View Full Version : Game Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS (MEGA MAN CONFIRMED)

Jun 11, 2013, 01:24 PM
So its finally happening folks. A full fledged trailer of the game most of us waited for from Nintendo.


And now amongst other things...

This one trailer literally guarantees my participation in this game.


Source: http://www.smashbros.com/us/

Jun 11, 2013, 01:57 PM
Wii Fit trainer enters the fray:

http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2013/06/xwiifittrainerwatermark.png.pagespeed.ic.LHAW8PWo0 i.png


I'm not gonna lie, this is kind of awesome.

Jun 11, 2013, 01:59 PM
Perhaps this will reinforce my exerc- who am I kidding, I'm using the controller. lol

Also the collective butthurt over the announcement of Wii Fit Trainer getting put in is astounding.

Jun 11, 2013, 02:13 PM
Wii Fit trainer enters the fray:

http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2013/06/xwiifittrainerwatermark.png.pagespeed.ic.LHAW8PWo0 i.png


I'm not gonna lie, this is kind of awesome.


Jun 11, 2013, 02:19 PM

This deserves the proper treatment:


Jun 11, 2013, 02:36 PM

I hope she uses the Wii Fit board in her moves because that would be just great.

Jun 11, 2013, 02:50 PM
Mega Man: Fuck yeah.

Animal Crossing Villager: Okay sure, whatever.

Wii Fit Trainer: Wut.

Jun 11, 2013, 03:01 PM
Nintendo uploaded a bunch of developer interview stuff.


Jun 11, 2013, 03:11 PM
Oh god, those new characters are hysterical.

I think the best part about SSB has always been the new characters they add, and how hilarious their moves are. The villager grabbing the fireball made me actually burst out laughing irl, it has the grab sound and everything.

Jun 11, 2013, 04:34 PM


Holy fucking shit dude... Best thing I've heard videogame related ever....

CAPCOM you've re-earned a tiny piece of respect back from me.

Jun 11, 2013, 04:41 PM
CAPCOM you've re-earned a tiny piece of respect back from me.

All Capcom did was sign an agreement and collect a paycheck.

Jun 11, 2013, 04:42 PM
All Capcom did was sign an agreement and collect a paycheck.

You could break my arm right now and I'd still be happy cause megaman is in smashbros.

Jun 11, 2013, 04:49 PM
You could break my arm right now and I'd still be happy cause megaman is in smashbros.

It is only now that I wish you lived closer! ;D

Jun 11, 2013, 04:52 PM
It is only now that I wish you lived closer! ;D

: D....


My feelings... D:



Yay megaman tho: D

Jun 11, 2013, 04:56 PM
Dat Mega Man reveal.

Also: I like the choice in graphical style for the 3DS version. I'm interested in the differences between versions, and if they plan on an F-Zero GX/AX style thing where you can unlock levels in one version with the other (or take a shortcut to unlocking them, rather).

I'm really hoping Snake and Sonic return, though. YOU'RE TOO SLOW.

Jun 11, 2013, 05:22 PM
I'm really hoping Snake and Sonic return, though. YOU'RE TOO SLOW.

Actually, I heard that they already confirmed that Snake is out for Smash Bros and is being replaced by Jack Bauer.

Jun 11, 2013, 06:41 PM
I'm just as excited as Rock that Megaman is gonna be in smash bros problem I have a vita and not a 3ds :P But still so glad that CLassic Mega is in another fighting game :D I haven't seen him in a fighting game since MvC2 and the Power Battles/Fighters!

So nice to not see Zero in a cross over for once :D

Jun 11, 2013, 10:18 PM
Wii Fit Trainer would be overpowered if she could abuse pressure points. Megaman is a dream come true but I do wish, based on the seconds of gameplay, that he wasn't so stiff. Now I just have to hope for a Belmont to join. So what do we call the villager? Also, Kid Cat; Agent S and Big Top appearing in the final smash would be awesome.

Jun 11, 2013, 10:46 PM
Actually, I heard that they already confirmed that Snake is out for Smash Bros and is being replaced by Jack Bauer.

Should I try watching the Jack Bauer Power Hour?

Cyron Tanryoku
Jun 12, 2013, 01:08 AM
That is all

Jun 12, 2013, 07:43 AM
That´s like the only thing i liked about that Villager character.

Jun 12, 2013, 08:55 AM
That is all

This was fucking hysterical. Highlight of E3.

