" damage (in quotes cuz there really isnt any "end-game")

Do NOT dump all your points into T atk. This is the quickest way to ruin a build and it's silly to do it just because you'll have a free reset banked. If you raise your mag correctly you'll have no issue equipping good weapons as they come.

Apr 17, 2013, 08:52 AM
Hi there Hushbaby,

Personally I used this guide to help me when I first got started, it's massively outdated but still holds some relevant information, in particular the "Perfectionist Warning"


I am also an EU player, unfortunately I chill in Ship 9.

Feel free to ask questions though!!

Yours faithfully,


Apr 17, 2013, 10:29 AM
Hi there Hushbaby,

Personally I used this guide to help me when I first got started, it's massively outdated but still holds some relevant information, in particular the "Perfectionist Warning"


I am also an EU player, unfortunately I chill in Ship 9.

Feel free to ask questions though!!

Yours faithfully,


I thank you all for replying to my post :)

First and foremost, I have no idea what "mag" is yet, and I dont know quote on quote "how to drop my points" in the stats. Are they points you get from each level up? In that case, which level do I start earning them?

Apr 17, 2013, 12:10 PM
There are several concepts that you may want to understand in PSO2.

First of all, all equipment require base stats to equip, rather than levels like traditional RPGs.

There are three ways to increase your base stats:

1) Levels
2) Skill trees
3) Mag

You gain 1 SP (Skill Point) per level which you can spend at the Class Counter, which you may choose to put into base stats (though it is advisable to spend points into % multipliers instead, as they translate to much bigger numbers, % modifiers stack in multiples rather than additionally (10% + 10% = 21%)).

Skill Points are permanent and irreversible in a standard situation. (A recent patch distributed Skill tree resets) (You can spend AC (real money) to gain additional skill trees)

You gain your mag during your starting missions from Koffie. Your mag acts as a pet that has trigger actions which it performs automatically. It will also add to your base stats dependant entirely on what you feed it. It grants 1 point in the respective base stat per level.

Mag levels gained are permanent and irreversible. (You can spend AC (real money) to gain additional Mags)

For more information, you're better off searching for in-depth guides on the respective subjects.

Apr 17, 2013, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the info @Rixian :)