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View Full Version : Ramarl Melee?

Apr 4, 2003, 05:30 AM
Ok so here's a question... just how good are Ramarls at Melee in comparison to other Rangers? I know that Ramarls learn up to Shifta 20 and Zalure 20, but is that enough to use a really good partisan effectively? I may be one of the only Rangers out there with a Bluefull section ID, and I'm sure I'll find a Gae Bolg any day now... I'm just wondering if she'll be able to use it or not and if she'll be able to use it well. Also, just what IS the best partisan a Ranger can use? A Red one?

Apr 4, 2003, 05:38 AM
I'm just wondering if she'll be able to use it or not and if she'll be able to use it well. Also, just what IS the best partisan a Ranger can use? A Red one?

Rangers can't use many of the rare partisans, including the Brionac, Vjaya, Gae Bolg, Imperial Pick, Red Partisan, Berdysh, Plantain Huge Fan and S-Rank Partisan. They can use the Chameleon Scythe, Madams Unbrella, Huge Battle Fan, and the Soul Eater. Personally, I'd stick to guns.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: J-3PO on 2003-04-04 19:45 ]</font>

Apr 4, 2003, 06:12 AM
Ouch... I guess being a Bluefull Ranger isn't such a great thing to be. A funny thing, though- the item database says that Ramars, Racasts, and Racaseals can use Gae Bolgs, but not Ramarls. Why would that be the case, I wonder? Also, none of the Rangers are mentioned under Soul Banish, but two of the Forces are... How odd is that?

I have to agree with you about sticking with guns, I just have these tendencies to wield a blade once in a while... I guess that's just me. Thanks for letting me know beforehand though, at least this way I won't have to be let down so much by finding a rare partisan and expecting to wield it.

Actually, now that I think about it... I guess it wouldn't have to be a partisan, just any type of cool-looking blade. Can anyone out there think of a blade that a Ramarl can use that would be fun to use? I'm thinking along the lines of an Agito or something... I'm constantly looking for something for my Rammy to do besides shoot things all the time.

Apr 4, 2003, 07:18 AM
On 2003-04-04 03:12, NekoHikari wrote:
Ouch... I guess being a Bluefull Ranger isn't such a great thing to be. A funny thing, though- the item database says that Ramars, Racasts, and Racaseals can use Gae Bolgs, but not Ramarls. Why would that be the case, I wonder? Also, none of the Rangers are mentioned under Soul Banish, but two of the Forces are... How odd is that?

I have to agree with you about sticking with guns, I just have these tendencies to wield a blade once in a while... I guess that's just me. Thanks for letting me know beforehand though, at least this way I won't have to be let down so much by finding a rare partisan and expecting to wield it.

Actually, now that I think about it... I guess it wouldn't have to be a partisan, just any type of cool-looking blade. Can anyone out there think of a blade that a Ramarl can use that would be fun to use? I'm thinking along the lines of an Agito or something... I'm constantly looking for something for my Rammy to do besides shoot things all the time.

Actually not true. Bluefull is fine for a ranger, especially a RAmarl (as mine is), so youre not the only one. Let me tell you. I find some of my best items w/her. Maybe theyre not always rare weps. Sometimes its slot items, sometimes its mats. Shes good at finding overall things. People are so obsessed w/red boxes that its the only thing they care about when finding other things are JUST as necessary. The other day I found a Kaladbolg (I was happy) & I know she can find even better. Dont give up on Bluefull, Im not. My RAmarl is probably my 2nd fave char (after my main char, a FOmarl). Anytime you want to discuss ranger (or any PSO) strategies, msg me first! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 4, 2003, 07:23 AM
A couple more points. First, I havent really thought of a bladed wep for her to use as of yet. Ive used claws on her (they look kinda funny & I dont recommend them). Her Delsaber Shield is enough of a claw for me! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Anyway, if I think of something I can post it. As for shooting things, THATS what shes built for. Her ATA is amazing even from Lv1! Give her any type of handgun & shes good to go. She has the fastest shot in the game & she needs to maintain her speed. Giving her a rifle, a mechgun...or God forbid, a shot...slows her down. I mean theyre good to try once in a while for a change of pace but a 1 handed wep works best w/her. Im currently alternating between my Frozen Shooter & a good few Rayguns. RAmarls can handle playing alone, Challenge Mode (I havent tried it out but I know she can do it), Battle Mode...hell...anything...shes a trooper, she can do it! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif So dont worry...shoot away...its her calling...

