View Full Version : Game :O Final fantasy 14

Jun 12, 2013, 07:53 AM
I got an email~

EDIT: I just used the Benchmark- Man my laptop kicks ass!
http://puu.sh/3e1ye.jpg lmao >.>;

More than two years have passed since the decision was made to replace FINAL FANTASY XIV (hereafter referred to as Version 1.0) with an entirely new game, and we are pleased to inform you of the upcoming release of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

About FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn (hereafter referred to as FFXIV: ARR) features an all new game engine, server structure, battle system, user interface, and a completely redesigned world. Now that development is nearly complete, official service will begin on August 27, 2013.
All players who purchased Version 1.0 will be able to download the client for FFXIV: ARR free of charge. For more information on the various changes in FFXIV: ARR, please proceed to the official website.

FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Official Site (http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/ )
Beta Testing

FFXIV: ARR is currently in the beta testing stage, with plans to begin the third phase of testing on June 14, 2013. All players who hold a service account from Version 1.0 have been granted access to the beta test.

We welcome all players from Version 1.0 to download the beta client and see the myriad changes in FFXIV: ARR.

* Additional information regarding how to participate in the beta test will be sent at a later date.

The Lodestone

After phase 3 begins on June 14, 2013, players will also be granted access to The Lodestone regardless of service account status.

Players can use the Lodestone to determine the world their Version 1.0 character has been transferred to, as well as check the status of former linkshells and contact friends from Version 1.0.

Transitioning to FFXIV: ARR from Version 1.0

For those interested in playing FFXIV: ARR, information regarding the transition from Version 1.0, including the establishment of regional data centers, has been compiled on the Lodestone.

Please review the details of the new regional data centers and world transfers.

Furthermore, a two week "Welcome Back Campaign" will be held following the start of official service, allowing players from Version 1.0 to enjoy FFXIV: ARR free of charge for a limited time. We hope you will take this opportunity to play the game and experience FFXIV: ARR.

Version 1.0 did not meet the high standards expected of a FINAL FANTASY title, and for that we offer our sincerest apologies. We will continue to work together with the FFXIV: ARR community to ensure a high quality gaming experience in the future.

Jun 12, 2013, 08:36 PM
Yeah, now I just need the actual install (Anyone who played 1.0 is in phase 3)

I am not going to see what happens if I install 1.0 from disc and try to update.

Edit: Sweet. Get to recreate characters in the new creator too (for launch, at any rate)

And I can't even find my old server name on the list - they clearly did a merger I didn't know about.

Jun 13, 2013, 09:56 AM
ooh free char edits? That's always nice!

I don't have cash for subs, so I just threw my acc on kijiji for 40$ and will let someone else enjoy the game.

Just shared the news ;D

Jun 13, 2013, 05:35 PM
As much as I want a worthy successor to Final Fantasy XI to happen...

XIV bombed on launch, hard. So hard they decided to reboot the game into a much-prettier and more efficient form, but... Let's be real here. They turned the gameplay and progression into a WoW Clone (I hate using that term, because people think I'm using hyperbole when I do...) with the ability to change classes without making a new character.

I want so much to like the game or where it's going, and while it feels better, they're basically doing that at the cost of all of the things that made the game seem like it was going to be a unique and interesting thing to play. Remove the good ideas in order to fall back onto something that's very "safe" but isn't very interesting... It's a really unfortunate way it ended up going.

I don't want to sound like "that guy," but I really doubt it's not going to bomb again. Just, perhaps not quite as hard (considering that it's now at least playable and has any content at all - putting it at least two steps above what 1.0 was).

Jun 14, 2013, 04:35 AM
nda lifted for images so

Jun 14, 2013, 05:32 AM
I miss the old Ul'dah music.

Also, holy shit, the first 4 servers I picked were not accepting new characters, and when I finally got into the city proper it was pandemonium.

Jun 14, 2013, 08:18 AM
Woke up to find my key this morning. Forums are getting slammed. Good times!

Jun 15, 2013, 12:29 AM
Woke up to find my key this morning. Forums are getting slammed. Good times!

Received my key but, waiting on my linkshell to pick a server probably Excalibur but, who knows. After quite a few years my linkshell is still in the top 5 of points on FFXIAH. Then again Sylph isn't as busy since when we were forced to move from Fairy to there. Going to install once I get off of work tonight. :-) If you see SNK tell him I said hello btw since he'll probably never come to PSO2 lol.

Jun 15, 2013, 12:32 AM
I want this armor SO BAD.

