View Full Version : XBOX: Pricing Question

Apr 3, 2003, 03:21 PM
It's been a long time since I've played PSO and now that XBox version is fianlyl coming (i hope =/) i was wondering the pricing, I knwo how it works, but does anyone knwo why Xbox pso is soooo much more expensive then GC pso? 9bucks a month and GC is one payment every 3 months right? please correct me if I'm wrong I was just wondering why PSO for XBox is so much more expensive =/ if anyone knows?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Beeach on 2003-04-03 12:26 ]</font>

Apr 3, 2003, 03:30 PM
I am pretty sure the monthy payments for GC and xbox are the same. It is the the cost of live that makes the xbox version more expensive.

Apr 3, 2003, 10:23 PM
someone had a post that added up the prices for the first two months of payment for pso.

xbox came out with the customers paying less.

Apr 3, 2003, 11:35 PM
I don't see how the XBox version is less... According to my bank statement, I'm only being charged $8/month for my GC PSO hunter liscense. When you figure in cost of XBox Live as well as the HL, they'd be paying more.

Apr 4, 2003, 12:02 AM
GameCube version:
Game: $50
$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence
Modem/BBA $30-40
[no official communication device in the US yet]

Xbox version:
Game $40
$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence
Xbox Live Starter Kit $50 (includes two online game demos, headset, and online access for all Xbox Live-enabled games, exception to ones requiring separate fees) 1-Year service

That makes the Xbox version about the same price total, assuming you already have the system itself, and you get a communication device and online access to other games as well.

Apr 4, 2003, 09:00 PM
on top of that

3 months of Hunters licence for Gamecube: $17.90
6 months of Hunters licence for Gamecube: $44.75
3 Months of Hunters licence for Xbox: $8.95
6 months of Hunters licence for Xbox: $35.80

in the end the xbox one is more economic. but most people that play Pso dont have Broadband, so thats kind of a downer.

Apr 4, 2003, 09:14 PM
Why are you guys including the Live kit in your pricing, true you have to buy it to play offline, but most who are buying this game will using the kit for more than just playing PSO. With all the games on the horizon for Xbox the headset will be used on multiple games.

Apr 4, 2003, 09:29 PM
see well if we dont add the price of the live kit, we cat add the price of the Modem/ BBa
cause you'd be buying that for other games as well

Apr 4, 2003, 09:33 PM
Not really beccause right now there are no other games online for the GC so that really should be held in account of the price comparison.

Apr 4, 2003, 09:38 PM
I see what you mean.

Apr 4, 2003, 10:01 PM
Well now, like you said before...XBox has "games on the horizon" for the Internet that use headset communication.

There are internet games "on the horizon" for GCN, as well, and it is anticipated (although not 100% true or complete) that by Q4 of this year, there will be additional GCN games online. Some have been called free online, to boot (although you can not speculate on this right now).

Hopefully the BBA and 56KA will get some lovin' with more games soon http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 4, 2003, 10:17 PM
XBOX Pso its gonna be better and cheaper... end of story

Apr 4, 2003, 10:42 PM
XBOX Pso its gonna be better and cheaper... end of story haha weeeee i sure hope so

Apr 4, 2003, 10:50 PM
GameCube version:

Game: $50

$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence

Modem/BBA $30-40

[no official communication device in the US yet]

Xbox version:

Game $40

$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence

Xbox Live Starter Kit $50 (includes two online game demos, headset, and online access for all Xbox Live-enabled games, exception to ones requiring separate fees) 1-Year service

gamecube also has to but a memory card and keyboard if they want to communicate in some sort of form.

Apr 4, 2003, 11:00 PM
On 2003-04-04 19:50, x2 wrote:
gamecube also has to buy a memory card and keyboard if they want to communicate in some sort of form.

Well, actually you don't *need* a keyboard to communicate. It just really, really, really, really...helps. A lot.

But if you really wanna get technical with the memory card...sheesh, why don't you include the price of the console, too?

Including the memory card...c'mon!

I think it's safe to say the costs are nearly equal.

Hah! It's hard to be cynical nowadays http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Now let's just not flame the cow...he's just trying to make a point here!

*Spots flamethrower* oh crap! I smell hamburger! I'm going back to my corner now...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MadCowChuck_ on 2003-04-04 20:01 ]</font>

Apr 4, 2003, 11:10 PM
"Games on the Horizon" What about all the amazing LIVE games the xbox already has? Unreal Championship, Mechassault, Ghost recon, just to name a few. Sorry, but you cannot compare the cost of GC PSO to that of PSOX. Well you can, but the dollar signs don't tell the whole story.

Apr 4, 2003, 11:45 PM
the truth is that the Xbox version and the GC version around the same price (xbox a little cheaper), but the box version is a bit more of a deal, because of its promise with its current XBL lineup. thats not to say that the box one is better thought, becaus ethe box is excludeing alot of people who dont have Broadband, or people who dont have a XBL gamertag.

