View Full Version : Gunner feedback

Jun 3, 2013, 01:19 AM
Im particularly new at PSO2, been playing for just about 3 weeks.

Im looking for some feedback on my gunner, here is my planned build http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04kBb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3IkbdfbdjcU0IbInqnG KsN6JiGA00000ebJbqoboGKIb2Nib0006dBJdJ29k2A0007b2Q HScFbn2QdnIb000fkbIkeFGAqnbncA000064OcKlkI2bX00006

and here's a video of me doing a tunnel run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YayEh6Ikv6k

I was wondering if there was anything i could do to improve my gunner more.

Jun 3, 2013, 07:13 AM
You're just sticking with TMGs, correct?
Could throw in some Infinity Fire in there. It's useful for advancing from one place to another and possibly getting ZRA damage.

I've noticed for the first Breada, you weren't hitting the weak point immediately. What you can do is lock-on to it and use the key for target switching to lock-on to the weak point. Depending on what else is in your current view, you may or may not lock-on to something else.

I'd like to see a boss thrown in there and enemies with weak points much more easier to hit with TMGs rather than the mechanical types. The heads of Spardans and Sparguns are easy to hit using a Launcher with Cluster Bullet. You have to slightly go out of your way to hit the heads of those 2 with TMGs.

One last thing, some parties do mind how you will use Elder Rebellion. It is fine to use it on enemies that won't be sent flying from the last 3 shots and bosses. You probably won't have to worry about that until AQs, though.

Jun 3, 2013, 01:59 PM
Here's a link of me doing vol dragon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B50VaVY6TzE

I tried using Infinity Fire, i dont know how to use it though. It seems so slow compared to Elder Rebellion.

Regarding Elder Rebellion, when using it with a party i should try as much as possible to omit the last 3 hits on enemies that launch?

And are there any uses for Messiah time or satellite aim?

Jun 3, 2013, 03:34 PM
Vol Dragon is one of those bosses that you should probably use ER and Satellite Aim(when it's stunned). He moves around too much for bullet squall to be effective and it doesn't hit its horn. Homing Emission Lv 11+ x 6 projectiles on the Assault Rifle ends up working much better, though. You get to keep weak bullets as well.

Infinity Fire pretty much requires you to play in third person most of the time and aim for heads or weakpoints. You can mash the PA action to fire more bullets, but you probably knew that since you were doing it for Bullet Squall.

It's pointless to not use the last 3 hits of Elder Rebellion. This is where Infinity Fire comes into play if you use TMGs for your average monsters. If there is a lone monster that you're sure you can kill, feel free to use ER.

Messiah Time is pretty useless at the moment. Satellite Aim is two fast powerful shots that are useful against bosses, especially if their weak point is exposed temporarily. Satellite Aim is faster in the air than on the ground.

Satellite Aim + Elder Rebellion are pretty much the boss killers for the TMG.
Once you get Homing Emission to Lv 11+ for the Assault Rifle, you're going to want to be using that quite often against bosses.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM5RTs80gKE This is an example of Satellite Aim usage. This was before the recent Gunner buff, so the numbers can easily be higher.

Jun 3, 2013, 03:54 PM
Tunnels is a terrible area for Gunner. Try another place where you can actually abuse weak points consistently.

Jun 3, 2013, 05:42 PM
So regarding PA's

During bosses, the ones i should primarily use for damage is Satellite aim and Elder rebellion? where in Elder rebellion is used during most of the fight and satellite aim for when boss shows weak points and/or weak bullet/chain trigger is up?

And during trash mobs, Infinity Fire for most mobs. What about reverse tap? i found it's suction quite useful for mobs.

and where should i use bullet squall? is it not good for boss dps? or even mobs?

Jun 3, 2013, 06:03 PM
Elder Rebellion on bosses when they are mobile and Satellite Aim when they stay still for at least a few seconds.
Yes, use Reverse Tap as well. You can follow it up with Satellite Aim or Bullet Squall.
I do use Bullet Squall alone on groups of Predicada and Dicada since you can jump high enough to use BS and they won't be able to reach you. They'll just be walking under your bullets constantly at that point.

There are better alternatives for mob control; Cluster Bullet and Addition Bullet. Cluster Bullet is a Launcher PA and Addition Bullet is a Gunslash PA. I know you probably want TMGs only, but use them when you can.