Overall, so many quality of life improvements... it's like a whole new game! :wacko:

Jun 15, 2013, 02:11 AM
On a positive note:

Wow, they shot performance through the roof.

I get a better framerate with more settings turned higher on 1920x1200, than I did in 1.0 with most things low and at 1280x720. Pretty impressive, considering that I'm running it on a laptop with a GTX260m.

Really loving how well the game interacts with Windows 8, too - in most games, you snap something to one side and it simply clips part of the Borderless Windowed-mode game off the side. Here, it simply adjusts the display resolution of the game to fit what portion of the screen is dedicated to the desktop at the time, and seamlessly changes whenever you snap something else to the side.

That is both impressive and quite nice, at the very least. Also, I'm really glad they didn't disable the Windows key, considering how much more important it is in Windows 8 in comparison to previous versions.

Jun 15, 2013, 03:46 AM
Woke up to a beta key for the PS3 version. I heard it also works with PC beta as well if I download that client, but I will have to figure that out later as right now my HD on my Windows partition is pretty full at the moment. However, I am sure I can adjust to the controller if I give myself enough time.

I will be on Ultros.

Jun 15, 2013, 06:07 AM
The bug with the Magicked Blade at the Lifemend Stump caused a nice line to form as everyone tried to get the instance to load. Shades of TERA beta. In all seriousness though, it's a treat to kill time with players who just seem nicer by nature.

(Many ladybugs met their maker that day.)


Rolled up one of these bad boys, thought he fit the "moody, solitary" bill pretty well.


Been enjoying Archer, which I had never really leveled before today. Might make a nice break from GLD when retail drops.

One thing I am really surprised by is the performance on what is fairly low-grade hardware, even with most settings mid to high. On my GTS 350M, the game plays smooth (not a stellar framerate, 25~30 FPS), no stuttering frames or hang-ups with environmental and skill effects on-screen. Part of that may be that the game is more zoned now (I think) than in 1.x, especially the cities.

Been good times, but I need to find more bugs. :nerd:

Jun 16, 2013, 09:17 AM
I played 1.0 during closed and open beta, and was even one of the "schmucks" that got the special edition. I didn't hate 1.0, but there just wasn't much to keep me there. My character didn't get any of the classes past 30.

From what I played of phase 3, it's a definite 180 from the original game. Not sure if I'll be on board for the real thing since I'm still enjoying PSO2 and I don't think any of my friends will be playing. Plus I don't think my life in the coming years will be able to support another MMO.

Jun 16, 2013, 04:26 PM
I didn't realize that phase was gonna be so short or I woulda played more, I made a Lalafell conjurer, was having a hard time aiming my spells sometimes, the targeting system is really wonky, I'd try to heal someone, but couldn't get the reticule to go to them despite my best efforts.

I played the PS3 version, so no screens.

Jun 16, 2013, 08:15 PM
I didn't realize that phase was gonna be so short or I woulda played more, I made a Lalafell conjurer, was having a hard time aiming my spells sometimes, the targeting system is really wonky, I'd try to heal someone, but couldn't get the reticule to go to them despite my best efforts.

I played the PS3 version, so no screens.
Phase 3 continues next weekend too, at least it does for PC so I don't see why it wouldn't for PS3 as well. Also, if you haven't, I'd recommend submitting your feedback on the PS3 controls, as I expect they will be making substantial adjustments to the PS3 version before Phase 4.

Jun 17, 2013, 12:02 PM
My first impressions of this phase:

The gameplay was very smooth and responsive compared to Phase 2, even during FATE's involving multiple monsters and players. I don't recall having any particular lag issues, save for some of the instanced quests where multiple people were trying to enter.

FATE's and Guildhests are fun additions and great ways to earn exp. I just wish some of the quests showed as much diversity; the vast majority of them were "collect X of these" or "kill X of these," "talk to this guy, then talk to that guy," etc. I will say though, that some of the more storyline/class-oriented quests had a good degree of difficulty to them, and encouraged you to learn how to play your class in certain situations.

The character creator is much improved from Phase 2, but I still think it could be expanded upon even further. I would've liked to see different "build" options for skinny, fat, etc. types of characters, as everyone of the same race/gender are still built almost identical, regardless of other features like muscle tone, hair, etc. I guess this was to avoid making various armor models looking too odd or stretched out, I dunno. I did hear that a "barber shop" was being planned for additional hairstyles, so that's a start.

