View Full Version : Ra/hu advice

Jun 15, 2013, 11:50 PM
After switching from Gu/Ra a few weeks back, I love this class combination which suits my playstyle better. Their huge damage to Mobs with Additional Bullet is also great, making me usually fill my PB gauge first in an average party. Homing Emission is also great for a handful of bosses. However, with these pros also comes with some cons such as lack of a good defensive option compared to gu/ra other than the mediocre step (which I haven't put any points into step adv) and especially on certain mobs and bosses.

Cyclonehdas give em trouble since Additional Bullet doesn't target their eye all the time and their mace attacks within that range usually makes me die.

Wolgahdas also give me a lot of trouble since they just like to rush a lot and I can't kill them particular fast.

Can you lock onto multiple parts on Homing Emission for Zeshrayda when he is on his back?

Any advice for De Malmoth, Quartz, Ex and Chrome Dragon? Their weak spot is way too hard to reach compared to using a Gu/Ra. With Ex, there's only one attack (the ground light pillar one) that allows you to use Homing Emission.

Jun 16, 2013, 12:14 AM
De Malmoth, use a HU weapon when you're not on its back. A quick fix for your RA woes would be to use Trick Rave to land on its back and then resume firing with your RA weapon of choice. Also, maybe using Cluster might help a bit when you're not on its back since it strikes from above.

Chrome Dragon is simply just using your Rifle's One Point on his face. I tend to use One Point on quick-moving enemies, although its damage is not the best. Still, better than missing with one strong attack, right? Also, maybe some Glory Rain will aid you when it seems to want to charge at you a lot.

Wolgahdas have been an issue of mine, too. In fact, the only approach I can give you is use your HU weapons. I have issues using RA weapons against it. Glory Rain helps quite a bit when you can use it before it is about to strike, but otherwise, I don't really know an effective approach except just Additional Bullet like mad.

Jun 16, 2013, 01:00 AM
Cyclopes: Use Homing Emission to expose their weakpoint and another to finish them off on their weakpoint. You can lock onto 3-4 parts easily on one of them just by getting close to them.

Wolgada: Use Aiming Shot in TP aiming mode. With weakbullet applied to the weakpoint, you can kill them even before they finish their speed boost roar(I don't know what else to call it).

Zeshreida: Stay still near its weakpoint and quickly swap between two targets with a Homing Emission and release it. You can always try using TP to lock onto more parts, though.

De Malmoth: You can break the mask and he will lower himself temporarily. You can then proceed to jump on top and have fun with Homing Emission in TP mode. If you have good aim, go with Aiming Shot in TP mode. There's also the option of Cluster Bullet, I guess.

Quartz and Ex: You have to deal enough damage to break parts(or their keep breaking their front weakpoints) to constantly stun them. They've got multiple parts for Homing Emission needs. You'll have to be much quicker on Ex, though.

Chrome: Single shot Homing Emissions and Aiming Shot. Would recommend getting a ケートス・プロイ Photon Blast when trying to save weakbullets.

Jun 16, 2013, 08:41 AM
I personally invest 3 ranks into step, along with step attack. It makes step into a reliable defensive option if you can see attacks coming.. which, admittedly, is not always the easiest thing in TPS mode.

As an alternative to single cyclos, you can AB point-blank at their crotchplate to break it, then continue ABing point blank to their weak point. It's very amusing, and it'll hit/kill any Dahgash, etc. behind it. Of course, this requires step adv in order to evade its occasional swipe attacks while you break the plate.

Try to work aiming shot in for any boss that doesn't play well with HE.

Jun 18, 2013, 08:08 AM
I've used up all my points on the skill tree but I'd rather wait 3-4 months for a lvl cap increase rather than waste money on a brand new tree just to re-allocate 3 points for Step Advanced.

Thanks for the advice on Cyclonehdas. Although, it's a bit hard to safely use HE if there are 2 Cyclonehdas so I'd rather use retreating Aiming Shots to their crotches if I see two of them in a big mob.

Never thought about targeting switching at point blank on Zeshrayda and Gwana when their weak spots are exposed. That certainly makes things easier. Also, getting on De Malmoth's back is way easier now with Trick Rave so that I can accurately Wb the hump.

Quartz, Ex, Wolga and Chrome still give me a lot of trouble but at least I can kill them a little quicker now instead of trying different strategies which don't work.