Oh god it even had the voop sound.

Jun 12, 2013, 09:27 AM
I really hope that instead of just color swaps, alternate character designs are actually new costumes. They did this with Wario and the Pokemon in Brawl, but that was pretty much it.

I'd like to see Link wearing different outfits from throughout his career, such as the Zora Armor from Twilight Princess or his knight trainee outfit from Skyward Sword. They could bring back Dr. Mario as an alternate costume for Mario. Samus could have different versions of her power suit.

Granted, with so many characters it's probably unlikely they would do that (since that exponentially increases how many character models they have to work with). Also, that would probably just open up the game to additional costume DLC (which is the worst of the worst).

On that note, I sincerely hope this game doesn't feature the kind of DLC you usually see in fighting games. I don't want to see characters locked away behind pay gates.

Last thought: do you think they've added new special move slots for each character? I can't help but wonder since it looks like Mega Man and the Villager have a lot of abilities that seem to resemble special moves. I kind of hope they don't expand the move slots; I like how simple Smash Bros is to pick up and play for newcomers and further complicating the controls will hurt that.

Jun 12, 2013, 09:36 AM
I'm pretty sure the last SSB I actually played often did that (the GC version). It's a shame they took it out.

And yeah, unless every single kind of attack megaman does is a different ability I can't imagine they'll be part of his regular arsenal. But then again, that is kind of his trademark thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what they do.

This might be Capcom testing the waters for classic-style megaman relaunch, too - which I know megaman fans would adore.

Jun 12, 2013, 11:06 AM
I'm pretty sure the last SSB I actually played often did that (the GC version). It's a shame they took it out.

Unless you're thinking of the clone characters (Mario and Dr. Mario, Pikachu and Pichu, etc.), Smash Bros has never really done that with the costumes. The Pokemon will wear different hats and Wario had two different costumes in Brawl, but that's it. Everybody else just has different color schemes to their existing outfit.

Jun 12, 2013, 11:15 AM
Last thought: do you think they've added new special move slots for each character? I can't help but wonder since it looks like Mega Man and the Villager have a lot of abilities that seem to resemble special moves. I kind of hope they don't expand the move slots; I like how simple Smash Bros is to pick up and play for newcomers and further complicating the controls will hurt that.

I kind of got the impression that they're normal and aerial moves, with some of them being special moves. I think at worst, we'd see a scenario similar to Pokémon Trainer or Zelda, except instead of switching forms, you switch out one or two of your specials for another set. The only real hole there, was the lack of any indication on the character as to which set was available, leading me to think that the former is more likely the case.

Jun 12, 2013, 11:24 AM
Unless you're thinking of the clone characters (Mario and Dr. Mario, Pikachu and Pichu, etc.), Smash Bros has never really done that with the costumes. The Pokemon will wear different hats and Wario had two different costumes in Brawl, but that's it. Everybody else just has different color schemes to their existing outfit.

Hm, I must be. I remember some reskins (particularly the gravity suit, I liked that one), but I thought I remembered a few additional accessories.

Jun 12, 2013, 02:35 PM
I will play as no one, but the Wii Fit Trainer.

Jun 12, 2013, 03:55 PM
I kind of got the impression that they're normal and aerial moves, with some of them being special moves. I think at worst, we'd see a scenario similar to Pokémon Trainer or Zelda, except instead of switching forms, you switch out one or two of your specials for another set. The only real hole there, was the lack of any indication on the character as to which set was available, leading me to think that the former is more likely the case.

Y'know, based on the video they released with Sakurai showing off the new characters, it actually looks like most of Mega Man's powers are just his smash attacks and aerial attacks.

Also his regular attack is a projectile? That's going to be... interesting.

Jun 12, 2013, 04:43 PM
Megaman has shoryuken...

Ryu must invade every fighting game somehow. No complaints.

Jun 12, 2013, 05:55 PM
Megaman has shoryuken...

Ryu must invade every fighting game somehow. No complaints.

Eh, Mario had a variant of the Hadoken for his final smash in Brawl.

Jun 12, 2013, 07:22 PM
Megaman looks like a fat little Down Syndrome kid. Goddamn 90's style. Should have used this style-


Looks like I have my new punching bag character though.

Jun 12, 2013, 07:23 PM
It's Nintendo. They market solely on nostalgia. They knew most people would see old school Mega Man and poop their pants through the roof.