Bust sizes are still too small at maximum (yes, I just went there, mock me if you must), and I was playing as a female Roegadyn. In contrast, they're too big at minimum as well, so even the pettanko lovers out there would probably be upset too. I didn't really mess around with it much on the other races during this phase, but I suspect they left it unchanged.

The Armoury Chest and gearset list is a very welcome addition to the game - weapons, tools, and armor now have their own separate inventory space, and you no longer have to use macros to switch classes easily. Major props to whoever came up with this.

I only got to run around Ul'dah and Thanalan last weekend, but the zones are much more interesting now. I think they could've made them a little bit bigger though. In contrast, I'm having to get used to how the towns are split up into two zones now.

Mobs use AOE rings now! Good to know exactly how far one needs to GTFO in response to an attack, especially if you're tanking.

One of my biggest complaints so far is with the map functionality. For one, it just looks bland in general. I know they were going for the old-school parchment look like in FF11, but it doesn't show much detail in that regard. It also would've been nice to set personal markings or waypoints, ping locations to show party members, click on aetherytes to warp to them, etc.

Some problems that seem to have persisted from Phase 2: still no mid-air jump control. Once you've chosen your jump trajectory, you're locked into it until you hit the ground again. Also, taking falling damage is delayed and has no animations associated with it (face-planting the ground, etc.). Also, characters also still slide around when moving during weaponskills and during right-click camera rotation.

Classes are tied to your starting city, and you must get to Lv. 10 with that class before gaining access to the Armoury and other classes. Also, you cannot start out as a Disciple of the Hand or Land. I'm not sure how I feel about this change. I know it's supposed to help players get used to their starting class by putting them in the same town where that class's guild is, but at the same time, for the version 1.0 veterans out there, we could do without the hand-holding. Some of us just want to all start out in the same city regardless of class, so we can level up alongside our friends, etc.

Some other small rants:

- Still can't resize UI elements. Things like the icons for status effects are really small and difficult to see.

- Queuing for certain quest instances. I'm sure this has to do with the initial server-crowding associated with the start of Beta tests like this, but I hope it gets addressed. As mentioned, some people were actually forming lines in-game, lol.

- I miss some of Uematsu's music that was taken out. Granted, there's nothing wrong with Soken's new music.

- Still concerned about how housing and retainers are going to work. I heard rumors that they were going to test Free Company housing first, to get an idea of how much resources, space, etc. would be needed for individual players. As for retainers, I know the market wards were removed in Ul'dah (thank God) and replaced with boards where you could search for items, but I have no idea how the retainer hiring/item selling process works now, and I'm not sure if it was implemented in-game yet.

- I'm also concerned about how Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, and Fisher are going to be implemented, as to my knowledge, they'll be ready upon release, NOT during the Beta test.

Overall, I'm very pleased with the improvements made so far, and I can't wait to start playing again with my old 1.0 character! :D

Jun 17, 2013, 12:41 PM
I hope they plan to keep the number of jobs fairly small compared to XI since exclusion was a huge problem in that game. Before the level cap went up, if you were anything other than a WAR/SAM/DRG/BRD/COR/RDM and wanted merits, you were SOL.

Jun 17, 2013, 07:02 PM
Fisher will probably be the same as Botanist and Miner - I don't see them going too nuts with differentiating Hand and Land.

Overall, the beta was a nice step up from 1.0 - the quality of life changes are innumerable.

I second Tetsaru's concern about the level 10 lock on Armory, mainly because it's possible for someone to have to grind to get out of a job they aren't enjoying, especially since a number of xp sources are gated (Hunting log, leves). I got ARC to 10 much faster than LNC (although to be fair, I had more risky quests available due to the LNC level that gave me a lot of xp, and I remembered that I had the goggles for xp bonus). Gating off the non-combat classes is a lesser issue, in my opinion... simply because people who will do nothing but craft are extremely rare.

The fall damage could use polishing up. I'll concede that - if nothing else tightening up the damage to occur at impact would improve the feel tremendously.

I have to say the bust slider's limits were kind of refreshing, actually... plus none of the sizes looked weird (most sliders look odd at max and min, and things get strangely deformed)

Jun 18, 2013, 06:19 AM
Some guy on another board I frequent supposedly figured out how to mod the game allowing them (the boobs) to be bigger.

Jun 18, 2013, 09:34 AM
Time to flex those Legacy characters, Phase 3 Part 2 starts 0200 PDT Friday.

