View Full Version : Rares...how desperate R U ?

Mar 6, 2001, 10:34 PM
Well, duping may be 'wrong' & depreciating the efforts of honest players, but who ever said that it wasn't profitable ? Take a look at what someone dropped $107 on eBay this past week:


What's even funnier is that there are people buying single 'rare' (can we even call them that anymore?) weapons for upwards of $20 - $30. You guys may all know about this, but I was pretty entertained by the 'virtual' auction...beware bidders... eBay doesn't offer BSoD - proof ecsrow services !!!!

Well, kids....enjoy your newly purchased double sabers & spread needles while the buzz lasts... I've been high on my 40% Spinner for quite a while now. It doen't hit for 999, but it I think the bouncing blade looks damn cool !!!


Mar 6, 2001, 10:46 PM
whats the point of playing when you have everything handed to you? I thought the fun was in earning it hmmm!?


Mar 7, 2001, 12:25 AM
I think some people can't understand the fact that the Items are virtual, not real.

Mar 7, 2001, 03:45 AM
You know what stinks about this.... gives another incentive for people to dupe, now its not only items that are the reward but cash, and good cash too. It sucks but what can you do? I still love PSO and will continue to enjoy the game.

Mar 7, 2001, 05:00 AM
You know what's gonna be funny ? Since Sega has cracked down on backups & it seems that a lot of people are getting their inventories re-initialized (although it doesn't seem to be only dupers)...I bet there are buyers & sellers who are finding that their new-found duped goldmine files get erased !!!! That will not only be upsetting to dupers, but also have legal implications for advertising on auction sites & being unable to deliver the goods !!!

I thought that I also read somewhere that it is a type of wire-fraud felony to do such...just not many ways to prove it & catch the bad guys...

I can see the headlines now.... 'pso pimps behind bars on ragol' .....well, maybe not...

Mar 7, 2001, 06:05 AM
*is seriously tempted to put his lvl 100 character, vmu, pso, and DC on ebay after seeing the Diablo 2 results from back in the day*