Jun 3, 2013, 07:39 PM
watching this video i now know why some people pretend JA doesnt exist.

Jun 16, 2013, 02:53 AM
Dead Approach > Reverse Tap > Satellite Aim. Try this out against your Vol Dragon. If you're good about it, you could kill it without ever touching the ground with this combo. Try this combo out against a Ragne. It might work you wonders.

Elder Rebellion is nice and all but here is what I noticed: You have issues with 3+ enemies being within Zero Range. I suggest a Reverse Tap for occasions like these. Elder Rebellion is a pet peeve of a lot of melee-types due to you already being in their targets' faces or knocking mobs up and away. Here is what you can do about this:
1) Ignore his or her plea for stopping to use Elder Rebellion. That person is most likely a glory hog.
2) Use other means to attack the enemy. Although Infinite Fire has no stopping power, it still hits the enemy without any knockbacks. It's perfect for ranged mobbing with a bitching melee-type in your party.

I know you're gonna slap me around a bit but GUs aren't all about their Mechguns. Use your other weapons as well. Rifles are effective with enemies outside of Zero Range and have Standing Snipe for most of their PAs and the sort, and if you can somehow get close to the enemy within Zero Range, your damage is heavily amplified. Use your Gunslash for anti-air mobbing. Trust me, it's going to save a lot of time.

In regards to your skill tree:
I think you should consider taking points off Killing Bonus and putting at least two more points onto Dive Roll Advance if you're considering to use your Rifle.

Is it really necessary to put a point on Automate Deadline? If you're just putting it there just because and not really relying on it, I suggest you put that point onto Chain Trigger. That 10 sec difference can make/break a GU. Also... Umm... I noticed that you use Elder Rebellion a lot when the enemy is quite distant. Because of this, don't be putting too many points onto Zero Range Advance. I suggest removing five points off ZRA2 and putting them onto Chain Trigger (or 4 if you took the point off Automate Deadline). You'll be wanting to use Chain Trigger on as many targets as possible since you maxed Chain Finish.

Jun 22, 2013, 06:02 PM
As it stands, I'd recommend DA -> ER -> IR. It's one of the best PA combos for fighting bosses with gunner and maximizing that ZRA bonus which you can then follow up with Infinite Fire point blank for a really good amount of damage.

As for an alternative PA set up I also tend to use Satellite Aim x3. This is a good combo for massacring bosses quickly with a WB + CT combo shot (I use it on Gwana's face as well as Rockbear). Not recommended for all situations but it does have some nice usage if you can get close without the need for ZRA and can fire them off quick.

As it was recommended above, points in CT would be nice for the lowered cooldown time but as it stands I rarely ever find I need to use CT more than once, especially if you have a full party that can shoot the chain number up fast. Personally, I don't even think I have Chain Finish either...

Anyway, I'd give those two combos a shot if you haven't already. I've come to realize they're the only two palettes I ever use aside from the occasional Bullet Squall (Someone I know particularly enjoys using it on Persona's head, lol). While others swear by it, I don't seem to find much practicality in Reverse Tap but it can function as a kind of mini-zondeel with it's pull-in. For bosses I'd advise against it's practicality but to each their own. :D

As for partying or killing mobs that can be pushed back or separated by the last 3 shots of Elder, I'd pick up a good gunslash with additional bullet or one of the all class launchers for helping on that front. Fortunately there are plenty of both to supplement TMGs (now if was only the other way around so I could play RA more >_>).

Jun 22, 2013, 06:23 PM
1) Ignore his or her plea for stopping to use Elder Rebellion. That person is most likely a glory hog.
2) Use other means to attack the enemy. Although Infinite Fire has no stopping power, it still hits the enemy without any knockbacks. It's perfect for ranged mobbing with a bitching melee-type in your party.

Its not about them bitching as you say and we talked about this before and how GU is HU/FI's glory hogs? No we just don't be sitting there while you take 1-5 min banging a Gu Wonda or Ga Wodah in the air when he can just simply be KD'ed and the grounders can take it from there we don't want to have to wait just because you wanna keep him airborne and if that is bitchy to you then I just gotta wonder now cause if this is how you feel about the situation then hell that's a wrap from here.