Enforcer MKV
Jun 12, 2013, 07:35 PM
Megaman looks like a fat little Down Syndrome kid. Goddamn 90's style. Should have used this style-


Looks like I have my new punching bag character though.

Yeah, I would have preferred X as well, but I see why they chose the original Megaman.

...Though Mega doesn't look THAT bad.

Then again, I woulda been happier if they'd used Trigger.


...Actually, crap, I dunno.

Jun 12, 2013, 07:59 PM
For me, the 'new' inclusions are 0/3.

-Megaman's chosen art style blows, as I mentioned.

-Wii Fit Trainer is just asinine. I get that she's supposed to be a joke character, but....just no.

-Villager should have been swapped for an actual named character from Animal Crossing, such as K.K. Slider. I'm not digging the generic name.

Jun 12, 2013, 08:04 PM
"villager" should've been in brawl

Original Megaman > Megaman X

If they' use any cameo/cross over with anything megaman X it's ALWAYS gonna be ZEROZEROZERO

I'm indifferent about the animations and anatomical build of original megaman they used. But I do like the nostalgic twist they put in it. It definitely seems like like a gift to Actual Megaman fans as opposed to just using the character.

It's a trillion times ironically better (because I actually like it) than whatever the fuck capcom was thinking when they put "Bad boxart Mega-Man" in Tekken X Street Fighter. That just pissed me off.

Enforcer MKV
Jun 12, 2013, 08:09 PM
I'm indifferent about the animations and anatomical build of original megaman they used. But I do like the nostalgic twist they put in it. It definitely seems like like a gift to Actual Megaman fans as opposed to just using the character.

It's a trillion times ironically better (because I actually like it) than whatever the fuck capcom was thinking when they put "Bad boxart Mega-Man" in Tekken X Street Fighter. That just pissed me off.

I can pretty much agree to all of this.

That thing they put in Tekken was just a slap to the face more than anything.

Jun 12, 2013, 08:15 PM
I can pretty much agree to all of this.

That thing they put in Tekken was just a slap to the face more than anything.

More like a "dingy" slap to the face but I thought it was cool though xD

Jun 12, 2013, 08:24 PM
I thought bad box-art Megaman was pretty funny because it was legit trolling on Capcom's part.

Cyron Tanryoku
Jun 12, 2013, 09:25 PM
Megaman looks like a fat little Down Syndrome kid. Goddamn 90's style. Should have used this style-

Isn't X 90s


Jun 12, 2013, 09:33 PM
Isn't X 90s


who the fuck cares, you know what i meant. i never liked Megaman games either way so

Jun 12, 2013, 09:36 PM
I've never played a megaman game


Jun 12, 2013, 09:37 PM
I've never played a megaman game


Me neither. but I know I don't like them

Jun 12, 2013, 09:37 PM
In fact, most of what I know is from the cartoon.


Cyron Tanryoku
Jun 12, 2013, 09:38 PM
Cutman was the Yamcha

Yeah should of had cartoon Megaman

Enforcer MKV
Jun 12, 2013, 11:01 PM
*Facepalm* Oooooi-vey!

Jun 16, 2013, 10:33 PM
I kind of want to see Patricia Wagon put in the game just for the sheer hilarity potential that could result from a stage with switching blocks based on Mighty Switch Force. And then they add in lock blocks...

Jun 17, 2013, 02:30 AM
I'm waiting to see who else they come out with for this installment of SSB. It's awesome that Mega Man finally got in. Also, I think the Animal Crossing Villager and the Wii Fit Trainer are funny, but I hope that's not the direction of the majority of the new roster.

I would like to see more iconic (i.e. Mega Man), memorable (Also, Mega Man), or forgotten characters from older Nintendo games. I am all for characters from some of the more obscure titles as long as they're not so bland. In my opinion, additions like the Animal Crossing Villager and Wii Fit Trainer are more along the lines of silly, like Mr. Game & Watch. While I find these additions silly and fun, I would prefer to see more characters like Kunio from RCR or Bub/Bob from either the Rainbow Island games or the Bubble Bobble games.

That being said, the more obscure characters I would like to see put into this game would be Plok, Kunio, Bub/Bob, and perhaps Tin Star because I doubt anyone would see that one coming. I guess what bothers me is how generic the Wii Fit Trainer and the Animal Crossing Villager are and, while Mr. Game & Watch is pretty generic too, it was a fun addition because he was part of a time in video game history that has been swept away by actual characters.