1.0 Transfer test details. (http://forum.square-enix.com/ARR-Test/forum.php#threads/49299-Beta-Test-Phase-3-Schedule-%2806-18-2013%29?p=743343%23post743343)

Jun 18, 2013, 10:13 AM
I hope they plan to keep the number of jobs fairly small compared to XI since exclusion was a huge problem in that game. Before the level cap went up, if you were anything other than a WAR/SAM/DRG/BRD/COR/RDM and wanted merits, you were SOL.

I dunno... people have been asking for new jobs ever since they were re-introduced in the first place. As long as each job maintains its own uniqueness and balance, I don't think it will be a problem. That said, I would like to see something along the lines of merits make a return, so that people who are at Lv. 50 will have a reason to keep getting exp.

Fisher will probably be the same as Botanist and Miner - I don't see them going too nuts with differentiating Hand and Land.

Well, it was mentioned a while back, when 1.0 was winding down, that spearfishing (fisher's secondary ability) would be removed. People who were achievement/title-hunting had to make sure to get those things associated with spearfishing before the final character data save.

Along with that, baits and lures were also supposed to be removed, although the reasoning for this was due to the currency redenomination... something about comparing the price of arrows to other weapons and how it was imbalanced, I dunno. There's a dev post about it floating around somewhere about it, I'd have to dig it up.

People were asking about how fishing was going to be changed at the E3 live letter, but the stream started acting up when they were talking about it, so I didn't get to hear the majority of what they said about it. I still can't help but be concerned about it not being in the game yet... though not too much, I hated fishing in 1.0, lol.

Some guy on another board I frequent supposedly figured out how to mod the game allowing them (the boobs) to be bigger.

This I have to see, lol. Somehow, I expect it to look horrible, though...

Time to flex those Legacy characters, Phase 3 Part 2 starts 0200 PDT Friday.

1.0 Transfer test details. (http://forum.square-enix.com/ARR-Test/threads/49299-Beta-Test-Phase-3-Schedule-%2806-18-2013%29?p=743343#post743343)

Awesome! Can't wait! :D

Jun 18, 2013, 02:10 PM
I dunno... people have been asking for new jobs ever since they were re-introduced in the first place. As long as each job maintains its own uniqueness and balance, I don't think it will be a problem. That said, I would like to see something along the lines of merits make a return, so that people who are at Lv. 50 will have a reason to keep getting exp.

I can only pray that Yoshi-P took notes on the past 3 years of XI and how not to balance jobs. Their "band-aid" was an event called "Voldwatch" where you repeatedly stagger an enemy by performing certain JA's/magic/WS on it. Not bad, right? Well, try being a job like blue mage where you can only have up to 20 spells equipped at a time, each with varying set point values, and with around 35 potential spells that can proc. Moreover, the drop rate for anything good, even for the lower-tier fights, was damn-near microscopic, rivaling PSO2. I guess that's why I'm not so bothered by PSO2's drop rates.

I'm just worried about a repeat of a "too many cooks in the kitchen" scenario - especially when only two or three of those jobs are head and shoulders above everything else in almost every conceivable situation.

Jun 19, 2013, 12:09 AM
Lodestone 2.0 is up, featuring new social tools. (http://na.beta.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/1945068/)

rise urbanus
Jun 20, 2013, 01:54 PM
cant wait

Jun 21, 2013, 06:12 AM
Downloaded the PC version and tried out a new character when the Beta went up.

Big improvement, as if feels like I have less navigating through different menus (until I found out most were on a hot bar) than I did on the PS3, not to mention much faster and smoother load times. And the gameplay just feels a lot more comfortable, but that could be the 9 years of WoW causes that.

I never played the original, but it if was a bad as they say it was, this is a massive improvement.

Jun 22, 2013, 01:10 PM
Just after clearing the instance dungeon near Limsa.
I have to say I had my doubts, but they might just make a believer of me yet.

Jun 22, 2013, 05:45 PM
Chiming in to say I'm really enjoying my time on FFXIV. It's very immersive and much more fluid than 1.0.

Jun 24, 2013, 05:47 AM
since playing phase 3 i have had no desire to even launch pso 2...

Jun 24, 2013, 05:53 AM
I hope they plan to keep the number of jobs fairly small compared to XI since exclusion was a huge problem in that game. Before the level cap went up, if you were anything other than a WAR/SAM/DRG/BRD/COR/RDM and wanted merits, you were SOL.

i was a monk during the ToAU era and was rarely lacking for a party.