So IMO they both have there ups and downs

Apr 5, 2003, 12:25 AM
On 2003-04-04 19:50, x2 wrote:
gamecube also has to but a memory card and keyboard if they want to communicate in some sort of form.

Wanna know why I didn't include those?

GameCube Keyboards aren't availavle in America yet, so I didn't include those, and storage devices are used everywhere on everything, so they really shouldn't count at all.

Apr 5, 2003, 01:17 AM
But if you really wanna get technical with the memory card...sheesh, why don't you include the price of the console, too?

thats not technical.you can't play the game without a memory card so thus paying for one is added.

Apr 5, 2003, 04:14 AM
On 2003-04-04 18:00, ALPHAM0F0 wrote:
on top of that

3 months of Hunters licence for Gamecube: $17.90
6 months of Hunters licence for Gamecube: $44.75
3 Months of Hunters licence for Xbox: $8.95
6 months of Hunters licence for Xbox: $35.80

So every 3 months u only have to $8.95? are u sure i thought it was $8 every month for both GC and xbox?

[EDIT] i would just like to add that microsoft are almost 99% sure that PSO will be the only game that will cost money and thats cos sega need money for servers and microsoft need money for downloadable quests and things

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: staticlive on 2003-04-05 01:19 ]</font>

Apr 5, 2003, 04:37 AM
it is that a month but you get the first 2 months free

Apr 5, 2003, 09:14 AM
On 2003-04-05 01:14, staticlive wrote:
i would just like to add that microsoft are almost 99% sure that PSO will be the only game that will cost money and thats cos sega need money for servers and microsoft need money for downloadable quests and things

Now why the hell would Microsoft be making downloadable content? That's Sonic Team's job!

Apr 5, 2003, 09:17 AM
You have it backwards, ST doesn't need money for servers, they need money for downloadable content. All xbox online games use Microsoft servers.

Apr 5, 2003, 12:31 PM
On 2003-04-03 21:02, Kent wrote:
GameCube version:
Game: $50
$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence
Modem/BBA $30-40
[no official communication device in the US yet]

Xbox version:
Game $40
$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence
Xbox Live Starter Kit $50 (includes two online game demos, headset, and online access for all Xbox Live-enabled games, exception to ones requiring separate fees) 1-Year service

That makes the Xbox version about the same price total, assuming you already have the system itself, and you get a communication device and online access to other games as well.

u cant say the one year service thing in there cuz most ppl that have an xbox live starter kit already used it so now they pay the full 21$ a month for that. so in turn the gc is cheaper even with the bba cuz u only pay for 1 of those. i dont care neway u put it the gc version is cheaper cuz u dont need a keyboard and the online pricess for the xbox live r outragious.

Apr 5, 2003, 01:50 PM
On 2003-04-05 09:31, Joe-Azlin wrote:
u cant say the one year service thing in there cuz most ppl that have an xbox live starter kit already used it so now they pay the full 21$ a month for that.

what is this $21 you are talking about ?
I'm on Xbox live and I don't follow you ..

Apr 5, 2003, 02:22 PM
don't listen he doesn't know what he is talking about..

they haven't even set a pricing for xbl for next year.

You are also assuming the majority of the poeple that are going to buy pso already have xbl.

when it all boils down it doesn't matter really. play on the system that you like.

Apr 5, 2003, 02:53 PM
Well i think that there around equal, but about the xbox gettin 2 month free.... the japaneese people got an extension on theres (gamecube) so EU and US users might aswell

Apr 5, 2003, 02:58 PM
On 2003-04-03 21:02, Kent wrote:
GameCube version:
Game: $50
$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence
Modem/BBA $30-40
[no official communication device in the US yet]

Xbox version:
Game $40
$8.95/month Hunter's Lisence
Xbox Live Starter Kit $50 (includes two online game demos, headset, and online access for all Xbox Live-enabled games, exception to ones requiring separate fees) 1-Year service

Playing the game 6 months after GC
Much worse cheating(read in the cheaters forum)


Apr 5, 2003, 02:59 PM
i hate people who just run off at the mouth and have no idea what they are talking about. $21 a month? stfu! i'm sorry, but my ignorant remark was in response to your ignorance AND stupidity. last i checked i was only charged $50 for my one year of service for xbl. but that also includes other games along with downloadable content for games that are live enabled (2k3, moto gp, etc) and also games that are not live enabled (splinter cell). that $50 includes alot more (voice, cross gaming friends list, user feedback etc) which has to be maintained by ms which is why it may be required every year. the gc only uses the bba for online play, you are not offered the friends list and what not because it is handled on a game to game basis (which in this case is only one game). let's end this debate about which one cost more. 2 companies have 2 different veiws of internet gaming. one offers a better deal than the other due to more content being offered. the other offers a better deal with connectivity due to open ships to other countries and a modem adapter as well for 56ker's. it boils down to preference and what system you have. i have both and i will be going with the xbox version because i have live but i don't have a bba for my gc. and i will not go searching throughout fl trying to find one, and i be damned if i get a seperate isp for a phoneline. after i purchase the game i will be paying the exact same amount a month (8.95) and i will be able to see what my friends are doing by checking my friends list and can invite them to join me if i feel. that's just my preference, if you feel better with your gc then i will not bother you becasue i know that is a great system as well.