ALSO -- A Super Dodgeball stage would be epic. Just sayin'.

Jun 17, 2013, 03:13 AM
Bad Box Art mega man

Jun 18, 2013, 11:47 PM
G&W was not generic at all he was better than half the roster

Jun 19, 2013, 01:16 AM
Let me rephrase what I stated earlier:

Mr. Game & Watch is a good character in the Super Smash Brothers games when looked at mechanically. What he -isn't-, is a particular or iconic character that has stuck out from the past. He is, however, from an important series of handhelds that helped Nintendo rake in money.

That being said, I thought Mr. Game & Watch was a fun character to play and I did not think twice of his inclusion in the roster. I still believe, however, that he is pretty generic in that he is almost a 2D stick-figure without any inkling of personality and his moves are derived from several different games of the Game & Watch series. I do not think of that as inherently bad, but I am expressing my opinion that I would like to see more characters who -did- have personality and a role to play in the games in which they appeared.

The flaw in my argument regarding the aforementioned revealed characters for the new Super Smash roster is that, personally, I have not played much of Wii Fit or any Animal Crossing aside from the first one. However, from what I have seen, those two suffer from being horribly bland since they are more or less avatars as opposed to actual fleshed out characters.

For all I know, they could be really fun to play and could be a great addition to the Super Smash roster. While that may be the case, I would be a bit disappointed if we get more characters who fit into the bland personality/broad gameplay games that are more popular for different reasons.

While I know that Mario is not really the stunning personality that some might wish he was, he -is- an iconic character who has lasted the ages. From what I can tell, the character in Animal Crossing is always different and can be more easily related to a Mii Avatar than to an actual character with a certain design.

It's mainly just a nit-picking comment, I know. I would assume part of it is also because I didn't really get into Animal Crossing, though I thought the idea was cute. That being said, I -did- play Game & Watch games back in the day and enjoyed them. However, with the inclusion of Mr. Game & Watch on the Super Smash roster it felt sillier than interesting that he was there. That's not to say I think poorly of his gameplay or of his aesthetic characteristics that make him what he is today in the Super Smash games. I would just like to see more memorable faces, though Game & Watch makes more sense to me than does Animal Crossing Villager and Wii Fit Trainer. I could be very ignorant right now, but do they actually have names?

Regardless, I hope that provides further insight into what I was trying to say.

Jun 19, 2013, 10:03 AM
I'm very disappointed there won't be cross-play between 3DS and Wii U. I was sincerely looking forward to that.

I guess I should also say that I'm very likely going to buy both the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game, even if they aren't going to interact in the way that they probably should.

Jun 19, 2013, 10:39 AM
Aw man, I was REALLY hoping that would start to be a thing with Nintendo games. 3DS and Wii U interconnectivity and interplay would be amazing if it became a platform standard. Seriously, MH3U offering that is so cool, and it would be so sweet if more games had it. Talk about a gateway into a new console - you could buy a 3DS & 3DS game, play multiplayer games with your friends on Wii U, and then get a Wii U yourself later on when you've decided you like what Nintendo has to offer.

Jun 19, 2013, 11:53 AM
You can transfer customised characters between the two game's.


Don't know why they don't just put 3DS levels on the Wii U disk for multiplayer :-?

Jun 19, 2013, 03:26 PM
G&W was not generic at all he was better than half the roster

Agreed. Game & Watch has a very unique move set and deserves to return in the next smash bros.

Not all characters will return. (http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1970559/super_smash_bros_we_dont_have_time_to_bring_all_ch aracters_back.html) If this is the case, then get rid of ROB and put Pacman in. Pac would be a lot more interesting then that lame ass ROB could ever be. l Also I won't miss Jiggly if Sakurai decided to ditch it for another character.. Toon Link was a dumb idea as well, I'd rather see a unique character. Also replace Diddy with Dixie.

Another thing I'd like to see is multiple character costumes instead of just a color swap, something like a Dr Mario outfit for Mario.

Jun 19, 2013, 03:47 PM
Custom Characters...?


Ultimate Sonic original character do not steal reskiner game...

Jun 19, 2013, 04:09 PM
Another thing I'd like to see is multiple character costumes instead of just a color swap, something like a Dr Mario outfit for Mario.

Hey broseph, me too:

I really hope that instead of just color swaps, alternate character designs are actually new costumes. They did this with Wario and the Pokemon in Brawl, but that was pretty much it.