Jun 24, 2013, 07:14 AM
Most people I knew did colibri and took jobs that could do piercing damage. Those bastards loved to take your food.

But yeah, I hear you on not wanting to play PSO2 after playing phase 3. Lately I've only been logging in during special bonus days.

Jun 24, 2013, 06:09 PM
since playing phase 3 i have had no desire to even launch pso 2...

But yeah, I hear you on not wanting to play PSO2 after playing phase 3. Lately I've only been logging in during special bonus days.

Same here, I've been getting bored with PSO2 and GW2 lately unless I'm doing something with my friends. GW2 has been getting dull lately since Arenanet/NCSoft insists on making the majority of their Living Story content temporary, and on top of that, a good chunk of the Dragon Bash achievements consisted of running up to things and pressing F a hundred times... :rolleyes: I'm pretty much only getting on it to do daily/monthly achievements for laurels since I can still get one more ascended accessory for my character. I wish they'd bring back SAB, or at least give us new maps to explore...

I just hope ARR has enough at launch to keep all the 1.0/Legacy veterans interested. A lot of us have most, if not all, of our classes/jobs at 50, along with endgame gear (which, a lot of it has changed, I'll admit) and even relic weapons. Personally, I hope they bring back meriting and level-sync outside of FATE's, or some way to utilize exp for max-level characters so there will still be a point to killing monsters, doing quests, etc.

Most people I knew did colibri and took jobs that could do piercing damage. Those bastards loved to take your food.

Don't look now, but... they're back. Dunno if they still steal food effects or not, but I remember a friend of mine saying that people farmed these bastards all the time in FF11:


Jun 24, 2013, 08:08 PM
I just hope ARR has enough at launch to keep all the 1.0/Legacy veterans interested. A lot of us have most, if not all, of our classes/jobs at 50, along with endgame gear (which, a lot of it has changed, I'll admit) and even relic weapons.
Saw this guy with a fancy hat the other day. ;3


Jun 24, 2013, 09:20 PM
Saw this guy with a fancy hat the other day. ;3


LOL, yeah that's me alright! ^^;

And that "fancy hat" was one of the best White Mage head items you could get back near the end of 1.0. From what I could tell now, it still is... but whether or not the new stat reforms will stay at release remains to be seen. A lot of people were upset about how a lot of gearsets and weapons (especially grand company lieutenant gear) was no longer top-tier, especially when they turned in the now-superior primal weapons for seals to buy them. It also didn't help that we had to re-ally ourselves with the GC's all over again during the test before we could equip them at all. One of my good friends was pissed at how they drastically changed the White Raven earrings (which, if you don't know, were only available near the end of 1.0 as a reward for the most difficult fight in the game; my friend was with a group that had the world 2nd/server 1st win) because they were supposed to be a highly prestigious, best-in-slot item. Right now, I'm kicking myself over selling my old Sentinel's gear back in the day because it's actually better than the Militia set I'm using now, whereas in 1.0, the Militia set was better. @_@

Jun 27, 2013, 04:52 PM
servers back up tonight at 5am est

Jun 28, 2013, 09:42 AM
since playing phase 3 i have had no desire to even launch pso 2...

May have lost that urge for PSO2 a while back, but I will say Phase 3 pretty much makes me only want to play FFXIV when it is up. The time between weekends feel long though.

Just a shame I am going to a music fest tomorrow, so today is my only day to play.

Jun 28, 2013, 12:45 PM
I played the beta last weekend and it was pretty fun. Might play again this weekend but to be honest I'm not super addicted to it like I was ffxi.

Jun 28, 2013, 09:06 PM
I've been playing it all day today since I finally got my invite.

It's a very traditional, but remarkably well-executed MMORPG. I'm rather enjoying it, but I'm not going to say it's blowing my mind or anything. On the other hand, if you consider how far it's gone from the original version, that is pretty goddamn impressive. It's pretty much a whole new game (that reuses some of the old assets).

