View Full Version : Corruption Question

Apr 4, 2003, 03:22 PM
Ok, I'm pretty much convinced I am SOL with my memory card getting corrupted yesterday online. This is what happened-

As I was exiting the game from online, a message popped up in the box that usually says 'saving game do not touch or remove memory card' that said 'You system file, character file and guild file are corrupted'. I am very bitter about this (i'm sure people can relate) because I had a lvl 155 Pinkal FOmar who had all lvl 30 techs, a lvl 128 HUcaseal and a lvl 121 HUmar on this card.

Question? Can you fix this at all? I truly doubt it. I tried the method that some other guy posted on the forums about swapping cards and that didn't work. Any other suggestions? Maybe I did something wrong.

Apr 4, 2003, 05:00 PM
Actually, the answer is YES!

It's a little tricky, but can be done. You need to have two cards with PSO files (The corrupt one and a different and uncorrupted card with charas on it along with a network file).

Insert good card into slot A. Go into ONLINE GAME and select a chara. Now, on the screen that shows the terms of service and the AGREE or DISAGREE, Remove the good card from slot A and place the corrupted card into Slot A. PRESS B, NOT DISAGREE. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT!

If everything works, and it works like others have said, You should have your corrupted card de-corrupted. If not, then ask somebody else because this is the way I have heard.

Hope I was of service.

Apr 4, 2003, 08:16 PM
I think that is the way I tried to fix it, but I think I was hitting B at disagree. I will give it another shot. Thank you for the help.