View Full Version : JP PSO2 Prepatch stuck at 50% checking

Jun 10, 2013, 08:19 PM
So, I'm trying to run the latest prepatch of the game in preparation for next week's update.

I left the client prepatching for about 15 minutes and its been stuck at checking on 50%. I've tried doing this both while playing the game and just letting the prepatch run without doing anything.


I'm not using the english patches so I don't think its the problem. I'm running this via the JP client's prepatch software. Any ideas why?

I was thinking of deleting the contents of the precede folder but its got over 2GB worth of files in it and I fear it might cause complications if I do so.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Jun 11, 2013, 03:07 AM
You probably got older prepatched files from older updates, the current prepatch is like 1.3GB in size, you probably have to delete all of it and start from scratch since its hard to tell the old from new. http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-maintenance-patch-and-pre-patch-652013/