That being said, it is seriously goddamn pretty. I mean holy shizzle, this is one pretty game. See for yourself:
https://sd4xaw.blu.livefilestore.com/y2pSUtY3eYorYUz-Y9i7CELFkB8LvN1LUFNryixmqg9Kp20rwKdIuI940h4onlXR4w bcPITaJwJRhctI5Qktt_3yb2bLRSQb6sq31OfXblAfH0/ffxiv.exe_DX9_20130628_215527.jpg?psid=1
https://sd4xaw.blu.livefilestore.com/y2pgTI8Bd7hypz8Wr2UigZW0JoloGNqGQWT6Ee8K9eAzMHhhIW 2aIxyvTd4eunMBJ886P11b0nHwex7Gh5R5qIgVA_OHPhebj9L-ie-1X7ycC4/ffxiv.exe_DX9_20130628_184007.jpg?psid=1

Jun 29, 2013, 06:35 AM






Jun 29, 2013, 04:03 PM
I'm also reluctant to play phase 4 since my phase 3 character was wiped-- I just hate those early collection quests

Jun 29, 2013, 05:22 PM
I'm also reluctant to play phase 4 since my phase 3 character was wiped-- I just hate those early collection quests
This is the reason I'm skipping all the quest text. When I'm actually on my launch character, I plan to take my time and dig into the story. For now, it's all disposable.

Which kind of brings me to an odd place, as I am having more fun playing new characters than my Legacy characters... I dunno if I will even bother with Legacy at launch.


Jun 29, 2013, 06:54 PM
This is the reason I'm skipping all the quest text. When I'm actually on my launch character, I plan to take my time and dig into the story. For now, it's all disposable.

Which kind of brings me to an odd place, as I am having more fun playing new characters than my Legacy characters... I dunno if I will even bother with Legacy at launch.


Yeah, if it weren't for the chocobo and such, I'd probably reroll. My highest level on my legacy char is only 25 (due to 1.0 not enticing me to play a ton).

Of course, I still have 2 classes untouched (plus Arcanist at launch), so I can get the whole "new char" deal going while keeping my legacy stuff.

I'm not playing any more until Phase 4 though, due to wipe. Then I'm going to take my time and enjoy myself.

Jun 29, 2013, 08:26 PM
Yeah, if it weren't for the chocobo and such, I'd probably reroll. My highest level on my legacy char is only 25 (due to 1.0 not enticing me to play a ton).

Of course, I still have 2 classes untouched (plus Arcanist at launch), so I can get the whole "new char" deal going while keeping my legacy stuff.

I'm not playing any more until Phase 4 though, due to wipe. Then I'm going to take my time and enjoy myself.
Yeah, I'm in roughly the same boat. Everyone I run into on Excalibur is so far beyond me that it would take some fairly niche situations for us to ever team up. That's why I guess I'm finding the regular servers more attractive at the moment. Lowbies everywhere.

But you're right in that there are plenty of things to do with old characters. I'm guessing that initially there will be a glut of Legacy players going Arcanist, so I could remain a midlevel tank or maybe hop on a DD class and meatshield for them. I'm always outpaced by everyone else's grinding though, so that probably wouldn't last more than a couple of days.

Jun 30, 2013, 04:14 PM
Tried it with TenebriS, cant really say it was super interesting, but i did enjoy messing with character creation. o:



Jun 30, 2013, 05:57 PM
Looks like I've been accepted into the beta via PS3. I would've known earlier if Gmail notified me of any incoming email in the past week. Good game Google.

Jul 4, 2013, 06:30 PM
beta goes up at 5am with no end date in sight yet so maybe all week

Jul 5, 2013, 10:01 AM
playing on the goblin server :3
come play with me, my two characters:

Jul 6, 2013, 02:03 PM
Goofing off in town with a new curvy sword.

My character. (http://na.beta.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/871186/) I might move/change name for the real thing. Haven't decided yet.

Jul 6, 2013, 02:31 PM
I've been waiting on a key to play, but haven't gotten it. :(
Would really like to play...
This seems like it would really fulfill my need to play PSU again, and since I cant do that... This should be a replacement.

My ratings on custom max.

My ratings on Max settings!

My ratings, Medium settings!

Jul 6, 2013, 06:01 PM
It's a very pretty looking game, but the combat does nothing for me. I played the original version of FF XIV and I honestly don't feel like the combat has evolved that much between the games. As an ARC I just tend to stand there spamming the number keys, same as most other MMOs.

I'm Legacy anyway so I might still give it a shot (if Legacy is still entitled to reduced monthly fees that is) but I can't say it blew me away or anything. Not a bad game by any means but certainly not revolutionary. Perhaps too early to tell but I'm not completely convinced yet.

Jul 8, 2013, 07:28 AM
Stuck at the character select. Waiting on friends to decide if their coming with linkshell to Excalibur since it'd be the same crew as in FFXI.