Jun 22, 2013, 10:05 PM
It's kinda the way I look at it since I'm considered to be in an underdog class. I only do option 1 to bug melee types for lolz, but if you noticed when we played together, I do mostly option 2. However, toss IF out the window. It's the worst PA ever available for Mechguns, imo. And yes, it bugs even me when I see a GU user continuously spamming ER. It's not the best PA. In fact, it has an ineffective CC ability due to lack of immediate AOE ability.

Jun 22, 2013, 10:25 PM
ER should do something else instead of puch back one of the many gripes I have with it. Honestly I wouldn't know what they could do with ER to not make it aggravating except just let the first hit from last of ER's KD move hit in which to KD the enemy and everyone can take it from there.

Have DA=Dead Approach stun upon hitting that would be cool and open up more creative PA play.

Natsu Nem
Jun 22, 2013, 10:51 PM
Okay, I'm going give you a few tips and tricks to help you out.

First things first, when you are about apply Weak Bullet a target, stop moving before you fire your rifle. You will receive an accuracy penalty if you fire while moving. In the Vol Dragon video, you aimed for it's horn but your shot missed and hit its arm instead since you were moving. It is crucial that you successfully execute a WB/Chain Trigger because it makes up a huge chunk of your damage against bosses.

Know the limits of how high you can build your Chain Trigger and don't be too greedy with it. When I'm solo against a boss who isn't very mobile, the highest I can build the CT is around the 40-50 range as I can do a full Elder Rebellion before WB expires. Against a mobile boss like Falz Arms or Banther, I unleash Elder Rebellion at the 20-30 range maximum.

For dealing single target damage, you want to get in as close as possible to utilize Elder Rebellion/Satellite Aim under the full effect of Zero Range Advance. At medium range, my ER normally deals around 400-550 damage per shot. At melee range, my ER damage goes up into the 700-800 range. However, there is some risk to this. Watch your enemies closely and dodge accordingly. The TMG's dodge has a lot of invulnerability frames. A very attentive Gunner can basically become immortal.

For AOE damage, you have two options:
Method 1
[SPOILER-BOX]Gunslash+Additional Bullet
This is my main method of doing AOE damage. Grab the best Gunslash you have and learn the Additional Bullet PA. What this PA does is that you a forward kick which launches enemies away and you fire a short burst from your Gunslash. The shots hit 3 times in a cone in front of you and it always headshots most enemies if they are facing you. If enemies are bunched up in front of you similar to the image below, use Additional Bullet to take them out.
Method 2
[SPOILER-BOX]Reverse Tap
This my secondary method of doing AOE damage. I use this if I'm surrounded by enemies. To be honest with you, I'm still experimenting with PA orders to find an efficient combination. Use whatever combination you feel comfortable with. The PA order I use is Infinite Fire > Reverse Tap > Satellite Aim. First I do a normal attack to JA boost Reverse Tap, do a Satellite Aim for some burst damage, then retreat backwards while using Infinite Fire. Once I do the final shots with Infinite Fire, my enemies should be in front of me, prompting me to switch to GS+AB.
PLEASE be responsible with your Elder Rebellion usage. Gunners get a lot of flak for juggling enemies out of reach of their fellow party members with ER. This is commonly seen against enemies such as El Ahdas. Elder Rebellion fires a total of nine shots, six normal shots and three powered shots in the end. The first six shots do not knockback but the last three shots at the end do. If the enemy is knocked into the air by the last three powered up ER shots, any normal ER shots that connect will juggle the enemy. If your party members are attacking something else, feel free to let loose ERs, but once they turn their attention to the enemy you're ERing, stop attacking for a few seconds so the enemy drops down into your party members' attack range. What I do is go into third person shooter mode and get headshots on the enemy with the first six shots of ER and evade cancel before my character fires the seventh shot.

If you have Perfect Keeper, this tip is very important. Standardize the the affixes on your weapons. Any weapon swap that increases your maximum health WILL disable Perfect Keeper as you go below 100% health when equipping the weapon. A weapon swap that reduces your health will not disable Perfect Keeper as your health will stay at 100%. Make sure all of your weapons provide the same health whether it is nothing at all, +10, or +20.