I'd like to see Link wearing different outfits from throughout his career, such as the Zora Armor from Twilight Princess or his knight trainee outfit from Skyward Sword. They could bring back Dr. Mario as an alternate costume for Mario. Samus could have different versions of her power suit.

Granted, with so many characters it's probably unlikely they would do that (since that exponentially increases how many character models they have to work with). Also, that would probably just open up the game to additional costume DLC (which is the worst of the worst).

Not all characters will return. (http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1970559/super_smash_bros_we_dont_have_time_to_bring_all_ch aracters_back.html) If this is the case, then get rid of ROB and put Pacman in. Pac would be a lot more interesting then that lame ass ROB could ever be. l Also I won't miss Jiggly if Sakurai decided to ditch it for another character.. Toon Link was a dumb idea as well, I'd rather see a unique character. Also replace Diddy with Dixie.

I think the one character that we can assume for sure won't be returning is Toon Link, seeing as he's a background character in the Spirit Tracks map:


(Then again, Toon Link might be a big deal after the Wind Waker HD port...)

We can also probably assume Snake will be gone, but I hope they keep in Sonic. Having a game with Mario, Mega Man, (possibly Pac-Man) and Sonic would be pretty neat.

I think we'll also see another Fire Emblem clone character swap, in that we'll lose Ike and get Chrom instead.

I also assume we'll lose Lucario for another Pokemon.

Jun 19, 2013, 04:24 PM
Hey broseph, me too:

I think the one character that we can assume for sure won't be returning is Toon Link, seeing as he's a background character in the Spirit Tracks map:


(Then again, Toon Link might be a big deal after the Wind Waker HD port...)

We can also probably assume Snake will be gone, but I hope they keep in Sonic. Having a game with Mario, Mega Man, (possibly Pac-Man) and Sonic would be pretty neat.

I think we'll also see another Fire Emblem clone character swap, in that we'll lose Ike and get Chrom instead.

I also assume we'll lose Lucario for another Pokemon.

Megaman, Sonic and Link.

The three biggest heroes of my childhood in one game. I really don't see why sonic wouldn't come back. It's a "why not" scenario if you ask me. (Even if Sonic sucks again.)

I still miss Young Link and Roy though... My two mains from melee.

Even though I'll probably ONLY play as megaman for a month the second I unlock him.

Jun 19, 2013, 05:06 PM
I could see Sonic sticking around largely because we know there will be third-party characters (since we already have Mega Man) and also because Nintendo and Sega are working on an exclusive publishing deal (which suggests that they both gain from pushing Sonic in Smash Bros).

Jun 19, 2013, 11:29 PM
Watch them remove Sonic as he exists already and add the whole team from Sonic Heroes as a character, switching between Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles all pokemon trainer style.

Oh god the hilarity.

Jun 19, 2013, 11:31 PM
I'd rather have an eevee that can switch forms at any moment.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 20, 2013, 01:46 AM
Megaman has shoryuken...

Ryu must invade every fighting game somehow. No complaints.
Almost like they're from the same company. He had it in MvC.

Il Moro
Jun 21, 2013, 07:24 AM
I'm waiting to see who else they come out with for this installment of SSB. It's awesome that Mega Man finally got in. Also, I think the Animal Crossing Villager and the Wii Fit Trainer are funny, but I hope that's not the direction of the majority of the new roster.

I would like to see more iconic (i.e. Mega Man), memorable (Also, Mega Man), or forgotten characters from older Nintendo games. I am all for characters from some of the more obscure titles as long as they're not so bland. In my opinion, additions like the Animal Crossing Villager and Wii Fit Trainer are more along the lines of silly, like Mr. Game & Watch. While I find these additions silly and fun, I would prefer to see more characters like Kunio from RCR or Bub/Bob from either the Rainbow Island games or the Bubble Bobble games.
i totally agree (except for the fact that i think mr. game & watch was an overall well-thought character and could be considered iconic in some way).

i must say i was really disappointed when i saw that villager and wii fit trainer were added. these are characters that in my opinion should really be thrown in when you've got an ideal roster of 40/50+ characters, otherwise i can't help myself seeing them as something different than two wasted character slots. especially if one considers that not every character from the previous smash bros returns.