Jul 8, 2013, 07:33 AM
Upcoming Beta Test Schedule: Jul. 10th 2:00 a.m. to Jul. 15th 2:00 a.m. (PDT) / Jul. 10th 9:00 to Jul. 15th 9:00 (GMT) - Part 2 of Phase 3 Test 4. Something besides a weekend for once.

Jul 9, 2013, 10:02 PM
Finally, got the BETA key and whatnot.. installing the game...

Should I pick a server, or what? I wont be playing with any local friends, nor friends online.. .
Is there a server option?
Never played a FF game online, so I am almost completely lost on the protocols.
I'm sure I can easily pick it up as soon as I get into it, I'm a quick learner.

Jul 9, 2013, 10:43 PM
Should I pick a server, or what? I wont be playing with any local friends, nor friends online...

Is there a server option?

Never played a FF game online, so I am almost completely lost on the protocols.
I'm sure I can easily pick it up as soon as I get into it, I'm a quick learner.

As you can see, beta populations are pretty balanced. You cannot join a Legacy server as far as I know, at least until retail launch. Ultros is the unofficial NeoGAF server, Gilgamesh is the unofficial Reddit server, I'm sure there are other communities floating around as well.

Forget anything you might have heard about FFXI, FFXIV is nothing like it in terms of mechanics. Since we're still in beta, those mechanics are still open to tweaks (hoping there are some skill fixes still coming). Depending on your starting class and dedication, you'll want to read up on macroing. Just watch out for old info, as the syntax for macros has been altered frequently throughout the betas.

Jul 9, 2013, 11:11 PM

As you can see, beta populations are pretty balanced. You cannot join a Legacy server as far as I know, at least until retail launch. Ultros is the unofficial NeoGAF server, Gilgamesh is the unofficial Reddit server, I'm sure there are other communities floating around as well.

Forget anything you might have heard about FFXI, FFXIV is nothing like it in terms of mechanics. Since we're still in beta, those mechanics are still open to tweaks (hoping there are some skill fixes still coming). Depending on your starting class and dedication, you'll want to read up on macroing. Just watch out for old info, as the syntax for macros has been altered frequently throughout the betas.

I will reference this for when I can play...

When Zeota says July 10-15, does that mean I only have time to play for 5 days?
Or is that a time frame in waves of beta players are starting?

I've never owned a powerful pc, to participate in a BETA, until last year, and this would be my first... so I know nothing about how it works.

I know what it is, in terms of what the word means... but I don't know how to work this one, or any FF game.

Jul 9, 2013, 11:35 PM
That's the timeframe your able to play until they temporarily shut down servers until the next test.

Jul 9, 2013, 11:59 PM
Depending on the reaction to the next phase, I may hold off on updating the client. What I experienced in test 3 wasn't too spectacular and still open to changes.

Jul 10, 2013, 06:28 AM
These are the last days of phase 3, so dump your clients on Monday. If I were to guess, I wouldn't expect to see P4 until early next month.

Jul 11, 2013, 08:13 AM
Forget anything you might have heard about FFXI, FFXIV is nothing like it in terms of mechanics. Since we're still in beta, those mechanics are still open to tweaks (hoping there are some skill fixes still coming). Depending on your starting class and dedication, you'll want to read up on macroing. Just watch out for old info, as the syntax for macros has been altered frequently throughout the betas.

Here's hoping I wont need 3 marcos for one(or many) spells, like I did with RDM and SCH. Stoneskin needs about 2 for instance. Although with SpellCast you can narrow that all down to a single macro.

Jul 12, 2013, 07:55 AM
equip macros are pretty much a thing of the past in ARR.

also...gimme dem seals

Jul 12, 2013, 04:55 PM
Rumor has it that P4 will start early next month and run for a week.

Jul 15, 2013, 04:32 AM
good bye phase 3 it was a fun ride

Jul 15, 2013, 05:59 AM
Goodbye Phase 3 :'(. This game is just rather smooth from the testing I've done so far. Should've took a screenshot of my lalafell. Ah well here's to looking forward to Phase 4!

Jul 15, 2013, 06:54 AM
Will there be an open beta as well? I missed by chance at the closed sadly and I just wanna try and see what it's like.

Jul 15, 2013, 07:46 AM
Will there be an open beta as well? I missed by chance at the closed sadly and I just wanna try and see what it's like.

Yes Phase 4 will be an open beta, which should last about a week. No firm announcement on when it starts though but around early August is a good guess.

Jul 15, 2013, 08:31 AM
Derp I hope not 5-16 August because I won't be home then haha. But if I can get to play it I will surely try it out.