Apr 4, 2003, 09:39 AM
A Hunewearl shoots a Red Handgun or Holy Ray just as fast as a Ramarl does with a Yasminkov 2000 or Yasminkov 3000, respectively. In other words, a Ramarl does not gain any added speed advantage with guns.

Meleeing with a Ramarl is possible if you know what you're doing. You won't be as good in melee as any Hunter, but then again meleeing with a ranger is mostly just for screwing around anyway.

You'll do so much more damage with your guns. Charge Vulcans +45% hit on a ranger with maxed ATA, anyone? Max Ramarl ATA is 240. Vulcans with 45% hit give 67 ATA. 240 + 67 = 307 ATA with charge vulcans. A combo like Hard-Special-Special = ouch

Apr 4, 2003, 11:55 AM
Nice charge, spirit or berserk gungnirs with hi % can do some neat damage

Apr 4, 2003, 11:55 AM
On 2003-04-04 06:39, Elusive_Llama wrote:
Max Ramarl ATA is 240.

Either the max stat listing is incorrect or I somehow glitched my RAmarl past that limit. When I replace my Elf/Arm ++ with a God/Arm, my ATA maxes out at 241.

To the original poster sorry to get off topic. If you're a RAmarl, stick to your guns. When things get boring, I like to mess around with various melee weapons including: Twin Brand, S-Beats and Gungirs. But none of that can compare to the damage that I can dish out with my Spread Needle or 50% hit Charge Gats. Guns are definitely where it's at.

Apr 4, 2003, 02:11 PM
the strongest partisan type a ramarl can use that i know of is madams umbrella wich alos gives a range bonus to shifta and deband

Apr 4, 2003, 02:17 PM
Use a chain sawd. I am once I find some with my Skyly character. I think that is the only sword that can be used by rangers.

Though I think I remember seeing that rangers can use the Zanba. If they truly can, then I am going to get me one of those.

Apr 4, 2003, 02:26 PM

ZANBA is HUmar & HUcast only.

The best non-gun weapon a RA can use is probably the S-Rank TWIN.

Apr 4, 2003, 07:17 PM
On 2003-04-04 06:39, Elusive_Llama wrote:
A Hunewearl shoots a Red Handgun or Holy Ray just as fast as a Ramarl does with a Yasminkov 2000 or Yasminkov 3000, respectively. In other words, a Ramarl does not gain any added speed advantage with guns.

WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I have at least 1 of each char & I've looked at little details like this. A RAmarl is a new char & therefore was able to have little details thrown in like this by ST. I noticed it since I created my RAmarl way back when. Besides, you're comparing apples & oranges. A Holy Ray & a Red Handgun? And comparing them to a Yas? Totally different shot speeds between them all. How can you even compare them? I don't have them on GC yet but I had them on DC though & I KNOW they're different. I know it's rather anal to discuss that but it's true. I've noticed that certain classes have minute differences...advantages, you could call them. Slight, but noticeable to the trained eye...the keen observer. Anyway, a RAmarl has a quick shot. Don't argue, it's true. Besides who cares? You like what chars you do...have fun w/your characters. At least we agree that RAmarls should for the most part stick with guns (though I'd say a handgun more because she IS fast)...

Apr 4, 2003, 09:38 PM
HUnewearl and RAmarl share exactly the same animation for every weapon except the handgun...

There is no difference - Only to a delusional eye is there a difference.

Next time I go online with my RAmarl, I'll make sure I compare her handgun rate a HUnewearl's. There probably won't be any difference there either (90% sure about that).

Apr 4, 2003, 09:49 PM
I suggest you pick up a Soul Banish, if you really want a Partisan. It has the best ATP of any Partisan in the game and casts Megid in exchange for HP. Overall, however, Bluefull is a SUCKY CRAPPY ****TY ID for a RAmarl.

Note:All text above is the opinion of Moogy.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Moogy on 2003-04-04 18:49 ]</font>

Apr 4, 2003, 09:57 PM
As stated before, SOUL BANISH can only be used by HUnters and FOmar/FOmarl.

Apr 4, 2003, 10:15 PM
My advise to you is get yourself a Spread Needle. It's a fast shotgun. Time your hits so it sends the creatures a back step each shot. Bunch them up in big group in front of you and you'll barly be touched. I'm a Ramar at level 137 and I cut through the Ult. Ruins like butter. I know level 137 seems high but Ramar are the weakest ranger, went it comes to power and defense. Get the Needle and you'll be ok!!