This next tip is a helpful trick against fighting Gu/Ga Wondas.
[SPOILER-BOX]Against these enemies, put away your TMGs and take out your rifle. What you want to do is to strafe around them to hit the weak point in their back. The direction you strafe around it depends on which arm holds the shield. If the right arm holds the shield, strafe around its right. If it's the left arm, strafe around its left. While strafing it, always keep firing normal shots. While your shots will be deflected by shield, you are still recovering PP from your shots.
The reason you strafe in the direction of its shield is to make its AI use an attack that will leave it extremely immobile and vulnerable.
Once it does its attack circle around its back and shoot its little red core. This core a lot more vulnerable to bullets more so than every other attack. Hit the core with a Diffuse Shell to deal some big damage to it and knock it down. If you have the accuracy, you can hit the little core with Sneak Shooter to deal horrific damage to it.[/SPOILER-BOX]

The last bit of advice I'll give for now is to use the terrain to your advantage!
[SPOILER-BOX]Fighting a boss? A stack of crates you can jump on, an impassible chasm covered by an invisible wall, if it's there, use it! You can really exploit the bosses' AI/attack patterns by utilizing the surroundings available to you. Fighting Quartz in the Sanctum TA? Keep the chasm between you and Quartz to make it take a small stroll over to you while you shoot it in the face. If you're on top of a crate while fighting Ragne, you can just tap jump to avoid its swipe and make you completely immune to its disc barrage.http://i.imgur.com/AU7lwIu.jpg[/SPOILER-BOX]

Jun 22, 2013, 11:14 PM
wonderful~ this is awesome 8D

Jun 23, 2013, 12:11 AM
Nicely done Natsu and nice pictures.

Now that I look at the Ga or Gu wondah's weak point were they always that freaking small @-@?

Jun 23, 2013, 01:30 AM
Good advice, I'll apply this stuff when I play next time. I really shouldn't be spamming ER but I get a bit lazy. Reverse tap, DA, and satelitte aim are so puny in DPS imho. I also feel they should add more bullets per normal attack to TMG's to make them more useful. When I think TMGs, I think 6-7 bullets per mech per attack.

Jun 23, 2013, 02:01 AM
The reason people get annoyed at ER spam is the same reason wirelance users or any grab PAs get flak. Suddenly all other players cannot attack the mobs they were just looking at, and have to switch targets or wait for you to finish whatever you were doing all by yourself.

It's not a problem if you kill the mob with your attack. That's cool, we can all move on to the next mob. But if you've taken them all to yourself and prevented everyone else from doing anything to it, after all that waiting around and it's still alive... Just leave. You're not helping. If you had just not used that attack, the mob could have been dead already, but you had to go and waste everyone's time.

Maybe you don't care to do everything pro speedrun fast, maybe people around you don't mind the extra time it takes, maybe you actually want to annoy your MPA intentionally. I don't know, but many players would rather you not do it.

Jun 23, 2013, 02:41 AM
@UnLucky: You might want to add Launcher's Crazy Smash. It's considered a grab for some reason... Plus, I lose my lock on the target. Well, maybe it's because it's a Persona or a Krab on the receiving end... -rubs head-

@Zenobia: Dead Approach that stuns instead of smacking away? Let me jump on that train! That'd make mobbing so much more effective! DA > RT > SA? OMG! That'd make my day >w<

@cheapgunner: Puny DPS... Well, I understand Dead Approach, since it's designed more for placement. However, what I MUST emphasize is that Reverse Tap and Satellite Aim are are meant for groups of enemies, not just one. If you want massive DPS, use Messiah Time. It does such ridiculous damage, ASSUMING you rapidly fire at the spin and the bullets mostly hit their target. However, this PA falls under the same category as ER: NOT ENOUGH CROWD CONTROL!!!

I found some other practical uses for ER though. If you see people attacking one place and another mob is coming your way, just fire at that other mob instead. Sure, some people may complain that you're keeping them away, which is practically what ER is TRYING to do. It's not practical, if you think about it. GUs have ZRA. Well? What does ER do? Smack enemies away? WELL!!! Less confrontation = less deaths, right?

Midair ER better than grounded ER? Grounded ER allows you to move forward at least, making you able to dodge incoming missiles from Vardha (as an example). The only reasons I'd use an aerial ER is if I don't want to approach the enemy (too large a mob that is difficult to stun with Reverse Tap), there's a wall in front of me (Well... Duh), or in TPS mode. As for using ER as a whole, I only use it if I want to take out ONE target fast (meaning Chain Trigger). No more than that.