Aug 2, 2013, 12:02 AM
Benchmark/Character Creator program is out. I made a ton of characters.


I think Top-Right and Bottom-Left are my favorites, but I like pretty much all of them. Anyone else have any characters to share?

Aug 2, 2013, 02:23 AM
In addition to the grump in my sig, I noodled around with a few alternate faces.

Still haven't decided how to reroll my Legacy characters, but leaning toward changing races for both.

Aug 8, 2013, 07:24 AM
Open beta on Aug. 17-19. Those that were in CB can start on the 16th. Early access is on the 24th through the 26th.

Heeeeere we go!

Round-up of questions/answers (http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/62880-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-VIII-Q-A-Updates)

Aug 13, 2013, 01:32 AM
I'm ready. Did the benchmark for giggles and got over 9000. :o

Aug 13, 2013, 07:18 AM
I got just over 6100 with everything maxed, but my rig is almost 4 years old.

Aug 19, 2013, 06:59 AM

Aug 19, 2013, 02:30 PM
Image dump ahoy!
Just thought this one looked cool.

Messing around in the inn room.

The last hour or so found me doing a bit of sightseeing.

Mor Dhona is a place full of metal with robots and soldiers that want to kill you!

Snowy place Coerthas!

Warming up by the fire.

Apparently the gate to Ishgard. LET ME IN GODSDAMMIT!

Perhaps I shouldn't say that since it IS said to be the holy city.

Nothing more to see here. Time to GTFO!

A parting shot.


Aug 19, 2013, 03:06 PM
I shall be checking back in 2 months. I love the 'new' mmo rush because the bodies on the field will be of legend.

Aug 19, 2013, 03:52 PM
This game any good?

I wanna try it.

Emphasis on "try" I failed horrible to get into FF11 and battle system doesn't look all that fun...

Aug 19, 2013, 03:54 PM
It's a point and attack kind of game, so the battles will feel slow along with the regularly spamming of your skills to make things die faster.

Aug 19, 2013, 03:56 PM
This game any good?

I wanna try it.

Emphasis on "try" I failed horrible to get into FF11 and battle system doesn't look all that fun...

Don't bother.

Aug 19, 2013, 05:52 PM
It's certainly faster than XI's. Far less waiting around too.

Aug 19, 2013, 08:47 PM
This game any good?

I wanna try it.

Emphasis on "try" I failed horrible to get into FF11 and battle system doesn't look all that fun...

You should have just tried it this last weekend, then :wacko:. Was the last beta round, and open to all comers.

It also had the benefit of carrying over to release, so...

Aug 19, 2013, 09:29 PM
This game any good?

I wanna try it.

Emphasis on "try" I failed horrible to get into FF11 and battle system doesn't look all that fun...
It's not 'Menu-based Combat' like FFXI, but has all the perks of the old macro system to give you plenty of flexibility in battle. Certain classes/jobs will rely on them more than others.

The question of it being 'any good' seems largely to come down to which playstyle you enjoy, at least based on complaints voiced after the OBT. If you have a hard-on for ARPG, or a beef against the Holy Trinity system of party management, you may find it unfun. In an inversion of MMO convention, the first 20 levels are generally the toughest to get through, after which party play becomes more tactical and the combat options multiply.

It's got a good story, and is well localized. I'm kind of a sucker for lore, though.

Hope that helps.

Aug 19, 2013, 11:21 PM
Well FFXIV broke open beta record by beating out Phantasy Star Online 2 with over 150k users. We shall see once the dust has settled even though there was error 3102's galore just the other day. Game is great and what makes it even better is the music. I enjoyed what little time I had to play of Phase 4 due to wedding I had to partake in consisting of my weekend. Gameplay is quite faster than FFXI but, at the same time FFXI's battle speed can completely change depending on what your fighting. Cause we all know SAM's DRK's and WAR's can destroy stuffs. :D

Aug 20, 2013, 03:29 AM
Sounds like I literally have to try it myself then.

I definitely don't expect much from the battle system... x_X

And if I can't try it for free anymore then I'm definitely not in a rush to jump in.

Ah well thanks for replies. >_>;

Aug 20, 2013, 10:56 AM
I say stay faaar away. This game is for a specific set of people.

Aug 20, 2013, 11:59 AM
Your better off sticking with PSO 2 if you don't want to pay a monthly subscription...

Aug 21, 2013, 07:48 AM
These guys have a pretty interesting discussion on the matter.
