View Full Version : Where can i get a GC component cable under $100

May 16, 2013, 12:42 PM
Everywhere I look, someone wants $300+ for a god damn cable. Anyone know of any Japanese outlets?

PSO...$40 eBay
BBA...$50 eBay
Comp cable...???

4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9 progressive scan would be nice for the right price.

May 16, 2013, 01:34 PM
I went looking for one of these a while back, and ran into the same troubles you're having now (except apparently prices have gone up). This cable is very rare and only supported by early gamecube models. According to the info i dug up on it, it was only produced for a brief amount of time, exclusively by nintendo, and only available directly from nintendo's own website. There were never any properly functioning third party component cables made because half the working components are in the cable itself, which nintendo wound up patenting. Do note that since half of the components are in the cable, the other half are in the early model cubes that have the associated port. Both the cable and the right model of cube are required for it to work.

I did wind up getting the cable, and for only about 5-10 bucks too. It was in a gamestop out of state and had to be shipped to my local store, and that was the price listed in their database so that's what they charged. Hopefully you can have the same kind of luck I had. Check the site for used cables in your area, if you don't get any results go to a store and ask to have someone search for one. Bring a picture of it and have the guy make sure it fits the description, because a LOT of these cables were mismarked or just plain missing, possibly swiped by an employee to resell. Also, make sure to not mention the value if they don't, as some shitty employees will see it as easy cash. Ah, and make sure to find out when it should arrive and follow up a day or so early, and if they don't call make sure not to forget. I never got the call that mine arrived despite thrle records saying I was called, and I'm sure it would have disappeared immediately after the pickup period expired.

Granted, they've cleared a lot of gamecube stock since I got mine, so this may not work out for you, but if it does it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than the going rate online. Good luck!

May 16, 2013, 08:32 PM
The worst part is I had one about 9 years ago and sold the whole system and games. Thx for the idea, I'll give it a shot.