Also, going to use ER? Always allow a count of 4 alligators (or Mississippi) before you resume firing your regular shots. If the enemy is still in the air, you have every right to say "that was NOT me."

Jun 23, 2013, 02:53 AM
@cheapgunner: Puny DPS... Well, I understand Dead Approach, since it's designed more for placement. However, what I MUST emphasize is that Reverse Tap and Satellite Aim are are meant for groups of enemies, not just one. If you want massive DPS, use Messiah Time. It does such ridiculous damage, ASSUMING you rapidly fire at the spin and the bullets mostly hit their target. However, this PA falls under the same category as ER: NOT ENOUGH CROWD CONTROL!!!
( ´ ▽ ` )b
Maxed Perfect keeper + maxed ZRA1&2 + 1/2Aerial Advance + Messiah Time + sat aim. You can pretty much kill most things with it, without getting hit.

Jun 26, 2013, 12:04 PM
Oh btw, for Wondas, you can use Bullet Squall . . . I usually only use 1 JA'ed Bullet Squall (if I start on the ground and hit the weak point, so ZRA activates) . . . . a little bit of positioning practice would be nice though. Since Bullet Squall knocks down Wondas, and the bullet storm will hit weak point if positioned correctly. Too bad I don't have the vids for it though (will try to record them if you need them).

As for Satellite Aim, it's pretty damaging. Currently it's my main PA to deal a lot of damage o.o

Other PA I use :

- Reverse Tap (Crowd Control)
- Bullet Squall (Wondas and Ragne Leg exclusive - or if I need to avoid getting hits in EQ, very useful once I get high above the ground and simply spam it)
- Messiah Time (only used it recently, once I can press PS3 joystick using my leg to turbo it (crossed my mind before to use legs before, quickly discarded, but, I do it now lol). Now, it's my standard PA for annoying and big bosses (Banther Banshee type, Turtle, Falz Arms)).
- Infinity Fire . . . . . discarded along with ER after ZRA got buffed, but used again for Burning Rangers EQ since I can use turbo (to avoid breaking mouse) to put out fires quickly.

I do use other PA, just for a change of pace :3 not saying they're bad .. . . but using manual aim (using cross hair), Aerial Shooting kinda . . . .. hard (especially when charged - except the 1st kick). Can'y say anything with DA, this one, i almost never use it >_<

The damage of SA is very high, I usually use it for Chain Finisher. In Aerial mode (stays on the air), you can get 7 hits from SA before Chain dissipates. And if it's correct, maybe 4-5 hits from SA already above ER in term of damage ? Will try to check them tomorrow though, since it's past midnight here. But, as far as I remember, SA do more damage than ER o.o Kinda needs time if you're not used to it though. Usage also needs timing against some bosses since SA is a melee one.

Jun 26, 2013, 12:09 PM
So... what is the best build for GU? Ive seen so many builds on here and YT, but like RA/HU, I havent seen a perfect build for GU/HU wich Im planning to be. Any tips on that build?

Jun 26, 2013, 12:15 PM
I'm currently using GuHu o.o And for best builds, it would be depends on your play style o.o

Maxed damage modifiers on Gu (except Aerial something - the one that gives bonus damage on airborne mobs) . . . . and since I made a wrong Mag (85 Dex), I invest on R-Atk Up (above ZRA2). I increase Just reversal too, just in case.

And for Hu, I maxed JA Bonus (1 and 2), Fury Stance, Fury Stance Up (1 and 2), Fury Combo.
Currently still @ 50 or 51, so Fury Stance Up is not maxed yet . . . . . .

Tmg usage only >_>

Jun 26, 2013, 12:19 PM
I am wondering how good the bonusses are for:
Zero Advance
Aerial Advance
and Perfect Keeper

Plus: are the R atk boosts as bad as the Ra build?

Natsu Nem
Jun 26, 2013, 01:30 PM
The damage bonuses for Perfect Keeper and Zero Range Advance is pretty good. Get these if you can. Aerial Advance is kinda meh, it's very situational and there's no boss that will allow you to benefit from it.