Edit: Seem to also have huge trouble with Hunar as well especially if I have aggro. I can't really do much aside from Long Distanced Aiming shots and I find it extremely difficult to break his sword without being killed. Also, just running doesn't seem to do you any good since he tracks you with his flying kicks and sword slashes easily.

Jun 18, 2013, 02:33 PM
I've used up all my points on the skill tree but I'd rather wait 3-4 months for a lvl cap increase rather than waste money on a brand new tree just to re-allocate 3 points for Step Advanced.

Thanks for the advice on Cyclonehdas. Although, it's a bit hard to safely use HE if there are 2 Cyclonehdas so I'd rather use retreating Aiming Shots to their crotches if I see two of them in a big mob.

Never thought about targeting switching at point blank on Zeshrayda and Gwana when their weak spots are exposed. That certainly makes things easier. Also, getting on De Malmoth's back is way easier now with Trick Rave so that I can accurately Wb the hump.

Quartz, Ex, Wolga and Chrome still give me a lot of trouble but at least I can kill them a little quicker now instead of trying different strategies which don't work.

Edit: Seem to also have huge trouble with Hunar as well especially if I have aggro. I can't really do much aside from Long Distanced Aiming shots and I find it extremely difficult to break his sword without being killed. Also, just running doesn't seem to do you any good since he tracks you with his flying kicks and sword slashes easily.

You really shouldn't be having these problems at least with some of these bosses.

Del mamoth instead of just trying to jump on his back you can just jump and use rising slashes to get on and hit his weak spot killing to birds with one stone.

Also for Quarts and Wolgah I dunno if you have just guard on your HU tree but you should it will save you the trouble you don't always have to stay restricted to using just guns thats the one thing ppl seem to forget, they have the all class weaps like lambda artisin and lambda Hyperion for a reason and they are cheap as hell to buy you should invest int he sword mostly as it is good all around use for all bosses in the game.

When it comes to Hunar if you are in a party use your first one to have your party beat him down then use your second one to have them and you break his sword. The last 2 can be used to end him in w/e way you pls that's really how you should do it that way you can get your damage out.

One thing to remember its not always about you when you, yes you have RA/HU you have WB but think about the party as a whole don't always try to out damage ppl then once you have aggro can't do much shot a WB let your party do some damage then you come in with the rest of your WB's and do your own. It's all about timing and complimenting party play.

Jun 18, 2013, 03:21 PM
When it comes to Hunar if you are in a party use your first one to have your party beat him down then use your second one to have them and you break his sword. The last 2 can be used to end him in w/e way you pls that's really how you should do it that way you can get your damage out.

In English, please?

Jun 18, 2013, 04:48 PM
"When it comes to engagements with Hunar, if you are in a group it is best to fire your first weak bullet and allow your party members to attack until he pulls his sword out. Proceed to weak bullet his sword and destroy it. He will then toss his blade at you and you may expel your remaining weak bullets and "Go ham" so to speak. This is my preferred optimal strategy."

Jun 18, 2013, 05:48 PM
Aha, so the object in question was Weak Bullet. The post makes a lot more sense now, thank you. Amazing how much clarity you can achieve when explicitly stating things instead of referring to them loosely.

Jun 18, 2013, 10:25 PM
Aha, so the object in question was Weak Bullet. The post makes a lot more sense now, thank you. Amazing how much clarity you can achieve when explicitly stating things instead of referring to them loosely.

Don't think it was loosely at all, but I won't downgrade to your understanding withing the. Sorry you couldn't comprehend that and Blank could. Guess that shows who has much more understanding now does it sad really.

Jun 18, 2013, 10:31 PM
The first time you even mentioned weak bullet at all was AFTER all that "use your first one" what? Withing the?

Please pay attention in Gr.9 English next year.

Jun 19, 2013, 12:11 AM
The first time you even mentioned weak bullet at all was AFTER all that "use your first one" what? Withing the?

Please pay attention in Gr.9 English next year.

No that would be you sadly. I will call my friend he has hooked on phonics I'll pass to you when I can.

Jun 19, 2013, 02:02 AM
Its okay UnLucky, I am my local facebook cryptographer and these runes appear all the time there.

Jun 19, 2013, 03:21 AM
There's no need for name calling and criticizing, the issue was resolved. Stop the bickering. The person in question was only trying to help, so what does all of this really say about you?

Think, then speak.

Jun 19, 2013, 03:58 AM
There's no need for name calling and criticizing, the issue was resolved. Stop the bickering. The person in question was only trying to help, so what does all of this really say about you?

Think, then speak.

You are not following you own rule.