View Full Version : whats a good web site that i can get good PSO pic's??

Apr 3, 2003, 09:55 PM

Apr 3, 2003, 10:13 PM

Apr 3, 2003, 10:18 PM
-_- any one with a brian know......

Apr 3, 2003, 10:22 PM
PSO World (http://www.pso-world.com/screenshots.php)

Apr 3, 2003, 10:26 PM
*bangs head*

i mean other sites besides PSO world and i mean art -_-'

Apr 3, 2003, 10:31 PM
-_- any one with a brian know...... good website... (http://www.pso-world.com/viewforum.php?forum=12&16920)

Apr 3, 2003, 10:31 PM
On 2003-04-03 19:31, Zeebo wrote:

-_- any one with a brian know......
I think you mean brain
good website... (http://www.pso-world.com/viewforum.php?forum=12&16920)

Apr 3, 2003, 10:53 PM
i've seen many sites boasting pix and arts, all of them LAME...
this is the best PSO site, trust me guy...

Apr 3, 2003, 11:13 PM
Try the fan art section of PSOW. Or why don't you search google for pso, and do an image search with google for pso pics. Here's a usefull link, http://www.google.com http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Guntz348 on 2003-04-03 20:14 ]</font>

Apr 3, 2003, 11:39 PM
Well, I don't have a Brian with me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif (Let alone know one personally...) And the only PSO artsites that I've noticed are the naughty ones...

Hey, you click on random links, and next thing you know your staring right into the eye of a giant old guy's anus! O_o; Wait... what the crap does that have to do with PSO fanart...

Apr 3, 2003, 11:46 PM
I have a website which has PSO comics, and a sort of gallery as well as information. The comics are mostly what happens during the game. If anything interesting or signifigant happens in PSO, usually I draw it up into a comic. It's still stuck far back in history (v1) but I hope to someday catch it up to current events.

The gallery portion (so far) is an 'about us' page, with photoshop art of myself and my team of people and friends. I want to expand the gallery later to include pix of everything.

However, if you post or mention a link to your website on any of these forums, you get banned/the post gets deleted. I would imagine more people on PSOW have sites with art, they just can't post them. So I hope you can find my site on Google or something.

Also, you might try some JP sites, I don't think it's illegal to post links or to name them here.

Apr 4, 2003, 12:13 AM
On 2003-04-03 20:46, AzureBlaze wrote:
However, if you post or mention a link to your website on any of these forums, you get banned/the post gets deleted. I would imagine more people on PSOW have sites with art, they just can't post them. So I hope you can find my site on Google or something.

Also, you might try some JP sites, I don't think it's illegal to post links or to name them here.

I'm not sure which rules you're talking about, but you will only get banned for posting a link to a site if you're posting to a cheat site or a site with codes or methods to cheat. And you can post links to other people's sites but we usually request that you advertise your own site in your sig, but will not edit out links to personal sites.

And advertising your site is different that post6ing a link to your site if it has a specific purpose.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-04-03 21:14 ]</font>

Apr 4, 2003, 11:49 PM
Voxies' topic (Which can be found somewhere below this one in the list I think) asked for a review of her website and it got locked. I had seen other "I mention my site for review/content contribution/or 'visit today'" purposes where the topic was locked and the person got in trouble/link taken out. I can understand that no one wants a zillion clan-spams of nerdy sites so that is why it is prohibited.

I didn't want this one locked, because I too am always on the hunt for cool PSO art sites, and was hopeing it might become like that other topic "Photoshop Help" which rather became an archive of useful places to go. However, it dosn't seem like anyone is mentioning anywhere, so maybe it is a bit of a lost cause.

Apr 5, 2003, 02:58 PM
nah topics like this won't be locked, advertising your own site will be, and i'm not sure which threads you were talking about because i didn't lock them.

anyhow, you might want to check the website for the pso illustration contest they had in jp a while back