Only get the R-atk boosts to fill out requirements for skills lower to the tree. It won't scale well in the long run as an +ratk won't be as good as percentage based boosts at higher levels.

Jun 26, 2013, 01:52 PM
DA-->RT-->BS is one of my fave combo's for mobs, I just wish DA didn't have such crazy knock back some times. And I'm almost ashamed to say I've barely experimented with SA, looks like I missed a few tricks ^^;

Jun 26, 2013, 05:48 PM
Only get the R-atk boosts to fill out requirements for skills lower to the tree. It won't scale well in the long run as an +ratk won't be as good as percentage based boosts at higher levels.

u mean r atk boost 3 in the gunner tree? why is it diff. tham 1 or 2?

Posted from Pso-world.com App for Android

Natsu Nem
Jun 26, 2013, 05:58 PM
u mean r atk boost 3 in the gunner tree? why is it diff. tham 1 or 2?

Posted from Pso-world.com App for Android

Ratk 3 gives the same amount of ratk as 1 and 2. 3 > 6 > 10 > 18 > 23 > 28 > 34 > 40 > 50.

Jun 27, 2013, 08:58 AM
Then I dont understand this:

Only get the R-atk boosts to fill out requirements for skills lower to the tree. It won't scale well in the long run as an +ratk won't be as good as percentage based boosts at higher levels.

Jun 27, 2013, 09:15 AM
Huh? That doesn't say "R-Atk Up 3" anywhere in there.

You get 3 points in R-Atk Up 1 in order to unlock the rest of your skill tree.
Get 5 points in R-Atk Up 2 to unlock ZRA 2 and PK
If you really wanted Showtime for some reason, you'd put 3 points in R-Atk Up 3.

R-Atk Up isn't as good as Zero Range or Perfect Keeper in terms of damage, but it could help you equip better weapons. Usually you will have enough from your mag or just naturally at high levels.

Jun 27, 2013, 11:24 AM
Ah I totally misunderstood. Sorry... I get it now.

Jun 27, 2013, 04:20 PM
How would you all rate my GU/RA build?

http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04kFb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3IkfcT7bfeb IotAGDrNdqInfJiGA00000ebHoGBHOGKbb0000febmqJ2i3lkb N0007beD52cFcncDGAIb000ib000009b000008

I put a few points on RA R-Def up and 1 point in R-Def for access to Agrani set.

Also, is the max mag level 200?

Jun 27, 2013, 05:35 PM
Mags go up to 175 now.

Why 3 in Dive Roll? You only need 1 for Just Reversal

Why 3 in Weak Bullet? It is such a good skill for any purpose. Max it for more bullets and a shorter cooldown.

The extra points in R-Def are not worth it for the Agrani set. It's 15 R-Atk over the Vardha set, but less HP and S-Def. It wouldn't be worth trading 15 R-Atk to break even, let alone all your weak bullets.

For Gunner, it looks like a pretty standard "long range" spec, but ZRA makes up a large portion of your damage, and now that the range is more lenient it's easier to get the bonus.

Perfect Keeper now starts at 110% and maxes at 120%. Instead of 9 points in that for 9% damage, you could get 16% in the ZRAs instead. Depends on your playstyle if that's worth it or not, of course.

Jun 27, 2013, 10:12 PM
Ah, thanks for the catch in dive roll. Is max weak bullet really that good? I imagine as a support element for other rangers, to reapply the bullets after they run out, but in a solo regard, is it that helpful (not that I plan on soloing at all times, just curious).

Knocked off the r-def as per recommendation and made some slight adjustments - thanks again for the advice and could you give my build one more look over?

Personally I don't mind getting up close and personal with a gunner, so I think the recommendations you made were perfect.

Oh, and about killing bonus - is it that useful? I was thinking, if its not all that useful, I can dumb it down and, as per original plan, boost up r-def juuuuust in case I still wanna try that unit set.

http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04kFb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3IkfcT7bfeb IotAGDrNdqInfJiGA00000ebHoGBHOGKbb0000fdBJdJ29kcA0 007b2Qy2cFcncDdnIb000ib000009b000008

Jun 28, 2013, 01:32 AM
Killing Bonus is a lot more useful for Gunner than PP restorate as PP restorate doesn't work with TMG's.