Jun 21, 2013, 01:59 PM
The villager fits in as much as anybody. Especially given that Animal Crossing has become a series staple that has (especially by now) gotten a level of phenomenon in Japan almost comparable to Pokemon. Given the amazing popularity of the game now, it makes sense they put Animal Crossing in. Especially a character that has moves based off of things the players do in the game. Yes, it's a funny character, but I'd say he has more current pull, these days, than even Game & watch; outside the hilarity of the lack of frames of movement for Game & Watch, of course.

Wii Fit trainer is out there, of course, but I can't really see them being a waste when they sold so many copies. Who hasn't heard of the Wii Fit trainers?

However, I think the choice of Megaman design is perfect. It actually makes him seem more like a Nintendo character than every other 3rd party choice they made, so far? Why? Because the design was particularly the design of Megaman for which, for many years, was the NES version of him.

Seriously, when they did the reveal, 2 seconds didn't even go by before I said, "OMG, it's the NES version!"

Jun 21, 2013, 08:49 PM
Yeah, wait what? The Megaman design is perfect.

The fact that all his movement makes him look like the NES sprite is goddamn brilliant.

Jun 21, 2013, 09:40 PM
Seriously, when they did the reveal, 2 seconds didn't even go by before I said, "OMG, it's the NES version!"


I don't even know why people put X on a pedestal when Zero just kept stealing the show of that series.

Original megaman will always be my first and most favorite. character and game design wise. (though battle network was my favorite for the longest time.)

Almost like they're from the same company. He had it in MvC.


Jun 21, 2013, 10:01 PM
Still wish he was less stiff like.

Jun 21, 2013, 10:10 PM
I love you rock

Jun 21, 2013, 10:11 PM
Oh I double posted...

/deletes one...

Nitro Vordex
Jun 26, 2013, 04:42 PM
i totally agree (except for the fact that i think mr. game & watch was an overall well-thought character and could be considered iconic in some way).
Iconic to maybe people who are 21+ now. Anyone before that was probably like "who dafuq".

i must say i was really disappointed when i saw that villager and wii fit trainer were added. these are characters that in my opinion should really be thrown in when you've got an ideal roster of 40/50+ characters, otherwise i can't help myself seeing them as something different than two wasted character slots. especially if one considers that not every character from the previous smash bros returns.
I don't know why you think those are wasted slots. Wii Fit trainer is hilarious because she kicks yer butt while she works out. Gets into shape and beats you into multiple. Villager is just...well, it's going to be funny seeing him grab EVERYONE's projectiles. And it's kinda irrelevant who comes back from previous games, are you hoping for other clone characters? Mewtwo and Lucario were mediocre at best, and a lot of the other roster were just clones until recently, such as Falco and Ganondorf (though Falco is probably still considered a clone). Some new faces and innovation are definitely needed, I don't want to see any more staleness go in to a Smash Bros. game. It's SUPPOSED to be wacky.

Jun 26, 2013, 05:16 PM
Iconic to me is Capt. Falcon. Goes to show that anyone could be a character if they tried.

Jun 26, 2013, 09:03 PM
I thought Lucario was actually a really nice character. His balance is a bit wonky, at best, however - but his general move set feels really nice (outside of his Up+B, because it's so weird to have a purely-movement special ability on a character, without the ability to attack out of it or use it again after certain circumstances, or something).

Realistically, he'll probably get replaced with Zodiark... Or something similar from X/Y (possibly even that supposed new Mewtwo form thing). It'll kinda suck to lose one of my mains, but for a character like that, it seems like niche appeal at the time trumps them returning.

Iconic to me is Capt. Falcon. Goes to show that anyone could be a character if they tried.
Captain Falcon deserves his own spin-off series. Open-world action-brawler set in F-Zero's futuristic universe where you take on his actual stated non-racing job as a Bounty Hunter, with setpiece action scenes where you pilot the Blue Falcon.

Jun 27, 2013, 10:46 AM
Captain Falcon deserves his own spin-off series. Open-world action-brawler set in F-Zero's futuristic universe where you take on his actual stated non-racing job as a Bounty Hunter, with setpiece action scenes where you pilot the Blue Falcon.

A futuristic F-Zero inspired GTA clone is a game I would buy in a heartbeat.

Of course, in my head-canon I still place F-Zero and Metroid in the same universe, so since we're already coming up with crazy game ideas I'm going to assume that Samus fits in here somehow.

Jun 27, 2013, 12:06 PM
Any kind of futuristic GTA clone is a game I'd buy in a heartbeat. Bonus points for Tron, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.