Apr 4, 2003, 10:19 PM
On 2003-04-04 18:57, TeamPhalanx wrote:
As stated before, SOUL BANISH can only be used by HUnters and FOmar/FOmarl.

Really? I seem to remember letting my RAmarl look at one, and being able to equip it. I guess I was mistaken.

Apr 4, 2003, 11:49 PM
WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I have at least 1 of each char & I've looked at little details like this. A RAmarl is a new char & therefore was able to have little details thrown in like this by ST. I noticed it since I created my RAmarl way back when. Besides, you're comparing apples & oranges. A Holy Ray & a Red Handgun? And comparing them to a Yas? Totally different shot speeds between them all.

You're quite wrong. And I said Red Handgun and a Holy Ray, compared to a Yas 2k and a Yas 3k, respectively. Holy Ray is a rifle, just like a Yas 3k.

How do I know that the ramarl has no speed advantage over a hunewearl? Guess what? I have a Ramarl level 133. And a Hunewearl level 153. That means I play them a lot. I also have a red handgun, holy ray, yas 2k and yas 3k. Both my characters don't have god/battles equipped. Both of them shot at the same speed using their respective handgun/rifles. I did everything imaginable to make a ramarl w/o god/battle shoot faster than a hunewearl w/o god/battle. Didn't happen. Just tested it 5 mins before typing this post up.

Alot of people say that the Kasami Bracer also boosts your attack speed. They swear up and down on, and on every holy book known to man that the Bracer boosts speed. Guess what? It does not. How do I know? I have one, for freak's sake. Yes, I unequipped my God/Battle before trying it out. Yes, I tried it out. No, it does not increase attack speed. Period.

How can you even compare them? I don't have them on GC yet but I had them on DC though & I KNOW they're different.

Well, I have them on GC right this exact moment. Yes, I can compare them. Red handgun and yas2k are handguns. Holy ray and Yas3k are rifles. They're not different in speed.

I don't talk about the DC version because I have only played it once.


Besides who cares? You like what chars you do...have fun w/your characters. At least we agree that RAmarls should for the most part stick with guns (though I'd say a handgun more because she IS fast)...

Look, I have a level 133 Ramarl, who is equipped with those guns above. Also have a 153 Hunewearl, equipped with those guns above.

Now that you know, take my word for it. Ramarl has no speed advantage. Also, even though you didn't ask, kasami bracer does not increase your attack speed. All rumors, which are not true. *I* have personally tested those rumors this very night and found them wanting in truth.

Apr 5, 2003, 01:05 AM
Wow... who would have thought that my innocent little post about a Ramarl meleeing would be a debate session. Though I guess that's the point of forums... I found the duel between OdinTyler and ElusiveLlama fascinating, and quite funny at the same time. I do appreciate your responses- I will keep playing this Bluefull Ranger of mine, if anything I'll just make a Hunny too so I can follow Llama's example of having both, which to me seems the best of both worlds. When it comes down to it, those two characters really are the most self-sufficient... to me anyway. Mine will just have to find things for the other.

Apr 5, 2003, 11:17 AM
On 2003-04-04 22:05, NekoHikari wrote:
Wow... who would have thought that my innocent little post about a Ramarl meleeing would be a debate session. Though I guess that's the point of forums... I found the duel between OdinTyler and ElusiveLlama fascinating, and quite funny at the same time. I do appreciate your responses- I will keep playing this Bluefull Ranger of mine, if anything I'll just make a Hunny too so I can follow Llama's example of having both, which to me seems the best of both worlds. When it comes down to it, those two characters really are the most self-sufficient... to me anyway. Mine will just have to find things for the other.

Llama's example? How about mine? I have one of EVERY char. Follow MY example! LOL Also HUnewearls are not as balanced as everyone would like to believe. Some people value one strength over another. Others prefer balance. If you want balance, HUnewearl isn't your best choice but out of the hunter class it DOES offer you the most overall (as does FOmarl for forces & RAmarl for rangers). Funny...notice how the female chars usually seem to offer more? Hmmm...

Apr 5, 2003, 11:31 AM
Melee? Partsians aren't a melee weapon...there mid-long range...Daggers are counted as melee..which a RA can't use(cept Beats and Sreds). And why would you want to do melee? RAmarls have the worst DFP..

Apr 5, 2003, 11:53 AM
just stick with guns and make a hunter so u wont have those melee tendenceys lol. thats y i made a force cuz i cant use magic so it works out jsut fine.