Jun 28, 2013, 01:38 AM
Killing Bonus is a lot more useful for Gunner than PP restorate as PP restorate doesn't work with TMG's.


Jun 28, 2013, 04:46 AM
It's broken, unless they've recently fixed it. It works with Gunslash but not with TMG's. There was a thread about it I guess about 5 weeks ago? Might have even been in the Gunner discussion thingy thread.

*edit. Here you go, unless I've misunderstood the conversation. http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200779&page=67

Jun 28, 2013, 05:28 AM
It's broken, unless they've recently fixed it. It works with Gunslash but not with TMG's. There was a thread about it I guess about 5 weeks ago? Might have even been in the Gunner discussion thingy thread.

*edit. Here you go, unless I've misunderstood the conversation. http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200779&page=67

If u ask me, it is fixed... I get lots of PP with just attack on my TMG's.

Jun 28, 2013, 06:34 AM
Well if that's so then that's good news as I'm just about finish off leveling Gunner:D

Jun 28, 2013, 04:53 PM
@DrexBrightblade: I honestly don't know why you're putting 9 points on Chain Trigger. You'll find that you're going to be more busy applying Weak Bullets that you forget Chain Trigger, not unless you're smart and then apply Chain Trigger to your last shot. Plus, you'll notice that you're going to be mostly using it against a boss-type than anything else.

As a GURA, I don't find a good use for Standing Snipe. I only use my Rifle for utility purposes and most of the Mechgun PAs I use don't fit into Standing Snipe. Plus, I don't see a good use for Killing Bonus right now, though I see it will become useful when Super Hard is released due to my prediction of lots of MPAs running again.

Shun me if you will but I didn't go for Perfect Keeper. It's pretty much useless unless you're an ER/IF spammer, which I would then suggest that you go for Aerial Advance first before working into Zero Range and then Perfect Keeper if you're still willing.

Also, Trap Search would be nice to have in your RA tree. Traps seem to hurt people a lot more than it should at endgame.

Jun 29, 2013, 04:38 AM
Ratk 3 gives the same amount of ratk as 1 and 2. 3 > 6 > 10 > 18 > 23 > 28 > 34 > 40 > 50.

ACRhan says something else:

R-ATK Up is only recommended if you have points left over and you don't know where to put them. Focus on only the highest upgradeable R-ATK Up for the best increase.

Does anyone know the real story? There are several Gunner discussions and everybody is saying other stuff... Its like there are no facts, just opinions about what suits best for themself...

Jun 29, 2013, 04:51 AM
I honestly think r-atk is the last thing you should consider in the gunner tree. Between Zero range advance, perfect keeper, attack PP restorate and chain finish, you don't have enough SP in the tree to max all those things so you have to stick according to your playstyle.

Natsu Nem
Jun 29, 2013, 09:02 AM
ACRhan says something else:

R-ATK Up is only recommended if you have points left over and you don't know where to put them. Focus on only the highest upgradeable R-ATK Up for the best increase.

Does anyone know the real story? There are several Gunner discussions and everybody is saying other stuff... Its like there are no facts, just opinions about what suits best for themself...

I was only showing how much R-atk it gives, I wasn't recommending it.

I'm going to add in something on a post I did earlier.

The damage bonuses for Perfect Keeper and Zero Range Advance is pretty good. Get these if you can. Aerial Advance is kinda meh, it's very situational and there's no boss that will allow you to benefit from it.

Only get the R-atk boosts to fill out requirements for skills lower to the tree. It won't scale well in the long run as an +ratk won't be as good as percentage based boosts at higher levels.

The reason why you don't pick up R-atk other than the reason I stated is because you could get more investing your skill points in other skills rather than investing your points into r-atk. You shouldn't even have the extra skill points to invest into r-atk. If you do, you're probably missing out in important skills. As the game's level cap increases, the benefits you get for the R-atk skills will get smaller and smaller. What's +50 R-atk going to be at level 80? 100? 120? The benefits of the damage bonuses you get from Perfect Keeper, ZRA, and Chain Finish are never going to decrease. 30% damage boosts from both ZRAs is still a 30% damage boost at level 80. A 20% damage boost from a maxed PK will still be a 20% boost at level 100. What's +50 r-atk at level 120?

And I do think there are too many Gunner threads.