View Full Version : My rifle runs on Linux.

May 17, 2013, 10:42 PM
Alternate Title: My Waiful. Because I may damned well marry this thing if it were legal to do so. (I think the only states you can legally marry your gun are Kentucky and Alabama)

The TrackingPoint XS1.


Not only does it look sexy as hell, but it's basically the ultimate noob gun which provides auto-tracking and precision aiming markers - only releasing the firing pin to discharge the round once you're pretty much assured a hit.

From the Arstechnica article (http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/01/17000-linux-powered-rifle-brings-auto-aim-to-the-real-world/).

The image displayed on the scope isn't a direct visual, but rather a video image taken through the scope's objective lens. The Linux-powered scope produces a display that looks something like the heads-up display you'd see sitting in the cockpit of a fighter jet, showing the weapon's compass orientation, cant, and incline. To shoot at something, you first "mark" it using a button near the trigger. Marking a target illuminates it with the tracking scope's built-in laser, and the target gains a pip in the scope's display. When a target is marked, the tracking scope takes into account the range of the target, the ambient temperature and humidity, the age of the barrel, and a whole boatload of other parameters. It quickly reorients the display so the crosshairs in the center accurately show where the round will go.


It even has Wi-Fi and downloadable apps so you can have a spotter light up your targets on their tablet. Holy shit, the only thing it's missing is a cable you can plug into the back of your neck to jack into your visual field like on Ghost in the Shell.

Plus, it kind of looks like the Black Rebellion rifle from PSP2.


May 17, 2013, 10:59 PM
TrackingPoint XS1 and Black Rebellion rifle, seems legit. :-P

BTW It's Caitlyn's weapon from LoL. :wacko:

May 17, 2013, 11:00 PM
u dum.