I'd probably love GTA if it wasn't trying to be so "realistic" i.e. not enough lasers and physics-defying mechanics treated as ordinary gameplay and transforming cars. A game that handled that sort of thing really well was Crackdown, I loved that game. So much fun just jumping and running around with cars that transformed etc.

Jun 27, 2013, 01:32 PM
A futuristic F-Zero inspired GTA clone is a game I would buy in a heartbeat.

Of course, in my head-canon I still place F-Zero and Metroid in the same universe, so since we're already coming up with crazy game ideas I'm going to assume that Samus fits in here somehow.

I want to Falcon Punch a Metroid. Just gotta freeze it first, somehow.

Any kind of futuristic GTA clone is a game I'd buy in a heartbeat. Bonus points for Tron, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.

I'd probably love GTA if it wasn't trying to be so "realistic" i.e. not enough lasers and physics-defying mechanics treated as ordinary gameplay and transforming cars. A game that handled that sort of thing really well was Crackdown, I loved that game. So much fun just jumping and running around with cars that transformed etc.
This is part of why I loved Saints Row the Third, despite having never played the first two and having a general distaste for GTA, its clones, and numerous other sandbox and open-world games.

It specifically doesn't anchor itself to reality in any way that could harm gameplay, and it benefits greatly from it. Games anchored to reality, in either their settings or gameplay, are just outright boring in almost all cases. The entire intro mission sequence in Saints Row the Third makes it very clear what kind of thing you're getting into here, and it did not disappoint (and judging by what I've heard about the first two games, it seems like jumping in at this point probably makes for a better overall experience, anyway).

Jun 27, 2013, 04:03 PM
I'd probably love GTA if it wasn't trying to be so "realistic" i.e. not enough lasers and physics-defying mechanics treated as ordinary gameplay and transforming cars. A game that handled that sort of thing really well was Crackdown, I loved that game. So much fun just jumping and running around with cars that transformed etc.

This is part of why I loved Saints Row the Third, despite having never played the first two and having a general distaste for GTA, its clones, and numerous other sandbox and open-world games.

Yeah, all I could think of is, "he should play Saints Row the Third."

I actually haven't played it myself, but people seem to like it a lot, and my understanding is you can get laser guns and a hover bike.

So, y'know... sounds pretty great.

Jun 27, 2013, 04:07 PM
A lot of people dislike how campy and off-the-wall insane Saints Row became (since, for those who don't know, Saints Row 1 & 2 were actually pretty serious in tone), but I didn't mind it. Having superpowers, a dubstep gun, and a bunch of other insane shit in Saints Row 4 is going to be delicious.

I hope they bring back the gun that makes a shark explode from the ground and eat the target.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 27, 2013, 04:24 PM
Saint's Row the Third was SO much damn fun, I absolutely love that game to bits. I cannot wait for IV, it's going to be so out there and I'm gonna love every second of it. People are complaining that it should have been DLC but w/e, haters gon hate.

Jun 27, 2013, 04:33 PM
Saints Row: The Third is great because it's a rarity in videogames these days for a videogame to just shut up and be a videogame and not be ashamed of it. So many games these days want to be blockbuster movies or pieces of art, and there's a place for that, but those kinds of experiences being the focal point is driving the industry's production costs through the roof and promoting so much sameyness. SR3 does have a lot of that sameyness, but it feels like a videogame that's just fun to play.

Jun 27, 2013, 04:59 PM
villager and wii fit teaier = casual
they are run ning out of chars to use from thier core franchises?

Nitro Vordex
Jun 27, 2013, 05:45 PM
Animal Crossing is a hardcore dungeon crawler looting game.


Jun 27, 2013, 06:21 PM
Hmm, thanks for the tips on Saints Row. I remembered the first and second being a thuggish GTA clone, but thought the third attemped to be silly. Didn't know you could do more than smack people with dildos (and, in truth, smacking people with dildos on its own sounds fun...just not buy-a-new-game fun). I'll have to check that out some time, sounds like a lot of fun. Especially with the fourth on the way, it's always a good time to get into a series with a new game just over the horizon.


I hope they bring back the gun that makes a shark explode from the ground and eat the target.

okay i just saw this line omigodomigodomigod i need this game

Jun 27, 2013, 07:03 PM
SR3 is the most a video game has ever made me laugh. >_>

Jun 27, 2013, 07:44 PM
villager and wii fit teaier = casual

Somebody clearly hasn't done the Wii Fit strength training.