Apr 5, 2003, 06:20 PM
On 2003-04-05 11:58, Broken Hope wrote:
Playing the game 6 months after GC
Much worse cheating(read in the cheaters forum)


Hum .. doesn't the GC has an Action Replay ? The same type of device that allowed harmful codes on the DC ?
If that is correct, what makes you think you won't get the same nightmare of codes ?
You can boost your char offline on Xbox, but you won't get online with a modified/tampered with PSO program.

Apr 6, 2003, 02:32 AM
How about we just drop it and let those interested in GC stay on the GC, and those that want PSOX get it. I personally am going to the Box version and in terms of cost it really is pointless to compare them because the GC just isn't and online system, and the Box is. Aside from PSO the GC has no REAL concrete future in online gamimg. I know people are going to reply to this and talk about game that are coming to the GC for online play, but the point is that you had to buy an adapter and the game to go online for 1 game where as the Box you pay for the game and the kit to play this game(PSO) and numerous other great titles such as GR, NFL2K3, NBA2K3, MechAssualt, Moto GP, etc. and not to mention TFLO when that is released.

Apr 6, 2003, 05:06 AM
Apparently xbox live was going to change $10 per month but then they said they were going to charge a anual fee but they still arent sure... also if people didnt know Sega signed a contract with cheat company's to stop them from releasing cheats for PSO and other games on the cheat systems.. also there is an action replay on the xbox

Apr 6, 2003, 06:03 AM
On 2003-04-05 15:20, saffaya wrote:

On 2003-04-05 11:58, Broken Hope wrote:
Playing the game 6 months after GC
Much worse cheating(read in the cheaters forum)


Hum .. doesn't the GC has an Action Replay ? The same type of device that allowed harmful codes on the DC ?
If that is correct, what makes you think you won't get the same nightmare of codes ?
You can boost your char offline on Xbox, but you won't get online with a modified/tampered with PSO program.

1. Datel won't relase codes for online enabled games, no enable no codes

2. CMGSCCC don't support action replay and even if they did they don't support online games anymore.

3.Barubary shouldn't be releasing codes this time.

4.No one but datel and of course normal game developers can even access the gamecube's memory directly anyway so no one can make codes at the moment but datel.

Apr 6, 2003, 07:37 AM
You have it backwards, ST doesn't need money for servers, they need money for downloadable content. All xbox online games use Microsoft servers.

From what I understand, PSO techincally doesn't use the servers to begin with. Meaning its basically a P2P game once you create your team. The only time you use the server is when you are in the lobby trying to get people to hook up with you. Someone with better knowledge about this can correct me if im wrong.

Apr 6, 2003, 07:52 AM
I am pretty sure your right, that is the way most games work on live.

Apr 6, 2003, 10:57 AM
i posted this in another thread to end the price debate:
people, why does no one see that paying for the bba or modem adapter is basically the same as paying for xbl? $15 more on xbl gets you more options than just pso connectivity. $35 for a bba/ modem or $50 for xbl. either way you have to pay to connect to the net. and the price is offset by the price of the game, gc $50, xbox $40. now you have a $5 difference w/ gc being cheaper. now turn around and look at the monthly fee, gc 1 month free and 11 months at 8.95; xbox 2 months free and 10 months at 8.95. in the end the gc is $3 more. WOW! omg you're gonna go broke! (sarcasm) the only way i can see people getting po'ed about the box is because of the offline requirements (having to purchase live), but i can pretty much guarantee that most people that will have psox will be online. so in the end everyone comes out on top.

Apr 6, 2003, 08:48 PM
well, microsoft is considering having xbox live cost 9.95 a month to renew... so u'd be paying 18.90 a month just to play pso

Apr 6, 2003, 09:58 PM
On 2003-04-03 12:21, Beeach wrote:
It's been a long time since I've played PSO and now that XBox version is fianlyl coming (i hope =/) i was wondering the pricing, I knwo how it works, but does anyone knwo why Xbox pso is soooo much more expensive then GC pso? 9bucks a month and GC is one payment every 3 months right? please correct me if I'm wrong I was just wondering why PSO for XBox is so much more expensive =/ if anyone knows?

US GC PSO = 1 month free + $8.95 per month after that.
JP GC PSO = 1 month free + $12 for 3 months.
US PSOX = 2 months free + $8.95 per month after that (XBL subscription is required).

It shouldn't take three pages worth of replies to answer this question.